(i3 'l'rongatc. 552 «1267.

Journeys 8: Memories l'ntil Sat l7 .\1ar.Xpin. £7.50 L'HHL'J £5.50). 'l‘hcalrc ('r}.ptic. lhc Ktiotcl String ()uartct. chiircographcr (‘lairc l’cncak and \ ldc‘ti ill‘li\l\ 'l‘l'éillL‘ht)U\L‘I'Cd ptitil thcir l‘c‘stilll'L‘Cx to producc music worth looking til.

Scottish German Play Ground Mon l‘) ch 2! Mar. 7.30pm. £3. 'l‘hrcc pairings ot llL‘\\ Scottish and (icriiian tcxlx. all ol~ \xhich \\ ill hc cxplorcd through \tagcd cxtracts and (ll\L‘ll\\l()li. Sc‘tillixh contributions conic courtcx) of Zinnic Harris. Douglas .\1a.\\\cll and (‘hristophcr l)can\. l’art (ll. thc RSANH) ()li 'l‘hc‘ lidgc \L‘il\()ll. Scc prcx‘icu.

Fallen Angels 'l‘hu 22 Sat 24 Mar. 4.30pm. £2. Sctting hcr pla_\ in thc world of lhc iiianulactuicd pop hand. pla} \\ right Rhiannon 'l'ixc ([llelltillx ho“ \xc tcll liction l'roiii rcalit) in [his agc ol~ liithx nicdia. .i\ \Vtil'k in pl'ngt'c‘ss with original ttltlsic‘ by Rohcrt Burlin. Love Freaks Thu 22 Mar. 7.30pm. [3. Iain HL‘gglL‘ dircctx his (m It adaptation oi Maritaux’x I)Ull/)/(' llll'UIH/(lllf'l’. Part of thc RSAMI) On Thu lidgc scason. Scc prcxicu.

Six Characters In Search Of An Author Hi 23 Mar. 7.30pm. £3. Nicholas Bonc dircctx l)a\ id Harrowch adaptation ol l’irandcllo'x play. Part of thc RSAMI) ()n 'l'hc lidgc season. Scc prcx'icu.

Ubu The King Sat 24 Mar. 7.30pm. £3. (irahain liatough dircctx David (ircig'x adaptation of Ali‘rcd Jarr} '\ l'hu plays. a fascinating projcct. gchn that it soc-ins at Odds with (ircig's ll\llll| stihjcct iiiattcr.. l’art ol' thc RSAMI) ()n 'l'hc lidgc scason. Scc prcvicn.

The Bay Thu 2‘) Sat 31 Mar. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £3 (£2). liaxt (ilasgow Youth Thcalrc pcrt‘orin this ncw plti)‘. specially writtcn l'or thcin h}


THURS 15TH - SAT 24TH MARCH @ 7:30pm (not Sun 18th)

by Marghanita Laski

Directed by Susan C. Triesman with William Rogue

Tickets: Mon/Tues 25/2 Wed - Sat £8/4 Ticket Centre:

0141 287 5511

Heritage Nicola McCartney's complex. emotional and powerful story of young love blighted by the sectarian divide in rural Canada. See review. Traverse Theatre. Edinburgh. until Sat I 7 Mar.

The Big Funk John Patrick Sl'ianley's surreal comedy comments on life. relationships and everything, with a wild and ingenious energy. See review. Arches. Glasgow. unti/ Fri 23 Mar. Rent La Boheme re-imagined for the AIDS generation in Jonathan

7, A",- \.’\IA'\i'i\ i ii

28 - 31 MARCH 7.30PM Romeo and Juliet

Mearns Castle High School transports Shakespeare's tragedy by gender: women rule. girls roam the streets looking for fights. and boys are kept cloistered at home.

Tickets: £5/3 Ticket Centre

6 - 7 APRIL 8PM Theatre 3 la carte

I)c.\ Dillon. A group of liaxtcrhousc tccnagcrs cnibark on a school camping trip. only to find tlicitixclxcx strandcd E. on a \Vatcrloggcd island \th‘l'c‘ one by onc. thc)’ \lttl'l to disappcar.

Larson's New York musical. See feature. Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Mon 26—Sat 37 Mar:

In a restaurant. part of the pleasure is to make your own choice from the menu - so why not do the same at Elsa Poisot's Cabaret Litteraire’?

Tickets £6/3 From the Ramshorn

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Thursday 22

lb: lhg l-iink

Friday 23

'lhc Big l‘unk

Saturday 24

Vault 2(lll

Sunday 25

Vault 2””

Monday 26

Vault 2tl)|

Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28

\Zuill Zilll

Thursday 29

Into 'l‘hc M) \tic

llllt) “it: \1}\lic

L AFCIICS I Citizens Main Citizens Circle

SCL‘ ('l.t\\lc.t| St‘t‘(‘1.l\\l(.l| SL‘L‘ (-l.l\\lL‘;ll Scc ('|.t\\

Rum & Vodka“ iood Rum & Vodka.“ iood Ruin & Vodka/( iood l)a\ id Andcrxon l).i\ id Andcrson l).i\ id Alldt'iu") l)a\ id Andcrxon

sct- l'olk . Cottier Th ()ldahonia' ()klahoina' ()klahoina' ~12ndSticct 42nd Sticct 42nd SllL'cl 42nd Sitccl - o .-\nnic .-\nntc .-\nnic M:”\h'”3~' 0” . Arts ; Scc (‘oincd) Scc Rock & l’op . 8 't'iit- ()llxhoic Island . Iiit- ( )llxhotc Mina . rht- ()ltxhoic lama . mei N lulu"! RWHW «\ lulu" . Ramshorn 2

Into The NC“ lnto ’l‘hc New Into 'I'hc .\'c\\

. BSAMD I Theatre Royal . Tramway

SCL' (.l.l\\l\'.li

Burning Bright Burning Bright Bunting Bright Sci: Rock 6; Pop

luillcii :\ngcl~’.\‘i\ ('hai\ lallcn -\iigcl\ King l'hn

taut-n Angclxl .o\c st-t- mart rm- Ba) "on How Man} .\1I|C\ . . Hon Man} .\1l|L‘\. . . sct- (twat . st-t- crunch . st-c crmlca . cht cht cht cht . Festival Th 8 liiddlcr ()n The Root liiddlcr ()n The Root I l‘iddlcr ()ii The Root I See Classical Sec ("laxxical Scc ('lmxical Scc ('|:I\\IC:I| . E oh'mt..i.-\ Night oii'mtm Night . ohi Mum Night . i . Playhouse 7 N i 2 (Sup & Dolls . ~ (iu_\\ & Dolls Guy A; Dolls (ill}\ a Dolls (hi)'\ 8.: Dolls g Sinum Stiuma Strum. i 1 I _ . _ ' . ' ' ' haverse 2


15—29 Mar 2001 THE LIST 65