Film index

Film index continued

The Criminal t l5i 0.. (Julian Simpxon. l'K. 200th Stexeii \laekintoxh. Bernard llill. liddie l/lard. minx. 'l’he xtretiglh oi Julian Siinpxon'x promixing debut ieature. a eonteinporar} urban thriller \iitli liliii noir mertoiiex. liex primaril) in the eonlident u riting. ax exemplitied b} itx daring opening xeeiie in \ihieh .\laekintoxh'x muxieian ix xedueed. bedded and linall} arrexted lot her murder l.atei‘ releaxed. Nltieklnltixli \xtititlei‘x tlie xtreetx iii xearcli til elttex. xliadim ed b} iaded deleetn e llill. .-\ \L‘L'rClH e oi’ganixation ealled Sliaekleton ix mentioned b_\ a xhad) ligure in a peep-xhou. but ax the bodiex pile up. Maekiiitoxh loxex the plot eompletel}. liaxt Kilbride Artx ('enti‘e. laaxt Kilbi‘ide; Adam Smith 'llieatre. Kirkeald}.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (lb 0.... l:\ttg ('hina/l ‘S. Ztititii .\liehelle Yeoh. ('hou Yun—l‘at. [hang Xiyi. ('hang (lien. l2“ miiix. Jane .-\trxteii meetx Bruee Lee in .-\ng ‘St'nu' .Ilm/ Seriii'lu'liii' hex axtonixhing martial artx period drama. In a lietionalixed \erxion oi earl} l‘)th eentur} (him. a \xorld oi lieroie “arriorx and deep philoxophieal \‘aluex. xcultllexxl)‘ tiller“ ea\ex the xtiiriex til [\x'o xetx oi lt)\ erx. and a re\enge tale Will] a ieininixt tii ixt. The light xeenex are groundbreaking. ax L‘lttit‘eogt‘uplieil b} expert Yuen Wo l’ing. At onee breathtaking and beautiiul. ('miu'liing'lieer‘x alxo a einematie landmark: itx iuxion oi the bext elementx irom liaxt and \Vext cinema liax created xometliing wholly new (ieneral releaxe. Dearest Relatives (Parenti serpenti) l l5) l.\ltii'io Monieelli. ltal)’. l‘)‘)2i IUS ininx. The joy ol a iamin ('hrixtinax ix xliattei'ed b} the grandparentx‘ announcement oi their intention to moi e in with their eliildren. l’art oi the ltaliaii l’ilm iextival. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow.

Die Hard t l8) 0... (John Me'l'iernan. l'S. HMS) Bruee Willix. Alan Riekman.

Bonnie Bedelia. l3l minx. \Villix pla_\x a eop \i ho attendx a ton er bloek part} \\ ith hix extranged xpouxe, The building ix raided b} terioi'ixtx. xo it‘x lett to \Villix to bump on the baddiex and xa\ e the hoxtagex while the poliee and l-Bl langtnxh ineptl} on the xidelinex. l'nbearabl} tenxe aetioner that getx good mileage out ol )auiiing litt-xhaitx and ll}lllg bulletx. \ihile \Villix ix eonx ineing ax an ordinar} gu} tr) ing to eope \klll] it all. Wateh otit tor Brit Riekman ax a \ illain u itli a xenxe ol humour. l'( i( '. lzdinburgli Digital Monsters: Digimon The Movie t M ii .0. i'lakaaki Yainaxliita. llixhaxlii Nakatama. .\laxaxhiio :\i/a\i.i. Japan/l ‘S. 200] i SS minx. l)igimonx he not relati\ ex ol l’okemonx btit do xliare xome traitx. being titltlrltitiklli}: and lighting uhen requexted b} pi‘e<teen maxterx. laxxeiitiall) Ult'inmn oilerx a beginnerx guide in three partx. lt e\plainx hon the little monxterx eame about (the) 're hour the digital \Hii'ltl). tlcxt‘i'lliL‘x ti \i'tii'ltl- (it‘ \\ L‘li-llit't'tilcliltig adxenture and tiiiixhex \\ itli the pei'xonal xtoi'_V oi one ho} and hix Digimon gone rogue. All in glorioux Japanexe animation \xith lotid roek intixie and a battle exer} liiteen minutex. Adult brain'x are kept ali\ e “llll axidex like. '.\la_\ be we xliotild eall Bill (iatex‘. and email aeeount-holding. mobile phone-Wielding under l()'x \\ ill be in their element. Seleeted t'eleaxe.

Dinosaur t l’(ii 0.. (line l.eighton. Ralph Zondag. l’S. 200th \'oieex oi: l).li. Sweetie}. Julianna .\l;ii'giiliex. Joan l’lowright. 82 minx. 'l‘hix latext eomputer animated oiiering irom l)ixne_\ iollou x the

journe) oi Aladar the lgtianadon ax he lleex

ttcrtixx the meteor-raVixlied \uixleltind oi prehixtorie liartli alone aiter being xeparated iroin hix iamil). Initially. the exeiteinent ix eontagioux; the ('(il xeenex are xo realixtie it'x not that hard to believe \\ hat _\ou are ixatehing eould be real. 'l'hen traged} .xtrikex; the lemurx talk. And talk. Yet ax the predietable and. ultimately. boring xtor} line oi [Murmur unioldx. that winning l)ixitC}

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30 THE LIST 12—26 Apr 2001 2001

.‘ t Michelle Rodriguez makes a triumphant debut as a Puerto-Rican-

American fighting her way out of a New York ghetto in Karyn Kusama's

loi'mula ix guaranteed to keep an} diiioxaiii‘ era/i littll‘-}L‘;tl‘-ttltl pinned to hix or her xeat \xithout xearing them too mueh. ()deon. l)unlermline.

Donald Cammell’s Wild Side t 1.x. .0. il)onald (‘ammell. l'S. Ztititii .v\nne lleelie. (‘hrixtopher \Valken. Joan ('hen. l 12 minx. In 1005 lli/r/Sii/e'x produeerx i'e—eut the lilm againxt (‘ammell'x \iixhex. In April l‘No he xliot liimxell. \(m the l’t’l'lrrl‘millti (' L'ti-tlll'celiit"x lttxl ttiii\ 1C xeex the light ol da} in the lorm he intended. 'l'hix px}ehoxe\ual thriller. in \xhieh ioiir pla}erx banker. raeketeer. extranged \\ lie and bod}gtiai'd luek eaeh other in ei botli metaplioi'ieall) and literall). ix an une\ en al'lair. \ewt‘lltelexx. tlie eaxt are llioi'otiglil} entertaining. and (‘ammell xa_\x xome interexting thiiigx about the xe\/po\\er/mone} ne.\ux. (‘ameo. ladinbtirgli. 0 Don’t Look Now i is. 00000 iNieolax Roeg. IR. 1073) Donald Sutherland. Jtilie (‘hi'ixtie ltii minx. RL‘SlUl'dllUil e\pert \\ itli xeeond xiglit \ ixitx Veniee. “here he tlleelx tip \\ illi [\xo oltl xixr terx \xho elaim xpii'itual eommunieation \iith hix reeentl) drowned daughter. .-\gainxt a Mann-like baekdrop oi une\plained thlllllS. liL‘ bL‘L‘iiiiiex olixexxL'tl \\ Illi :t tilt}. red-eoated ligiire lie xpiex xeurr'} ing through the en) ‘x dark alle) x. Splendid xtipernattiral xtixpenxe tlio\ ie. ax xubtl} lC\llll'L‘tl and bril- liantl} edited ax an} oi Roeg'x uork. xx iih the added adxantage that it'x a rather good )ttl'li. See re\ ieu. liilnihouxe. ladinburgh. Drole de Felix l lSi COO i()li\ iei l)ueaxtel. Jaetiuex \lartineau. l-ranee. letllii Saiiii Bouaiila. :\i'iane .-\xearide. l’ierre- l.oup Raiot. U7 minx. .-\ likeable ga_\ —themed road iiit)\ ie about a gu_\. l'L'll\ iSami litiltttlllttl. tra\elling ironi Normand} to .\larxeille iii xeareh ol liix lather. Urn/e l)¢' l'i'lii ix in exxenee a rite oi paxxage. l)utiiull'\ xtrtiettiring the lilm around lile lexxonx learned through eneotinterx on the road. the tlll'L‘L'lUl'S. L‘pixotlie xltii‘} prrn ltlL‘S l‘eli\ \\ itli a kind oi iamil} in dribx and drabx. But though the lilm'x tone ix generall} eox}. it alxo ineorporatex the rixqiie and the politieal. Adam Smith 'l‘heatre. Kirkeald).

Dungeons and Dragons l 12, O. t(’ourtne) Solomon. l'S. Zlilll i 'l‘hora Bireh. Jerem} lronx. Marlon \\';i_\anx. ltiH minx. Baxed on the eult role-pla) ing game itxell inxpired b_\ e\er_\thing irom ’l’olkein‘x Lord 0/ Hie Ring” to Robert li. llouard'x ('unun The Barbarian tliix xl\ lantax} bloekbuxter hax arri\ ed in ent} _\earx too late t 'l)t&'l)' peaked in popularit} during the Slixi. l)ii'eetor and gamer Solomon. remainx reaxonabl} laithiul to the xpirit oi the game mm a xtoi’) inxoliing ii\e )oung ad\entur'erx attempting to xeeure the poueriul Rod oi Sa\ rille m hieh eontrolx dragonxi on beliall oi l'.iiipt'exx Sa\ ina


llilt't‘ll i. “lit! ix about to be depoxed b_\ e\ ll iii/aid l’i'olion ilroiixi lloxuwer. uliat made the game xo eompelling itx lllipl’tn ixed nature \xliieli iaixed it abo\ e itx elielied laiitax} oeu\re ix loxt on liliii. Seleeted releaxe.

Easter Parade t t 'i 0.. t( ‘hai lex \Vtillel‘x. l'S. l‘l-lb'i l't't'tl :\xl;iti‘e. Jtitl} (iarland. .-\nn .\lil|ei‘. ltl‘) minx. :\xtaii‘e. true to tipe. pla)x a xong-and-danee man on the lookout tor a nen partner. lanter ( iarland xtage leit. and the rexiilt ix an t‘lllti};llilt‘ ll lightxx eight nitixieal that briiigx together lloll_\\\ood'x top genre xtarx lor the lirxt and onl} time. A lilm that li\ex lor itx lrx iiig Berlin numberx. (irox\enor. (ilaxgou.

The Emperor’s New Groove t t 'i 0.. (Mark l)indal. l‘S. 300! i l)a\'id Spade. John (ioodman. liartha Kill. 78 titllix. l',iiipei'oi‘ Kir/eo ix monareh oi an unxpeeilied South Ameriean land \\ ho ix turned into a llama b} hix xeheming axxixtant Y/ma ixoieed moxt appropriatel} b} Kitti during a hotelied axxaxxination attempt, The llama emperor goex on the run and ix beiriended b} gutitl-“lllt‘tl herdei l’aeha i(ioodinani. \\ ho lielpx return hix lour- legged ruler to hix throne. 'lhere are the oeeaxional elei er poxtmodern touehex Kir/eo xtopping the liliii reel to talk to the aiidienee but moxtly tliix ix prime old. xehool l)ixne_\ xtuli. lt laekx the animated laiidxeape innoiationx oi 'Iirrg'un. nor doex it eiiio} the eharaetei’ development oi .rl/m/in. \i'hieli ix \ih}. ultimatel). itx mixxiiig edge. (iL'tiL‘t‘ttl t‘L'lCde'.

Enemy At The Gates l lSi COO. iJean-Jaequex .-\nnaud. l'K/l'ranee. leilli Jtide l.;t\\_ lid llarrix. Raehel \Veixl. Joxeph l'iennex. HS minx. 'l‘he moxt e\penxi\e litiropean lll()\ ie ei er reereatex the deeixii'e moment during World War II uhen the Rtixxianx and the (iermanx battled on the liaxtern l-ront. Annatid eondenxex the xiege oi the eit) ol Stalingrad into a thrilling eat- and-mouxe game hetixeen [\H) xniperx

iSox iet norking-elaxx hero lam and (ierman arixtoerat llarrixi with a lo\e triangle thrown in lor eomtnereial eommon xetixe, lt‘x a film that'x lull oi large-xeale xpeetaele and intimate detailx. and in a xeene to (Hill Sui in: Private Rmn'x ()maha Beach opener. the beaut} oi eineina liiix the iiglinexx oi \le ii. itli brutal elleet. (ieneral releaxe.

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas ilHi O... t’l'err} (iilliam. l'S. l‘)‘)8i Jolinn} l)epp.. I Hi ininx. Ax adaptationx oi eult book‘x go. (iilliam‘x take on Hunter S. 'l'hoinpxon'x axxaxxination ol the Ameriean Dream ix a glorion inexx oi a moxie. lt remainx true to the author'x \‘ixion oi moral torpor and pxychoxix. wliilxl injecting a good xhot ol (itlllatti'x tmn iithxxioitx. l'ilzmcd. eertainl}. but epieall} degenerate. And thux pure gon/o~ (’ameo. lzdinburgh.