nl Ihe Ill-s paxxengerx l)uim\ imi‘aculnux excapc ix Ihc caIal). xI lni Ihicc excnlx him and hix exlianged \x ile \uIlIe} Il’chI ic~ Ihmk Ihcii' impending xphI. eccculi'it aI‘I cnlleclni' and xullcici nl a IlchthaImg hiiIIlc hnnc cnndilinn ltlllali l’i‘icc IJackxnnI pexlei'x l)unn ahnul hix medical hIxIni'}; and l)unn\ \nii JIM-pl] ISpcncei' 'li‘caI ('laik. l.ll\L'\ llL'I'II \kIII'xlIlp II lllllL‘ IIIII lIIl'. ()llLL' again Sh}aiiialaii I [In XIII/i \('II\(‘I Iakex a pi'cpnxleinux xIni_\ lull nl ci'a/} Ie\elaIInnx and gi‘nimdx ll \i. iIh lmx kc} plnIImg and a xpaI‘c xI_\ lc. making a llnll}\\nnd hlnckhuxlei‘ m the xl} le nl an an linuxc lilmc .-\dam Snmh 'lhcaII'e. Ku‘kcald}.

Under The Bridges (Unter den Bracken) I l’( n O... Illelmul KauInei’. (ici‘inan). 1945i mmx, \ladc m Ihe laxl mnnIhx nl WWII. lilnung \xax ii.Ici'I'upIeIl hecauxe nl Allied hnmhmg, iel III/u I/I'n lirm AI'II Ix niie nl Ihe gi’caI ln\ e xlniicx m (iei'mau cinema and made \\ iIhnuI an) Iiace nl pi'npaganda \ i’cal miracle and ax a xmgulai cwnl m l‘l-.r\ lll\lUl'_\. ladinhmgh l‘lllII (iuild aI 'I‘hc l'lllllllIIIl\L'. Vertical Limit I III 0.. I.\lai'Im ('amphell. l‘S. ZIIIIIII ('hiix ( )'l)nimcll. Rnhiu 'l'uiuic}. Bill l’axInu. Ill mmx. lI'x \apid. \ei‘Iiginnux Ihrillx all Ihe \\a_\ up Ihix Inm Ihe anx mIIimlam-climhmg mnxic. Slill haunch h_\ Ihe deth nl hix lthcI' m a chmhmg accidcnl. (I'l)nune|l ix lni'ccd hack mIn ci'ampnnx \xhen hIx xIxIei' I'l'unne} l geIx hui’icd h} an a\alanche during an axxenI nl K2. :\ccnmpan} mg ()‘l)nnuell nu hix lnnlhai'd_\ I'excuc mixxinn ai‘c \xild—haired mnunlaiu man ScnII (ilenn and a l'cxx dixpnxahle cxli‘ax. ‘l’he clnck ix Iicking hecauxe Ihe} mIIxI reach Ihe xIranded chmhei'x l‘L‘lIIH‘ h} pnIhci'mia erx In. l’i'epnxlei'nux lIleI nl Ihe highexl ni'der. Ihix nc\ei'Ihclcxx hax iIx hi‘calhlexx. xeaI-gi‘ahhmg mnmenlx. Selecled i'eleaxe

La Vie De Jesus I lh'l 0.00 «III-um» l)umnnI. l‘i'ance. l‘)‘)7l ‘HI minx. l)umnnl\ inanellnux lilm axkx ux In xce \\ haI uneIIIpln} meal. in all iIx inanilexIaIinux. acIua|l_\ II ('I\ like. lI hax ax iIx lncux l\\L‘lll}- )car—nld l-i‘edd}. an epileplic In mg \\ iIh hix mum m Ihe xmall nni‘Ihern In“ ii nl' liailleul near l.i|le. There are \xnndei'lull) i'cndei'ed mnmenlx here Ihe \\ idexci'een \ ixIax nl' Ihe lII'IIIIIling \III'Il lIIIIlecapc. an L‘\[Illt‘li xC\lIIIl cncnunlei' ma licld qmlc ax hi'ethIaking ax an} m i'ccenl cinema The Lumiere. lidiiihiu'gh.

The Watcher« ISI .0 Ilne (‘hai'hanin [8. 3M)! I Keanu Rem ex. Jamex Spadei'. .\laI'ixa 'l'nmei. U7 mmx. Rem ex

pla) x xei‘ial killer in Ihix deri\aIi\e IIIn\ Ie ax a l'a\nur In (’hai'hanic. \xhn made xe\ei‘a| pnp prniunx l'ni' hix i‘nck hand. l)ng Slar. hill phnuex in hix pcrlnrmance. lnng-dixlance. ll} cnnIi‘axI, Spadei' and 'l‘nmei. ax a haunch c\—cnp and hix lnnel} xlu‘ink. add a human dimenxinii In Ihe hacknexcd xcenarin. \eIci'an cinemaIngraphei' Michael ('hapman I'IiIII' “HI ('1'. VII/Ir I'IllL'IIII'l'I'l aille llIIIlL‘xcl‘VL‘Il claxx In Ihe ell} xt‘apt‘x and II\ cl-Ilt‘xlgnul inIei'ini'x. huI (‘hai'hanic'x penchanl l‘nr .\l'li\7xl_\ lc lilaxhhackx and xhak_\ -cam killei“x-pninI-nl-xie\x xhnIx. merel) inducex lIL‘IIIlIIClIL‘\. SCL' l't‘\ i0“. (iL‘iICI‘gll I'L‘lL‘IhC. Water Drops On Burning Rocks (Gouttes D-eau Sur Pierres Brfilantes) I IS) 000. Ilirancmx ()Inn. France. IIIIIIII Bernard (iii'audeau. .\la|ik' /.idi. Anna 'l‘hnmxnn. XII minx. l’anmndern Hench prmncaleur()Inn adaplx Rainer \Vei‘ner l‘axxhinder unperl'nrmed pla}. (iiraudeau'x middle-aged manipulaIne xal) r. l.enpnld. xeducex Ihe )nthl'ul Xidi hel‘nre mm iug nnIn hix girll'i'iend. .-\ll Ihe iixual l‘axxhinderian muxical chairx. Ihen. ax penple pa} gamex \\ iIh nIhei'x' emnIinux. :\nd )el. \\ hen Ihe [it‘l'lill'lllt‘l'\ hreak min dance. and nl'l'er Iheii' perI huIIx in clnxe up. \\ L‘ liCL'l llIL‘ pl't‘xcnt‘c Ul an IIllIIgL‘llIL'I‘ dill‘erenl. mnre ewheranI IaIenI aI \\nrk. .-\ kind nl manic depi‘exxh e meeIing nl' tun mindx. \lacRnhei'I. SIirlmg.

The Way Of The Gun I lhl 0... I(‘hrixInpher .\lc(‘)uarrie. l'S. ZIIIIIII R)an l’hilippe. Benicin del 'l‘nrn. .lamex (am. 11‘) minx. l’arker Il’hilippcI and l.nnghaugh Idel 'l‘nrnI are a cnuple nl‘ drilIei'x \\ hn kidnap a hea\ il_\ pregnanI \xnman. Rnhin IJulieIIe l.t‘\\ ix I. \\ hn ix acIing ax a xurrngaIe mnIher l‘nr Ihe millinnaire l}cnnn. \\ hn pi'IIiiile}'

dixpalchex \eIei'an ‘adiudicaInr' Sarnn I(‘aan I. In i‘eIi‘ie\e Rnhm lrnm her capIni‘x .-\x Ihe kidnappei'x head dnxx n min \le\icn. Ihe xlagc ix er lni' a laIal xhnxxdnxxn. allnumg .\lc(‘)uarrie IxxriIci‘ nl l/u ('mul Sin/Irvin In l't'\t'.ll Ihe amhiguu} nl hix characIerx' mnIixaIinnx and Ihe (lect'pll‘-L'Iicxx IIl llIcII‘ pcrxnnal .IchIIlax l’cck’mpah appearx In he a kc} mlluencc. ()Ilenn. (ilang m.

What Women Want I III 000

I.\'anc_\ .\‘le) crx. [8. 20M I .\lel (iihxnn. Helen llunII l27 mmx. (iihxnn‘x dixnrced. pla}hn} ad\erIixIng e\ecuIi\e Ix a IexIanci'IInc-l'uelled chaux meI \xhnxe hiand nl’ IiIx 'n' axx ad campaignx ha\e lnng L'\L‘L'L'IlL‘Il illL‘lI‘ \L‘ll-l‘) IlIIIL' lllx cIIlleaII}. hnuexei‘. \xanIx In reach lemale cnnxumei'x and hax gixen Ihe Inp lnh In a \xnman

Illunl I Bul. lnlln\x mg an accidenl. Ihe c\ec \xakex up In dixcn\ er he'x ahle In hear \xnmen‘x unxpnken Ihnughlx. a gIlI \xhich xcni‘cx him hrnxxnie pnme all i'nund. (iihxnn Ixx mklex i'nguith} in Ihe lead mic and handlex Ihe lil.u‘x xcenex nl xci'eu hall larce \\ ell. Bill hc‘x leI dim n h} a lack nl ehemixli'} \\ iIh hix cn-xlai'. (ieneral i‘eleaxe. When The Sky Falls I ISI 0..

IJnhn .\l;ickeii/ie. l'K. ZIIIIIII Jnan Allen. l’aIi'ick liergin. llln minx. .\lacken/ie'x lacI-r haxed lilm paiqu a \ei'} dark picIure nl' Dublin: e\ ll gangxIerx. mmerick cnpx and ci'uxading inurnalixIx. The hack in queinnn ix Sinead llamilInn (In all InIenIx and purpnxex repaner Vernnica (iuerin I. \\ hn \xagex a war nl \xni‘dx agaiuxI Ihe cit} 'x drug harnnx. cnnxlanll} upping the xlakex dexpiIe heing IhreaIened. lIeaIcn and xhnI. I'liimaiel}. iI‘x Ihe Scnuixh directnr‘x gill l'ni' cinemalic \ inlence and Allcn'x cnmpelling prexence uhich elevate Ihe lilm ahn\e 'l'\' mn\ ie xIaqul The Lumiere. lidinhurgh.

Wild About Harry I lSI Il)eclan l.n\x ue)‘. Ireland. l‘)‘)‘)I Brendan (ileexnn. Amanda l)nnahne. Jamex Nexhil. ‘)l minx. Blackl} cnmic rnm-cnm ahnuI a cclehriI} TV ehel \x hnxe hnme lile ix ahnuI In implnde \xhen he'x mugged and \x'akcx up in hnxpiIal unahle In remember an) Ihing xince l‘)7-l. l’arI nl Ihe lrixh l‘ilm l‘einx‘al. 'l‘he Lumiere. lidinhurgh.

Women And Film See Rnugh culx. (II-'1‘. (ilaxgnii.

Wonder Boys I ISI 00.. ((‘urlix llanxnn. l'S. ZIIIIIII Michael l)nuglax. 'l‘nhe)‘ .\laguii'e. Rnhei‘l l)n\xne} Jr. l I l minx. (irth 'l‘ripp Il)nuglaxI. nne Iime celehraIed nn\elixI. nnu c)nical crealix'e uriling prnl‘exxnr ix having a rnugh \xeekend. llix Ihird \\ il’e hax juxI lel'I him. hix mixIrexx, uhn alxn happenx In he Ihe ('nllege ('hancellnr'x wile. ix pregnanI. manic deprexxiVe pupil Jamex |.eei‘ I .\laguii‘eI hax latched nnIn him and 'l‘i‘ipp'x perx‘erxe agenI. 'l‘err} ('rahIree (Dim ney JrI. ix cnming \x iIh Ihe xnle aim nl' prnnling 'l‘ripp'x IunliuixhedI new umel. l)nuglax ix a I‘e\'elaIiIIII in Ihix xnphixlicaled cnmcd} e\amining Ihe chanx ihaI enxuex \x'heu inlellecluall} inl'led li\'ex hegin In mnx'e nn again. Yet again llanxnn ll--l ('nnliI/ruliulI prnVex himxell‘ In he a d} namic lilmmak'er \\ iIh pnxxei‘lul l'eeling l‘nr pace. xI_\ Ie. rhylhm and l‘nrm. ()denn. (ilaxgnu. The Yards I 15) O... IJamex (ira). l'S. 200m Mark Wahlherg. Joaquin l’hneni\. lamex (‘aan. lln minx. l.en I\\‘ahlhergI ix juxI nuI nl prixnn and \xelcnmed hack inIn Ihe l'nld in hix nld neighhnurhnnd in Queenx. New ank. l.niiinme li‘iend Willie Il’hnenixI geIx uncle lirank I(‘aanI. \\hn \x'icldx influence in Ihe .\'e\x ank' ('iI} xuhua} )Ilrtlx. In gel Len a jnh. huI huxinexx ain't what iI uxed In he. Buxinexx ix pay-nl‘l'x. xahnIage and murder. and when I.en dnn'I play hall Ihix lime rnund he incurx Ihe wrth nl hix pnxxerl‘ul and cnrrupI l'amil}. A Inp claxx Ihriller IhaI‘x lexx ahnul chaxex and xhnnI-nqu. ianead draxx ing iIx Ihrillx and .xuxpenxe li'nm Ihe xhil'Iing lam”) allegiancex. l-‘l‘ll (’inema. l5alkirk.

A Year ‘Till Sunday I ISI Il’ai (‘nmeiz Ireland. 3(I(IIII 72 miux. 'l’hirI} )nung lrithen er nl‘l‘ nn a quexI l'nr l‘nnihall glnr}. and Ihix lilm l‘nllnux Ihem inIn training. nnIn Ihe pitch and hehind-Ihe-xcenex inIn Ihe drexxing rnnm. ParI nl' Ihe lrixh l-‘ilm l‘t‘xllle. The Lumiere. lidinhurgh.

Index Film


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