Kill. all hippies

obvious, but the protest g movement is alive and well.

Top five films-oi all time:

Byway "ecu: technical E And don’t let the Woodstock manager/head of projection ; generation tell you otherwise. I .Ta_t_t_tle_gg’.gl_a_s_g_9!v;____ ,__ Words: Paul Dale ; 1 Quiet Man The Irish , I I I ' countryside the colour that big ; Indifference and political indolence have ' ' i never been so unfashionable; Big Issue

' n f r , hn .. . .. .. .. . flgma d' O COU 88 J0 Benefit Concerts. l‘ree Tibet (Jigs. Reclaim

wayne' I I t The Street days out are just a small example of ' 2 Planet Of The Apes Th'S '3 my the happenings that lie ahead this year. And on favourite sci/ii film. What an - a quiet day. you can always check out the new ending. Protest Song Archive at Caledonian University 3 Blazing Saddles Mel Brooks . “i Gust—"W . . comedy at its best Over the i I But what s point when your attempts at top Great societal compassion are always gonna be made The Nike/Gap Protest in London _ _ I to look like sand In the Wind by cantankerous as part of International Women's 4 Jo'son Story Al JOISOn 3 “f9 ()Os protest veterans - Duncan McMoonchild. 0‘” Thu'SdaY 3 Mam“ with great songs. Would love to ; Mary. Mungo and Midge and their see it on the big screen. I interminable tales of the ()8 uprisings and the seems the cool thing to do. But for the 5 Cinema Paradiso Life as a apathetic state of today‘s youth‘.’ majority. the aim is to make things better for

The modern protest movement at least has a the international brood and not just for some far more salient and intelligent agenda bible in ()zzic Clarke besttited Highgnte collective who Naomi Klein's N0 Logo than the spoutings ()I want to spend the rest of their time quuffing

cinema projectionist. Where did l ' acid casualties such as Timothy Leary and Ken Chardonnth and necking Qualludes. .

I go wrong?

Kcscy. 0K. 30 it” Klein is really (it)ng is The modern protest movement is cross— updating certain texts by the great Noam generational. cross-class. cross-race and cross- Chomsky but nobody bothered reading him the gender and healthier than it has ever been. In i ; first time round. so why not? its non-violent form there is no stronger voice i Tht‘ 60$ COUHICF Cllllurc movcmcm had the of decent in the face of global corporate greed. i advantage of being a reaction to some Advances in technology have rewarded the g humungous universal themes war. sexual dedicated old-time campaigners and allowed i freedom and equal rights undoubtedly vital them to reach beyond the boundaries of their 1 humanitarian matters. but how did these communities. And yet still. certain riot police l I

are not accountable.

A , I The modem DrOieSi movement is 0088‘ The two most important bands

Funk northern soui generational, cross-Class, cross—race and of the l99()s. Radiohead and Rage fusion legend and godaike ; cross-gender and healthier than it has Against The Machine. have let it - ever been be known that they know the

gemus' TERRY CALLIER’ i 7 writing is on the wall and it sure lists his top five musical 3 radicals organise their demonstrations‘.’ By doesn‘t say ‘Abby Hoffman was ‘ere'. With a heroes and heroines. T going all partisan on everyone‘s arse; feminists communal law to classify protesters as 1 John Coltrane I would Imarch alone. as would gay-libecrs. atIIid terrorists to pass through parIliamentIlaterI this 2 Miles Davis I freaks and the sons Oi Sam. Go to any modern year, these are going to be interesting times

rally and you will see unity in the face of tar that may Just change the way we view our

3RaYCharIes imore mundane issues. though no less abused environs,

5 Billy Houiday and Hank brand monopolies and Third World debts. ‘Steal This Book‘ or make the Pentagon float. Williams It's a toss up between 7 A5 with a” quasi-political events. me tell him to go to . . . erm . . . Starbucks. these ton j ground wrll always be swarming wrth decrepit I style-wankers who are there only because it Disagree? react@|i8t-CO-uk

i l I l 4Aretha Franklin 1 5 important: the IMF. sweatshop exploitation. So next time an old hippie tells you to

Mirror’s Edge Tramway. Glasgow

Susan Roddy Lucy Mig

Arty type Amst Worker Promoter Impresswe. It i iike the show. It It's genius. It IS Over all

looks qurte IS a fantastic rocking. i like the stunning but tame. A classic build It's great wait .‘u’lill the usual group show to see a range of construction. few 'head up but not enough . work from their arse' beer. " around the pieces,


8 THE LIST 15—29 Mar 2001