listings ART



Exhibitions are listed alphabetically b cit and category, then

alpha etically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

The best exhibitions this fortnight



Bulkhead (iallei'). 3G4 Iliin Street. 573 (Hot. Tue I‘i‘i noon 5pm.

Clare Stephenson l'nnl in it» lit-h. In the interior space of Bulkhead (iallet'). nets isork b} ('Iare Stephenson lcaturing spray- painted and three-dimensitinal pieces.


253 Arg} |e Street. tititil “33 (Will. liaih ltlam midnight.

Satellite 2 t'ntil Sat 34 Feb. The second exhibition from Satellite Studios featuring mixed tnedia and photographic \sork b) eleVen (ilasgtm -based artists including Kes in Iltitchcson. l.tici Ransome. (iordon ('urrie. Penn} Sharp. Pena/e .\lohammed and I._\nn llunter. See res IL‘\\.

The National Review Of Live Art t'niil Sun In Iieb. Britain's longest running festival of Iise art takes tip residence at the new!) refurbished Arches. \\ ith an eclectic range of nets \sork l'rom .\lesico. Japan. Iiurope. t'ls' and the t'S.-\. ('urated b_\ Nikki .\Iilican. this )ear leaturcs thirteen new Lotter) l'tinded commissions from artists across the l'ls'. including Scottish artists BeVerle) llotitl. Paul Joseph. Stephen Partridge atid |.isa Wesley Jamie Reid: Peace ls Tough Tim I Sun l8 .\Iar. .-\ touring eshibition of \torks b} the graphic artist Jamie Reid. best know it for his pioneering \sork lor the punk band the Sex Pistols. Reid \sas behiiitl tlte famous photograph of the Queen defaced by blackmail st) le lettering and a sal'et} pin through the lip reproduced on the posters. ads and s|ce\cs tor the Ses Pistols' single ‘(iod Saw the ()ueett' ()n shots are recent uorks including slides and Video of archbe \sorks lor the Pistols pltis \sorks b} graffiti artist Banks). Forming part of limit. the launch night on flat I .\Iai' sees a special collaboration \t ith Jamie Reid and Rtissian computer laser artist :\|e\ei Blintn.


l‘) Parnie Street. 553 777‘). Mon Sat noon 5pm.

Nooks And Crannies t'ntil .\ton 3t» l-‘els. Paintings ol~ (ilasgtm ’s familiar and unfamiliar nooks atid crannies. featuring work by Bryan titans. l-i'ank .\lcNab. David Marshall and a next suite of etchings b) Alan Richardson.

Shona Kinloch t'ntil .\lon In ten. Bird etchings.

Deborah Campbell t'niil .\lon 2t» l-‘eh. Ne“ still life paintings.

Figurative Works t'niil Mon 30 l‘eb. l-‘iguratise paintings b} a selection of artists including (iraham .\chean. Richard Hunter and (‘hristopher McIilhinne).


Regent House. I I5 \Vest Regent Street. 330 54l3. Mon Fri ltlam 5pm. Sat by appointment.

Glasgow Style l'ntil l'i‘i Rt) .\lar. .-\n exhibition of \sork b) Annie lirench. (‘harles Rennie .\lackiutosh. Tat“ in Morris and contemporar} artists Norman Iidgar. Norman Is'irkman and \\'..l. .\taskell.


I54 Bl)’th.s\stititl Street. 553 4(l37. Mon-Fri ()fitiani 5.30pm; Sat ltlain lpm. From The Edge . . . Postcards For 2001 t7ntil Mon 30 Iieb. (her 300 postcard sized paintings b) galler) artists. Geraldine McGloin t'niil .\Ion lts licb. Nets ceramics.

Wally Gilbert and Nina Bukvic t‘niil Mon 30 Feb. Table“ are and .iesseller}. Valentines t'ntil .\Ion 2t» I‘cb. Contemporar) jeueller) b} gallery artists.

‘- ‘I; ’i East Sierra Madre, Mexic


34-Hour \’ie\\ ing \Vutdou. 304 High

Street. 5‘3 lilol.

Road Works l'ntil l'ri ill .\Iat. .\ series ol \ idco \sorks b} artists taking place o\ er

the out l\\ti months. Nicola :\ll\lll\till-

(ii'illith shim s .S/t'c/i.‘ t/lll'tl/ii'll ~13 niiiiirtcs

ttiiitil 35 I'ebi a single screen piece

shim ing a hooded ligure; Stuart (iurden

slitms low Suite t3ti l'cb Ii .\Iai'i \\ hich

dociitiients the artist‘s encounter \\ ith a

\\ ild rat; and Matt lltilsc sho\\s llii' ’t'i'sislciir lltllt' t l4 ill .\Iari \tliich looks

at happiness.


.itil) ( it'cat Western Road. 334 SS‘M.

.\Ioii \\'ed Sam Spm; 'l'hu Sat

‘lam Ilpm; Suit Illam lllpm.

Sugar And Spice With All Things Nice t'ntil Stiii 4 Mar. .\lt\cd media \soi'ks based on the theme ol Valentine's Ha} b} local artists and students lrom (ilasgtm School til .-\rt.


Ill King Street. 553 0733. Mon Sat Ill..ill;iiii midnight; Sitii | llpiii. Russian Connections t'niil Sun I l .\lal'. .-\ group shtiu ol‘ uork b} Rtissian and (ieoi'gian artists featuring \sood. oils. \satei'colours aitd currenc) lltiles


370 Saitcliiehall Street. 553 ‘53 l.

.\lon Sat lliam 5pm1Stin llam 5pm. Neal Beggs (ilasgois -|iascd artist Neal Beggs has created an installation for the entrance corridor space at the white. consisting til [no large blocks til test on the corridor \salls. ()ne \sall lists the 334 Scottish .\lunros tmountains oxei‘ Rtltltllti \ihile opposite is a list of the .illl multi— store} [0“ er blocks built in (ilasgots betuccn the I‘l5tls and the l‘l7lls.


5(i \Vesl (ieorge Street. 553 555 l.

.\lon Sat Illam 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm. Glasgow Reflections 'l’hu 33 l‘eb mid .\tar. Paintings by John Boyd.


t'iinersit} of Strathchde. 33 Richmond Street. 553 44tlt) est 3(iS3. .\lon l‘ri lllam 5pm: Sat noon 4pm.

Get Real: Romanticism And New Landscapes In Art t'ntil Sat 34 Mai: ()rganised and toured b_\ .-\rt Sita}. this e\|ii|iition look at the influence ol- historical moxements including Romanticism on conteiiiporar} ci’al'tiiiakers. l‘eatured artists include Poll} Hinns. lilcri .\lills. Patsel (irunert. James Campbell. Iili/abcth Racburn. Ronald Peiiiiell and Sasha \\'ard.


ITS \Vest Regent Street. 33l (fiat).

.\lon Sat ltlam 5.3tipm. Contemporary Scottish Art t'ntil Wed 3S lieb. Paintings b_\ \arious artists including Peter 'I'homson. l.ouisc Ritchie and .\lari Bond.

EWAN MUNDY FINE ART Ill \Vest (ieorge Street. 34S 9-755. Mon l-‘ri Illam 5.30pm; Sat lliam 3pm.

Glasgow Boys And Glasgow Girls trail

0, 1980 by Sebastiao Sa gad

. L

show at Art Gallery 8. Museum Kelvingrove

Sat ltl .\lai'. Paintings b} (ieorge Ileiii‘}. James Paterson. l).\'. (‘amcroiL Alexander Roche. Izlcanor ;\llen Robertson and man}


Queen Street. 33‘) WW». .\Ion 'l'bu & Sat lllam 5pm; liri & Sun l lam 5pm. ()ne ol'(ilasgo\s 's next est galleries. \sith l'our thematic l'loors based on the elements: earth. air. fire and \sater. l’eatured artists include IIti\\ stin. llockne}. ('ampbell. Bellany and Byrne.


Rotiken (ilen Road. 630 ()335. Wed Sttn Lit) 5.30mi.

Mixed Ex ibition l'niil Wed ZS l-‘eh. .-\ IIII\Ctl shti\\ til' “tirk b} galler} artists,


lslS \Vest Regent Street. 33l 3095. Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

Works In Stock l'ntil mid I-"eb. A display of paintings featuring work by Hunter. liergusson. Jatnes Ka). Joan liardle}. Andre“ Walker. Heather Nesc). l.esle_\ Banks. James Paterson and man} more.

Arlington Revisited Sat 34 lieb I’ri It) .\Iar. Ness \sork b} l.esle_\ Banks.


('alc (‘osmo. 13 Rose Street. 333 6535. Mon Sat ltlfitlam 9pm.

Menagerie t'ntil Wed 28 lieb. .\lt\cd media \sorks on an animal theme by Project Ability artists.

John Paterson Thu 1 Sat 31 Mar. An eshibition ol‘ \sork b) the late John Paterson. a former (iS.-\ art student tl‘)7‘) IVS-ll.

Timelines: New Digital Video Shorts Sat 34 l‘eb. 3pm. New Media Scotland present three digital \‘itleti shorts by (‘hris Btmman. 'l'orsten lattisc‘liinann and .\Iand} .\Iclntosh. Bouinan’s piece ()HI' I'.i\'(' sees the artist res isltlng sites around Scotland where his lather made home lliti\'les during his childhood. l,auschmann traselled to Tokyo for Let's Kim/t \shich takes the \ iets er on a jotlrne} through the cit} 's streets. .\lclntosh's film Electronic l'il/H'lt' l'ilm \\ as inspired b} a shoe bos ol~ fabric samples collected \shile \iork'ing at fashion house Ken/o in Paris. Alter the screenings there \\ ill be an artists' discussion.


33 ck 35 King Street. 553 0704. Tue Sat ltlam 5.,‘~()pm.

The Archive Show t'niil Sat 24 Mar. .»\ii archise shoss of prints featuring \sorks b} Iili/abeth Blackaddei'. Peter Ilti“ son. Adrian Wis/mess ski and Ken (‘urrie.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM lop l‘loor. (>4 ()sbourne Street. 553 I473. 'I‘ue Sat 3 (ipm.

lain Hetherington t'ntil Sat l7 Feb. Nest \s'ork'.

Maria Doyle and Maire Cregan Sat 34 Feb Sat 3 Mar. I)ra\sings and paintings.

Continued over page

L36" '1'. s _.“. _&*

Narcissus: Twentieth Century Self- Portraits \‘Vatching the aitists watch themselves A an impressive collection of 20th century self-portraits by Scottish artists including Douglas Ciordon tpicturecll, Jenny Savrlle, Peter Howson, Anne Redpath and Calum Colvm National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, until Sun 1 Apr Sebastiao Salgado Powerful images by one of the world’s leading photopurnalists, BraZiIian-born Salgado His dramatic documentation of manual labour in Workers made a lttlel' impact on the world Art Gallery at Museum, Kelvingrove, Glasgow, until Sun 7 Apr

David Bailey: Birth Of The Cool From London's tough East End, Dawd Bailey went on to become Britain's best-known photographer, Concentrating on the early years of his career from 1957 -l969, the exhibition features his ground- breaking fashion shots and his portraits of 60s icons including Michael Caine, Mick Jagger and the Kray Twms See feature Dean Gallery, Edinburgh, Sat 17 Feb Sun 22 Apr

Street Level Open Street Level’s fourth annual open exhibition of lens-based art featuring the work of Su Grierson, Kathleen Little, Stephen Healy, Ral Veroni and Karen Cunningham. See prevrew. Street Level, Glasgow, unti/ Sat 24 Mar.

Collective Gallery Shows Solo shows for emerging artists Peter McGoldrick and Michael Wilkinson looking at the fashion and music worlds respectively, and new paintings by Janice McNab in the Proiect Room Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, unti/ Sat 24 Feb.

Wendy Ewald: Secret Games - Collaborative Works With Children 1969—1999 A retrospective exhibition of work by American photographer l Wendy Ewald, who for 30 years have I been working With children, allowmg 3 them to take the photographs themselves. See revrew. Stills, Edinburgh, unti/ Sat 7 7 Mar.

Sophy Rickett: New Work Royal College of Art graduate Sophy Rickett shows the results of her four month resrdency at Dundee With new photographic and Video works depicting night-time scenes. See prevrew Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, Sat 77 Feb—Sun 75 Apr.

lS Feb—l Mar 2001 THE LIST 89