V I saw you behind the bar ((1 Del's. Yott dark hair with seductiy'e dark eyes. ()ur ga/e met when yott sery'ed me twice! I was with l‘riettds. stttilittg like a tool. And asked yott your age. ('an l buy you a drink'.’ Box No ['/409/l.

VI saw you Mr Battd . . . l (' [F Baby . . . all over tlte Place . . . l’ruitlly (0 The Arches is One attd A['RAl.l. is 'l‘wo. . . will I be 'l'hree'.’ ('all me it [' tteed a Dance Partner! Box .\'o [7409/2.

V I saw you we Drank Champagne. a Proposal. then to Mao tor Dimter! The Night ettded bttt did we'.’ l’low‘ers itt tlte Morning. Yott ntet tlte Man bttt hay'e [.7 got tlte courage of yottr cotly‘ictions'.’ Box No [.7409/3.

V I saw you Disco ltere attd Disco there?! We got A[,’RAI.l.Y l"ixated at Mas last Sunday . . . wattt to do it again'.’ Call Me . . . law Mr Bond!! Box No [7409/4.

V I saw you tltat gold dress was just dey'ine . . . yott shook your tltittg attd I offered mine . . . Ms Stern. pttt me under your spell agaitt. else whip me soundly! See [' on l7th . . . l‘renchy'.’ x Box .\'o [7/409/5. V I saw you Mark Moore is playing at next Fruittly bttt R we‘.".’ See [' in tlte corridor at lattt on l7th to lind ottt il' [7 have what it takes! (iet Down Baby »- The Magician! x Box No [.‘/409/(i.

V I saw you First [' were Wilde & ttow your Rubi‘.’ Out of this World Wli don't give a Scooby! (‘ [F At l"R['l'l‘l‘l.Y attd lets Party all night (‘ause Being with [7 is ALWAYS Just rigltt!' Disco bttnny! xx Box No [7409/7.

V I saw you Princess Barbara! What a glamour pttss U R! We got Al'RALI. at MAS last Sunday! Let's do it liVliRY Week!!! (‘all me when [' catt!! law The Man iii the Hat! Box No [.7/409/8.

VI saw you ya sexy thing! How's about arranging your friend to nearly knock me down again so that we cart meet again on a Wednesday at the Garage? Box No [.7409/9.

V I saw you across my desk and wearing Very little itt my bed attd still no one knows . . . Box No L’/409/l0.

VI saw you well William. are'nt L' the gorgeous one! Yott got mental. attd I fell madly itt loy'e! Role on next Fruittly! We'll shake Our Strawberry"s on l7th lylarelt'TP'? Box No

[7409/1 l.

V I saw you Michael in Mc('huills Way Out West on liriday 23 February. I danced. you watched. we chatted. catt yott tattte this wild ('at'.’ l lel't before I could get your number. an opportunity missed‘.’ I hope not. get in touch. Box No

l 7409/] 2.

V I saw you (ieorgette. and now l see the whole world differently. I low you for that. Bo\ .\'o ['/4ll9/l 3.

V I saw you linance man (Pauli itt the (iarage on 2/3/0l. l was the one that ttsed you. lost you at the end ol the night. liancy checking ottt my linances'.’ ('herry pie l.ortta X Box No ['/409/l4.

V I saw you second try. saw you tttost recently itt Polo attd on ('athcart (’ircle wearing a llealtltlattd lleece ll think l. You wear a ring. I know you're gay bttt are you single'.’ l'ttt tall iii a sttit. Doesn't tell you tttttelt bttt gel in touch. Box No ['/4(l9/l5. VI saw you itt your llat. ('an I be )our soulmate'.’ Yott are a (iemini l attt a Scorpio. What a difference! Do you want to see my sting'.’ R+(i or (i+R! Box .\'o ['/409/l(i.

V I saw you beautil'ttl girl with short blottd hair (purple attd pink at back) You seemed happy bttt there is sadness itt me and l think also in you. Box No [7409/l 7.

V I saw you Mary'in the Martian working behind bar (0 Leonardo's Byre's Road. Yott. one very sexy boy. d'y'a l'ancy your toes tickled'.’ Box No [7409/18.

V I saw you itt 'l'indet'box. sexy shay-ed head gtty with the massiy'e packet. laptop attd l'tlolax. You have a lab arse itt those jeans. (‘an I get my ltattds on it'.’ Box No ['/409/l9.

V I saw you Bar Soba is where we met. [7 smiled attd I bought [' a drink. We shall do it again at l’Rl'l'l‘Y oit l7th. ('all ttte be 4 il‘ [' R interested! Box No [7409/20.

V I saw you sexy posh spice lookylike 'strutting' your stuff in Virgin Megastore. Your Beckham is waiting to hear your sweet music! Box .\'o [7409/2l. V I saw you jo--yhead. squidl‘ace. ploppy' ptttttp pants. pumpkinhead. captain c--kt'ace. u bttrtt't ttta I love you heaps. Box .\'() [.7409/22.

V I saw you getting thrown ottt ot' the Polo Lounge darlin'. llow's about doing my nails‘.’ l wattt the whorey look. It might help you pay the bills! Box No [7409/23.

V I saw you Jamie . . . why do you haunt (ilasgow'? We c u attd wonder‘.’ Try being nicer maybe we will let you try some ol'our cake! Get with it sister! Box No ['/409/24.

VI saw you (iary ll. ttt MtKS w itlt (‘hristme lust betore ('hristmas. he lost your new number attd I really need to sing!! Please get itt touch. thanks Stepltett. Bo\ No [7409/25.

V I saw you Wimbledon's tinest. itt my pyjamas speaking l'lttent Spanish attd then Swedish. You're a treasure attd l t'elally dig you. l’rost! Bo\ No {7409/20

VI saw you (’ t'.’t. ill the bull. l’ri -3 lieb with long Black hair. blue scart' attd linglish friends. In grcett \' ittmper l dattced. We glattced. 'l'llls ls rotttancc. Box No [7409/22.

V I saw you on l‘riday lo l‘ebruary. (ilasgow to .-\y r traitt 9pm. [' dark haired gtty 20s. ttte similar. [' got oil at ls'ilwittnittg. liancy a drittk'.’ Bo\ .\'o [7409/28.

VI saw you (iillian leaying the office with your llowers itt your hand attd your folder uttder your arm. All the best for the future we'll all miss you. Box .\'o [7409/29.

V I saw you itt Borders on 23 Feb. You pony tailed wise guy assistant. Me dark and curly. couldtt't find my way. You showed me tlte door! Maybe we could get lost in there together'.’ Box No [7409/30.

V I saw you ()liyia in \y'axy's 24/2 with your gorgeous smile and mice that could melt chocolate. Me tall . brown hair. glasses. l liorgot I like coke itt my Spiced Rttttt. liancy a drink sometime‘.’ Box .\'o [7409/3]. V I saw you (‘onnie volunteering oy er llogtttattay. It was so busy I couldn't see the Forrest lor the trees. Wondering it you wanted to meet agaitt'.’ M. Box No [7409/32.

V I saw you Lonely llorse seeks Perl'ect Pig lost her In the lield (Battlelieldl. Bad case ol‘ loot itt mouth (sic). now all cured bttt pinning. (‘an barely trot w itltout you. needs to gallop again! Please call me for St. Patrick's Day treat. loy e and miss you! Box No ['/409/33.

V I saw you Saturday 24 February (0 Petrol Statiott on motorway t‘rom lidittbttrgh - (ilasgow. tjttst outside lidinburghl. l was haying problems with the water hose bttt you showed ttte where to pttt it attd how to ttse it. We ttey er spoke much bttt you looked really nice. I was dressed itt combat at so was my l‘riend. You ttsed the hose alter ttte. would you like ttte to help you with it‘.’ Would like to talk more. ltow about it'.’ Box .\'o [7409/34.

V I saw you in Bristol 3 .March. Well I almost did. You are still ‘top girl'. Keep sparkling. honey. Box No [7409/35.

V I saw you Audrey ll. attd l can't stop thittktttg about you. See you at (others tn May" Seymour. Box No [7409 3b.

V I saw you trottt an Angle. l'tn ttot sure I layoured. 'l‘he ['tty boasts many tine beauticians. try one lot the loy e oi (ittd. then call me! Bo\ \o l' 409 3'.

VI saw you building a snowman itt ls'elyingroye. 'l‘wo cherry 's lor eyes. a carrot tor a nose. Want ttte to show you where the cucumber goesl’ Your roots & truits lo\er. Bo\ \o [7’409/38.

V I saw you in the (it' diguised as a side ol mutton. You're \ery clteeky. how would you like ttte to spit roast you. you mitts. Bo\ .\'o [7409/‘s9, V I saw you frolicking gracel'ully in the snow behind Brel with your shiny shorts attd your \aseline. You \iolatetl ttte w itlt a snowball attd I got wet. Wottld like to get wet again! Bo\ No [7409/40.

V I saw you Mce/ye. bttt ttot tor tttttclt longer eh! l'll tttiss you loads. l'injoy the big smoke. Miltg. Bo\ .\'o ['/409/4l.

V I saw you iii The Iron. You asked ttte to The Victoria Bar. I couldn't go. was w itlt a triend. Bo\ No [7409/42.

V I saw you at ‘l‘ron. alter the show 24 l'ebl'tlitl'}. itt black. Piercing eyes & a soull'ttl smile. l'ttt sultry. spicy & waiting lol' you to know ttte. Bo\ No [7409/43.

V I saw you your third lag burn you big sexy ltaliatt. sexy third nipple. Bo\ .\'o [7409/44. V I saw you late at Iron 24. Tina. Be my dawg lose the three w eirdo's (irrr. ['R the only l‘l) up mind 4 ttte. (irrrr woool'. Box No [7409/45.

V I saw you Julie'.’ 'l'ron Saturday. lose Donald. be mine. I'll bring the yogltttrt. Bo\ .\'o ['/409/4(i.

VI saw you black attd white markings. your tail looked itt my direction. I could almost pictttre you're black littry lid. I think I low you. Box .\'o [7409/47.

V I saw you Doggy man! I luv your doggy smell & your 'grrr'. Please be mine l'nt nothing without you. l.o\ e 'l'itta xxx Box .\'o [7409/48.

V I saw you l-‘red'.’ 'l‘ron Boss you my Tony Blair. ttte your (‘abittet member. call tue. Mtnttt

xx Box No [7409/49.

V I saw you llatne haired Jehoyah at the Vigorous Lime Qui/ ol'joy at ('urlers on Sunday you burn ttte up. Box No [7409/50.

V I saw you just about eyery'day . . . you're flatulence is a problem. bttt l do like you tttelly moo Box .\'o [7409/5l. V I saw you nitty hunter. you made me smile. I miss you . . . Hope llettylattd will be good to .“ott'.".".’ iox .\'o [7409/52.


V I saw you playing sa\ tn Borders on l5riday. 'l'lttnk we can ntake music together. Waiting for your reply. Bo\ .\'o ['«4tt9’5‘y.

V I saw you working hard in the Bier llalle. spinning your glasses like Tom ['rtttse! l'm .t dark-hatred regular I know you see me cos I lle\ er stop looking! Make ll tnore than a smile tte\t tittte' Bo\ .\'o

t ' 1409/54.

V I saw you l‘oy l‘ellllld tlte Barw 'l'he Bier llalle great hair tk great glasses. [' R so fine looking! Me: girl wttlt short tttl'ty blottd ltair ck specs. I'll be seeing [ll Bo\ No [740955.

V We saw you Ricardo tn the noodle bar wttlt ll'lelld\ last year & lots ol' times stnce on the train tk tit towtt. .\'ot sure it [' remember tts. bttt really ltow could u lorget'.‘! We R 2 cltalty lrish girls complete with tttotorbtkes & lishttet tights! Dare [' 2 say Hi next time! Bo\ No {7409/50.

VI saw you at Neil's and tell ln loy e with your supple spitte & dynamic dog pose. let's ttteet to pertect our asattas. Bo\ .\'o [7409/57.

VI saw you bill I also smelled you. there seemed to be tto end to your llatttlettce attd l tttiss the aroma in my bed. Box No [7409/58.

VI saw you my l.o[lls 'l'herottx. green tttac attd a pitt stripe. sttits you Sir! Sttits ttte . .. get itt touclt Bo\ .\'o [7409/59.

V I saw you in my dreams ('arl B. and eyen itt my sleep. you tnade ttte smile. I loye ottr l'riettdship attd w ill always remember you. Don't go cltattgitt! Box .\'o [7409/60.

V I saw you blond babe. looking ltot with your boy battd charm attd your sexy pout working itt Stray'aig lttto. I'd like to Strayaiginto your bedroom attd make some noise. Box .\'o ['/409/(t l.

V I saw you gorgeous. handsome. plum colour ltair. beautiful blue eyes (despite designer l'rame glasses) going honte ol'l' Byres Rd. when catt l meet'.’ ('an't wait! Box No [7409/02.

V I saw you 'l'inderbox Sat 24 l’eb. Dark-haired. handsome. sparkling eyed tttale. I saw you . you saw tne » petite dark-haired beauty. (iet itt touch. you know it'll be right. Box No {7409/03. V I saw you beautiful ladies in a dissertation l'ren/y all night long. Well done. Shall we get properjobs soon'.’ ()r jtlst drink cider instead'.’ Box No [.7409/(34.

V I saw you Mel. l'oxy l’renclt y ixen. ('ul de Sac W- ettd. You cart swing on my trape/e anytime. oo la la big J. (‘a ya. Box No [7409/65.

15—29 Mar 2001 THE LIST 125