
Products, fashion and style

The new layout will make you feel at home

Glasgow favourite makes a move

Flip has lost none of its appeal despite a change of location. Woros Eleanor McGlynn

hcrc's an ccricncss ahout (ilasgow's ()uccn Strcct at thc momcnt. ln lact. all that‘s missing is thc tumhlcwcctl. So what‘s going on'.’ \thrc l\ cy'cryonc'.’ As ol' Saturday 3 l‘chruary [VII/I. thc Quccn Strcct antl llltlL‘L‘tl (ilttsgoyy' stutlcnt clothing institution. lttl\ moyctl its prcmiscs away l‘rom thc morc traditional student shopping cnyirons ol' Argylc Strch antl rclocatctl to

Some of us spent most of our formative years in dodgy leather jackets and second hand jeans

Bath Sti'cct. lortuitously closc to the Buchanan (iallcrics. liyitlcntly thc Quccn Strcct building is to hc hulltlo/ctl to makc way l‘or yct anothcr shiny new hotel. So. in answcr to thc qucstion which was ccrtainly on

thc tip ol‘ my tonguc. no. thc moyc had nothing to tlt) with thc opcning ol‘ (‘ult Clothing. thc ncw stutlcnt clothcs shop in town. almost directly oppositc thc oltl l‘lip prcmiscs.

lntlcctl. thc moy‘c appcars to hayc hccn a prudent onc as law as I’lip is conccrnctl: it's thlilllllCly it casc ol. so litt' so good liot‘ tllc ncw location. The closc proximity to Buchanan Strcct. (ilztsgow'is most cxclusiyc shopping strcct will undouhtctlly hring new custom its way. As managcr Suc chwick puts it: ‘I think wc‘rc getting a lot ol’ pcoplc coming in thinking wc'rc a ncw shop'. Added to thc lact that thc ncw sitc is closer to both ol‘ the city ccntrc‘s two

uniycrsitics. l tlouht I’ll/IX ncw l'ormula could go too lar wrong.

But thcrc arc always thmc who lamcnt changc to any ‘oltl rcliahlc‘ likc /"/i/I (it \\;t\. al‘tcr all. a Quccn Strch rcsitlcnt lor IN ycarsz \tllllc ol' tl\ \pcnt most ol‘ our l'ormatiy c ycars in tlotlgy lcatltct'iackcts antl sccontl hantl icansl hut it‘s actually quitc surprising how similar thc ncw layout is to tltc oltl onc. It may hc a littlc harc at thc momcnt and thc stall ccrtainly \ccm youngcr than I rcmcmhcr hut it is. at thc cml ol' thc day. just I'll/I in anothcr location. x\lltl. in chwick\ own wortls: ‘l‘li/I‘s hccn going l‘or st) long that thc pcoplc who shop hcrc will shop hcrc no mattcr whcrc w c mm c to‘.

l-‘lippin‘ gootl llloy c. I say.


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102 THE LIST ' ’.‘ :'

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