Clubs Glasgow



' 78,0.MA;lP/,c.n;23i

EUNK 0.’ VOID 1'05}


Futllt ti V‘Jlll males .l suectacular return to” Some mm .in all new collection at shimmering techno-innit. "“'”‘.,.l

SJMA mm mm l‘JtSEJA't ‘2le MARCH ‘Z'Jtll ma BL‘JE ‘lZZESPANOLAWAV wan SLAM at SNEAK-.18 t:' tUNliJ'lU1l] BE‘tEHBRtS.‘ H 'rtlJ't’JAWJH (mm; JOESKI. SiliCJ'ltSOUl “51512891 I y. mas citmsiztit leziit'JFLE‘t WWWSDMABECDRDSCBM

74 THE LIST 151-29 Mar Mot

{ Glasgow, Saturdays continued Chart & Party

I Bankers at lionkerx. llpm 3am. L31 hetore midnight; £5 alter Weekly llitx trom the St tx. chart hotixe and cheex} trance.

I Classic FM at l~tir_v Murry ‘x.

llpm .‘am. it» t {J i. Weekly Dance claxxicx and party ttmex. w ith alternative and rock ttmex tipxtairx m lvv ixter.

I The Garage at llie (iai'ag‘e.

lttpm .‘am L5 :1 it hetore llpm; to set» attei \\eekly Super—ctimmercial party xotmdx on the mam dancelloor and indie claxxicx m the .\ttic.

I Graduate Club at g2. llpm 3am. £4 H43 i, Weekly l)exigned to xmt thoxe who ha\ e alvvay x enioy ed a (iarage xt_v le night otit. htit leel a little long in the tooth when xtiriotmded hy lrexh-taced. lager~xtamed youngxteix. Stev e l)a\ ix pto\ idex the party anthemx.

I The Shack at Shack ttormerly 'l he 'l’emplei. lttfittpm 3am. L“ tLSi. ('heex} chart timex.

I Seduction at l)extin_\. Itlpm 3am. Lt» het'ore llpm: {7 atter. Weekly 'l'onight the cltlh vvotiltl like you to 'tlt‘exx to Ilttpt'exx' \\ hile emu} mg the tixttal commercial houxe 'n' trance pap.

I Strawberry Fields tll Straw herry l‘ieldx. ltlfitlpm Rant. (5. Weekly ('laxxic party nonxenxc from the otlx to laxt week.

Glasgow Sundays


I Aurall at liar Soha. “pm midnight. l'iec. \\t't'l'xl_\. l he l't‘Sltlelllx ll'olll the llL'\\ houxe party at Max get you in the mood tor xome Slltttltt} decadence.

I Bitch School at Nice ‘n‘ Slea/y 3pm 7pm. l’ree. Weekly The chapx hehind l)eathlehem tthey have a way with namex. hlexx ‘emi hring you tour hourx ot' the hard and heavy xlllll. from ()//y ()xhourne to Slipknot. Moxhtaxtic.

I Budda at liar litidda. Spm midnight. l"ree. Weekly. ('olm Walker t.\'ew York .4\lliancei playing deep hotixe.

I Descargarana at Havana. Spin late. l’ree. Weekly l.i\ e |.alin iaH action ax I)J (ieorge Martin ix joined h_v rexident hand ('he (itievara live.

I Divine Intervention at lirel.

0pm midnight. l’ree. Weekly .'\nd_v Divine and lltixli l’uppy play a xelection ol xotmdtrackx. xotil and t'tmk at thix now weekly pre-cluh.

I Fast Forward at liat |)rink Man Woman. 4pm riiidnight. l't'ee helore (rpm; U alter Weekly llotixe muxic and chart anthemx. with drinkx promox an added hoiitix.

I Fresh at Moio. 9pm late. l'ree. Weekly. let the l’rexh crevv chill you out het'ore the \lt'exx ol' the W eek ahead. Rexident (iary l.awxon ixioined h} regular guextx l’atil llughex tMau Sound Sy xtemi and Harry .lohnxtone.

I G-Man & Traxx at The l.iv ing Room. 4pm midnight. li'ee. Weekly lt ix now poxxihle to \\ rite oil the Sahhath in ilx entirety while enjoying xome top—notch tunex. thankx to the liv ing Room'x douhle hill. The al'ternoon \hlll ix taken care of h} (i-Man. with hix heatx and hip hop. l‘rom 9pm. thingx get a hit livelier thankx to underground houxe from Simon and Derek. I Harri at (iroucho St Judex.

9pm midnight. l’ree. 25 Mar. l-‘ortnightly 'l'he Suh (‘luh xtalvvart hringx liix high calihre houxe to the iiioxt xty lixh oi (iluxgtm ix xi} lL‘ huh.

I Hi-T at 'l'chai-t )\ na. 4 10pm. l-'ree. Weekly :\ Stmday re|a\atioii xexxion aimed xquarely at thoxe after a xpot ot' detmitication. xince the venue ix a non- xmoking tea xhop that lookx. converxely. like an opiurii den. 'l‘he tunex. courtex} of a huge ntiniher ot' local l)lx. are drawn from every genre under the xun. ax long ax

they ’re laid-hack. Drink ohxcure teax. pla) chexx. give your hod} a rext.

I Jengaheads at Repuhlic Bier llalle. ltlpni late. Free. Weekly Martyn Jengahead xprintx hack trom the Beat ltlh xtudiox to play a htitixe-orientated xet.

I Moloco at Moloco. Spm midnight. liree. Weekly Martin St. John xpiiix xtompm' Northern xotil. rootx. rock and reggae.

I Nick Peacock at The \al'tel} Bar. Spm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly local hero \lek l’eacock xelectx the he\l tall groin CS. with the occaxional toray into houxe.

I Nico's at .\'ico‘x. 0pm midnight. Free. Weekly Drrhhler and Ste\ e w ith reggae and dtih xelectionx.

I Paul Cawley at (ii-oucho St .ludex. ‘lpm iiiidiitglit. l'ree. IS Mar. l‘ortmghtly 'lhe l‘enetik lellow w ith xome heatx ‘n‘ hreakage.

I R&B at liar 1”. "pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly Rela\ w ith Rtkh cutx and take advantage oi the generoux drinkx promox at thix city centre xter har.

I Scratch ‘n’ Sniff at Mct‘huill'x. 0pm midnight. l-‘ree. New prercluh venture. leattiring Danny liarhour

play irig houxe. garage and vi hatev er elxe he lanciex.

I The Sunday Social at The .-\i-chex. .\'e\t date | April.

I Yang at Yang. 0pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. Hip hop and liouxe with l)rihh|er and .\ Burd ('alled (ier.


I Aurall at MAS. llprii iam. £7. Weekly .\laxxi\ely popular new garage and houxe night with rexidentx Mark l’riee. Yogi llatighton. (‘altim Walker and Marco Smith. \o lietlx pleaxe.

I Bennet’s at Bennet‘x.

ll..i()pni Sam. 9; 1. Weekly 'l‘om playx ttinex loved hy twelve—year—old girlx. pltix xome hangin‘ handhag. to equally appreciative gay men. litmny old world. I Bite at The (‘athouxe |t) 3am. l~'ree hel‘ore l lfillpm: £3 tL' I .5th atter. Weekly A milder mi\ oi indie and rock than you'll lind at the city'x premier rock venue on Friday or Saturday.

I Club Tropicana at The Garage (Attic). llpiii 3am. £3 tL'Z). Weekly. lndie. hoth claxxic and contemporary. with a healthy doxe ol~ Britpop.

I Dream at Straw herry l‘ieldx. It).3()pm 3am. US. Weekly l‘it'teen nicker might xeem a hit xteep tor a night down Strawherry l'ieldx. hill in addition to hanging liotixe anthemx and xaticy dancing girlx. the bar ix totally and utterly l'iee. Mtich like a xtomach pump on the .\'llS.

I Funk Sundays at Slave. 8pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly llonxe with ('hicago tendenciex from Andy (itlext pltix live perctixxion cotirtexy ol'.»\ndrevv llorn.

I Liquid Cool at Baha/a. 9pm Ram. 95. Weekly :\.J.. Krix Keegan and laii 'l‘hompxon playing top-notch vocal garage and houxe to a cltih packed with hyper—hedonixtic twenty-xomething

rev ellerx. all oi whom xeem to have forgotten that they have work in the morning. It quality tunex and glamoroux anticx are your hag. Sunday x at Baha/a are tmmixxahle.

I Liquid Gold at Q. 5pm 3am. l'ree hel'ore l Ipm: £5 alter. Weekly. l-tmky ttmex and club claxxicx from Harry 1%.. Scott McMillan and Paul 'l'raynor at thix har-cluh in axxociation with Baha/a‘x hedonixtic extravagan/a. Liquid (‘ool. Not to he conl‘uxed with the popular ‘room deodorixer' oi the xame name.

I Li/Lo at Redx hax now linixhed. See Phonic helow.

I Optimo at Suhxtitute Venue tl’lanet l’eachi. l lpm 3am. in t£5r Weekly. Rolanx (with a little help from Twitch & Wilkexi hangx together the headx ol' ntmieroux genrex. rexulting in a maxx noxehleed that xotmdx like Johnny 'l'hunderx trying to xcore ol'l' everyone

w ho hax ever made muxic in Berlin all at the xame time. lt‘x all rather good. then. and everyone hax a lovely time. except for the people who think it ixn'l ax good ax it tixed to he. They are. needlexx to xay. wrong. Read all ahotit it at

w w or

w w wwakeuptti/optimo and keep your eyex peeled tor the forthcoming ()ptimo lZin.