Art galleries and museums

Edinburgh, galleries continued


.-\.N..\l. Photographics. l5l (iilinore Place. 22‘) 72 l 7. Mon l'ri ‘).l5am l.3llpm 8t

2 5.30pm.

Neil Davey l'ntil Sun 15 Apr. Scottiin landscape photography by Neil Dayey.


22a Dundas Street. 556 2lts’l. Mon l‘ri lll.3ll;tltl 6pm; Sat lllain 4pm.

Art From Ukraine l'niil Sat .‘sl Mar. .vkll eshibition ol paintings by established artists hour the l'kraine leaturing still lilc. animals. rural atid industrial landscapes.


('al’e Hub. ('astlehill. Royal Mile. 473 2000. Tue Sat Villain lllpm; Sttii Mon 0.30am 6.30pm.

Felim Egan l'ntil Stiti 22 Apr. Abstract prints by Irish-born printinaker and painter. l-‘eliin ligan. inspired by the landscape and seascape around his home on the edge ol' Dublin Bay.


6 ('arlton Terrace. 556 444 l. Wed Sat lllatn 5pm.

David Austen l'ntil Sat 3] Mar. Dayid Attsten show s new work leaturing a series of small abstract black and w hite paintings and large black arid coloured gouaches.

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l3 Randolph ('i'escent. 225 5366. Mon l'i‘i 0.30am 6.30pm; Sat 9.30am l.3()pm. Recent Works - Philippe Caurant l'ntil Sat l7 .\lar. Recent contemporary paintings.

Hector Berlioz t'niil Hi 30 Mar. A documentary e\hibition on the lite and work ol' l'i‘ench musician. Hector Bet'liol. Homage To Monet and Cezanne Thu 22 Mar Sat 2| Apr. Ati eyhibition of photography and paintings by two British artists. l'i‘ed lary is and Stewart Low don. inspired by two ol‘ l-rance's oldest masters. Monet and ('e/anne.


32 Nic‘olsolt Street. (tbS 2232. Mon l't'l Illain 5pm.

La Donna Nelle Fotografie (Women In The Photographs) l'iiiil Sun 25 Mar. An e\hibition ol' bhotoi—‘ralihs by Basilio (‘ascella l lS6() l‘)5()l taken to capture particular ideas atid scenes before painting them onto canyas.


66 ('uinberland Street. 553 9872. Mon Fri l()ain 6pm; Sat ltlain 4pm.

Peter Blake Pop Art And Beyond: A Print Retrospective t'niil Thu 2‘) Mar. A retrospectiy'e eyliibition ol‘ grapltie works by Peter Blake. who has been acclaimed as one ol‘ the leaders of British Pop Art.


65 The Shore. 553 5255. Tue Hi

I lain 5pm: Sat 1 laiti 4pm.

Visual Feast Tue 2() Mar Sat 7 Apr. (iallery artists submits works oii the theme ol' lood and drink including works by (ieorge Birrell. Deborah Philips. Aliisa llyslop. Jack .\loi'rocco and many more.


5 York Place iaboy e The Stand (‘oinedy ('lubl. 22‘) S344.

Mette Van Assan Thu l5 .\lar. Spin. l-‘ree. l‘or one night only. a \ ideo installation and performance by artist .\lette Van Assan.


Bc‘llttt'tl Road. (‘24 (3200 (recorded information 332 2266). .\lon~Sat

lltain 5pm; Sun noon~5pin. Cale. Sigmar Polke: Music Of Unclear Origin l'ntil Sun 18 .\lar. A series ol’4() gouaches by Sigmar Polke go on display for tlte first time in the l'K. limigrating to

West (iermany in l‘)53. he became one of

the country 's foremost painters. gaining

88 THE LIST 15425) Mar 2001

notoriety iii the 60s and 70s lor his humoroUs works similar in sty le to the Pop Art being made in Britain and America. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. Nouveaux Realistes Mom In .\lat‘. 12.45pm. l"ree. National (iallery in" Modern Art. l.uey Askew giyes a talk.


The Nlttttlttl. ()24 (L200 irecorded inlortnation 332 2266i. .\lon Sat

Illam 5pm: Sun noon 5pm.

Andrew Geddes (1 783-1844) Painter And Printmaker l'niil Sun 2‘) Apr. A major eshibition on loati deyoted to the work ol‘ painter. dealer aitd collector. Andrew (ieddes. bringing together 4() ol. his linest works as a portraitist and landscape painter.

The Lomellini Family l‘ri l6 Mar. l2.45pm. l‘ree. Sir Anthony yan Dy ck's painting is discussed by Day id llowarth from the l'niyersity ol' lidinburgh. Titian’s Diana Pictures Hi 23 Mar. l2.45pm. l-ree. James son from the l'niyersity ol lidinbtirgh discusses Titian‘s work.


Queen Street. (L24 (3200 (recorded information 332 2266). Mon: Sat

10am 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. ('al‘e. l‘rec.

ONarcissus: “twentieth Century Self-Portraits t'niil Sun I .Apr. Drawn from the collections ol‘ the National Portrait (iallery atid National (iallery of Modern Art. met 5() self-portrait paintings. drawings. prints and photographs by some of Scotland‘s most celebrated artists. Presenting a diverse range ol‘ work including traditional paintings by James (iuthrie and William (iillies. contemporary photographic works by Douglas Gordon and (‘altim (‘olyin and on loan from the Saatclii ('ollection. Jenny Say-ille's imposing nude sell-portrait. See llitlist. OJosef Breitenbach t'niil Sun 3 Jun. The lirst British showing in" rarely seen portraits by (ierinan-Ainerican pho- tographer Joscl Breitettbach ( lb")(i I‘m-l). As a regular contributor in the [hired States to maga/ines 'I'i'me. l-orluiie and Harper's Btlftltll'. these rare photographs produced before leasing liurope in l‘)4| haye remained hidden until his death and includes images ol‘ lamous artists and writers who sat for him in the l‘)3().s. Sec reyiew. See llitlist.

Thomas Carlyle: A Hero Of His Time l'ntil Sun 3 Jun. An exhibition dedicated to the Scottish historian. social commentator and essayist. Thomas ('arlyle ( I795 ISSI l whose theories about the public’s need for heroes inspired the establishment of the National Portrait (ialleries in London arid lidinburgh.

Portrait Miniatures From The Clarke Collection Thu 22

Mar Sun 17 Jun. User 7() portraits from this outstanding collection of liuropean miniatures dating from I580 to 1820. go on display. Highlights include Nicholas Hilliard's copy of Holbein‘s portrait of Henry VIII and John lloskins' late miniature ol'(ieneral (ieorge .\l()llL‘Is'. lsl Duke ol‘ Albermarle. NEW SHOW.

Jane Welsh Carlyle: Portraying Herself Wed 2| Mar. l2.45pm. l‘ree. Aileen (‘hristianson from the l'niyersity' ol' lidinburgh giyes a talk. Arrested In The Street: Early Stereoscopy And Human Activity Wed 28 Mar. |2.45pm. Free. A talk given by Mike Spiller from the l'niy ersity ol‘ Aberdeen.

NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43 :45 High Street. 556 9579/2647. MonWSat |()am—4.3()pm. Photography Exhibition liri l6—Sat 24 Mar. An exhibition of works in aid of (‘omic Relief.


l4 New Street. 55S 7604. Mon Sat

llatn 6.3llpin. l‘ntil late oti Bongo (‘lub nights.

Zen & The Art Of Skateboarding l'niil Tue 3o .\lar. A group show of work by artists w ho also skateboard including Raydale Dower. Dougal 'l‘honison. Sam (irillin. Scott Malcolm. Daryl Smith. Rick (’urt'an attd Toby Paterson.

Locate Thu 22 Mar Tue lll Apr. Site specilic works in and around the gallery space by l'ourteen line art students ti'om lidinbttrgh ('ollege ol Art. (‘omprising \ idco. 3|) work and painting. the c‘\ltibition l‘ortits part ol lltc .lrl xi] llm'ls programme run by li(‘A lecturer l.i/ ()gily'ie. which aims to prepare students lttl‘ lil'e lk‘yttlitl college. NH... SHORT


2l St Leonard's Lane. 662 1612.

.\lon- Sat l()am 5pm; Sun noon 4pm. Colour 2 Hail Thu l2 Apr. A selling exhibition of abstract wall hangings deriy ed l'rom l‘)th century Turkish llat w eay e tent diy idei's which has e been lttsltiottccl into these colottt'l‘tll artworks.


75 7‘) Cumberland Street. 557 l()2(). .\lon liri l()am 6pm; Sat l()ain 4pm. Jenny Wild l'ntil Thu 2‘) Mar. Jewellery.

Time Was Away t'niil 'l'liu 20 Mar. New paintings by (ieol‘l'rey Roper. Michael Clark t’niil Thu 2‘) Mar. New paintings.

Mark Dally l'ntil Thu 2‘) Mar. (crannies.


I7 I‘) Barclay Place. 477 2‘)33.

Tue Sat [0.30am 6.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition lidinburgh‘s newest gallery features a changing selection ol paintings including reproduction art Van (iogh. Dali. Monet. Kandinsky. .\liro originals attd work by up-and-cotning local artists.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (\VASPS) l’ttlt'ittlltztll Studios. till» 48 Hamilton Place. 225 I28"). Daily noon 5.30pm or by appointment. Chef Sat 17 Wed 28 Mar. Paintings centring on chefs and the restaurant business by Tom Aldridge.


('lei'k Street. 667 7776. Mon Sat “lam-5.30pm.

Kate Mackay t'niil Mon 2 Apr. l’abric works by Kate Mackay.

THE REYNOLDS GALLERY 63 Dublin Street. 557 ()480. Tue Hi I lam»5pm; Sat l lain 4pm. Botanical Watercolour Illustrations t'niil Sat Bl .\lar.

Botanical illustrations in watercolour by

\'iil'l()ll.\ artists.

Miniature Landscapes Show l'ntil Sat 3| Mar. Landscape paintings by various artists.


l5 Rtitlatid Square. 22‘) 7545. Mon l-‘ri 9am -5pm.

Forestry Commission t'ntil Hi 30 Mar. Organised by Derek Nelson. from

the Scottish Hardwood Timber Market

‘It sounds implausible, but the curator really did make us go round a second time because she thought we’d been rushing . . .’

Louisa Pearson in Frankfurt’s museums, Travel, page 114

Deyelopment (iroup. an eshibition ol display products including cladding. flooring and w indow s made troni Scottish grown products

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnyerleith lloiise. lnyeilcith Row. 552 "I‘l. Tue Stiii Illam 5.3llpm. Stanley Kubrick Still Moving Pictures 1945-1950 l'ntil Sun I Apr. {3 iL'2l. The first [is show trig ot photographs by one ol the great lilmniakers. Stanley Kubrick Belorc directing liltns. Klll‘llc'ls started his career as an apprentice photogiaphei in New York's [UNA tnaga/ine These photographs not only show his talent lor the medium btit touch upon all walks ol Me in New York .it tltc tiiiie.


The l.lllls Gallery. 2 3 'l’ippei'linn Road. 22‘) 3555.

Vanishing Point l'iitil l‘l'l 25 May. New work by eleyen artists as a result ol collaborations between protessional artists and patients as part ol~ l'usion a two-year arts programme taking place in hospitals iii lzdinbuigh and the l.otltiatts.


The Pelican (iallery. l l.auiiston Place. l‘or l'urther ittl'ortnation call Artlink on 22‘) 3555.

Address l'ntil Sttti -7 May. An Artlink c\ltibition oi photography. writing. digital imaging. painting and drawing by artists and patients at St John's hospital.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (iallei'y. lllt) Princes Street. 225 l5()l. Daily ltlam 6pm.

Indian Summer: Ronald Forbes l'ntil l‘ri ll .\lay. An csltibition ol‘ paintings resulting lrom l-orbes' lirst \ isit to India as w inner ol the Sir William (iillies Award li'oin the Royal Scottisli (iallery.


l6 Dundas Street. 553 I200. .\lon l'l‘l lllam 6pm; Sat lllani 4pm.

Gordon Bryce l'niil \y'ed ls .\l;ll'. Sea and shorescapes ol' the west coast ol Scotland. still lites and w inter landscapes ol Aberdeeninire by (iordon Bryce.

Chance And Order l'niil \y'ed 3s .\lar. (‘ontetnporat'y enamel jewellery by whom artists.

Delightfully Domestic l‘niil wed 28 Mar. ('ontemporary tableware including the work ol' three pottcrs. Anna Lambert. Will l.e\i Marshall and Andrew .‘ylc(iar\a.


5 Barony Street. 47S 7440. Tue Sat ltlam 6pm.

Contemporary Scottish Art And Design A gallery and shop leaturing a selection in" hand-woy eti aitd embroidered rugs and testiles by 'l‘urkoman. l'/bek. Beluclii attd Aimay tribes. plus a changing programme ol contemporary Scottish art and design.


Reiach and Hall Architects. 0 Darnaway Street. 225 S444. .\lon lit 2 5pm.

Glade l'ntil Hi 30 Mar. Artist Tom (iltll'ls' creates it ’yytttttlctl glutlc' installation Tor the exhibition space. comprising two painted walls with wall painted script atid a bench for \ isitors to sit upon.

THE SOUTHSIDE GALLERY 5S Ratclil‘l'e Terrace. 667 l‘)66. .‘ylon 9am 5pm; Tue liri ‘)am 6pm; Sat ltlam 5pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil Sat 3| Mar. A wide Variety ot' contemporary prints.