Every month until April 2001, The List is F P high ighting the work of a young Scottish photographer in association with Beck's.

David N. McIntyre

A graduate In Photography, Film & TeIeVISIon (BA Hons) from Napier Universny In 1998, Mclntyre picked up his first jOb from The L/st in 1996 when he photographed Craig Smith as one of the hot prospects for 1997 Since then he has photographed some of the biggest names in dance muslc including Armand Van Helden, Artful Dodger and Roger Sanchez, He IS currently working on a book about Edinburgh flSh and chip shops With lrvme Welsh McIntyre can be booked thrOugh In Demand Photography by e-mamng crargw@|ndemand.co.uk or calling 07967 361146.

How to enter work

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