ART listings


NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 624 ()2le (recorded inl'ormation 332 226m. .\lon Sat

ltlam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. (ale. I‘ree. Writers Of Our Time t'ntil Sun 25 ten. Rcceiitl} acquired ptirlt‘ttllx HI \tillte (II- Scotland's hest knoxtn uriters go on (IISPIEI). Central to the exhibition I\ ("alum (‘olx'in's photopiece. Kc/tinemt't' lite/ll. commissioned as a \kL‘xl coast counterpart to Sand} Mollat'x east coaxt I’m'I's l’ul). ()ther \torks inclttde Jennil'er McRae's painting ot' Rohin Jenkins and Max id Williams' dipt}ch ot~ .'\.I .. Kennedy.

Narcissus: Twentieth Century Self- Portraits l'ntil Sun S Apr. I)ra\\ n Irom the collections ol' the National Portrait (iallery and National (ialler') ol’ Modern Art. mer 5t) sell-portrait paintings. drawings. prints and photographs h} some of Scotland's most celehrated artists. Presenting a ditcrse range of nork including traditional paintings h) Jillllex (itithrie and William (iiIIiex. contemporary photographic “(it‘kx h) Douglas (iordon and ('alum (’olt iii and oti loan from the Saatchi ('oIIection. I\ Jenn} Saville‘s imposing stud} ol' an t)Iit‘\L‘. lentitle nude.

THE NEW STREET EXHIBITION SPACE I4 New Street. 558 7604. Mon Sat

| lam (i.3()pm. I'ntil late on Bongo (‘luh nights.

GV6 t'ntil Tue 27 Iieh. Next \tork h) \i\ artists from the (iarVald (‘entre featuring paintings. ceramics and paititiiig directl} onto the gallery WilIIS.

Zen & The Art Of Skateboarding 'l‘hu l Tue 20 Mar. A group \Ittm ot' uork h} artists who also skateboard including Ra}da|e Dimer. I)ottgal 'l'liontson. Sam (iril'lin. Scott Malcolm. Daryl Smith. Rick ('ttrran and Toby Paterson.


55 Bread Street. 477 4524. Mon Sat l()am ()pin.

Sunlight From The Kiev Hills t'ntil Sun I l Mar (Gallery 2). Paintings h)- l'krainian artist I)tii}‘lt'o l)ohro\olsk_\.


75 7‘) (‘umherland Street. 557 1020. Mon-Iii 10am 6pm; Sat ltlam 4pm. John Bellany l'ntil 'l'hu l5 l-‘eh. Prints. paintings atid \t'atercolotirs.

Figurative Sculpture t'tttil Thu 15 ten. I‘eattired artists include (ieorge \\'_\'llie. John Malth)‘. Iioghan Bridge. Anna .\'oel and Joanna Mallin-I)a\'ies.

Invited Artists l'ntil 'l‘hu I5 l-‘eh. ('ontemporar)’jeweller} h} invited artists. Keith Bowen Sat I7 I‘eh 'l‘hu S .\Iar. Landscape paintings of Prmence. 'I'uscan)‘ and Venice.

Bernard Irwin Sat l7 Iieh 'I'Itii S Mar. ('et'anties.

Jenny Wild Sat l7 I‘eh Thu S Mar. Jewellery.

Kym Needle Sat t7 t-‘eh Wed 7 Mar. Recent paintings.


I7 I‘) Barcla} Place. 4" 2933, Itlc‘ Sat lll__‘~tlam (i..3llpiii.

Mixed Exhibition Iitlmliurgli‘x IIL‘\\L'\I galler} Icaturex a changing \L‘Ic'c'llttll ot paintings including teprotltictton art \an (iogli. I)aIi. Monet. K.Illtllll\l\}. .\liio Ul‘lg’llltlIS and work h} tip-and-coming local artists.


('Ierk‘ Street. 007 7776. Mon Sat

Illam 5.30pm.

Pete Kinnear: Recycling And Renewal l'ntil Mon 20 I‘eli. I'ile—Iiaxctl artixt I’ctc Kinnear creates tui\etl media and \tatercolotirs taking inspiration trout the Scottish landscape.

Kate Mackay Mon lo I’eh Mon 3 :\pr. l‘ahric \xorkx h} Kate Mackay


03 Dublin Street. 557 0481). Tue l'i'i llam 5piii1Sat I lam 4pm.

Botanical Watercolour Illustrations 'I'hu l5 I-‘eh 'I‘hti l5 .\Iar. Botanical illustrations in \tatercolour h} \arioiix artists.

Miniature Landscapes Show 'l‘htt IS l-‘eh 'l'hu l5 .\lar. landscape [Mllllllllg‘x h} \ttt'ltllIS ttl‘ll\l\.


l5 Rutland Square. 22‘) 7545. .\Ion I‘ri 9am 5pm.

The Cabinets 0f Berlin t'ittil tn 23 ten I)ra\\ ing\ and models h} 2nd )ear l'nnersit} oI' Iitlinhttrgli students based on studies in the Schetinem iertel district. the old Jen iin quarter til" Berlin.

Edinburgh Architectural Association Annual Awards Mott 3o I’eh I‘l'l () .\lar. .-\ L'l't)\\-\L'L'Iltlll ol‘ entries h} Iidinhiirgli- liased practiccx.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Imerleith House. lmerleith Ron. 552 7l7l. 'l‘ue Stiii ltlam 4pm ttiiitil | Mari lironi l Mar | .~\pr'l'tie Stiii

lllam 5.30pm.

Stanley Kubrick Still Moving Pictures 1945-1950 l'ntil Stiii l .'\pr. £31122). tlmerleith Ilousei. 'I'hc tirxt I'K shouing ol' pittiltigt'ilplix h} one ol' the great lilmmakerx. Stanle) Kuhrick. Hel'ore directing IIIIIIS. Ktihrick started his career as ati apprentice photographer in .\'e\\ York's Look maga/ine. 'I‘hese photographs not onl_\ Silt)“ his talent tor the medium but touch upon all \Htllxx ot' me in Next York at the time. See re\ IL‘\\.

Natural Visions t'ntil Sun I I l-‘eh tlixhihition “all open .\lon I‘ri

Illani 3.30pm; Sat ck Sitii noon 3.3llpnii. Ne“ \tork h} attartI-uinning photographer Heather Angel featuring 50 \\ ildlil'e images recorded o\ er the past 25 _\ear\.


The link (iaIIer). 23 'I‘ipperlinn Road. 22‘) 3555.

Vanishing Point t'ntil Hi 25 Ma). Next \Htt‘k h} ele\ en Lil'lt\l.\ as a result ol~ collaborations hemeen professional artists and patients as part ot~ I-‘usion a ttto-_\ear

4 - 28 February 2001

or tel 01368 850 256


Pam Carter and Patricia Sadler Get all the colour at Stenton!

Details on wwwstentongallerycom

92 THE LIST IS Feb—1 Mai 2001

Canon David Adam Anin

art\ programme taking place in IlUSPllttI\ in Iidinhttrgli and the I.tiIIlI;lll\.

THE ROYAL INFIRMARY OF EDINBURGH 'I'he l’elican Mallet}. I I.;lllll\lttll Place. For Itirther intormation call .»\rtIink oti 22‘) 3555.

Address l‘ntil Stiii 27 Ma}. .-\n Artlink e\hihition ot' photogiaph}. \xriting. digital imaging. painting and than ing h) artists and patients at St John's Iioxpital.


Landings (iaIIcr). ltIt) Princes Street. 225 |5t)l. I)ail} lllaiii (iptii.

Sketchbooks And Large Drawings l'ntil I‘ri () Mar. l)ra\\ tllg’x and sketchbooks h} Paul Ryan. documenting his tra\eI\ including a \ltltl} \ ixil to :\U\ll';tll'.l in two as \tinner oI an R()Sl. tra\cl \L‘Ittllltl'\lllp.


22 2h (ieorge Street. 240 5000. .\Itilt I'il'l ‘Iam 5pm.

Transformism: The Gradual Evolution Of Moral And Social Relations Mon to I‘eli I’ri ‘) Mar. Ne“ \toi'k It} Iidinhurgh- haxed photographer .\latt I.a\ er.


lo I)untIa\ Street. 558 I201). .\lon I-'ri ltlam (ipnt; Sat ltlam 4H”.

Paintings Of Edinburg t'ntil Wed 23 I-‘eh. .\'e\\ ptllllllllL'S h} Stephanie I)ee\. Chance And Order t'ntil Wed 28 let». ('ontemporar} enamel ieueller} h} \arioux artists.

Investigations Into Fire t'ntil Wed 28 I-‘eh. Rakti ceramics h} \arioux artists. SHIRAK

5 Baron) Street. 47S 7440. Inc Sat

Illam opin.

Contemporary Scottish Art And Design A galler} and shop l'eaturing a selection ol~ hand-“men and embroidered rugs and te\tile\ h) 'I'tirkonian. I'Ihek. Beliichi and .-\inia_\ trihcs. plus a changing programme ol' contemporar) Scottish art and design.


Reiacli and Hall .-\rchitect\. (i I)arna\\a_\ Street. 225 S444. .\Ion Hi 2 5pm. Glade Mon 26 I‘eh Hi 31) Mar. Artist 'I'tilii ('lark creates a '\\tititletl gladc' installation tor the galler} space. comprising I\\ti painted \HIII\ \\ itli \\ all painted script and a bench I'or \ ixitorx to \it upon.


53 Ratc‘lil'le 'I'errace. (i(i7 l‘)(i(i. Molt 9am 5pm: 'l'ue I‘ri 9am (iplll; Sat Illam 5pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil \Vcd 2S Iieh. .-\ \\ ide \ariet} oI'contemporar} prints.


23 ('ockhurn Street. 022 (i201). 'I‘ue Sat ltlani 5pm.

Wendy Ewald: Secret Games -

i‘.‘ ~- '~‘ “1-. .r‘mf .tJ'SJ'iszmrjg'f’

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V 34341:“; _' f-“Jia.

can vicar of Holy Island by Rachel Morton

on show at the City Art Centre

Collaborative Works With Children 1969-1999 l'ntil Sat l7 Mar. The on|_\ I'K shots mg ol' the lll'\l retiospcctne c\Iiihition ot \xork h) .~\ photographer \Vend) littald. \Vorking

\\ ith children tor nearl} 3t) tears. Iiuald ttIIti\\\ her \tiliiectx to take the photographs. Iieattn'ctl in the \hou is a neu \ ideo III\I;lII;IIIUII entitled .l/t'mm'it'x from The I’m1('t'niurtt'\ iii \thich _\oting people \\ rote hriel~ narrati\e\ in the three dittcrent \oices ot' Jen ISII children. Nit/t \_\mpat|ii/er\ and \\ itncxxex. Sec re\ ie\\.


l'nixt'rxit} ol‘ Iidinhurgh. South Bridge. 051) 22l I. Inc Sat lllani 5pm.

Painted Spaces t'tttit Sat 24 Mar. Inn international touring \tall protect leaturex the work ol' \e\en artists Iroiii :\ll\ll';tlltt. Next /.ea|and. the LR and the ISA. IiacIi artist \\ ill create a \tall painting oti a section ot' the galler) \xallx. \\liicli \\ iII l'oi'ni a continuous passage ol' images along the “all. Artixtx taking part are Richard Kirk. I)a\ id IIIUIIMS. ('hrix lleaph}. Sahina ()tt. I’liil .Ioncx. Sitiioit Morris and Wilma 'l'ohacco,


3t) UlllltlilS Street. 550 (i3(i(i. .\ltiti I-‘z'i Ilani 0pm: Sat ll).3()aiii 4pm.

Tom Watt Sat I7 I'ch Sat 3 Mar. I’aintmgx ol. the South ol‘ I-t'ance.


at (‘itx Art (‘entt'e. 2 Market Street. 52‘) sustif

Wish I Was Here t'ntil Sat 2 Jun. tit-a seen at the National Portrait (ialler). the 'I'ra\clling (iaIIet') goes on tour \\ ith aii e\hihition ot‘ portraits L‘tllllllll\\lttlletl t'rom six Sc‘tilltxlt photographers. ol' the 25 poets \\ ho ha\e contributed to a nen pocket hook aiilholog}.


'l'ra\erse ’I'heatrc. ltl (‘amhridge Street. 22S 53S3. Mon Wed It).3l)ani midnight; 'l‘liti Sat ltl.3tlam lam; Stiti

4 HI] midnight.

Photography Exhibition t'tttil Sun IS I‘eh. 'I'en )tillllg’ pliotogtaphers currentl} making in Iidinhtirgh \Ittm nett \tork ranging in both st) Ie and method.

Order Stiii IS I‘eh Sat 3| Mar. Paintings h} Louise Anderson inspired h} the linear tiualtt} ot' the urhan landscape. l‘)5lls te\tile\ designs and Japanese architecttne.


This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions. see Edinburgh City Life, page 96.


2S (’harlotte Square. Iidinhttrgh. 243 9305. Mon Sat Illani 5pm: Stiii noon 5pm. I‘rce. Not t)lII_\ the Head ()ttice lot” the