f . edinburghOIistcoMk ~

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Edinburgh Life listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Book events

World Book Day .'\\\t'llll‘l'\ Rootth. 54 (icorgc Str‘cct. 330 434‘). lllarn. l't‘cc. .lulia Donaldson. .-\rrdrc\\ \Volllc and I’m In nrc rcad lr'onr thcrr' book\ tor chrldrcrr. World 800k Day \Vatcrxtonc'x. (icorgc Strcct. 335 3-130 7pm. lircc. BBC l'orcign corrcxpondcrrt (im in Hcll lattnchcs Sonn'n‘ln'rv (NH 7711' It’tlrIr/rrm' tl.ittlc Broan HUM. an account ol' his tra\cl\ around South ;\lr'ica.

In Search of Scotland .l.llllt'\ 'l'lrrrr. 53 5‘) Sotrth liridgc. (r33 S333. 7pm. l'rcc. l'iiorra Watson and :\lc\ \Vooll' gi\ c a talk on thc TV \crics In Sum Ir ()1 Slot/urn]. Out Loud .-\tlrlctic :\l'lll\. .'\nglc l’ar'k 'l‘crracc. 337 3833. 7.30pm. L'l. .\lorrtlrl} opcn mic night ol' poctr'). proxc and \ong. ('ontact \tords (I outloud.or'g.uk


Dante And The Defence Of Early Poetic Theory Italian (‘ulltrr‘al lllstiltllc. S3 Nicolxon Slrcct. («is 33 33. (rpm. l’rol' RDS .Iack ar'gucx thc caxc l‘or' ('lrrixtiarr-llurrrarrrst thought,

The Human Genome Project Ro)al Muscum. 3 ('Iranrbt-rx Strcct. 33H

1 I55. (r3llpnr. £3 or lrcc on night. l’r'olcsxor Nicholas llaxtic dcbalcx lhc moral and mcdical lxstlt‘s rclalcd to thc lirral \cqucncirrg oi thc lnrrrran gcllotttc. RIAS Lecture 2001 RIAS (iallct'). l5 Rulland Squarc. 33‘) 7545. 7pm. £3. l’r'olcxxor Richard \VL‘SlUll on low l't/on. architch ol‘ lhc S)drrc_\ ()pcra llouxc


Popular Observing Raul ()bsct'ntlor) Visitor (critic. Blacklord Hill. (>68 8-105. 7.30pm. L'l. Vic“ Saturn \\ ith its rings and Jupitcr' and lls moons.

Book events

World Book Day Jarrrcs 'l‘hirr. 53 5‘) South Bridgc. (r33 S333. llanr 4pm. l‘rcc. liilccrr l’atcrxorr lL'll\ \lttl'lc\ littl‘ tlrc tnrdcr ciglrtx hour I lam. ()ldcr' clrildrcn xx ill bc cntcrtaincd b} i'uf lhurv’ author Jonathan .\lcrc\.


Edinburgh Naturist Swimming Club (ilcnoglc Su irn (‘crrtrc. (ilcttoglc Road. Stockbridgc. 07380 (rlSll73.

‘) lllpm. £3.50 £4.50. Mcmbcrx ol‘ rccogniscd naturist clubs can takc part in lidirrbtn‘gh's lit‘sl naturixt x“ im and \illllltt cltrb in a public swimming pool. Norr- trrcrrrbcrs can bring along ll) \ltou irrg pr'ool‘ ol‘ agc and ttddl‘L‘ss. or r'cgistcr at crrsc3()()l (0‘ hotrrrail.com


William Playfair: How To Make A Silk Purse! \atronal (iallcr) ol Scotlandlhc .\lound.o3-1lr3t)tl_ l3.45prrr. l'rcc. \Vith \rck Hrrdglarrd.


Play Making: Writing Drama \ctlrcrbou ;\rt\ (critic. J3 45 lll:_'lr Str'ccl. 55!» “570/3047. 3 -i.,3llprrr Ur ti—lr pcr \xorkslrop; {3” t L‘ I 5t lor \crrc\ |)ona|d ('ampbcll lcadx a \crics ol' l'otn' \\trr'k\llt)p\ (Ill pla} \\ l'lllllg.

Book events

The Life And Times Of Inspector Rebus ('crrtral libr'ar). (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 335 553-1.

lll.3llanr |3.3l)prn. £3. liollou irr tlrc lool\lcp\ ol lan Rarrkrn's dctcctiw on lllls \xalking tour arotnrd St l.corrard\. Salisbur} ('rags and Marchmorrl. l’url of .l I'k'slir‘u/ ()I'Sr'uHh/r ll'rilnru.


Scottish Alternative Health Exhibition :\\\cnrbl} Roorrrx. 5-1 (icot'gc Strccl. 33” ‘13-1‘). Illam (rltttl. Li t [3.5” Ur. l.ccttrr'c\, \\ttt‘k\llttp\ and o\ L‘t' lllll \lttltdx


March And Rally For Palestinian Rights ('rl_\ ('cntrc.-l-17 WM. llanr. 'l'lrc Scottrxlr l’;tlc\llllc Sulltlal'll} ('arnpaign prolcxtx agarrrxt lltc lxraclr gmcr'rrnrcrrt, lhc march bcginx in l'.a\l Markct Strcct. rnox irrg to lhc tall} in thc \lt'llltttllsl (’cltlt‘al llélll. 'ltlllL'l'trss.


Bank Of Scotland National Junior Championships

.\lcado\\ litttlk Spoils ('crrlr‘c. l 3‘) l .ttlldoll Road. (ml 535l. [l t5llp). Badminton tournarrrcrrt to cxtablixlr thc undcr

l3/I 7/3! Scottish National ('hanrpiorrx.


Clowning Skills Workshop \clllcl'litm :\l‘l\ ('cntl'c. 43 45 High Strcct. 55o 0579/3647. llanr l3.3()prn. {—1. .-\gc\ l3+ and tltllllls. \Vitlr Rol) Barn.


Scottish Alternative Health Exhibition .-\\\cmbl} Roonrx. 54 (‘rcorgc Strccl. 330-1349. l Iarrr (rpm. [4 to (£3.50 Ht. Scc Sat 3.

Indian Earthquake Appeal lhc Yoga ('cntrc. l .\lcado\\ l’lacc. 33! 9007. Noon (rpm. Suggcxtcd minimum donation ol' Ur. Support lhc Indian liar'thquakc appcal \xlrilc taking part in )oga claxxcs. Absolutc bcgirrrrcrx Clilxx tl3.3(lpmi; \ilcnt rrrcditatiorr t4.l5pm r.


Bank Of Scotland National Junior Championships

\lcadoxxbarrk Sports (critic. l 3" l orrdorr Road. (rtrl 5 351 {I t5ltpr Scc Sat 3 Hibernian v Motherwell l‘a\lcr Road. l3 \lbrorr l’lacc. (ml 153.5 (rll5pnr {l5 {IS «Lilli. -\lc\ .\lcl crsh \\clcolltc\ Ins torrnct tcarrr to lzdrnburgh \\ rth a proud lrorrrc I'ccord to dctcnd and a ('lrarrrprorrx lcaguc placc to tight tor

Book events

Women Writers In Italy ll.tll;tll ('ultural ll‘.\llltllc. S3 \rcolxorr Strcct. Nth 3333. (rpm. l‘rcc. lrrtroduccd b} Sharon Wood and |.ctr/ra l’arriHa. Dacia \lararnr. onc ol llal} \ tttosl tamou\ \xrrtcrx. Iauuchcx I’lrt' l'ro/nr. Robin Jenkins ('cutral l.rbrar'_\. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 335 5584. " 8.30pm. .-\cclaimcd rro\clr\t dixcuxxcx hix \xot‘k. ’url of .‘i l'('\lll'(1/ ()1 Sumo/r ll'r‘rlrnz.


Polke And Contemporary German Art National (iallcr) ol Modcrrt .«\rt. liL‘llytll'tl Road. (‘34 03””. l3.45plll. l‘ir'cc. Sand} Moi-lat l'rom (ilaxgtm School ol‘.-\rt on Sigrnar l’olkc.


Writing Features For Radio l-‘ountainbridgc librar}. Duridcc Strch 53‘) 5(rlo. (r Spur. l‘rcc. l)a\ c liachclor on radio l'caturc \\ rrtirrg.

Tuesday 6

Book events

lsla Dewar l’ortobcllo l.rbr'ar_\. H Rowlicld :\\clltlc. l’ol'loltclltt. 53‘) 5553. (r31) Spur. l‘rcc. but trckctcd. lhc popular lidnrburgh author ol A't'r'prng I [r It'll/r Hum/rt t l lcadlirrc UrU‘h. l’rrrl o/ .l I'mlrrtr/ ()1 Sr oHn/r ll'rillng.

Hyde & Seek - Stevenson’s Influence On Contemporary Scottish Crime Writers Ncutnglorr libr'ar'}. l7 3| l‘otlrrlailrlrall Road. 53‘) 553(r. 7pm. l‘rcc. John Skrmrcr tll\cll\\c\ lhc \rnrilariticx bcl\\ccrr Stcwrrxon arrd currcnt \xritcrx. l’ur/ of .l l't'xrim/ (H Sr‘olllx/r ll'rrling.


Edinburgh Midweek Group Various \crrucx. 333 S7tltl, 0.30am. llclp lt’l‘('\' Scotland \\ itlr uork at thc llcrrrrrlagc \\ rtlr ('li(' Rarrgcrx. .\lcct at \\';r\crlc} Bridgc.


A Presentation Sword Ro}al .\lu\cunr. 3 ('hambcrx Strcct. 3.17 »l3l‘). lpm. £3 H; I .50); childrcrr trrrdcr |.\’ l'r'cc. .\lar'k ltlllcs on this rar‘c muscum prccc. Talking National: Inventing Scotland thhcrboxt .r\rt\ ('cnlrc. 43 ~15 High Strccl. 550 9579/3047. 3 3pm. lir'cc. l)orra|d Slltllll gi\c\ a lccttrrc lol‘ [how ltt\ol\ cd in \ ixitor' guiding or \\ ho ha\ c an tttlcl'csl in Scollislr politics and \lor'} lcllrtlg. Transforming Scotland: Women, Power And Place ('ctrtt'c l'iot' llurrratr licolog}. l3 Roscncatlr l’lacc. (r34 l‘)73. 030an {3.5” MOSH). ('lll'. lclltm \cl‘cllc \lL‘Ultls on uotrtcn\ capabilrt} to bring about charrgc in thc comnrunit).


Writing Plays: Theme Communication ('crrtral l rl‘r‘at'}. (icorgc l\ ltr’rdgc. 335 55S~1 o Spur. l rcc \\ rtlr lorrr .\lc(irallr

Wednesday 7

Book events

European Encounters 3 Scottish l’oclr} l.rbr.n_\. 5 ('trchtorr'x ('Imc. ('arrorrgatc. 55” 3STo o It) Shim” l'rcc. lx’cadrrrg b} \uxtrrarr poctx Raoul Schrott and l:\c|_\n Schlag.

Mike Watson .l.llllk'\ Him. 53 5" South lirrdgc. (r33 S333. ‘pnr. l‘rcc. \lSl’ \lrkc \\.l'\ttll laurrclrcx hrs book

)1 (H /( ro. tlrc lust rrr\rdcr'\ \ rc\\ ol tlrc Scottrslr l’arlranrcnt.

Andrew Greig lilacklrall l.tltl';tl"\. 5t» llillhouxc Road. 53‘) 5505. 73pm. lircc. but trckctcd. 'l'hc author ol Ipln {In limr: .l .ilor/t'rn Ronni/rm rcads Horn .1 \clcctrotr ot hrs poctr_\ .urd no\cl\ I’trrr o/ .\ It \lrrrr/ ()1 St ulln/t ll III/nu. Matthew Fitt ('crrtr‘al librar}. (icorgc l\' liridgc. 335 55S-1.

7. l 5 S.3llprrr. l’r'cc. btrt tickctcd. Rcading lt‘olrr hix \ci ti book lr’nl .\‘ Hm .l (in (in. thc author drxcuxscs lhc l'uturc ol llrc Scots lorrgttc. ’41"! u/ .l I't'xlir'trl ()7 St'ullr\/r ll'rrlurg.

Stewart Conn Stockbr'rdgc l rlrrarv llarrriltorr |’lacc. 53‘) 5005. 3prrr l'rcc. but tickctcd. ()n ‘poctr_\ and bclorrgnrg'. I’ll/1 u/ .l l't'\lll (1/ ()1 St HUM/l ll'I'I'II'IIg.


Edinburgh Midweek Group \arroux \crrucx. 333 SWN), t), 30am. Scc luc (r.


The Interfaith Association ()PL‘II l)oor. -l3ll .\lorrrrng\idc Road. ll? U757. Ill.3llarrr. L'Ifl‘lrc Rm l’l'ttlcssor l'r'arrk Whaling gin-s a talk.

Carlyle Centenaries \ttlroltttl l’orlrait (iallcr_\. 1 Uncut Str'ccl. (r3-l (r3lll). l3.—l5prrr. l'rcc. l’l‘ttlt‘\\ttl' lan ('arnpbcll on 'l'lrorrrax ('arl} lc.

Thursday 8


Edinburgh Midweek Group Various \cnucx. 333 S7lll). 0.30am. Scc 'I‘uc o.


Women And Power: International Women’s Day Conference lidrnburgh ('it_\ ('Iranrbcrx. llrglr Str'cct. 337 5-1-43. 9. l 5am --1.3l)pm.Ullt£5)..r\da}ol talks and tllst'llsslttlh.


Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis l2dirr|rurglr \cdrc ('crrtr‘c. -l \cht \cuinglorr l’lacc. (ms lo-l‘). Spin. £5. \aid}a (i;tllc\lt;t l’utlnr .\ll) on \cdic routinc. dicl. drgcstron and rrutrrtion.

A Citizens’ Theatre In 2001 Royrl .\lu\currr. 3 ('harnbcrx Strccl. 3-17 43W. o.3llpnr. £3 (£3 l. (iilcx lla\crgal on thc l'uturc ol' llrc (‘it/. Scc pancl.

Permanent attractions

Craigmillar Castle Crargrrrrllar Castle Road. (361 4-1453. Morr Wort S Sat 9.30am ~-'.prrr; Thu 9.1%Oarrr-troorr t()lost:<l rm. Srrrr 2~~1prrr 5‘1 .80

(3‘1 130); clrrltlrorr 75%;). Not titrrto as Intact as Edinburgh Castle. but far more atmospheric and the scene 01 much plotting.

88 THE LIST '; 7:3 Mr .’.

Edinburgh Castle Castlohrll. 22:") 98.16. [)arl; S).LS()arrr~:3prrr, 5‘; tSQ—S‘f‘w. Attractions |lt(2ltl(l(} \Jarrros IV's tarrrotrs (tarrrrorr, Mons Mott. the One O'Clock Gtrrr ‘.‘.’|lll its own exhibition, lots of rrrrlrtar‘; sri\.or‘.'.'ar<> Eilltl, of course. ltrt= Storm Of Destroy. Edinburgh Zoo (Io'storpirrrroRoad.313-1 til [7, Daily Siarr‘. Sprr‘, E‘i' 321 5‘5»; tarrrrl; trtrkot

SYN s‘:}.1.:’so, \"‘.t(l(?i‘. accot‘ttxi as one of Yllt’f

iil‘t?i$l .r’t‘los rrr Britain.

there's plorrt; hurt: tr; Villllt,‘ aux/a1. arr atturrrocrr. or (EYUH a y‘xtrrrit: Ila; !l ‘,’,'.l takt: ,«otrr lilllt;. 'llrt; rrt2‘.'./l‘,’-t)trrlt Ail'ltlilll plains afford a tarrtastrr: View of llit: (:rty.

Gorgie City Farm

51 Gorgrt: Road. l 37 .1202. Daily 9.13‘Uarrr-"t.fitlprrx Free

Bringing (,‘otrrrtr‘,’ lrtt: to tiv:

heart of the <::t,. this working farm houses a host of farrrz‘,arrl arrrrrzals including ponies. pigs and goats.

Midlothian Ski Centre Burt/tar Hoar}. ilrllt:."rl, #1") -1-1’t53.lt/10rt ir’r

7!.Tiirarri 9pm. Sat 5". Stir. 0.30am» i'prrr, 315.1% for a not: llUtll’ session I’trrrrr‘:r 19‘1‘;531..”t)t.ltrr'wlfl/s ltilltyrfil ar’trt",rai ski slow: rs; trrt; {writ/2 pram,- to roam Gr lrorrt; ‘;i<l|ll(} arvl 5,rru.'.'i)'rar'rlrrr:; skills. Motrrrtarr: takers can tak‘: ttrt: ’jllirltllil baton: unto/mt; Irv,- HUN {L’Nirr‘ (1(,.'.'rrlrrllrrwrrrtarohrkw trail.

Museum Of Scotland (Jl‘arr l)‘:.'", Sfruut, Q-‘u' -1I’7’9.l\/l';'r 8er anrrr—r’rprr ; Stir.

rroorr ’rprr. irrt:

than, taprrp $11,191.50); (,l‘rlltll‘fll llll’l‘fl i'rj true. l)‘:‘.";l‘:’l Wilhl,’ i”) lll‘: rastur‘, arrrl trurrtary: of Shotlarrrl. tlrt: l)tl|l(llll(} ’Ul‘riétlll‘; fm: thorrratrrgall,/- armory/l t:xlrrrrrtrorrs_ rrronrv; irorr‘ gm; history, ttxrr/trr/rlr titr: Irtrltrstrra! Hoxdutr'rrr, to the present
