e e

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow Life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

National Bedtime Reading Week \‘t'aterstonc's. 153 157 Sauchiehall Street. 332 0105. A week long national campaign to highlight the importance o1 reading to children at home.

World BOOK Day ()tlakar's Bookstore. l'nit (i. Buchanan (ialleries. Buchanan Street. 353 1500.

9am 5.30pm. I-‘ree. ()ttakar's celebrate World Book Day w ilh a Storytelling Theatre event. Shop stall \\ ill be telling stories throughout the day l'or children ol all ages.

World Book Day Water-stone‘s.

15.3 I57 Sauchiehall Street. 332 9105. 7pm. I‘ree. Mike Watson MSI’ launches his recently published book Tear/('17). the lil'st insider's account ()1. the new Scottish l’arliatttent.

Book events

National Bedtime Reading Week \\'aterstone's. 15.3 157 Sauchiehall Street. 332 9105. See Thu 1.

CCA Book 8. Poster Sale (‘(‘.i\. McI.ellan (ialleries. 270 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7521. .\'oon~ (ipm. I-‘ree. ()ver 50 publications and posters trom the ('(‘x\ and Third liye ('entre on sale.


Careers Enterprise And Jobs 2001 Sli(‘(‘. 1'ililtic‘slon Quay. 0870 040-1000. I0am 4pm. l-‘ree. Plan the progression towards a dream career with the help oI' this exhibition.

Book events

Children’s Cookery Demonstration \Vaiersione‘s.

153 157 Sauchiehall Street. 332 9105.

l lam- 12.45pm. £12.99 inc signed copy oI' book. I’m Irvine demonstrates how easy it is to make tasty food for children. National Bedtime Reading Week Waterstone's. 153 157 Sauchiehall Street. 332 0105. See Thu 1.

CCA Book & Poster Sale (‘(‘.'\. Mc1.e11an (ialleries. 270 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7521. .Midday (rpm. I‘ree. See Fri 2.


Careers Enterprise And Jobs

2001 Sli('('. l"itiiiic‘stoii Quay. 0870 040 4000. 10am 4.30pm. Free. See Fri 2.


Homes Overseas Sli(‘(‘. l-‘inniesion Quay,08700404000. l0.30am 5.30pm. £2.50; children tree. ()w ning property abroad made easy.

Record 8. CD Fair Mitchell Theatre. (iranv ille Street. “1360-1-10 5-10. I0am-~5pm. £1. Music mayhem w ith thousands ol('1)s and records to rummage through and buy.

Young Horticulturist Of The Year Scottish Final (ilasgim Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 33-1 2422. 2pm. Free. Budding young hortictllltlt'ists compete lot a place in the national linals.


Rangers v Hearts [hi-ox Stadium. Iidmiston Drive. 0870 600 1903. 3pm. £22 (£10). llearts' record at lbrox has been pretty dismal in recent times and they’ll have to go some to avenge the 10 defeat they sull'ered in ('raig 1.evein‘s first game in charge against a team which ended tip with nine men on the park.

Book events

National Bedtime Reading Week Waterstone's. 153—157 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ‘)I05. See Thu l.


Let’s March (ilenill‘er Braes (‘ountry park. (ilenlield Road. Paisley. 884 379-1. 2pm. I-‘ree. Meet at (ilen Lodge Tor this hike to the highest point in the park.


Careers Enterprise And Jobs 2001 Sli(‘(‘. I’innieston Quay. 0870 040-1000. I0am~~l.30pm. Free. See Fri 2. Homes Overseas Sli(‘(‘. I-‘inniesion Quay, 0870 040 4000. 10.30am— 5pm. £2.50; children I'ree. Sec Sat 3.


Zipline Slide (‘hatelherault Country Park. (‘arlisle Road. Hamilton. 01698 426213. 10am—4pm. Sponsored zipline sliding high above (‘hatelherault with proceeds going towards RNIB.


Hex-Media The Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 0901 022 0300. 2pm. £1. Robin from Ilexstatie (.\'inja Tune) who began life as one half of (‘oldcut. gives a presentation on the current movements in VI (video jockey) culture.


Glasgow Hash House Harriers Various venues. 33-1 171 1. 7.30pm. Social jogging based on the hash and hound principal taking place every Monday evening from various pubs in the (ilasgow area. The trail is around three or four miles long and Hashers normally

‘INV ’- H‘ hill

INTE NATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY On Thursday 8 March women, children and some men will mark the progress that women have made in their fight for equality. It’s a fight that can be traced back as far as Ancient Greece. though the roots of International Women’s Day itself go back only a century to protests in the US over the appalling working conditions and wages of women in manufacturing, textiles and domestic industries. Following this, the first International Women’s Day was celebrated on 28 February 1909. By 1913, Copenhagen, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Russia had joined in. Other countries soon followed.

It may not be a recognised holiday

Zero tolerance of violence

in the UK, but the day is still celebrated by millions of women around the country. Glasgow is no exception. You can meet women from different cultures or celebrate with entertainment from female musicians and comedians. For those wanting to make more of an impact, there is a day of action to make a stand against those who exploit women around the world. ‘International Women’s Day has always been a chance for women to show international solidarity,’ says Judy Cox, the national organiser of Globalise Resistance. ‘Especially now the post-Seattle, no-Iogo generation are becoming active, it’s a brilliant chance to bring spirit to this event.’ The day also coincides with the recent launch of the new Zero Tolerance campaign by Glasgow Council and, for those who like a slight twist, there is a book event in which men will read from the work of Scottish female writers. However you choose to celebrate, it is a day that represents nine decades of women’s struggle for equality, justice, peace and development in the world. If that isn’t a reason to celebrate then I don’t know what is.

(Jane Hamilton)

I International Wo/iien's av. Thu 8 ftlai; narrows; ‘.’(,’i"tlt?‘i. ~:.'i'.‘;;:;,

linger in the pubs on their return to quench their thirst. This evening's trail begins at The Snal'lle Bit. Sauchiehall Street. nr Kelvingrove Park.


The Thumbnail Tiso (ilasgovv ()utdoor Iixperience. 50 (‘ouper Street. 'I‘ownhead. 55‘) 5-150. 7.30pm. £3. An illustrated lecture with (iareth Parry and Ian Parnell about the epic tale ol the lirst British expedition to the top of the 'I'humbnail. the world's largest seaclil'l‘.

Tuesday 6

Book events

Women Writers In Italy Raiiislioi-n Theatre. ()8 Ingram Street. 287 55] 1. 5pm. Free. Introduced by Sharon Wood and Letizia I’aniua. editors oI‘.-I History ()fll'mm'n 's ll'ri'tt'ng ((‘ambridge l'niversity Press). Dacia Maraini. one ol Italy's most famous writers. launches

her new book The I'i'u/iii (Arcadia Books).

Sauchiehall Street Reading Group \\'atersioiie‘s. 153 IS? Sauchiehall Street. 332 0105. Spin. Tree. The group w ill discuss Vladimir Nabokov .\ l,(I/llrl.


IEE Faraday Lectures Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 2S7 551 I. 10.30am. 2pm. 3pm. 1"ree but ticketed. ‘Beyond The Square Window a look at the changing lace ol lc1e\ ision. l‘ittt' tickets sclttl ttll S:\1‘. It) .\ll‘s Rose. Mill View Blyth Bridge. \Vest I.inton lillo 7I)(i.


Seeds And Cuttings Workshop (ilasgow Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireal Western Road. 334 2422. 2pm. £3 l'oi‘ non-members (£1.20 Ior ‘I'riends' l. The c\perts share their knowledge ol plant propagation.

Permanent attractions

Art Gallery 8. Museum, Kelvingrove Argyle Street. 287 2699. Mon—Thu 8. Sat 1flairi—Spn‘; Fri 8. Sun I tam—50m. Free. This fine example of Zate Victoria" arcmtecture IWOLlseS a CGIIYiéi'lef‘: collection of '.'.ork Rel‘lbra'lfli. Botticelli. Whistler and Cadeil. plus historical artefacts and animal displays.

86 THE LIST l—lf Mar 213;“.

Burrell Collection 2060 Pollokshaws Road. 287 25:30. Mon—Thu & Sat 10am—5pm: Fri 8. Sun

I tam—5pm. Free. Sir William Burrell's world famous collection of beautiful art objects from around the globe. h0used in an award-v-«iinning building.

Glasgow School of Art

The Mackintosh Gallery. 167 Renfrew Street. 353 .1500. Mon—Thu 10am— 6pm; Fri toam—Spm: Sat thin—noon. Charles Rennie MackintOSh'S

greatest achievement continues to intrigue and inspire Visitors from all over the world. Still a working art school. regular guided tours let yOu experience this famous and fasc:nating budding. Tours take place Mon-Fri 11am 8. 2pm. Sat 10.30am 8.

1 1.30am and cost <25 (‘23).

Hunterian Museum Universuy Avenue. 330 4221. Mon—Sat 9.30am—5pm. Free. Dating from 1807. the Hunterian IS Scotland's

Oldest public iixifatnir': a. lost its artwork; in 798’, Willi the ODOIIIIK} of tlir: purpose-built art gator, In the grounds. (Ali ‘2 .8 still home to a ’;’)li(:(;’.",". of the ‘.irii.'t:rsit,"s treasures.

Hutchesons’ Hall

1:38 Ingram Street. 8391. Mon—Sal. 10am—5pm. Free, B. it the phi antnrcpic Hutchesoi: brothers "a the 19th century. the hall has; recentl; been CC"?I)1‘.;I‘.:1, refurbished to gl‘.'€ a taste of its former glory, The site also includes a i‘;'l-"‘ii'ltll.‘:

(l‘i’lllx . () I’l. /1(»j;1rl, (ll/wi’

f'it;I./1i’:"’;'ig:' 1 Museum Of Transport Kain." Hat, 7 Buri‘it‘cmfi; Pearl. 2%7' 272’. I/I';i»~Tt1.i 9. Sat 1,);1'Vi_:Il/".i F-r‘ kl L) I, ‘T:.i"‘.—’lt,". Free. ’1 "titan-um ’,’;i" "‘0’: .‘Jl‘ill I/.TCS{:().1’5I"“,.;“:(:7i(}1'1‘5'>. ‘il‘lljf. a”) site." tiaraz,”~’;"=ai iz. ’I‘:.C":’l to true- J" six". 3‘ "fitter/ff P‘:”'.?:.’i‘;.".l writ, t7)",

l’lf: 811.95.; 11""; Or; The [Di/er C we. :: ‘arrjr; "aura: h, Dam: l/‘ir,Far.:;rrr,-; ‘,/'/a:/irig; Dwir. ar‘

i'l(.1'rlf,.‘.(,’ (,I, Iii/J.‘ {p11},