National Trust tor Scotland. 33 ('liarlotte Square also houses a periitanent collection (it 30th century Scottish paintings teaturing work by Peploe. Hunter and (‘adell Display ed in a domestic setting. the works are complemented by a collection (it Regency turniture.


43 Iliin Street. 53‘) 4I43 .\Ion Sat 10am 5pm.

Out To Play Sat 17 Feb Sat 3 Jun. This exhibition looks at tile changing nature oI childhood games t'rom the past to Ilie present day. I’cey er. bools. tig and cliablo are jtist some ol' the games play ed bel'orc the inyeniion ot' computer games and teleyisioii and there w ill also be some old reproductiongames tor children to try otit.

NEWHAVEN HERITAGE MUSEUM New'hay‘en Harbour. 55I 4l(i5. Mon—Sun noon—5pnt

Hidden Treasures: Volunteer Work Of Newhaven People Past And Present l'ntil .\lon 3l Dec. 'I'Iie l'nited Nations' Year ol' the Volunteer is celebrated in this exhibition which looks at the tradition ol' Volunteering in tlte New hay en community.


Royal Mile. 556 “FIG. I):Iily

0.30am 4.30pm. £5.50 (£3.70 £4); tamin ticket “3.50.

Views Of Germany: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert t'ntil Sat 3t Mat: Sixty watercoloiirs selected Irom the collection at Windsor ('astle. illustrating the royal Visits to (lei'titany.


53 Iligli Street. ()tieenst'erry. 331 5545. Mon. Thu. Fri ck Sat Itlam ~ Ipiii ck

3.I5 5pm; Stiii noonu5pm. Free.

Food For Thought A look at children‘s diet aitd eating habits oy'er the past I50 years.


3 (‘hambers Street. 347 43 l‘). .\lon Sat Illam -5pm ('I‘ue Spin); Sun iiooit 75pm. £3 (£I.5()): under lch tree. A l‘)th century museum housing international collections (it natural history. geology. science. technology and the decoratiye arts. plus

two permanent exhibitions: Ari ct‘ lltt/Ilyll'y

and T/It’ II'_\‘ Ilit (ici/lc'ry'.

Millennium Clock A chance to \‘IL‘\\ Russian mechanical sculptor liduard Bersudsky's millennium clock. a kittetic sculpture. measuring nine metres Iiigli. The Jackie Stewart Formula t'ntil Sun 30 Sep 300]. Jackie Stewart ()BIi and the National Museums of Scotlaitd haye joined forces for the First time to create this unique recreation ot‘ the 109‘) Stewart Ford Pit (image. A iiitist tor all (irand Prix tans.

From Lahore To Lesmahagow: The Story Of A Sikh Laird t'niil Sun IS‘ Feb. The National .\Itiseums has commissioned Sikh artists and twin sisters Rabindra and Amrit Is'aur Siitgli to create six miniature paintings which chart the lite ol‘ Baron Sirdar Iqbal Siitgli. Baron Siiigli Iiyes in a Scottiin castle. ow its a Scottish island. created his own Singh tartan arid is responsible tor the poetry ot‘ Robert Burns being translated into Ptiiijabi.

Fired With Colour l'ntil Stiii 3‘) Apr. An exhibition highlighting past aitd present British enameling. Included in the display is a Variety ol~ pieces ranging trom jewellery and \ases to display panels and animated ligtires. Aii enamel plaque by Alexander Fisher on loan ll'UIlI a priyate collection and not seen in pttblic since lcS’W and more contemporary pieces by Lisa Rae Hanson and (ieorgina FoIIett feature iii the show.

Silk Roads: Glimpses Of Central Asia l'ntil Stiii I Jul. Recently acquired contemporary textiles and crafts t'rom (‘entral Asia.


Lady Stair‘s House. Lady Stair's (’lose. 53*) 490]. Mon—Sat I()am—5pm. Free. Inheritance: A Borders Landscape I'ntil Sat 31 Mar. Photographs of border life by Gordon Hunter. with poetry by Don Ledingham.

DUNCAN OF JORDANSTONE COLLEGE l’niycrsity ol' Dundee. l3 Perth Road. (H.383 345330. Mon Fri t).3tlam S.3(Ipni; Sat ck Stiii 9.30am 4_3()pm.

Poul Henningsen and Simon Starling I'ntil Sat I7 I-eb i('ooper (iallery I. A major. new body ot work by Siiitoii Starling lit by a series (it modernist. hanging lamps designed by Poul Ilenningsen. The exhibition pi'oy ides an insight in the approaches. methods. aesthetics and positions within their i'espcctiyc tilt and design contexts.

Joost Conijn and Veli Grano Mon 20 Feb Sat I7 .\I;it' (Cooper (iallery ). .Ioosl ('onijn (Holland) and \cli (irano (Finland) present a y ideo project oI tlighi and space tray el. with the lirst I'ls' showing ot'.-I SIM/rec .l/t'yyclL't’ I'I'UIII A/ioI/ic'r Star and Air/i/cinc'.


I53 Nethergate. (II3S3 (306330. Tue Wed. Sat ck Stiii II).3I)ani 5.3Ilpiii1'l'hti ck Fri II).3()am Spin. Free.

Sophy Rickett: New Work Sat I7

Feb Sim l5 .-\pr((iallery 3). New photographic and y ideo works by Royal ('ollege oI'Art graduate Sophy Rickett which continues her interest in making photographs at night. For Rickctt. who has been resident iii Dundee tor tour months undertaking the second D(‘A Fellow ship. this is her lirst solo exhibition in a public gallery. See prey iew.

Beyond Sat I7 Feb Stiii 15 Apr ((iallei'y I ). A group exhibition bringing together the work (it artists l'rom Dundee. (Ilasgow and London. Working iit yariotis mediums including painting. installation. sculpture and \ ideo. artists include Lolly Batty. Luke Fowler. Robert ()rchardson. 'I'oby Paterson. ('lare Stephenson and (‘lare \Voocls,

The Tea Ceremony t'ntiI Sun I I .\IIII' (()ne Fiye 'l‘wo). An exhibition ot accessories ot‘ the British tea ceremony including iitilk jtigs. creamers. sugar bowls. tea caddies and spoons. I'eatui'iiig work by (‘hris Keenan. Prtiden aitd Smith .SIIVL‘I‘SIIIilhs. A (N J Young and Vicky Kershaw.

Diana Greenwood t'atll Sun I l .\Iar (()tie Fiye 'I'wo). Sily‘erjewellery and tableware.


Albert Square. (II 383 433084. Mon ASat lt)am 5pm; Stiii I3.3() 4pm: 'I‘hu

Illam 7pm.

Brangwyn's Gift l'niil Stm I I .\IctI‘. Paintings. prints and drawings by Frank Brangwyii I867 I950. The show features oy'ci' l3t) works including oils. etchings. Iithographed World War I posters and me drawings.

McIntosh Patrick Remembered t'ntil Stiit I l Mar. A celebration of the work ol~ Dtiiidee~born landscape painter James .\lclntosh Patrick ( l‘)()7 PMS). Included in the display are three new acquisitions It‘itlltl‘ltlg ait early oil The Ili'ctt'iire S/tc'cl. ()ch (i/umis l'ilt'lnl'y. l‘)3‘).


East Lothian


Stenton. ()I3ots' 850356. Daily noon 5pm (closed Tim I.

Pam Carter and Patricia Sadler t'ntil Wed 3S Feb. ()i'iginal oil landscape paintings by Pam (‘arter aitd watercolottrs and acrylics by Patricia Sadler.



It) (llasgow Veniiel. 01394 375059. Mon» Tue cy 'I'huwSat Itlam- lpm ck 37-5pm.

Lives And Loves t'nitl Sat I7 Feb. An exhibition of work by eight artists from I)o\'ehill Studios. (ilasgow I'eaturing (lillian Ferns’ cartoon-like drawings. llelen Fay 's detailed etchings ol' animals and Shirley (iirdwood's surreal narratiyes.

Clyde Drift Fri 33 Feb—Sat 7 Apr. Sculptural works by Roy Fit/sittitttons.



New Latiark .\liIIs. (H.555 ool345. Daily lIani 5pm.

Anne Frank: A History For Today that Stiii 35 Feb. Anne Frank's diary has been read by millions ot people the world o\er. IIIIs touring exhibition looks at -\nne Franks lite and the rise ot tascisni as the aw lul reality ol the Holocaust is brought up to date.


lectures & events


Sir David Wilkie At The Hunterian Wed 38 Feb. Ipiii. Free. lltinterian Art (iallery. (‘urator Anne Dulau giyes a ten-iiiinute talk on the Day id \Vilkie exhibition. Tabloid Culture Talks \y'ecl 2| Feb. lpm. Free. Iltinterian Art (iallery. (’tirator Peter Black talks about the 'I‘abloid (’ulttire exhibition. currently on show in the gallery.

Public Sculpture In Glasgow: Precedents And Prospects? \y'ecl 3| Feb. 5.3(lpm. Free. llunteriati Art (iallery. Ray .\ch\'eti/ic l'i'oiii (ilasgow School ol- Art talks about public sculpture in the city. Painted Saints Sat 34 Feb. I Iaiit 4pm. to (L4). Pollok llouse Pollok ('ountry Park. 3()(it) I’olloksliaw s Road. (ilb (i-l III. A day (it short talks. tours and slide shows on the S'tints in l’ollok Ilotise's art collection.


Batik Workshop 'I‘hu I5 Feb.

Itlam noon. L3. ('ity Art ('entre. Inspired by the ()lm'ri‘c/Iion um/ I'.‘t/n‘c'yyitnt exhibition. a workshop I'or adults in the art ol~ batik making.

Silk Painting Workshop Thu (5 Feb. I.3() 3.30pm. £3. (‘in Art Centre. llaye a go at silk painting taking inspiration trom the current ()lm'rt'cilioii cinc/ lit/irc'ssion exhibition.

Projecting Playfair: Future Plans For The National Gallery Of Scotland Fri Io Feb. I3.45piii. Free. National (iallery ol' Scotland. Michael (‘larke l'rom the National (iallery oI‘ Scotland and Scott Robertson. Project Ady'isei'. giye a talk on the plans.

David Bailey: Birth Of The Cool .\Ion 1‘) Feb. l3.45pm. Free. National (iallery oI' Modern Art. Martin llarrison. author and curator ot' the Day id Bailey exhibition puts the photographer work under the spotlight.

Landscape Photography In Scotland: The Case Of Robert Moyes Adam \y’ecl 3| Feb. l3.45piii. Free. National Portrait (iallel'). IUIII Normand Irom St Andrew s I'niy'ersity discusses landscape photography.

The Architect Of The National Gallery Of Scotland Fri 33 Feb. 13.45pm. Free. National (iallery oI' Scotland. Ian (iow' discusses the gallery ‘s architect.

The Female Form Mon 26 Feb. I3.45piii. Free. National (iallery ot Modern Art. Alice Dewey giyes a talk. Heads And Tales Wed 38 Feb. I3.—15pm. Free. National Portrait (iallcry. A talk by Roberta Mc(}rath trom Napier I'niyersity'.


Meet The Artists Sat l7 Feb. 3pm. Free. Dundee (‘onteiiiporary Arts. Ai'tists taking part in the group exhibition. Beyond. discuss the ideas behind their work.

Rob Tufnell Sat 34 Feb. 3pm. Free. Dundee ('onteiiiporary Arts. Assistant curator. Rob 'I'utiiell. giyes a talk on the group exhibition. Beyond. currently on show in the gallery.


Artist Talk Sat 34 Feb. 3pm. Free. Paisley Museum (k Art (iallery. Andrew .\lcl)eriiiid talks about his photographic exhibition of Indian hon men currently on show in the gallery. The talk is tollow ed by an introduction to yoga workshop with Fiona Dewar (bring a blanket! ).

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee

inclusion. Please send details to our

offices at least ten days before

publication. Kids listings compiled y Maureen Ellis.

mm:- Activities And Fun

The Captain's Challenge Fri It» .\lott 1‘) Feb. llam 4pm. £3 (LL50): accompanied children tree. The 'I'all Ship At (ilasgow Ilarbour. IOU Stobcross Road. 339 ()63 I. Take the captain's challenge for the chance to become captain oI~ the S. I.’ (:‘lc-rtlc'c'. Simply answer questions such as who Iiyed in the Poop cabin. what was kept in a binnaclc and why sailors drink lime jtiice.

Art 8: Drama Workshops Sai I7 l-‘c-b. Illam noon cy I 3pm. £13 tor I'our weeks. Ilunteriaii Art Gallery. l'niyersity ol'(i|asgow. S3 Ililllicad Street. 33() 543 I. Ages 5 0. Saturday morning classes giy ing guidance on arts and design and drama. All materials proy ided.

The Saturday Drama Zone Sat I7 Feb c& Sat 34 Feb. I laiii lpiii. L5 I'oi' otie session £45 I'ot' Ieii sessions. (iiliiiorehill(il3. ‘I l'niy ersin A\enttc. 330 5533. Adyaiice booking required. Ages 8 I3. Deyeloping ci'eatiyity and imagination is the name ol' the game :tt this workshop series. Storytelling. itiiproy isation. perl‘oriiiancc skills and prop making are jttst some ot‘ the actiy'ities on oI'I'er where the emphasis is placed tirmly on haying Inn and making new friends.

Saturday Kids Club Sat I7 Feb.

I lam noon. £3. The Arches. 353 .-\t'g_\ le Street. (NIH 033 (Hill). Ages

7 I I. Photography \Vorkshop. Iixperiiiient using photography by getting snap happy around the Arches. Once the photo-taking is tinished. make your own yersioii ot' a Loiitowall. Space The Final Frontier Sai I7 Feb ck Sat 34 Feb. I.3t) 3.I5piii (Ages 4 ()l. 3.35 3.30pm (Ages 7 9) & 3.50 5pm (Ages ll) I3). L35 I'oi' Iiye weeks. The LighthoIIse. l I Mitchell Lane. 334 3()()(). An otit (it this world experience where children can create their own tttiiy'et'se tisiiig materials trom planet Iiarth.

Children's Activities Sun Ix Feb c‘e Stiii 35 Feb. Ipiii. Free. Borders Books. 383 Buchanan Street. 333 77()(). Ages 3 8. Weekly children's actiyitics III\()I\'iIIg dill‘erent themed :ii'ts. ci'al‘ts. storytelling and tun ey'ents. Sunday Workshops: Toddler's Time Sun Ib’ Feb ck Stiii 35 Feb.

L30» 3. l()pm. £3. The Lighthouse. ll Mitchell Lane. 334 3()()(). Ages 3 3. Workshops tor the little ones to dey'clop an awareness ol' architecture. 'I'oddlcrs can play with labi’ics. hear sotiiids and see colours changing. helping them to deyelop a sense (it si/e and scale.

Dilly Dali Stiii IX Feb & Stiii 35 Feb. 330 4.I5pm. £35 t'or six weeks. Art (iallery & Museum. Kely'ingroye. Argyle Street. 334 3()()(). Ages 3 (T. Fairy tales form the theme of this workshop term. ('reate a pull tip picture. explore design and line an. all with a healthy dose ol t'un. Sculptasaurus Mon 19 Feb. lt).3()am-- lpm (Ages 5~8) & l—3.3t)pm (Ages 8 I3). £3.50. llunterian Museum. L'niyersity Avenue. 330 433 l. Advance booking required. Help out on the 'dinodig' aitd then. using lots of imagination. create a dinosaur tisiiig clay.

Continued over page

IS Feb—I Mar 2001 THE LIST 93