number-baxed introductionx xx xtem. I’Ieaxe note t|iere\ tree tequtIa arid chatnpagne tor the “mute xxtth the liltth t'c‘tltle‘\t\.

I The Subway at The Sttbxxa}.

9pm 3am. I'ree tor \ltltIeltt\ xxith matriculation card; {I otherxx txc. \Veeklx. See 'I'htt,

I The Subway West End at the Stlbxxa} \Vext Iznd. 7pm 3am. I'ree lor xtudentx xx rth matriculation card: L'I

otherxx txe. \VeekI). 'I'hemed part} nighlx

ex er} \xeek. ollertng chart pap. cheap boo/e and pit/ex.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I The Departure Lounge at I’opRoktt. Illpm lam. Free. Weekly (elebrttx hoxtx Ilarrx .'\ltt\\\tlt't|l arid the oneI} I)uxtx IIethttx inx ite xou to hop aboard their mterxteIlar excurxion into qui/iand. I’ll/CS be_xond xout' xx iIdext dreamx are tip lor grabx.

I Excursions at Iguana. 9pm Iatn. I'rce. Weeka Rotational rexidenlx (i-.\Iac tMangal. (iarx .\Iac lSuinmel. ('olin .\IiIIar and .-\dam lira} tIIeadxpinl demonxtrate their ama/ing deckxterical xerxatrlitx lll tlte lieldx oldrttm tk baxx. hip ltop. lttnk arid breakx.

I First Contact at I’ixo. 9pm lant. Weeklx. .\Ie||oxx mid-xxeek drutn tk baxx \x ith the deIeetabIe I).| Noxa.

I Headzeint at till]. 9pm lam. Free. \Veeklx. IIip Itop. lttnk attd electrobeatx

Glasgow I Air Organic 36 Kelx'ingrox'e Street. 564 52()I.

I Alasksa I42 Bath Lane. 248 I777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 3l89. I The Arches Midland Street loll Jamaica Street). 22l 4(ltll.

I Asylum 7t) ('oxx'caddenx Road. 332 ()68 I.

I Babaza 25 Roxal Iixchange Square. 204 ()I()I.

I Bennet’s 80 (ilaxxt‘oril Street. 552 576 I.

I Blackfriars 36 Bell Street. 552 5924.

I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5884.

I Bret 39 :\\Illttll Lane. 342 4966.

I Budda I42 St Vincent Street. 22| .5660.

I Caledonian University Student Union (Asylum) 70

(‘oxx L‘tttItIL‘tlS Road. 332 (I68 I.

I The Cathouse l5 t'niort Street. 248 6606.

I Cleopatra’s 508 Great \x'extern Road. Kelx'inbridge. 334 0560.

I Club Budda I42 St Vincent St. 221


I The Cran I038 .-\t'g) Ie Street. 248 688 I.

I Cut De Sac :\\|l|tttt Lane. 334 8899.

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 552 9227.

I Firebird I32I .»\rg_x Ie Street. 334 0594.

I Fury Murry’s 96 .\|a\xerI Street.


courtexx' ol' Michael and (Ear).

I Hot Charanga Sauce at Q Bar. 8pm lam. Free. Weeka Staggering thottgh it max seem. the dix ine (‘arlox I’ena and hix tour-piece cotnbo are noxx xpicing tip the Q Baron a xxeek|_x baxix. AIIegedI}.

I The Merry Pranksters at the .\|eittIttxx\ Bar. 9pm lam. Free. 28 Mar. Fortnightlx. Famed for their monthlx xtrtttting at Radio Bab} Ion. I’rankxterx Noodlex and Brains delight xx ith all 80115 HI. electro lttnk} nexx.

I Oxygen at ()xxgen. 8pm lam. Free. Weeka 'I'hix popular bar noxx hoxtx a xtudent part) pre-club ex'erx xx eek xx ith ridicquttxlx cheap boo/e and Itlllk} houxe l'rom Ii} e (and) 'x (iraeme .\|c|.ean.

I Salsa at Iil Barrio. 7pm Iattt. Free. Weekly Latin dance claxxex. See 'I‘htt and ('Iaxxilied Ior more into.

I Salsa Variations at Baracoa.

8pm Iam. Free. Weeka |)J Mika}e| pIa_x x the Latino grooxex to make xrttt xalxa xx ith dance cIaxxex in either a (‘olttmbian or (‘ttban xt} Ie.

I Son de Rumba at (‘ellar liar .\'o I. ltlpm lam. Free. Wee-kl}. ()ne ol' the pioneering Latin music nightx attd \tiII the bext \election ol non-commereial gl‘ooxeS etttlt‘teS}’ ol~ |)J Iinriqtte.

I Tango at The ()uthouxe lupxtairx l. 7.30pm midnight. Free. \\'eek|_x. lnl‘ormal tango night with tree beginnerx class from 7.30pm.

I The Garage 490 SauchiehaII Street. 332 l I20.

I Glasgow School of Art I67 Renli‘exx' Street. 332 ()691.

I Glasgow University Union 32 l'ttixerxitx' Avenue. 339 8697.

I Groucho St Judes I90 Bath Street. 352 8800.

I 92 474 Sauchiehall St (behind the (iaragel. 35.3 3I I I.

I Havana 50 Hope Street. 248 4466. I Life (basement of ('orinthianl. I91 Ingram Street. 552 MO].

I The Lighthouse 56 Mitchell Street. 221 6362

I The Living Room 5 Byers Road.

339 851 I. I MAS 29 Royal Iixchange Sqttare. 22l 7080.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42| Sattchiehall Street. 333 9637

I O’Henry’s I)rttrx' Street. 248 375 I. I Planet Peach 34 Queen Street. 226 899().

I Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22I.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 l'nix'erxitx (iardenx. 339


I Reds. 375 Sauchiehall Street. 33I I635.

I Riverside Club Fox Street. 569 7287.

I Rocksy’s Basement 40 New Sneddon Street. I’aixlex'. 552 579l.

I The Shack I93 Pitt St. 332 7522. I Soba I I Mitchell Street Lane. 204 2404.

I Spy Bar Bath Street. 221 771 l.

I Strawberry Fields 56 ()xxx-altl Street. 221 787I.

I The Studio. 1084 Sottth St. Scotxtoun. 4(ll I75().


I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Bloomx. Ill.3(lpm 3am tbar from 6pm l. Free. “cekI_x. .-\ \pot UI‘ mitixx eek houxe action at thix alxxaxx bttxx ga_x club.

I Ceratonin at Wilkie IIUlISe.

Itlptn 3am. £4. 2| Mar. Fortnightly Stitnttlate _xour xenxex xx ith a mttxic poIie} ol hanging trance and techno arid a I‘eeI-good lactor that inonch llttlSStlgC. bod} painting and aromatherapx. I)rinkx protnox xx ill no dottbt axxixt the xx hole relaxation procexx at thix up-and-coming night. See Fottr Ha}.

I Kero-Scene—K2 at Studio 24.

I lptn 3am. L'l.5(l. \Veeklx. Increaxinglx popular alternatix e night xx hich \eex I.eal'. Wall}. Iqx and Doug plaxing death. doom. heax_x metal and extreme tune\.

I Majik (formerly Rotary Funk) at The Venue t('oo|erl. Ill.3(lpm 3am. £3. 28 Mar. I-‘ortnightlx. .'\ Itot to not night ol' IIUUSe breakin‘ lunk lllt|\le l'rotn rexidentx Lorne. (buck and Rex eal.

I Nectar at “to .\'ot'.’ Monthlx.

Itlpm 3am. [5. 2| .\Iar. Monthlx, ['8' garage night hoxted b_x local lad IIenriquex lRtlII Kutxl and xeaxoned .-\_x'ia .\'apa and NY(' rexident Innoxator. I)t‘ltlk.\ promos an added bonux.

I Red (formerly Out To Lunch) at I’o Na .\'a. I Ipm 3am. Free. Weekl}. 1)] Harry I.etx (io t Boomboxl ptttx the eclectic into electric at thix renamed midxx'eek xtaple.

I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524.

I 13th Note 260 (dee Street. 243

2 l 77

I Trash I97 Pitt Street. 572 3372.

I The Tunnel 84 Mitchell Street. 204 I()()().

I Variety Bar 40l Sauchiehall Street. 332 4449.

I The Velvet Rooms Sauchiehall Street. 332 ()755.

I The Woodside Social Club 329 North Woodside Road. 337 I643.

I Yang 3.3 Queen Street. 248 8484.

Edinburgh I The Ark 3 Setnple Street. 229 7733. I The Attic |)_x‘er'x (‘one. ('oxxgttte. 225

8382. I Bam Bou 66/67 South Bridge. 556 U200.

I Bann UK 5 Hunter Square. 226 I I I2. I Baracoa 7 Victoria Street. 225 5846. I Bar Union 253/258 ('oxxgate. 557


I La Belle Angele ll llaxtiex ('one. 225 7536.

I The Bongo Club 14 .\'exx Street. 556 5204.

I Cavendish \Vext ‘l‘olleroxx. 228 3252. I C.C. Blooms 23 24 (ireenxide Place. 556 9331.

I The Citrus (irindlax Street. 622 7086. I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 0125. I Club Java (’ommercial Street. I.cith. 555 5622.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), I’icard} Place. 478 7434.

I Cuba Norte I92 .\|ttrri\t)n Street. 22I 0499.

I Ego I’icard} Place. 478 7434.

I eh1 I97 Iligh Street. 220 5277.

I El Barrio 104 Wed Port. 229 8805.

I Eros/Elite I-‘ountainpark. Dundee Street. 228 I66I.

I Gaia King Stablcx Road. 229 7986.

Edinburgh Clubs

I Smack at Iigo. Ill.3tlpm 3am. L2 2| .\Iar. I’ot‘tntglitlx. \exx \tttdent night xx ith hip hop and heroin m the ballroom. plttx lttttk tn the doxx ll\l.llt‘\ lounge. ('Iteap boo/e .t bonux.

Chart & Party

I Midweek Mayhem at the l ltltlltI Room. Ill.3tlpm 3am. I'rce xxtth matrtc card belore I2.3l|.tm: £2 otltetxx rxe. \VL'L‘bI). (‘IlexN-L eItttl't} eItthllS. cheap drink and good oddx at coppmg oll

I Shark at I'.t‘t\\/|‘.II|L‘. 9.3(lptn 3am. £3 tL'2l belore I Ipm; [4 tL‘3t .tltet. “cekI_x. 'Scotland'x btggcxt \tttdent‘ night mpplyng the obligatorx chart pap.

I Skint at the \rk. Illpnt 3am. [2 (tree \x ith pt‘ottI ol' ox erdralt l. \\ cekI_x. 'I‘he lllltIISPUIt‘tI king ol \tudent ntglttx not onlx \uppltex the linext chart anthemx bttt alxo earex enough to

prox ide tIl‘lllk\ at El all ntgltl and tree entrx to ox erdt'axx n \|l|t|t'I||\.

I The Subway at 'I'Ite Sttbxxa}. 9pm 3am. I~ree lot \ltlxIelll\ xx ttIt matriculationcard; L'l otltetxx txe. \\eek|_x. See IIltl.

I The Subway West End at the Sttbxxa} \\'e\t Iind. 2pm 3am. I't‘ee lot \tudentx xx ith matriculation card: (I otltetxx lxe. \Veckl). See IIItl.

I Viagraah at RL‘HtItltlUtl,

Illpm 3am. Lil tL‘3t. \\'eek|x. I’ttmped up part} tunex lor the l‘rixk} \lllxIt‘IIIS ottt there.

I Holyrood Union lIt‘I_\IUHt| |\’ 65l (tIS—r‘.

I The Honeycomb 15 l" \rtltlr-x Street. 5 30 5540.

I The Human Be-In 2/8 \Vext ('roxxcattxexxax. 662 8860,

I Iguana 4| |.ot|ttan Street. 22” 4288. I The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564.

I LOCO 235 ('oxxgatc. 225 54I 3.

I The Meadow Bar llueelerreh Street. 622 768i).

I Club Mercado 36 39 \Iat'kct Street. 226 4224.

I Noa 7 ()tteenxlerrx Street Lane. 226 6828.

I The Outhouse Broughton Street I.ane. 5.57 668.

I Oxygen 3-5 Inlit'marx Street. 55." 999 I Peppermint Lounge Blair Street. 622 68| I.

I Pivo 2 6 ('alton Road. 557 2925.

I Po Na Na 26 Frederick Street. 226 2224.

I The Pond 22 24 Bath Road. 465' 3825.

I PopRokit 2 I’Icard} Place. .556 4252. I The Potterrow Brtxto Square. 65” 9I95.

I 0 Bar 5/ll l.eitlr Street. 55" 5830.

I Revolution 31 I.ol|itan Road. 229 7671).

I RUSl‘I 3 Rttltel'txtttl\ (dine. .557 3~()i\l. I Studio 24 (laItoll Road. .558 37.58 I The Subway ('oxx gate. 225 6766.

I The Subway West End I.otIttan Road. 229 9I97.

I The Union IIertttt \Valt I'lll\er\ll'\. Riccarton. 45| .5333.

I The Venue ("alton Road. 557 307 3. I The Watershed 44 St Stephen Street. 220 3774.

I The Wee Red Bar Izdmbtttgh (‘oIIege (HI-\rt. I.ittlt'l\tt)ll Place. 229 I442. I Not? I4 (ieorge Street. 624 83| I. I Wilkie House ('oxxgate. 225 2935.

"34/" MM THE LIST 81