VI saw you blagging your new outlit l'or liruitlly. Make sure you ean walk properly next shill. Teehie Shaggerllirting Tl? Box No [7411/25.

9 I saw you lloating past me.

ex-goth with 2 puppies. Write the 1mm the other side of the world xx Box No [7411/26. 0 I saw you .\'ie without your sequins. bragging abotit stalkers. in the ('ity ('ale. l.elt . I saw you hchind {he so quickly 7 hurry back soon. eounter in the l-‘ilinhotise. l'm the girl that went into the men's toilets by mistake xxx Box No 1'/41 1/21.

0 I saw you Robert. eounting your Star Trek \ ideos in Klingon. What btis goes to liaglesham'.’ Box .\'o [7411/22. 0 I saw you at Mike is wedding. People cheered. womankind wept eongratulations. Box .\'o

l'/4l 1/23.

'0 I saw you 1 saw yoti 1)r .\'andi in your lunky b’lls shirt. bringing the white vest into 21st century l'ashion. Mr Nesbitt would be proudl Box .\'o

[/41 1/24.

what's your l‘avourite eolour. what star sign (etel l.otsa luv \'.S.(i'sl xxx Box .\'o l'/4l 1/27.

We miss you. where do you liy e.

How To Place an



By post box: Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues’, blue, City Cafe, Eh1, Filmhouse, Iguana, Traverse, The Venue, Stills Gallery (Edinburgh), or The Garage, Blackfriars, Brel, Cul de Sac, GFT, Borders Cafe, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

By phone: Call 0131 558 1191 from 10am—5pm

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The List I Saw You At the McLellan or Galleries, 270 Sauchiehall St Glasgow G2 3EH

The List I Saw You 14 High Street Edinburgh


No payment is required as I SAW YOU lineage adverts are a free service to readers. Deadline for the next issue is 12 noon on THURSDAY 19 April 2001. Only one I Saw You per person per issue will be published.

O I saw you getting annoyed with me for erashing lag ol‘l~ you in ('ity (’ale. Box No l'/41 l/ZS’. VI saw you the mUsie was sound btit yott w et'en't around. I thought we had lun but yoti wanted ntm. So long. farewell Aul W'iedersehn. (ioodby'e. Box No [7411/29.

V I saw you on Sunday. Me with a buneh o1 sketehing l'rientls in the Tray bar. l.ongish hair. You'll do. xxx Box No [7411/30.

V I saw you Mr Yiola player ol‘ Seottish ()pera. Yoti are a shag. Box No [7411/31.

0 I saw you ()uie waitress at Blue. skulled down my l.agers so you'd keep .sery ing me. You said my tee was rad. l have to see your smile again. Box No [7411/33.

0 I saw you the silver l‘ox! Lawyer at the Blue Bar distinguished and distinctive. Meet me in l.ondon. Box No [7411/33.

V I saw you at the Liquid Room lidinburgh on Wed night. it was when my lady daneed for me. it was heavenly! l‘ishnet- tastie Little Bool xx Box .\'o l'/4l 1/34.

V I saw you distinguished. middle-aged man. in (ireen Mondeo in Rose Street (‘arpark. Queen blaring out the windows. me rock you? Box No [7411/35.

V I saw you eurly. sparkly man. Stuek on M‘) in a traffic

jam. You were in a red

Volkswagen Passat pieking your nose. btit 1 don't mind. Box .\'o lf/4l 1/36.

V I saw you pedalling your wares tip l.even Street. Tuesday 3/4 late night . . . Me on Bike. you on Bike. Were you looking baek‘.’ Maybe. l confess I eertainly was. in ease you were wondering. 1 would have stopped but the brakes aren't working at the mo. Jtist to let you know . . . .\'ext time. let's try a proper eollision. Box No l,'/4l 1/37.

0 I saw you l.otiisa at Rampage 9/3/01. you gave me your email address btit it didn't work! See you at the next one‘.’ Box No [7411/38.

V I saw you in Espionage 24/03/01. picking up empties in a big blue bin. You tall and goateetl. Me girl in green top smiling inanely every time you walked past. Fancy a ehat'.’ Box No [7411/39.

V I saw you Raebttrn Hotel 24.113 7 (‘an w e w ateh .llt't'l .loe' Blue/t together'.’ .-\nd being 35 is ()K. Box Nob/411,011).

0 I saw you (a The Magnifieents ('ate Royal Sunday 25 Mareh. You were the beautiful girl with vinyl hair and bright yellow T-shirt. l was the dumbstruek boy in the orange T- shirt. possibly staring a little too mueh. (‘otne. let's swap T-shirts. Box Nob/41H“.

V I saw you I remember you at the eellar bar. . . talking polities and philosophy. Your brown hair made me twinge. Why won't you phone me and play me one ol' your songs'.’1’l’ You know who you are .-\l).-\M. l’hone me. Box .\'o [/41 1/42.

0 I saw you in Metropole Coffee House. Thursday 2‘) Mareh. You. lovely dark haired girl with glasses. asked me ill was someone you were meant to be meeting? Sadly l wasn't btit would like to have been. Me. short dark hair and glasses would like to meet Y()l,' there next time? Interested‘.".’ Box No l,’/41 1/43.

0 I saw you Pressure. 30/3/01. Panda —r eheers for a top bangin‘ weekend. We have to get together again sometime?! Are you tip for it'.’ Tiger Box .\'o 17/41 1/44.


V I saw you Simon W. you big hairy htmk o1 a man at The Stand on Monday's. You roek my world you hirsute hottie. you give me 'Night Fever". B mine. Your Asian babe K xx Box .\'o l..'/4l 1/45.

V I saw you Traverse Bar. l~‘ri 30/03/110. 1 lpm'ish. You good looking. greying hair with spees. We left at the same time. you with a woman. me with 2 l‘riends. 1 held the door open for you. You smiled . . . Fancy a drink‘.’ Box N [.741 1/46.

V I saw you recently better in a good mood. Such a eoineidenee . . . You remember me? Ha ha ha Box No [3/41 1/47. 0 I saw you ll). I'll see you soon. ('an't wait. B. Box No L'/4l 1/48.

V I saw you Marissa. You've l'aneied me since 1 sold you Turkestan. apparently. lt‘s about time we got together! Box No L'/41 1/4‘).

1 saw you CLASSIFIED

V I saw you Mhari lroin liast l.othian at the l’leasanee Bar on Sat 30/3. We daneed. Would like to danee with you again. Box No [7411/50.

V I saw you shiny blaek l’\'(' trousers. longish dark hair. blaek boots. shades. Walking up ('ireus l’laee lrom Stoekbridge. Sunday 1 .-\pril. ~just alter midday. Me in red \'W (ioll. blaek leather jacket. I tried to eateh your eye. l)id l'.’ liy en i1 not l'd be exeited it you got in toueh. I thought you looked sublime. Nothing to lose? Box .\'o [7411/51.

VI saw you loot ol l.eith btis stop Sat 31 Mareh at 7.30am. You asked me l'or ehange and we ehattetl brielly'. would loy e to meet you againll Box No

[/41 1/52.

VI saw you walking in Morningside with a ginger dog. You had long blonde hair. 1 was munehing a ereme How do you eat yours'.’ Box No {7411/53.

V I saw you at lidinburgh airport on Tuesday. when you'd just got baek trom .lapan. l steamed up in my liiat l’tinto. late as Usual. and apologised prol'usely. .So sorry. whoeyel' you are. Box .\'o 17/41 1/54.

0 I saw you listening to .‘vlarblehead and then saying it was like l’ulp. Listen again or eat your hat pen-boy? Box No l.'/4l 1/55.

V I saw you lid 1) mixing it tip in a truly majestie lashion (0 Majesliea. We'll always mention you. Take care and stay warm. Sliakti & l.ogrey';-1 x Box No [/41 “56.

V I saw you Newtown Bar. St Patrick's night. You grey T- shirt standing at the door. me in leatherjaeket. Regret that 1 never said hello. Like to go lor a drink sometime‘.’ Box .\'o

[.741 1/57.

0 I saw you hey. my baby wee peas. Thanks lor your hugs. We ean be in love again in time. Let me win your heart baek. Wee lirnie. Box No

l'/4l 1/58.

12—26 Apr 2001 THE LIST 135