Drama is listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance is listed after drama for each city. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication.

Drama 8: dance listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


\\'.I\ : \Vlteelehair .v\eee\\; l’ : l’arking l'tlk‘lllllL‘\l\\'(iZ.\(I£1PIC(IiIiUllL'llSl‘ TICKETLINK

'l'reketx lUl‘ inator \enuex in (illhgttu are atailahle trottt tlte 'l'teket ('entre. ('andleriggx. Mon Sat ll).3ttatn 6.30pm: Sun noon 5pm iti perxon or titttil ‘lpin h} phone on HIJI 237 55! 1. Art} 'l‘ieketltnk hm oltiee ean \ell tieketx tor other \enuex. THEATRE TOKENS

'l"l' Illtllt'ulL'S \L‘ltllt‘\ \\ here 'l‘lteatt'e 'l'oken\ can he L‘\L‘lt;ttt:_'etl littl' liL'kt‘l\. IUINL‘llS can he bought l'rotn tlte 'l'ieket (‘entre. (’andleriggx. (il;t\gti\\. ()lJl 287 50]”: “NH! ht‘anehex of “d l. Srttitlt. John Men/iex attd Jatnex 'l'ltin Bookxellerx; or h} credit and trout 'l'okenline. “WI 240 SSH“.

Glasgow Drama


353 .'\l':._"\ It- Street. (Mil 033 (Wit). |\\'(‘. \\'.-\|

Vault 2001 l'ntil Thu 2‘) .\lat'. \ltiltitttedia lextnal leatut‘ing lttll\lt‘. art. pet'lorinanee and eluhhing.

Into The Mystic l'ntil Sat 3| Mar. Spin. [7 tH i. (it'aeae 'l‘lteatre ('otnpan} present l’eler \\'o|l"\ Itt'\\ pla}. uhieh qumtionx tlte llllpllt‘tlllttlh ol' inodet'n \eienee and human identit).

Three Dark Tales Wed 4 Sat 7 :\pl’. S‘ptn. L'S’ (Hi. l-‘ollott ing on l'rottt a hugel} \tteeexxlttl run at the lidinhurgh l‘ringe |a\t )L‘ttl'. llillL'élIl‘L‘ () IL'll IIIL' \lttt‘} til. lltl'L‘L‘ people \thoxe ll\L‘\ :lI'L‘ lltt'\ll'it‘;tltl_\


ll‘) (iot‘hah Street. 42‘) W22 ll’. ll. 'l'l. \\'('. tut

The Wizard Oz \Vt'tl —l Sttl - \l‘l. 2pm tk "._‘~llpttt. [75” t £2.5HI; tatnt|_\ tteket UN5H. .\latn 'l‘lteatt'e. Seotltxlt \otttlt 'l'heatre tourne} dottn tlte _\Cllt\\\ ht‘tek road. lt\ l)ot'otlt_\. tlie 'l'tn Man. the Seat'eerou and the ('oxtat'dl} l.lt‘ll \eatelt tor the lltllt}_'\ that. deep don n. the} already ltaxe. Natl} etunputer-generated elleetx ltelp bring: tlte lainerald (it) to the (iot'l‘al\ Stng-a-long pertorinaneex take plaee on lltll 5 Apr at "fillptn. I'l'l o .\pr at 3pm and Sat 7 .-\pt' at 3pm.

Celtic Kisses, Slaps and Tickles 'l'ue lll Sat l4 .»\pr. ".Rllpni. {S til i. 'let't'} \eaxon ltlendx top tune\ t'rotn 'l'ra\ IS. lidttlt Mal and Billie llolida} \titlt coined} attd poelt'}.

Over The Top 'I‘ue It) Sat 14 :\pt'. 7.5lllttn. UttUi. (’it'ele Sttidio. lan .\lot‘eland'\ tnttxieal look at tlte heatttittil game and the “when \tho lt;t\ e \ttllet'ed heeauxe ol' it. brought to _\ou h} l.R..\..\l Hitt‘cl. daveanderson@28thingsthatbugm e.com l'ittil Sat 7 Apr tnot Sun/Mon i. 7.30pm. £3 tHi. ('irele Sttidio. l)a\ e .-\nder\on hringx hix one-titan Slit)“ ot' coined). mlhlL‘. \ong attd dance to the ('it/. letting llx iit on the IS thingx lie hatex.


()3 U5 lltndland Street. 557 38M. |ll. \\'(‘. \\'.-\l

The Cornershop in .ttt .\t;tr. 5.30pm. Ur 1(4). 'I-llL' SL‘UIIISIl Amulet”) til :\\i;tlt Am and Man .\lela 'l‘ltealre ('otttpan} prexent three d_\ natttie \lttl'lt‘\ M iii l_\pteal eorner \ltopx. haxed on the e\pet‘ienee\ ol llittdtt. .\Itl\llltt attd Sikh lttlttllit‘\ lit in; itt Britain. In Rati \lattgat‘x Hit/t. a lather \Htlth to \ell lti\ \ltop to illtpt'm e lti\ \oltK lile: .r\\hok l’atel\ l.I/t"\ I’urmt'r look\ at tlte pl'L‘SSlll'L‘\ ot' a pa} Asian relationxltip and Yaxrnin Kltan'x Sill l\ a hard-hitting: pieee altout ‘honottr’ killingx. See pret iett. Nelfth Night Tue 3 Hi (a .'\pr. Spin. Ur tL'-li. l’erl‘ot'tning Artx \llltlL‘IHS at Reid Kerr (‘ollege pt‘exent Shakexpeare‘x |i\el_\ eotned} ol‘ tnixtaken identit) and


‘) l‘nixerxtt) .-\\entte. 53” 5522. Eclipse Tue 3 :\pr, " .illptn. 15.5“ H4351“.'l‘oonxpeak pertortn Sttnon .\rttttta:_'e\ tnodern-da} llt_\\lL‘l'} .tl‘ttlll a toting; girl \tlto \ant\lte\ during a \olat' t't‘llpw.

Stories In The Gold Blue Air 'l‘ue ltl Tho I: .\pr. ".itlpni. UHL‘H. ()lltL‘t‘\\Ht‘ltl 'l'lteatt'e (‘ontpant adapt .t \eleelion ot \tell-knoxtn tolk talex tor tlte



2‘)- llatlt Street. IS" 551 l. Ill. \\'(‘. \\‘.-\l Grease line 3 Sat lel .\pt' Ittot Suni 7.5llpnt t\\ed tk Sat tttat JFHptnt.

£5 £24.50 Star ol 'l‘\' \lto\\\ loin/HIM Burning attd li’itut. Ste\ en lloughton take\ on the role ot' Dann} Zuko ax the popular teen tnuxteal hirx (lltngoui

42nd Street l'nttl Sat 5] .\lat'. ".Rtlpin t\\'ed tk Sat inat\ I :“pull. L") U3. (ilaxgtm l._\rte ('ltth prexent tlte tntmeal tale ol' the eltortix girl \\ lto gelx her chance to \lrine.


New Street. 887 Hill). |ll. \\'(‘. \\'..\| Marching On Thu 2‘) Sat 3| Mat: 7.30pm. £7 ([5 £3.5lli. lo)alixt-(‘atholie lenxionx o\ er an Orange ()t'der tnareh form the backdrop to (itil') \lllt‘ltell\ lit‘llithl-wl p|a_\. the latext ottering l't‘otn 7:84 'l‘healre ('otttpan}. See pre\ iett.

Sunset Song \Ved J k 'l‘ltu 5 .'\pl'. Tillpnt. L“ tU5tli. l.L‘\\l\ (iraxxie (itltlton’x modern Seolx' elaxxie about a toting; \toinan torn between lo}alt} to her tanning eointnunil} attd her dexit'e to t‘St'upL‘ to tie“ [Nullll‘t'x

Willie The Wicked Wolf 'l'ue It) .>\pr.

SL‘L' Kitl\ ll\littg\.


lZl chllt‘ltl Slt‘t‘cl. 553 ltS-lh. ll). \\'('. \\'.-\|

Phantom Of The Opera Mon 3 Sat 7 .»\pt'. 7.30pm t\\'ed inat 2.30pm).

£0.50 U750. Ken llill‘x lllllxit‘ul \L‘l‘\ltilt ol' tlte elaxxie opera ltottxe tale.

Chuckle Brothers Sat 7 Apr. See KltIS

Bananas In Pyjamas Sun .\‘ \pt See Kltl\ ltxttngx.

Burlin’ Roon The Barrowland \\ ed ll Sat ll ;\[‘l " .‘tlptn t\\ed tk Sat lllJlS Iptnt. ‘4" {l l.5tt \\ritten h} l’atrtek lldl'kllh lHI‘J/I Rum.“ \\ itlt original \ongx l\\ lena \lattell. lltl\ tntmeal eotned) take\ an .tllt‘t‘ltttnttlt‘ look at lltt‘ lll\lt\t'_\ Ul

littt‘l‘tm latttl. Set In IllC l"t\(l\ and penning on three gettetattonx ot \tonten ttottt the mine tatnil} tall ot \tltont tttet their parttteh at tlte \enttel tlie \tot} eapturex the tnuxtt‘ and tnetnorte\ ot eaeh eta

ee th\ ltxttngx.

RAINBOW HALL Roytonhtll.5531l33-l

Eclipse Mon 3 .-\pr. ".illpttt. £3. See (itltnoreltillfill.


US lngrant Street. 3S5 55ll ll’. \\('. \\'.»\. \\'_.\;\|

Romeo And Juliet t'nttl Sat :1 \tat 7.30pm. £5 tUi. Shakexpeat'e'x ttagie lot e \tor} pet‘t'ortned h} .\learn\ ('axtle llllel School.

Theatre A La Carte l‘l'l (t t\ Sat " \pr. Spin. tUi. lilxa l’otxot dtreetx the l'teneh 'l‘heatre (it‘oup iii a tlteatrteal ttieittt to \atid} tlte tnoxl dtxeerning ol' palate»


3 Sauehiehall Street. 287 55ll |ll. \\'('. \VAI

That’ll Be The Day Sun | .‘\|‘l. 7.30pm. U450 U55”. ()ne ot tlte l'K'x tttoxt popular touring; lllllSlt'ul \honx. leatut‘ing ltllx lroin tlte 5(tx. (rllx attd 7th.


383 Hope Slt‘t‘t‘l. 553 ‘lllllll. Il’. ll. \V( i. \\‘.-\I Scottish Opera - Don Giovanni Sal .‘tl .\lat‘. See ('laxxieal li\ltng_'\.


35 Albert l)ri\ e. 337 Mott. [l’. 'l'l'. \\’( '. \\'.'\l

A Brief History Of Time in to & Sat 3| .\lar. 3pm. £3 t£I.5(li. .\ \ttil'lvlll progrexx trotn \ttnixhing l’oint. haxed on Stephen llatt king'x hext-xeller. .\ ltlend ol

enttt ined. inappropriate laneiex. lixtingx. perlot‘inanee. puppetr}. \outtd. interaetion Th ' e at re G u I d e Thursday 29 Friday 30 Saturday 31 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4

Arches I tum 'rtte xtttnt- lnto 'ritt- xttatt tum 'ritt- xtttut- A. hm. I,“ M“ Citizens Main S“"(-"“"“" St‘t“"d‘~'~%" Ihe “t/Jltlnl (N Dim. "\"d°"”” “‘“C "\"‘l""“"‘ "MS -'\"‘l""”” “MC Midt'lwn lhw Andelwn Cottier Theatre “iv ('t'lm'olwt‘ 'im-tttit \tg'ltl lnellllt \.;.-ttt

% Gilmorehillm 2 .t-ttptt.

U -1.‘nd Street -1_‘nd Street L‘ttd Street (in-aw (at-.m-

m . .

< Palsley Arts I

(I; Pavilion l’ltattlottiUl nit-ope... l’ltattloinUl int-ope... l’ltalilotttHl nit-open Rotneo tk Jttltet Rtitllcu tk Julm RUIN.“ & Julm . Theatre “Oval st-ttttttttopm Jek_\l| .\ titac Jektll .\ titat- Tramway -.v\ tint-t IIl\lttl} oi 'I'llllt‘I .\ ttnt-t lltxtor} ()t tune “on the Ila} - llte Ha} ' the Ha) I see i an It“. nag... “mm... H“- rtugm “mm” CIIIII’CII tunes: the taut-mt Festival Theatre ' '

See (‘laxxteal See ('lasxteal See ('l.t~\te.tl Ant} \ VIC“ :\lll_\ \ Vie“

King’s Playhouse Royal Lyceum

St Bride’s Traverse

Stng-a-long Sound ()I .Stn; a lone Sound ( )t See Rmk .\ l’op

(ill)\ & I)oll\ (ill)\ x I)Ull\ (ilt)\ tk [)ttll\ (ill}\ 3: l)oll\ (ill}\ & l)oll\


'l he (‘ornetxliop

X-l‘at‘lor X-l‘aetor/l'trst Bite Honda} l.t/ard Marching On Murchlllg 0"

60 THE LIST 3:“ Mir 7'1: Attt .2001