
Products, fashion and style

I \‘cryonc‘s got a passion. If yours is for foon car thcn you‘ll alrcady know about ()fficc London. \thn its (llasgow branch opcncd in ()ctolicr I999 it was mct with not thc

pittcr pattcr of tiny fcct hut thc thundcroUs trampling of thc

ahead of Words: Louisa Pearson fashion-C(msclI()tls scarching l‘()l' lllL‘ lk‘l'liL‘L‘l pair of \lltlL‘\. I lhcrc arcn t many high strcct shops that can lioast a clicntclc that includcs Madonna. Rolihic Williann. thc (iallaghcr lirothcrs. Bjork. l’aul \Vcllcr and (icrri llalliwcll. but at ()flicc London thc rich and famous arc just as liltcly to lic found frctting oyct‘ a half si/c as you arc. 'l‘his rcputation for cutting—cdgc dcsign at It affordahlc priccs didn‘t dcyclop oycr night. It was hack in thc (ills “a,” - I I” that diIrcIctoiITIIl)ir\'Iid ('Iascy IaIntIl Richard I\\'IlIiartIonIliIcganI thIc I I i I “W: ’_I rjmynqaa I IWItlslncss. sc Ittg tam -ma(L Iootwcat. M ls .tnt tlggttgc. 1- g f - e- I I‘ I lhioughout thc 7()s thc company contmucd to grow, cstahhshing ' ' thrcc shops in ccntral London. but it was in NM that an imagc rcy‘amp was implcmcntcd and ()flicc London cntcrcd thc fashion consciousncss. l,ocatcd in dcsigncr fashion cmporium llypcr— I , llypcr. thc shop ruhlicd sllUllltlL‘l‘s -, I _ with Iltc likcs of (iltosl. .loltll

Ngutl”, 3M, . p, IIIII Richmond and Pam llogg.

1-yx¢,,” fl . . I, laschcwmg thc drab carpcts and .I L: ', v _ _ oycrstuffcd shclycs of othcr high— ""a§.&v"',,', -rl’ :II strcct rctailcrs. ()fficc London‘s

' .I I . t. .I r‘ r” I. shops arc spacious allaiis. -. l .lf‘rI-ntr fly) .3. ,~ .3,

'I displaying thc shocs to thcir lull ..-,c.--’-";# f u. ady‘antagc. :\s wcll as stocking . x re mg over k k

Iltclr own sliocs. ()flicc London has

a actcd as thc launch sitc for scycral are. brands. including Ncw Balancc. Salomon and \Nalsh. lts ability to pick up on fashion trcnds months hcforc its compctitors might hayc something to do with its buying tcam also hcing dcsigncrs.

With two othcr brands cstahlishcd in London (Offspring and Postc). a thriving mail ordcr husincss and hcing \‘otcd winncr of thc Bcst Multiplc Rctailcr ()f 'l‘hc Ycar award for two succcssiy c years at thc British liootwcar Awards. ()flicc London isn't rcsting on its laurcls. lf you'rc looking for a pair of shocs with a

diffcrcncc. ladics might want to considcr thc Argylc anklc boots (£64.99). with a dcsign to match your knitwcar. whilc thosc with onc thing on thcir mind might bcnclit from thc

Saucy (‘rocodilc .\lulc (£44.99) or Lacc lfp Vamp

Mulc (£49.99). lf you’rc following thc currcnt Xlls fashion rcyiy'al you‘ll be plcascd to discoycr lli l’unk sandals (£49.99) to complcmcnt your rippcd jcans. 'l‘hc mcn‘s collcction has cycrything from thc ('lassic .»\ Loafcr (£69.99) to thc Bowling Shoc (£76.99) and supcr-suay'c Star 'l‘rck l.oafcr

(£59.99) for thc man who wants to

makc a statcmcnt. Whatcy'cr your

stylc. Office London has somcthing to bring out thc lmclda Marcos in all of Us.

f ? 3 J .5 '.'."""

7" 'J- ' . I '"fi’fi'wmfl’

Office London’s

shops are spacious -: 4 , . affairs, displaying I If a” _ " p‘un‘qw‘ . Office London, 54-56 Buchanan the shoes to their '- - a .- 4'3!" "H " ' -' ' Street, Glasgow, 0141 248 8346,

full advantage " .

‘l 14 111E “81’ 12—26 Apr 2001