Film index

Let’s Hope It’s A Girl (Speriamo che sia femmina)1151oooo «\1.11111 \11111111'111.It.11:..1‘1511111'.I II:11.11111.I’1111111‘1‘ \11111'1. 1 1111111211; 11.-111'11'. .' 12. 1111131111111 11.111.111 111.111'11}. :11 21.111111 .1 111111s1'I1111111111.'11111;111.1I111'1.11111's,11.-.1111'1111y


I 11111.11111.111111111111121'1111111111.11.1111'11s111.111y 11111111 1.1'111.t1111'.1'111.111111f. 1111111:11'1'11.1111.111 .111111111111'111111s1'.21.1.211-11111111121111.11111111'ss11111 111 111.11.1111'1s11.1111'11111111 1111.1'111111' 111st 111.11 (111. (11.:s3._'11'.'.. I 11111111111s1'. 1.11111111111111

Lift To The Scaffold 111.1000. 11.11111s \l.1111'. 11.11111'. I‘I‘W |1'.111111' \Iot1'.1u. \I.1111111'l<11111'1.111'111:j1's1’11111111111. 1111111111s ('1111s1111'11'111111111'.1 3:1111111113' 111111111 111 11s1I.1_\. \1.1|I1"s111s1111.1111.1111 l1'.111111‘ I1111gcs1111.1 111'111'111111111'111111111111'1111.1111111's11111g11 .11111111111_:: 111111.111 '1111'111111 111111 1'I1'1111'111s .111' still 1'111'11111'. 1111' \1111's 11.11 1s s11111's1111s1'1s .1111'1'.11I1'111111111'..11111\11111'.1111s s11|l3.:1o\\1113_' 1111s1'11'1'11 (1111's1.111111'.11.11111'I1y 1.1// s1111111ltt.11 k specialist I111 k 111111.11111' \1'1'1‘tty l 111‘ (ill. (11.1s1'11‘1'.

Living Blood (Sangue vivo) 1 1s1 11.1111.1r1111\\111sp1'.111'.11.11y.2111111115111111» ('1'1111'1's11n111111111111111s111111111111111.1s 11.1111111111.11 111us11'1.111s [11.111112 1 .1 I’1//11'.1 1.111111111111111'111Ik11111s11‘11111111111's1111111. l’.111111 1111'lt.1lt.111l'1|111 I'1's11\.1l 811' 11111111 111-'1. (11.1sg11w l'1|1111111us1'.

O The Low Down 1 |.\1 C... 1.1.111111' 'l'lu'.1\1's.1112111111 \1111'11 (1111.111. 11.111- .\s|1111'|1l 1111111111s. 11.111111 \1111'11 (1111.1111 1s .1 plttllllslllj.‘\1llll11111 1'11111 11111111'1111.1k1'1 who‘s pissing .1\\.i_\ his 1111' 111111 1111111 .11111 11.11 111.111's. 11.111k's .1111'111111s 1113,111w 1111.111' 1'1'11 111'11111111111111s111'w 31111111111111-\s11111'|1| 1'\1'1'111'11t1.|1111111's111111.1s1111l1'.1l\11111hts 111\11' 11111111'1'1111111.11111.11.111111.1.1.11‘k111 1'11111 11111111111111111sktlls.1111l.11l1'1'p|y 1113.:1.11111'1I s1'111sl1111'ss,'I|11s1s.1|1out 1111' gap between 1.111'.11lol1's1‘1'111'1'.11111 111.11111'1'11'stg11.1111111..11111 11 sltatcs \\llll 1111' \11'\\1'11111' 1111.11 1'\.1s|11'1.1 111111 .11111 .1111'11.1111111111 .11111ssp1'111 _\1111111.11111 1|11'.11'111113' passage 111111.1111111y,.\ 111111.11111111 1111'111111ula1'111 I11'Ii.1\1out 1|11s1s.1|11111' 3:1'111. 81'1'1‘1'111'11,(11"l.(1|.1sg11w Malena1151111111s1-11111-111111111111: ll.tl_\. 21111111‘1-1 111111s. (11111111311111 .1g1'1lt.1111.1 s1.11‘11113: 11.111.111 111111111s|11'|| .\l111111'.1 111'11111'1‘1.1111'1'1'11'11 by ('1111'111.1 |’.11.1111s11's 111111.11111'1' .11111 scored by 121111111\11111‘11'11111'. I’.111111 1111' 11.111.111 111111 l'1's11\.1l. Scc 111111111. (111. (11.1sg11w; l'tlmhottsc. l'1Iinl1ut3.rl1

Mars Attacks! 1 1310000 111111 11111111111 8. 11111111 .l.11‘k \11‘1111Is11n. (111'1111 (‘los1'.:\11111'tt 111111113; 1115 llll|l\.'l‘;1k(‘\111111' 511s .1111'11 1n\.1s11111 111111s. .11111 1111' s1.11 bodycount 111 ‘11s 111s.1s11'1 111111 11's. 111111111 11 1111 w 1111 1111' 1111111 1111.1g111.1111111 111 11111 Burton. .1111ly11u h.1\1'tlits 1'\p111s1\ 1' s11 11 sp11111fl'ltc Ix'ls literally .11'1'111111'g1'1'1'11111111. wiccktttg11.111111111111111\111111'111spatat1' bunches 111 1111111.111s113_'11111.11'k.(111o11g.1gs. great111's1g11.111111'y1' 111111111113: 111111111111 .1111111.11111n. bttt 1111111's11‘1 1'1'.1|I} 1‘1111111'1'1 as .1 1'111111111'11' 111111. 1'11111111111s1'. l'.11111|1111g11.

Men Of Honour1 151.. 1(11'11t‘g1' "1' 1'8. 2111111R11I11'1't 111' \11'11, (1111.1 (11111111113: .ll. (‘11.11'11/1' 111111111. 12.5111111s. Produced by 11111 ('osby. .1/111 ()1 ll11/1111111s 1111' 11'111' sto1y 111'('.11l 111.1s111'.11. 1111' Douglas 11.1111'1'111 111'1'p s1'.11lt\1n3_' .111111111'111st black 111.111 111.111.1111 1111' rank 111' .\1.1st1'1(‘1111'1. 1111' highest 1111111' ['8 .\'.1\y. 11‘s .1 huge s111'1'111 ttngotsttc cornball \11111'11111111111111' thoroughly 1'1'pt’chc11s1bl1' 11 11 were not .111'111' story .11111s11\\.11c|1.1l11c, .\'11str111g 1s 11'11 unpullcd 111 11'1 11s know 111.11 111.1s111'at 1(11111111113;.|1'11s.1w111111y black 1'1111'11111111'1. 111'\11'1111.1s.111.1l| play 111g 1111'1‘1'11111'1‘111 .\l.1st11 ('1111'1 who 111111.111y inspires 1111'11 hutnilialcs .11111 1111.111y 111'11'11'111Is 1111' s111111'11-

against Brashcar. Sec 11111-11. (111111.11 1'1'11'.1s1'.

Miracle Maker 1110. 181.1111sl.1\ thktllt“. l11'1’1‘11 Il.t_\1‘\. l'ls. 21111111 Ralph I-t1'11111's. .111111' ('hrtsttc. 1s’11'11.1111 1'. (11.1111. ‘11 mins. .\111‘.11‘I1's111.1_\ 111'\1'1‘1'1'.1s1'. undoubtedly 1111' reasonmg 111'1111111 pt'1'\1otts attempts 111 1'1'111111'1111' I2.1st1'r Stoty palatable. 1111' latest gimmick 1s 111.11111 puppets. 111111-11. 1111111113411 oddly 11.111'11. 1111pr1'ss1's 1111 its own low tech 11'\ 1'1. 111'sptt1'1l1'1tly tuggtng .111111' heartstt'tngs. 1111' puppetry can‘t 111sg111s1'th1' fact that this is .1 Sunday school reading 111 .1 tntllcnntal 1111'11111111. (1171‘. (11.1sgow.

Miss Congeniality1 1210 111111.11111’1'11‘11'.1'8.2111111S.111111'.1Bullock. .\lt1'11.t1'l (211111'. (111111111 Hctgcn. 1111111111s.

34 THE LIST ‘:' .'.".1' .1 '

Pop promo-maker Jamie Thraves gives us The Low Down on life and love

and alienation for the late twentysomething slackers of south London

Hullock‘s(11.11'11'11.1111'1111s1111'rs111'ts1'll 111st 11111' 111 1111' guy s 111 1111' 1111. So s111"s 1111111' 11111 11111|I1'11\s|11'11s111'1s 1'1111s1'11 11111111111.1t1'th1' 1.111ks111 ‘btktnt stull1'rs'1111111' \ltss 1'11111'11 Stalcs l’.13_'1'.1111 111.1I11111111‘.111‘I1.1

I 11.11111111111'1 |1k1' 11'11111'1s1. 1111' galuntplung. 111.1111111'ss111a1'11'111'1'11s.1111.1k1'oy11 ('uc ('.11111"s 1I1'11111‘k1'1l pageant 3.11111 111.1111'111111 1111' 11111s1 11111.111111111s11.111s1111111au1111s1111'1' II1'111'_\ Higgins 3:111 1111111111 1'11/.1 l)1111ltttlc. Bullock tI11ows 111'1s1'11 \1ltolc-I11'art1'dly 111111 1111' ptocccdtngs. sul11111111113: 111'1'1'11.1t.11'11'1'111.1 series 111 1111111g11111c11 pratlalls. .v\s 1111' 11111\11"s 111111111111. she only 11.1s111'rs1'11 111111.11111'. (111111.11 1‘1'11'.1s1'.

Mysteries Of Egypt 11 1 1 Bruce \1'1baut‘. 18. 211111 111111.11 811.1111. K.tlc\l.1bct‘ly, mtns. (1111.11 811.1111 stars 111 1111' first \.1111111.1l (11'11g1'.1pht1' 111111111.1pp1'.11 1111\I;\.\. 111111.11'11113; 1.111's111 tombs. 111'.1su11's .11111 1111' .1111.1/111g .11’1111'11'1111'111s111 this .11111'1'111 1'1\lll\.1111111. |.\l.v\.\111111111:(11.1sg11w.

The Nameless (Los Sin Nombre) 11X11.l.111111c 11.11.1g111'1‘11.311.1111. 101101 1112 1lllll\lllt' 11111111111's11\.1l‘s11p111tng 111111 tsthc 1'11'1'py story 111 .11'11111111'1111111111111 \anishcs only 1111111111111” ycats 1.11111 l’.11'1111'l)1'.11l 11y l).t\\ll l'1|111hous1'. I'.1lml1ttt'g|1.

Oliver! 1111... 1(~.11’11l RCCtl. l 1‘)11.\'1 ls’on .\111111ly. 1111\1'1‘ Rccd. .\I.1t'k l.1'st11'. Jack “1111. Harry Sccombc. 1-111111111s..'\ sparkltng cast. 3.11111 1'11111'1'11g1‘aphy and some dashed good tunes 111111 1111' .1 handsome 1'1111'1't.11111111'111 111 11111111 Bart's musical adaptation 111 (1/111'1' [11111. 1111' gt‘ttn satire of greed. p111 1'rty .11111 corruptc1l innocence 111.11 l)11‘k1'11s wrote1s.11111ost1'nttr1'ly smothered. Much is lust 11111'111'1‘1'1111111s stttg-along with scr1'1'11111g111 ls’ccd's 111us11'al. If you dtdn‘t entoy 1|11' \111'.11 1'\p1'1'11111'1' 111st 111111' 111111111 111 1111 /'/I1’Solon/()1.1Iti1t1't.1/11/1'1111111 III/111 III111’. (irmt'1'n1n; (1111111111.

102 Dalmatians 111 0.. 1K1‘\ 111 11111.1. 1le K. 21111111 (1111111 (‘Ios1'. (111.1111 l)c|‘.tr111cu. Ioan(111111'u1l1l.‘11)111111s,('1'111'lla‘s back. .'\1111 1111s 111111' she's 1211.1. 'l'hanks 111.1 shot 11f 1111111I—all1't'111g Pay 1111 1.111 1111111111111 during 1111' stay .11 1111‘ .\l.1_1csly ‘s Pleasure. 1111' 1.11'g1'1 111.111 1111' 11.1111111' is released 111111 1111' 1‘11111111111111y as .111 .1111111.1l-111\ 111g plul.1111h1optst. (1111) when 111g B111 stt‘tkcs 1\\1'|\1' does 1111' spell snap. letting 1111' 11'\ 1'11 111 character. 1111' passion 1111'1).11111.111.111 1111' renew 1'11. ND is .1 generation 1111 1111111 1111' original 1‘1111' canines. bttt 1111' shape 111~ 1111' story is 111111.111y identical. while 1111' sct'ipt‘s 111111'.1113_'111 tip 111 1111' inachtnations ol' the human world 111 3.11 1' 1111' dogs enough of .1 look 111. 51'11‘1‘11‘11 l'L'IL‘;1\L'.

The Organiser (I compagni) 1 I51 1.\l.1r1o .\lontcelli. Ital}. 1011.11 1.111111111sfl‘hc 1.111' great .\l.1rc1'llo .\l.1stot.1nni plays .111 1111111111'11s111'11 protessor w 1111 helps strtktng 1.11‘1111'} workers 111 turn of 1111' 12111111 century 1111111 Part of 1111' 11.111.111 1"11111 I'csttsal. Sec prey 11'“. (1171'. (11.1sgow; 1'111111111us1'. 1211111bttt‘gh.

Our Years (I nostri anni) 11’(;1 111111111111- (1.1g11.111on1'. Italy. 21111111 .s’," mms. Story 111' two 11111 1111'11 who knew each 111111'1' as partisan lighters 111111113: 1111' Second World “.111 Part 111~ 1111' 11.111.111 111111 I'csttyal See11111111111171. (1|.1sg11w; I1111111ous1'. Edinburgh.

Out Of Sightt 151.”..1811'1111 31111111111321]. 11$. l‘)‘)1\'l(11‘111'3_'1‘ (1111111113. 1111111111l.op1'/.\'1ng Rhamcs. l231111nsfl‘hts sly ltsh adaptation 1111.11111111' Leonard‘s 1111\1'1 11'.1111s(‘|11on1'y‘s bank robber .lack l'olcy with Jennifer 1.11pc/' chic. ('11anel-w caring cop. 51111111101321] 1‘1111‘111‘s 111‘1'11‘1‘11} I.1‘1111;tl'1l.s s1). dcadpan1111.1111111'infusing 11 w 1111 .1 w 1s11'ul 1111'l.1n1'l1oly. $\y .11111111'111'111usly

bittcrsw 1-1'1. l'(1(‘ ('11111nas. Edinburgh.

P. Tinto’s Miracle (El Milagro de P. Tinto) 1 121.... 1J.1\111' I-esser. Spain. 1‘1‘181 1.111s ('1ges. $111 1.1 ('asanos .1. Pablo 1’1111'1111. 11111 mins. (.11111pl1'11'ly. gloriously bonkcts k11s1'l1 science 111'111111 adscnturc horror 1111'1111lt'ama with 1111' kmd of retro and comic appeal 111 Jeunct .111d('.1t'o

1/11'l11 1111111111. It's about .1 yottttg couple who dream 111 11.111113: .1 baby .11111 they get 1111'11 111111111 111 the strangest way. Part 111 1111' ;\‘1\.1? Spanish1111111"1'sltsal.(11"1‘.(1|.1sg11w. 1’11111111111s1'. Izdinburgh.

Placido Rizzotto 1 181 tl’asqualc Scuneca. Italy. 21111111 1111mm» Rtsclttng drama about the Mafia and jealousy in post- war (’orlcone. Part 111' 1111' 11.111.111 l‘ilm I'cslisal. Sec prey icw. (1171‘. (11asgow; I"1|111|1ous1'. Edinburgh.

Pokemon The Movie 200011111 .0. 1 Kuutltiko Yuy ama. l'S/Japan. 21111111311111111s. ‘1)1sturb 11111 the harmonon 1111'. 111' .11111 Lightning or' . they'll make 11 1111' plot 111 1111' new l’okvnmn cartoon movie. The 111111111'111111 from 1111' ancients is. 11f course. broken. as .1 huge llcath Robinson- sty 11' 111 mg warship captures three elemental guardian Pokemon from their ()ceanic archtpelago .11111 sets off 1111' mother 111 all El .\'inos. ('111' our heroes 111 1111' t'cscuc. Poketnon 11.11111'1 Ash. 111s sweet .11111 dangerous l’okcmon Pik.11'h11.:\sh's 111-denial girlfriend Misty. .11111 buddy 'I'racy. All known Pokemon. .11111 .1 few new ones. are there 111 help 1111). Selected I'clL‘asc.

Premutos 1 181101.11lttcnbach.(111111.111). 11111111 1111 mills. Really. really. REALLY gruesomc /ombi1's 'n' chainsaws horror. l’att 1111111111 11} Dawn. The 1.1111111'11'. Edinburgh. The Prince’s Manuscript (ll manoscritto del principe) 1 131 111111111111 .v\11do. Italy. 111111)) ‘12 mins. Remarkable background story 111' lllL‘ writing of Thy l.1'11p1u'1ll1y (1ittseppe 'l‘omasi 111 Lanipedusa. Part 111 1111' Italian l‘ilm 1"1'stival. See preview. (1171‘. (11.1sg11w; I'ilmhousc. Edinburgh. Proof Of Life 1 151 000 (Taylor llacklord. 18. 2111111 Rtisscll(‘rowe. Meg Ryan. David Morse. 135 mins. Set in fictional South American country 'l'ecala. rife with corruption. drugs .11111 civil war. the story t'c\ol\ 1's around 1111' kidnap 111 an American engineer 1.\lorse1 working 1111 .1 11.1111 project. Negotiations for 111s release start .11111 ('r11we's L‘\pc1'l takes [111‘ case .11 the behest 111. the kidnapped man's wife 1Ryan1. .-\ predictable blossoming of forbiddcn 1111 1' ensues enlived by some jungle combat. btit there's little 111 the way of on-scrcen 111.1gn1'tis111. surprising considering the post-production affair between ('row e and Ryan. (1encral release. Raging Bull 1 1111 0000013111r11n Scorsese. 1'8. 198111 Robert dc Niro. ('athy Moriarty. Joc I’esci. 12‘) mins. Middleweight bosing champ Jake l.a Motta finds it difficult 111 sustain his early success .11111 as his career latlcs. 11c declines 111111 ll travesty (11 his former self. I)c .\'iro's stunning physical presence dominates Scorsese's sayagely bleak study 111 self-destructive machismo. ()deon. (1|.tsgow.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark 11’(;1 .0”. 18111111 Spielberg. [8. 19811 Harrison l'ord. Karen Allen. I 15 mins. I'ord play s .11111'nturing archaeologist Indiana Jones. who almost bites off more than 11c can chew when 111' turns tip the Ark of the (‘ovenant in Nan-infested wartime Egypt. Return 111 the breathless excitement 111 the Saturday 11111t'nmg serial with this rollercoaster 111 .1 mm 11'. probably better than either 111' 11s sequels. Tongue held very firmly

111 cheek. (1rosvenor. (1lasgow.

Rosa e Cornelia 1 151 1(1111rg1o '1‘r1-11-s. Italy. 21111111 85 turns. .-\1 Carnival night 111 the year 1748 .1 young Countess falls under the spell 111.1 my stert11us green-ey ed man. Part 111 the 11.111.111 l"1|m Ecstisal. Sec preview. (111'. (11asgow; l-‘11111house. Edinburgh.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie 111 0.. tSttg Bergqvist. Paul Detney er. [8. 211111 1 Voices111(‘hrtstinc ('ayanaugh. Susan Sarandon. Debbie Reynolds. 77 units. The antics 11f those diaper-clad under-5s. Tommy. (’huckte. l)il. P1111 and 1.11. .1ndtor11111111ng btg cousin Angelica. make a great kids cartoon. Better 111.111 its predecessor. Rug/1111 In 1’11/'11 has 1111' gang descending on Euroreptarland tread Euro111sney1. where conniving Angeltca 11\1's 11p motherlcss ('huckie .11111 his gttlltblc father. (‘11.1s. w 1111 the \ illamotts (‘11co La Bouche who hates children. To s;t\C ('huckie the kids hijack the giant robotic Reptar .11111 race for Notre Dame 111 stop the wedding Lively. well-paced entertainment for younger children. and lust smart enough for most adults. See review. (111111.11 release.

The Saint's Tongue (La lingua del santo)11511('ar|oMauacurati. ltaly. 211111)) I 11) mins. Lightweight comedy poking fun at the director‘s hotne city 111 Padua. Part ol the Italian Eilm l'1'sli\';tl. See preview. (11"I'. (1|asgow; l‘ilmhousc. Edinburgh.

Save The Last Dance 1 121000 t'l'hot11as('arter. 1’8. 211111111111a Stiles. Sean Patrick Thomas. 1 12 mins. The premise. as we'll recall from dance liltns like [ is simple: two kids frotn disparate backgrounds are thrown together by a cotnmon love 111 dance tnusic. 111 1111s instance. recently bereaved ballet student Sara (Stiles) sparks .1 clash 11f cultures when she enrols 111 .1 predotninantly black (‘hicago high school and meets Derek (Thomas). .1 young. gifted and black 111p hop enthusiast. To be accepted. Sara must learn the joys 11f batty shaking .11111 Derek. as we'd expect. is only 11111 happy to help. It's .111 very sweet and if you're susceptible to teen-flicks and dance moy ies. 1111s will almost certainly leave a warm feeling 111 your tummy. See review. (1eneral release. Second Skin 1 18100 ((1erardo Vela. Spain. 20111)) Javier Bardem.Ar1adna (111. Jordi Molla. 1114 mitts. Vela's first feature film is based on an original idea which explores the complexities 11f passion and desire. and ultimately. its destruction. When Elena ((111) discovers unexplained hotel bills, she suspects that her husband Alberto (Molla) is having an affair. But with .1 man'.’ (‘ue hunky doctor. Diego tBardem). And frotn this tnoment on. it‘s a catalogue 11f emotional upsets. but it‘s riddch with cliches denoting the angst experienced by the characters. and any sympathy towards thetn is long gone. (11"1‘. Glasgow.

Sexy Beast 1 181 0... (Jonathan (1I.1/.er. l'K. 211111)) Ray Winstone. Ben Kingsley. Ian McShane. 88 tnins. When retired criminal (1ary [)ove (Winstone1 gets a visit from East End headcase Don Logan (Kingsley). who's 111 persuade Dove 111 leave his (‘osta del Sol villa 111 do one last ‘job' for crime boss Teddy Bass 1McShane1. the sparks 11y. Dove stutters .1 nervous ‘No thanks': Logan screams 'Yes. you c”tl'. At length. The back and forth between the hard tnan who's lost his bottle and the oflicious little psychopth is nothing short 11f Pinter-esque. alternately menacing. hilarious and terrifying. ('ast against type. the leads are superb. (Ha/er rigorously matntains content over style. and the result is a razor sharp drama that's no mere gangster 111111. MacRobert. Stirling. Shower 1 12).. (Zhang Yang. China. 211111 1 Jiang Wu. Jiang Wu. Zhu Xu. 9-1 mins. Proof that the Orient can make manipulative tnush as readily as the rest of the world. Yang's film possesses all the right ingredients for humanist sentiment: mentally disabled stay-at-home son. prodigal returnee elder brother and a loveable business under pressure from the big. bad world dad run.s an ancient Beijing bathhouse. There is a decent story to be extracted from the subject. bttt Yang settles for the obvious. A film for viewers who want Chinese culture shot through with easily recognisable and westernised values. See review. Filtnhouse. Edinburgh.