Wasn’t the Scottish Books special last issue? Yes. hut Ian Rankin \till he doing the hook signing rounds to promote the latcxt it] his Inspector Rehux series. The lit/It. Not much to get excited over, is it? \Vell. to coincide \\ ith the hooks launch. Waterxtone'x lia\e learned tip \\ itli Met'cat Tours to organixe a \criex ol ‘Rehtix 'l‘ourx’ “here you call \kalk in the lttttl\tep\ ol Rankin'x latned detectiye.

Anything else? to top it all oil. lttltx ol' Rankitt'x no\ cl\ cart text their Rehux know ledge in a \pecial mm at Waterxtonc‘x.

I /an Rank/n, Sat (it Mar; Ottaka/Y; Bookshop. Carrie/en fo// Shopping Centre. (500 7800; FM (SA/)r; WH. Srriith. Gy/e Shopping Centre. 37 7 I77].

I /an Rank/r) /n Conversation, Fri 0‘ Apr, 5/00. 1:50 Morrison Street. 300 3000.

I Hehris; let/rs: The LiteA/ir/ Tunes

()t /ri:;/)ector' Reht/s. fire 3 Apr; The Water Of Death, lit/ed .1 Apr. Cal/ Mercat

"let/r5; for more information on 3'35 7 0404.

A Question Of Reht/s Mon 2 Apr; l/M'iter‘storie's. Princes; Street. 220 2000.


From Dolly To Folly - sciBAr ('al'e Rouge. 4.3 l'rederick Street. 020 7‘)73 3004. 0.30pm. Free. liitihryologixt l’rol'exsot' Ian Wilmtit and Dr Donald Bruce look at the ethical and \yell'are itttpliettllttttx ol' cloning itltittlttlx.

Book events

Ian Rankin Will. Smith. 33 South (iyle Avenue. South (iyle Broadway. (iyle Shopping ('entre. 3 l 7 I77 I.

l 2pm. Free. See Sat 5 l.

Ian Rankin In Conversation lil('('. l50 Morrison Street. .300 3000. 0pm. £5 (£4). Ian Rankin will he in ettlt\‘el'\;tlit)tt \\ ith Stephen Jardine. presenter of Room .41 The 'Iiip and (:‘Jl'l'l’. on the puhlication ot' Rankin’s tyyell'tli Rehus noyel. 'I‘lrr' I'iIl/s (()i'ion £ l 0.99).


Arabs Playing Chess by Eugene Delacroix National (iallery ol' Scotland. The Mound. 024 0200. l2.45pm. l-‘t'ee. l)elacroi.\'s painting is diwttssed hy \i'iyien llamilton t‘i'om the Btirrell ('ollection iii (ilitxgttw.

Book events Mairi Hedderwick James 'l'hiii.

take the chairlitt l)(}l()l'(? enjoying the new 000 metre downhill mountain hike trail. Museum Of Scofland

Chambers Street, 2-17 .1219. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun noon—5pm; Tue 10am—8pm. £13 ($51.50): children under 18 free. Devoted solely to the history and heritage of Scotland. the building ‘. contains five thematically-atranged exhibitions. moving from pie-history. through the Industrial Revolution. to the present day.


Old Town Weaving

{5:353 Castlehill Royal Mile. 220 1530:"). Mon—Sat 0am 43.30pm; Sun Warn—Spin. SL1 (SQ—$73). Watch tartan appear before your eyes at this weaving wonderland. You'll get the chance to try your hand on a real loom and visit two mixed-

5.3 5‘) South Bridge. 022 8222. 2pm. l’r'ee. hut ticketed. l’opular children‘x author read\ from her next hook Kurr‘r' .llnnre .ilm/ 'I'Iu' It’itlrl/t'x (Bodlcy llead £0.99).


Climate Change - A User’s Guide ('enti'e lior lltiman licology. l2 Roseneath Place. 024 l‘)72. l0atn 4pm. £8 (£4). ('limate change explained

\\ itltout the technical jargon in lltix \yorksltop.


Junior Golf Leader Course Silyerknouex (ioll~ ('ourxe. Sil\el'l\ltt)\\'e\ Parkway. 557 5457. £30. Ages oyet' ltS'. Learn the hain ol‘ teaching golt' at this course leading to the auard ol Junior (ioll' Leader.


Nicky Bird l-tuitrnarket (iallery. 45 Market Street. 22.5 253.3. .2pm. Free. :\t‘ti\t. uriter and lecturer .\'icky Bird lead\ an informal tour ol'l‘t'acey .\lol'l‘att\ work currently on show in the gallery.


Cursa Gaidhlig (iillis (‘c-iiti'e. l l.3 “'hitehottxe Loan. 007 0443. 9.30am. £35 (£25). Whether you're a heginner or tnore adyanced. thix workshop is a chance to learn or improye your (iaelic.

media exhibitions. Story Of l/l/Ut'lV/llg and High/and Diess Through The Ages. Palace Of Holyroodhouse Royal Mile. 5:30 1000. Daily 9.30Ztlt‘w-rl.45t)ltt. 5‘0 (523—83160); family ticket £13.50. Starting life as a 113th century ahliey. the palace has evolved into a


River Clean-up Water or l.eith Vixitor ('entr'c. 24 l.anark Road. 455 7307. tlelp clean up \Vater ol l.eith at a \ariety ol' \itex throughout lidinhtirgh. Human Ecology Workshop (‘enti-e lior Human licolog}. l2 Roxeneath Place. 024 l‘)72. l0am 4pm. £8 (£4). .\ \\Ul'k\ltt)p httxed on the tl\et'\ guide to clitnate change.


Junior Golf Leader Course

Sll\ L‘l'klttt\\ ex (ittll' ( ‘ourxe. Silyei'knoyyex l’arkuay. 557 5457. £30. See Sat 7.

Hibernian v Rangers liaxter Road. l2 Albion l’lace. 00l ltS’75. 0.05pm. £IS £2l (£l0). ll'x make or hreak time l'or llihs \\ hen they take on Rangers in the race for that ayailahle ('ltampionx League \lot. .-\le\ .\lcl.ei\h \yill he hoping tor a repeat ol their earlier liaxter Road clash “lien a l)a\ id Zitelli goal “on the points. Or will tlti\ he Kenny .\li|ler'\ moment to tinally make llihx rue letting him go‘.’


Cursa Gaidhlig (iillis (‘enti-e. l 13 \Vltiteltouse Loan. 007 0448. Want. £35 (£25). See Sat 7.

Monday 9

Book events

The Strange Bedfellows 'l'i‘ayet'xe 'l‘lteatt'e. ('amhridge Street. 228 I404. 8pm. Poetry reading organised in conjunction with the Science l’extiyal.


Sotheby’s Annual Sale Of Scottish Pictures llopetoltn llottse. Shore Road. South Queensl'erry. 33l 245l. 0pm. £2.70 £5. Sothehy\ annual sale of line Settttlxlt. (‘olourist and sporting pictures from the ItSth. l‘)th and 20th centuries including work hy li.:\. Walton. (‘adell. Hunter and James McIntosh l’atrick.


Approaches To Landscape National (iallery ot' Modern Art. Bell‘ord Road. 024 0200. l2.45ptit. l‘ree. Artist-in-residence at Dull llottse. l)onald Urquhart. giyes a talk.

Tuesday 1 0

Book events

David Gemmell \Vaterxtone's.

l3 l4 Princes Street. 550 3034. 0.30pm. l-"ree. (iemmell reads from and discusses his latest hook Raven/rear! (Bantam l’t‘ess £10.90). the third iii his series of ‘Rigante‘ novels.

sumptuous regal res‘idence crammed full of paintings and artefacts dating hack primarily to the 17th

century. Royal Botanic Mon—Fri Garden

lnverleith Row. 552 7171. Daily 9.30arn—6pm. Free. A sea of tranquillity tn the turnout) of the city. the

Botanic Garden is home to a wealth of flora from around the globe. Royal Yacht Britannia

Ocean Drive. Leith.

Wain—3.30pm; Sat 'Sun 9.30am—6pm. £7.75 (£3.75—E595): tamin ticket 920. The former royal yacht has opened its doors to members of

listings Edinburgh life

Wednesday 1 1


Duchess Of Gordon With The Marquess Of Huntly by George Romney National Portrait (iallct‘y. l Queen Street. 024 0200. 12.45pm. l'rec. lltiglt Behey. curator ol' ( iatnxhorotigli Home It] Suttolk. tllSL‘llSSL‘S Romney \ painting.

Wines Of Australia ()ticen'x llall. ('lerk Street. 008 20W. 7.30pm. £ l 250 (£22.50 inc dinner) l’cter (ireen leadx a tutored \\ ine taxting

Book events

James Robertson \Valet‘\totte\. l2\' l’rincc\ Street. 220 2000 0pm. l‘rcc. Rohertxon reads trom lllS no\ cl I‘lit' I'irnulrt~ (liourth lixtate £ W). a tale ol' lidinhtirgli iii the prexent and in the Iotli century.


Stories In Harmony Nether-him .-\rt\ (’entre. 43 45 High Street. 550 9570/2047. 7pm. £0 ( £4). l'olk and tarry tales trom Scotland and (iliana. itt turn llttllttH'UllS and magical. l’at't ot' the (i/rrmur'rr/r .ll'ly I'r’t/rt'trl.

Amu And Heather Nettierhtm .-\l‘l\ ('entre. 43 45 High Street. 550 0579/2047. H.30pm. £4 (£3). (ilianaian storyteller and ltlttle‘ltlll (iilt .\mti l.ogo\te is joined h) het' Scotlixlt equiyalent lleather Mule (clarxach) in this performance. l’art ot' the (i/iiurur'irn .'lI'I.\ l'i'xtr't‘ttl.


Musselburgh Races .\lt1\\ell)llt‘glt Racecourse. l.inklield Road. 005 235‘). £7 £ l 2 (£4). See 'l‘hti 2‘).


African Village Reconstruction 'l'lte Meadoyys. 530 IS43. l lam 4pm. l‘ree. Ahrempon (‘ultttral (iroup tranxt‘orm a part ol' the Meadoux into art African yillage. the group \\ ill pel‘lttl'ltl traditional dance. ritual and l'ortttne telling l‘or memherx ol' the ptihlic ax part (it the (i/rtmuru/r .'ll‘l\ /'i'\tri‘rt/.


Nature Photography - The Commercial Influence Royal Botanic (iarden. lmerleitli Rim. 24X 297‘). 3pm. liree. Laurie (‘ainphcll (lisettxsc'N the importance ol' integrity irt light ol the comtnercialixm ol plant photography.

An Evening With Mary Fahey Salixhury ('entre. 2 Salixhury Road. 0208 923 7703. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). ‘llealing from the inside him can \xc take better care till out‘xelyex',’ i\ the title ol‘ the talk. l‘ollowed hy gentle rela\ation exercises. meditation and image \york.

the public after a '22:") million refit. The on shore '."lf)!t()l centre contains, historical inforrnati'ai on the heat and ltf, furnishings. Witchery Tour

Meet outside The Witchery Restaurant. Castle-hill, 22:3 07/13 57 (3:4). Titties vary and advanced hooking l‘) (L‘SStflilléll. Take a light- hearted look at the dark side of Edinburgh wrth your guide. Adam Lyal (rleceaseri). who ml! regale you ‘.'/lll‘ stories at torture. plague. murder and ‘.'.’liCll’,lEtll —< not watch cut for ghcsts arid ghouls lurking in the shadovm,

29 Mar—12 Apr 2001 THE LIST 91