:igiiiJl/GLSSGE'ETTLEWORTH One Foot In The Gravy, Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh, Thu 5 Apr.

John Shuttlexs’itth if. .‘Nlfllfll. The .veight of the .vorld has slumped ’l()'.‘/ll upon his polo-necked shotilders and hi: concerns can only find release through the power of song. Rail crashes. earthquakes and the .'.'a, that t'ir/l'.‘/ater exentuall,‘ ends tip With the look and consistenc, of gravy thence the titlei are among the chief topics preying on his mind.

‘I advise people ill the short that it lllt: disasters get too much for them to go abroad or look themselves in their home and prepare tor Armageddon: lllt; end is ntgh.’ explains Sheffield's finest Yamaha guru and Y—Reg enthusiast. 'A couple of Jehovah's

Sheffield’s finest Yamaha guru

V‘JIIIIUSSUS came round the other day but I took no interest in their literature. Instead I asked them for their diagrams SllOWIllg the emergency position to be adopted in the event of a rail crash. and adv/ice on taking off your satellite dish to

use as an emergency craft. They then left

’lhe craft of Shuttleworth (actually Graham l--'e||o\.'.ts aka 70s one—hit anionder Jilted .John, and sometime sound engineer Brian Appletotli is based in the nuances of nonsense and the minutiae of mundanity. Subtle. it is. For his new show. Shuttleworth shares stage-time With Appleton (who regales audiences ‘.‘.’llll tales of his betrayal at the merciless hands of Rod Stewart. Phil Collins and the like) while conducting oft-stage ‘negotiations' v'xith hapless agent Ken


‘Is that man holding back my (:areer'?' entitiires Shuttleworth of his agent and ‘triend'. ‘Couise he is: and he's got a dinghy at Sutton-on—Sea as he can‘t sail it and he's frightened of water. The air pockets in his alro would help him float for a while but ultimately he's doomed.‘ According to the gospel of .John. he won't be

alone. tBrian Donaldson)

Zealand comedy lestival vv ith a practice session. Jamie Robinson comperes and there at'c three open spols ill the Men 2001 .\'e\v (‘omcdy Challenge.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. L'l. Ringmaster Ben l)arcy cracks the vvhip on around eight stand-up ti'_\ -outs. ('olin Ramone rounds oil the sltovv.

Tuesday 3


Rhymes And Misdemeanours The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8pm. £4 t£3 l. (‘omedy vv ith a poetic tvv ist Irom Sheridan Stravvberry and Brendan Moohan. pltis special guest appearances and the odd surprise or tvvo.

Three Fat Ladies The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0.30pm. £4 (£3). Joon Broon. Jane Mackay and Bruce Devlin tthe mind boggles) invite yoti tojoin in this interactive murder mystery evening. (iuest star Miles Jupp takes on the role ol the randy vicar.

Wednesday 4

Edinburgh Crazy Cabaret The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8pm. £4 (£3). A pic ‘n' miv ol‘ comedy. tnagic. characters. sketches and madness. Join Reg Anderson. Steven Dick and John Sinclair for an inspired menu ol‘ gags. served up to beat those midvteek blues.

Reg Anderson’s Fun Quiz Night The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0.30pm. U to play. Pit your vvits against host Reg .-\nderson tor the chance to vv in cash and pri/es.


Spring Frolix 2001 'I‘rantvtay. 25 Albert Drive. 287 3900. 7.30pm. £45 inc meal. vvelcome drink and goodie bag. An evening for comedy connoisseurs as three top-class stand-ups do their hit for

charidec. Scotland's cllerv csccnt improv maestro Phil Kay. Iran's ()mid l)_ialili and hard man compcre Jel'l' Innocent should make this a night to remember. Salsa ('eltica provide the sounds and there are lligllls and an original Mackintosh tip tor grabs. All prolits go to ('anccr Research. The Stand The Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlands Road. ()87() (till) (i055. 8.30pm. £4 tl.'3l. Mark Bratchpicce. Nick l‘indlay and three Velvet Virgins ~ioin host l-‘rankie Boyle.


John Shuttleworth Queen's Hall. (‘lerk Street. oo8 2tll‘). 8pm. Sheltield's Mr Subtle stops oll in lidinburgh lot" the only Scottiin date ol~ his ‘()nc l-‘oot In The (iravy’ l'K tour. Shuttlevvorth tackles the vvorld's crises. l'rom the earthquakes in India to the fuel debacle on home ground. armed only vv ith his ra/or-sharp vvit and tt'usted Yamaha organ. See

prev ievv.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £5 (£3l. llost Joon Broon introduces Irish lad Barry Murphy. and support acts 'l‘itttandra llarkness and Steven l)ick.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar l’in Mac('ools. l(il l.othian Road. (>22 710‘). 9pm. l-‘rec. Jov'ial jocularity in a line-up lt‘illlll’lllg Steven l)ick. Patil McNeil. Skank and resident host Reg .-\nderson.


Stirling Comedy Club ('ovvane Centre. (’ovvane Street. 01786 473544. 8pm. £5 (£3 ). Richard Allen comperes a night ol’ comedy vv ith special guests Janey (iodlcy and Sandy Nelson.


The Stand The Stand. 333 \Voodlantls Road. 0870 (illl) 6055. 9pm. £6 (£5 l. 'lartan-clad motor-mouth Vladimir Mc'l'av ish is the guest compere. Joining him on stage are Ireland’s Barry Murphy plus (‘olin Ramonc atid 'l‘imandra llarkncss.


The Stand the Stand. 5 York Place. 558 "2'2. 0pm. to i £5i. Matronly tigure Mrs Barbara \ice shares her tips on bargain hunting and traditional lamin \altics. Backing comes t'i'om Mark Bratchpiecc. Nick l-‘indlay and Ben Darcy. Jane Mackay takes charge ot' the comic proceedings.


Phil Kay (Ktrncgic llall. liast Port. ()l383 3l4l27. 8pm. £8.5tltL‘tv £7.5tli. Venture into the surreal vvoi'ld ol Phil Kay tor a night ot' ccccntric endeavours and titanic mental meandering.


Madcap Comedy Club At Cumbernauld Theatre ('umbernatild 'l’heatre. Kildrum. (ll 23o 732887. 8.l5pm. £5 tL'4i. Paris-based comedian liric Botivron indulges in some absurd antics. Richard Allen prov ides the comedy backing.


Dundee Comedy Club the Doghouse. l3 Brovvn Street. (H.382 227(l8t). 9pm. £5 tL'4i. llost Joon Broon introduces otir paranormal sceptic John l‘lint. plus John l.ittle_iohn. Igor Mental and one open spot.

Tommy Tiernan |)tindce Rep. lay Square. ()l 382 22353ll. 10.45pm.

L'III £12 tL'8 L'llli. Alter vvalking avvay vv ith the Perrier in 1998. the Irish chartncr has dabbled unspcctacularly on both the big and small screens. btit goes back to \vhat he does best vv ith this stand- tip tour ol the PK. Sce leattn‘c.


The Stand The Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 (illll (ill55. 9pm. [7 (Lil. See l‘ri (v.

Madcap Comedy Club The State Bar. I48 llolland Street. 332 2l5‘). 0.30pm. £5 (£4). liric Botivron. (ierry (train and Keara Murphy take responsibility tor the evening's laughter quotient. vv ith a little help l'i'om Billy Bonkers.

Edinburgh The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. ()pm. £7 ([4). See Hi (i.


Tommy Tiernan Mat-Robert. l'niversity ol Stirling. (II 786 4oltl8l. 8pm. L' It) I £8l. See Hi (i and l‘eattire page 24.


Cup A Soup Extra Comedy Challenge Yale’s \Vinc Lodge.

I34 I36 \Vesl (ieorge Street. 353 3926. 8pm. Free. The regional linal ol~ this nationvvidc comedy challenge in vvhich a cheque for L' |().(l()tl and a place on the bill beside Arthur Smith and Peter Kay avvait the overall vvinncr.

The Vigorous Lime Quiz Of Joy (‘tirlers. 25o Byres Road. 338 (i5l l. 8pm. liree. See Sun I.

GOT ln Glasgow The Stand. 333 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 (i()() 6055. 8.30pm. £5 t£4l. (iay-lriendly gags courtesy of resident host (‘raig llill. Birmingham's el'l'et‘vesccnt camp comic James Holmes headlines. sharing the stage vv ith (‘lare Mooney and hostess ot‘ the blind date competition. Jill Peacock. Canvas Comedy Club ('anvas.

l3 lb \Yalls Street. 552 2ltll. ()pm. £5. The gala reopening ol' ('anvas lcaturing one-time l'tll/lt’l‘ 722/ star Michael Redmond. Joining in the party atmosphere arc Joe lleenan. Sandy Nelson. compere Jamie Robinson and an open spot from Scott Agnevv. Blackfriars Comedy Club Blackl'riars. 36 Bell Street. 07075 l2345‘). 9pm. £5 (£4i. Line-up still to be confirmed.



Whose Lunch Is It Anyway? the Stand. 5 York Place. 558 "272. lpm. lirec vv ith drinks or a meal. See Sun 1. Tommy Tiernan Queen‘s llall. (’lerk Street. hos 2tll‘l. 8pm. L' l 2 tL'8i, Sec l’ri o and tcature.

Six On Sunday The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £3 tL'2 i. A si\-pack ol' stand-tip talent including resident host (iraemc ’l‘homas. vv ho vsclcomes to the stage 'l‘tmandra llarkncss. Steven Dick and three gticsts.


Fife Comedy Club Path lav ern. Mid Street. lll5‘l2 2o3o71. 8. 30pm, Lil tL'3 i. Kiiigtltiiii regulars .Ioon Broon and John Sinclair arc Joined by three court testers including Mark Bi'atchpiccc and .\'ick l-‘indlay.

Monday 9


Crazy Ape Comedy Club Bar Zoo. 80 l)timharton Road. 334 Sol 2. 8.30pm. [4 W3). Parading their talent this evening are l)cs ('larkc. evangelical genius the Rev ()bediah Steppenvvollc and compere Scott Agncvv. 'l‘lic Met/ comedy challenge continues vs itli three open spots


Red Raw ’l'he Stand. .5 Yol‘ls Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. l; l. Scotlanth stand up stars ol tomorrovv shovv hostess l)onna Krachan atid headliner (‘hris (‘ooper \\ hat they ‘re made ol'.

Tuesday 1 0


OOT Out On Tuesday the Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. “pm. [5 tLll l. High-energy campcomedianJames llolmes makes a vv clcome return to the comedy night he opened last year. More screaming good humour courtesy ol resident host ('raig llill. vv ith (‘larc Mooticy and blind date liosless .lill Peacock.


The Ratpack West Port Bat; West Port. (II 382 2tlll‘)‘)3_ 8.30pm. L' 3.50. Stephen (irant gears tip l'oi' his l’l'lllg’t‘ 2(Illl shovv vv ith a series ol' Ratpack gigs. Purely iii the name or research. (irant is scouring the country looking tor a lit/arre part l'or his car. (irant joins Ben Darcy and Brandon Reed iii their bid to raise l)av id llasselholl"s profile and um the American 'l'\' icon an honorary degree

Wednesday 1 1


Crazy Cabaret The Stand. 5 York Placc. SSS 7372. Spill. £4 (£3). Scc \VL'll 4.

Reg Anderson’s Fun Quiz Night The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9.30pm. £1 to play. Sec Wed 4.


The Stand llle Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 Mill (i055. 8.30pm. £4 tL’3i. Lining tip as this evening's tisual suspects are l‘rankie Boyle. Rory Motion. l)avid Kay and three Velvet Virgins.


Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar l'in Mac('ools. lol l.olhian Road. (L22 7lll‘). Upm. l'ree. (‘omedy 's Mr Magic introduces three stand—ups trom the local circuit.

The Stand The Stand. .5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £5 tL'3i. ()ar paranormal sceptic John l-‘lint headlines vv ith some absurd antics l'rom Martin liurby and (‘llris ('ooper. Joon Brotin presides.

29 '/lar- ‘2 AV 271' THE LIST 63