"221:2,W‘225w {25.5%

2 | st birthduy. u Ioun exhibition ieuturing some oi the best puintings shown oyei' the ycurs including works by .\Ic('iilloch. Bough und ('udcll.


l0 Royul 'l‘ci'i'ucc. 556 Hill). .\Ion I‘ri l0um 6pm; Sui by uppointment. Mixed Exhibition l'ntil l'i‘i 30 .\Iur. l’uiniings irom stock including works by (icorge Ilousion. .l.I). l’ergusson.

Mucluuchlun .\Iilne und I’.\\'. Adum.


77 Clerk Street. 622 7236, .\Iiiii Sill

noon Ium; Sun I2.3leiii lum.

Mixed Exhibition A chunging exhibition

oi gotliic ui‘t including sculpture. di‘uw ing.

pliotogi'uphy uiid puiniings by locul urtisis.


.2 \Iiil'kc‘l Street. 52‘) .5995. .\It)iI Sill |0um 5pm. I‘ree.

One Island, Many Faiths l'niil Sui 24 I't‘II. I’Iitiliigi‘upliei' Ritclic‘l .\I()I'ItIIl e\p|oi'es the \ui'ieiy oi religious expi‘cssion in lIi'ituin ioduy.

Tidemark l'niil Sui l7 .\Iui'. I)ruwn irom the city 's pcrmunent collection. u look ut how Scottish urtisis liu\e been influenced by the seu ieuiui‘ing works by \Villium \Ic‘lliggiu't. the Scottish ('olourists. Joun liui'dley und .lolin llelluny.

Observation And Expression t'niii Sui l7 .\Iui'. (her 50 works di'uw n irom the Roy ul Bunk oi Scotlund (iroup Ari ('olleciion deinonsti'uting how urtisis huye depicted imuges oi people und pluce irom the lb‘tli century to the present duy. l“eutured urtisis include Joshuu Reynolds.

SJ. l’eploe. I)u\id Hockney. .Ioun Iiurdley.

(iury Ilume. (ieoi‘ginu Siurr und ('ulluin lnnes. See in iew.

Huxian Peasant Paintings t'niil Sui to Mid. l’uttern und bold colour combine in uii exhibition oi puintings by the peusunt puinters oi the lluxiun region oi Shuunxi l’roy ince in ('liinu.

5 Years - Building In Art Sui l7 I‘eb Sui l7 .\I;Ii'. .-\ littctis on [he Sc‘tillisli :\I‘ls (‘ouncil's iunding ior S3 urts projects in Scotlund. highlighting the diyersity oi new. reiurbished und extended ui'ts

Street Exhibition Space


2.2 28 (‘tIL'I'sITIII'II Street. 220 I260.

Wed Sui Ilum 6pm; Sun I 5pm. Jesus Died For Gucci i'niil Sui 24 I-‘eh. In his Iii‘sl solo show. Iiilinburgn—bused iii'iisi I’elei' .\Ic( iiiItIi‘ick shows it new series oi puintings inspired by the world oi iushion udyertising.

v.delay.entain t'niil Sui 24 I‘eb. New sculpture. prints. druw ings und puintings by (iliisgiiw Sc‘liiiiil (II‘.’\I'I gi‘tttltiiile NIIL‘IIAIL‘I \Vilkiiisiili.

Janice McNab t'niii Sui 24 i-‘eb. In the gullei'y 's Project Room. Junice .\Ic.\'ub shows it selection oi new work ci'cuietl during u SA(' residency in Amsterdum.


il-‘ormerly (iullei'y 4| t. 4| I)undus Street. 557 456‘). Mon l~'ri l0.30um- 5.30pm; Sut I0.30um 5pm.

Mixed Show Sui i7 lieb Wed 7 .\Iur. l’uintings und w utercolours by Rule I’hilp. Sundru Steele. Iun I'i‘ume. Row enu I.uing und I’uscule und |)urren Rentsch.


Beliord Roud. 624 6200 (recorded iniormution 332 2266i. .\lon Sut

|0um 5pm: Sun noon 5pm.

David Bailey: Birth Of Cool Sui l7

l'eb Sun 22 Apr. £3 tL'2i. l’rom London's tough Iiust Iind. I)u\'id Builey went on to become Brituin's best-know n lushion und celebrity photogruphei'. I-‘ociising on the curly ycurs oi his cureei' irom |‘)57 I‘)6‘). the exhibition ieuiures icons oi the 60s including .\Iick Juggei‘. .\Iichuel (’uine und Muriunne I‘uithiull. his ground-breuking iushion shots. u series oi pliotogruphs on the liust Iind oi London und photogruphs irom his most recent ‘(‘ool Britunniu' series limit] the ‘Ills. SL‘L‘ Iic‘itltii'c‘.

Words For The Mantelpiece Sui 24

I't‘h Sun 2‘) Apr l KL‘IIIL‘I‘ I.II)i';II'} l. The Iii‘sl in u series oi displuy s oi contemporui'y book works ieuturing the work oi IIIUIIILIS A. ('lurk und l.uurie ('lurk. who iounded the .\loscliutel Press in 1973.


27 ()tieensiei'ry Street. 220 4l50. Mon-Sui ‘).30um 5.30pm; Sun iioon~4pin.

Recent Acquisitions A chunging dispiuy oi the gullery ’s recent purchuses.

’" .I’dat‘

800 by Catriona Hepburn one of the artists featured in the GV6 show at New


b .'\tl\t)CiIIL‘.\ (like. 325 927 I. Daily

| l.30um»5.30pm iclosed Wed I.

The New Wave Of Primitivism I)om is un urts project estublished in 1996 by :1 group oi internutionul urtisis working in Scotlund. With u consiunily' chunging exhibition oi urtworks. the gullery houses sculpture. stuined gluss und puintings by uitists w ho pructice primitiye urt.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART I.uuriston I’luce. 221 6000. Mon-Allin l0umr «S’pm: I‘il l0um 75pm; Sui

l0um - 2pm.

School of Design 8: Applied Arts t‘niil Sut l7 l‘eb. Student show.

School Of Visual Communication l'niil Sui l7 I-‘eb. Student exhibition.

School Of Drawing & Painting Mon l‘) Wed 2S I-‘eb. Student exhibition.

It Was Useless Making A Scene t'niii Hi 23 I‘eb t.-\lbertinus. li(‘A Student l'nion. .\Ion- l-‘ri ‘)um~5pni: Sui & Sun

‘) -2umi. l’uintings by Alun Thomus.


lSu l)undus Street. 557 5227. Mon Hi | luin 5pm; Sui l0um- Ipin.

Mixed Exhibition t’niil Wed 28 I-‘eb. A mixed show oi work by gullery urtisis.


23 l'nion Street. 557 247‘). 'I‘ueA—Sut I0um~6pm.

Lennox Dunbar l.'iitil Sui l0 .‘ylur. An exhibition oi two und three dimensionul prints thut utilise digitul technology. Valentine Prints l'niii Sui i7 i-‘eh. Prints speciully ci'euted ior Vulentine's I)uy.


SS I.otliiun Roud. 22‘) 5932. Sun—Thu l0um I I.30pm; I-‘ri & Sui

I0um l2.30um.

Zoo l'niil Wed 28 I‘eb. I’uintings by A]. Young.


35 Willium Street. 225 2l‘)6. 'I‘ue -I“ri

I lum 5me Sui I lulu-2pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'niil Wed 28 I’eb. A mixed show oi Scottish Iundscupes ieuturing urtisis Andrew Wulk'er. Rebeccu Collins. Iimerson .‘yluyes und muny others.


2 Wurrender I’urk Roud. 667 5 I 52.

Mon Sui |0um~--6pm.

Scottish Craft Exhibition A wide yuriety oi ci'uits und upplied urts by tip-und- coming cruitmukers uiid designers working in Scoilund.


45 .\Iurket Street. 225 2383. Mon—Sui I lumv 6pm; Sun noon~5 3m. For Once, Then. Something Sui t7

I-‘cb -Sui 3| .\Iur. Stories und storytelling is the essence oi this exhibition us urtists Alexunder Bruun ((iermuny). John (‘hilyer tIinglundt. I’uii'iciu Iillis ((‘unudul. Nedk'o Solukoy (Bulguriu) und Iluns Wuunders t'l‘he Netherlunds) tuk‘e purt in this group slitiW which iiises druwing. yideo. word puttern und puinting.

Northern Lights On permunent \‘ICW. once night iulls. is Peter I‘ink‘s light instullution ior the gullery inspired by the uuroru boreulis. (‘omprising u ‘rooi iin' ti‘iungle oi light. light dctuiling on the eust und west rooi und Iiii shuit. the colours regulurly chunge. brightening up this durk corner oi Iidinburgh’s .\Iurk'et Street.


46u Rueburn I’Iuce. 315 2603. Mon-Sui l0um-5.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition t'niil Wed 28 Feb. A runge oi textiles irom lndiu und Airicu und Ayqu Bur's new spring collection oi

jew ellery.


2| Rutlund Squure. 22] ‘)377. Fri ‘)um—4pm. Phone ior yiewing ior the rest oi the week.

Auction Of Paintings L'niii Sui 24 Feb. A mixed show oi puintings by Edinburgh urtisis with un uuction on Sut 17 Feb iS.30—l0.30pmi to ruise iunds ior u trip to curry out psy'chologicul work in Armeniu.

listings ART


22u Dundus Street. 556 2 l S l. .\Ion I-‘ri I0..‘s0um~6pni; Sui |0um 4pm. Artists New To The Gallery t'niii Sui 24 Feb. Puintings in u i‘unge oi subject mutter und mediu by urtisis new to the gullery ieuturing I.eilu .-\itken. .lim Bow mun. (‘y iitliiu Iluy. limmu Mucken/ie. Shonu Riu/ und (‘luire Cooper \Vulsh.


('uie Ilub. ('ustlchill. Roy ul .\Iile. 473 2000. Tue Sui ‘),30um l0pm; Sun Mon ‘).30um 6.30pm.

Material Matters l'ntil Sun 4 .\Iui‘. (iluss urtisis Keiko .\Iukuide und I)iunu Ilobson explore eny ironmcntul issues through the medium oi gluss. The two recently colluboruted together ior u iiIiiitti‘ exhibition ui the Roy ul llotunic (iurden.


6 ('urlton 'I‘errucc. 556 444 l. \Ved Sut l0um» 5pm.

David Austen l'ntil Sui 3| .\Iui’. I)u\ id Atisten shows new work icutui'ing u series oi smull ubsti‘uci bluck und white puintings und Iui‘ge bluck uiid coloured gouuches.


30 St Stephen Street. 226 544‘). .\Iiiti I'ii‘i ‘)um» 6pm. Sui it Sun by uppointmeiit. Ingrid Phillips l'ntil Wed 7 .\Iur. llund-- blown gluss spheres by l'gundu-born urtist Ingrid l’hillips. l’hillips completed u Muster oi Design ui lidinburgh ('ollege oi Art in I‘)‘)‘). uiid she w ill soon be opening it gluss studio in Iidinburgh’s city centre.


l3 Rundolph Crescent. 225 5366. Mon~l5ri ‘).30um 6.30pm; Sui

‘).30um r I.30pm.

Recent Works - Philippe Caurant l'ntil Sui l7 Mair. Recent contempoi'ury puintings.


66 (’umherlund Stiect. 558 ‘)S72.

Mon I‘ri l0um- 6pm; Sui l0um 4pm. Peter Blake Pop Art And Beyond: A Print Retrospective Sui I7 I-‘eb Inn 2‘) Mur. A retrospectiye exhibition oi gruphic works by Peter Blukc. w lio lius been uccluimed us one oi the leittlt‘i‘s oi British Pop Art.


65 The Shore. 553 5255. Inc In

I luin 5pm; Sui I lum 4pm.

Two Years On Tue 20 I5eb Sui I0 .\Iur. An exhibition oi work by I‘)‘)‘) gruduutes who Iirst showed work in the gullery's New I’uces exhibition lust yeur.

NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bellord Road. 624 6200 (recorded iniormution 332 2266). Mon Sui

l0um— 5pm; Stiii noon 5pm. ('uie. Sigmar Polke: Music Of Unclear Origin l.'nti| Stiii IS .\Iur. A series oi40 gouuches by Sigmur I’olke go on displuy ior the first time in the l'I's'. limigi‘uting to West (iermuny in l‘)53. he becume one oi the country's ioremost puinters. guining notoriety in the 60s und 70s ior his litiinoroiis works similur in style to the Pop Art being mudc in lii‘ituin und Americu.

NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND 'I‘he Mound. 624 6200 (recorded iniormution 332 2266i. Mon Sut

l0um -5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

The Great Turner (1775-1851): A Tribute L'ntil Sun 4 Mur. 'I‘o murk the 15001 unniyersury oi Turner's deuth. un exhibition oioil puintings. wutercolours und prints druwn irom the gullery 's permunent collection.

Andrew Geddes (1783—1844) Painter And Printmaker Thu 15 Feb Sun 2‘) Apr. A mujor exhibition on loun devoted to the work oi Andrew (ieddes. bringing together 40 oi his linest works us u portruitist und lundscupe puinter.

Continued over page

15 Feb—i Mar 2001 THE LIST 91