Film Index

Film index continued

Hannibal I 1m 0000 IRItIIC} Scott. I'S. ZIKII i Anthon) llttplkllh. Julianne Moore. (iar_\ ()Idrnan. IRI turns. The follow -up to I09 I \ The Silent e ()I 'I'lie [uni/n places I)r llannihal I.ecter t Hopkins gleclull} l'L'llrINlllg' IIIN ()xcar-w inning rolei centre stage and rnaltex the predator the pre} as the "retired~ caninhal killer I\ hunted down in l'lor'ence h} hrx onl} \urxix ing but IlltlL‘ttlhl} dixl‘igured \ retiin. the millionaire Mason Verger ta \tiper'li.uncredited and unrecogiiixahle ()Idriiani. \erger'x inanhunt alerts ('Iar‘ice Starling t.\Ioore replacing Indie I'oxter't. w hose l‘illl career ctinlinuex to be hampered h} rnalc prejudice. to I.ecter'x w hereahoutx. 'I‘hough there are detourx Irorn the nmel. llttixl notahl} the e\traordinar_\ ending. here made more palatable l'or‘ cineina audiences. the pei'l'tirrnancex. pacing and cineinatograph} are I'lawlexx. And tliotigli it's a com entional thriller rather than a chiller. it‘s still a heart) slice ol' inodern (itillllc. (iener'al release.

A Hard Day’s Nighttt'i 00.

(Richard l.t‘\lL‘l‘. l'K. I904) John Lennon. l’aul .\lc'(';irtrit'}. (ieorge Harrison. Ringo Starr. 87 llllll\. 'l‘hix re-release ol‘ the Beatlex' screen dehtit. eoriiplete with digitall} restored soundtrack. sees the liali l‘our \uppoxedl} preparing lot a li\ e 'l‘\' perl'orinaiiee. Actuall). jigging with the exuberant energ) ol~ )outh and the l'ear‘lexx arrogance ol~ thtwe who are adored. they dodge their manager. taunt their l'anx and riiake a pla_\ground ol' the \ll'L'L'h. I.exter'x inock docurneiitar) recei\ ed two Academy Award tltilllllltllltills. 'I’oda). the camera tricks may seem less than llll[)l't‘\\l\c. hut the innocent upheat hurnour L'tilllL'\ as a tirnel) r‘eliel'. See review. ('anieo. lidinhtirgh.

Harry, He’s Here To Help I tar O... (Dominik Moll. lirance. 200m Sergi I,ope/. Laurent Lucas. Mathilde Seigner. Sophie (itiillernin. I I7 llllllx.

Harassed )oung married couple .\Iiche| tl.uca\i and ('Iaire iSeignei i are en route to renmate their \llllllllct‘ holida} horiie w ith their three demanding children when \lrehel hurnpx into Ilarr} llaipC/I. an old school acquaintance. Ila\ing rnxrted lllllt\t'll to dinner. llarr} re\ ealx lll\ riiotto a \olultoti toe\er} problem and prornptl} goex to \Nttl‘lt. \ltilll\ \\ L'll L'l'dllt‘tl I‘lt‘lltl til \U\[‘t'll\t' and llll\L‘llle\till\ hurnour. assured pacing and line set pieces triot to mention an opening credit \equence Saul Ba“ would he proud oli places the film tip there with lllg'lhlllllll and Hitchcock (‘arneo. lidinhurgh.

Himalaya IV“)... «the Valli. l’rance/Swit/erlaiid/l'K/Nepal. Itititii l‘hrlen I.hondup. (iiii'gon Kwip. I.haplta Ixanichoe HM llllll\. In the Iiigli rnountairw oi the llllll;tl;l).’t\. a \ illage prepares lor the annual )ak cara\an to market. Ilow e\ er. the _\oung ClllL‘l‘lillll lttt\ been killed and the old clan head. refuses to recognise the Iiot headed Karina as his \uccexxor. .-\ worth} lll\l:_'lll into the It\e\ ol a hard) people. the landscape is hreathtakirigl} \hot. and the attention In Iticttl tlelttil l-L'L‘l\ tttllltetiltc. 'l'he plot has less going lot it. being at heart a lairl) Itackrte}ed \lot') ol‘ an heir to the throne ha\ ing to proxe he I\ worth} oi the crown. The Lumiere. lidinhurglr

The Hole t ISI 0... t.\'icl\ Ilainrn. l'K. 200] I 'l‘hora Bitch. lzinheth I)a\ rdt/. IIIZ rninx. 'l’hix p\_\chological ehrIlrer tinl'oldx through a \er'iex oi~ t'Iaxhhackx ax traumatised teenager I.i/ ll‘ltl'cltl rexealx to a px} chologixt tl)a\ idt/i that \he and three other I‘r‘iendx w ere trapped l'or two w eekx in an underground bunker. l'xing the trglit structure of narratixe llaxhhackx to re\ cal cottllicting \Crxltittx ol the e\ entx. while cral'til} keeping the ltor'r'or'x ol‘ the hole a mystery lot as long ax possible. the film I\ packed with \tl\pCll\C. What riiiglit hax e happened to the L‘tHllL‘flttltlx ot Big Brother had they heeri depriVed ol~ lood and water for two weeks. See re\ iew. (iencral release.

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32 THE LIST 12—26 Apr 2001 2001

Find out what the very first Britpop phenomenon, the Fab Four, was all about with the re-release (with digitally remastered soundtrack) of A Hard Day’s Night

Hollow Man I Is. 00. d’.ml \erhoe\eii.l S. ltititii keun Ilatori. Izlrxalielh Shite. eloxli Ilrolin I llllll\ \er'Iioe\eii taltex another Iota} into adult \ti ll \\ III) [III\ ltlll\t’ .ttlttltlallttll ill II (i \\ellt'\' I'ln /Il\I\I/’/t' .I/trit in which Ilaeori pI.r\ \ arr egotistical genrux leading a learn ol \t'lt'ltll\l\ iii\ol\ed iii goxerniiient riiiIitar\ \ponxored e\per'irnent\ w ith iii\ rxiliilit} .-\ndrew \\. .\Iar|owe'\ \eieeripIa} \uhxcriliex to \Ulllt‘ l.l\t‘lll.lllllj_' I’Iatonn idea\ aliout rnoralit_\ and eulpahrlrt}. whn h, unlortunatel}. l\ aliandoned around the hall wa_\ rnar'L loi \traiglitlor ward action lIlllIl\ Still. the \[lt‘t‘lttl elleetx are groundbreaking. particularl) the \eerie\ in which Iah\. and later Ilaeori. are inieeted with a t'adroacti\e \eiurn t'.lll\lll_‘.' them to \.llll\ll and reappear in Ia'\er\: \krii. rninele. orgarix skeleton. (lirneo. ludinliurgh.

How To Make A Martini (Come si fa un Martini) t Ilitktko Stella. Ital}. Itltitli ()H llllll\. _'\ nurnher ol \lltill

interwo\ en \IUl'lt‘\ all \et in or around a Iaxliiorialilc .\lilaiie\e l‘t'\l.llll.l|ll one \unirncr\ c\e. l’art ot the Italrari l'llltl l'extnal. l‘lllllllttlht‘. l.diiihtirg|i

Imagine: John Lennon I I5. .00 t.r\ndr'ew Solt. I‘thi IIIS nnnx Documentary leattrrrng lootage tiInied at I.ennon'x request. that centre\ on the I‘VI recording \t‘\\ltlll that produced ‘Iniagine' Son Julian and w ile \oko ( )no are

inter\ iew ed. and thouin l.l\t'lll.lllll_‘_'. it'x certainl} a one \rded portrait that painh I.ennon ax a saint. (il'ti\\ellttl. (ilaxgow

It Came From Outer Space lI’( n .0. Mack .'\l'ltttltl. I S. Illsll Ix’reliaid ('arIwn. liai'liar‘a Rush. (‘harlex I)\e. Rtixxell lolirixorr NI llllll\. \Iade in i I), tIn\ protot}pe ‘It‘telttll'\ alien‘ rno\ ie hroke some new ground. hut alxo harhourx \orne prett} Iatrtiliat‘ \tei'eot}pe\ tlolerarit. riii\urider\lood \L‘lt‘llll\l. dioot-Iihl .l\l\ tttte\ltiiti\ Ialer Iawinani and some prett} natl acting. But there\ are \lg'lh here ol .-\rriold\ talent loi atriioxphere and composition the went on to make [lie (in ulm‘t' l‘l'H/Il Hit li’lut I, lagoon and [lie lin‘rt‘r/r/i/t XII/inking l/UIH ('ainco. Iidinhurgh.

Jodi NO. 1 tl’(ii IIIIHI i .\Irn\ the.

Boll) wood presentation. ()deon. (ilaxgttw Julien Donkey-Boyt 15 i 000.. tllar'iiioi1_\ l\'orinc.I S. I‘Nm Izwen llr'einner. (‘hloe Se\ igri}. ‘l—I llIlll\ .-\dorried with a perrii that would pleaw Ke\ in Keegan. Iirernner pla} \ the title role. a paranoid \chr/ophrenre haxed on Korine'x uncle laddre lawn when eonxtrarned I») the I)ogrne 05 rule\. Korine‘x tiat’ralnc deconstruction mantich to out a\anl garde the most talked about tilin rno\ernent ol the last decade. \Vith _/Il/l( II Hoitlat li’m. Krillllt' tlIlL‘lllph It) get [0 [IN t‘\\t'llt't' til lllL' I‘aclt-IH- haxics rnoxernent h} tIhPt‘lhlllg‘ with a \LIIPI and lhlllg‘ \p} carnerax to gage the general

pttIilit K ’real teat tionV to \taged \llll.ll|ttll\ \ _‘.'\'IIII|\. thottz'li I‘t‘lll.t|‘\ not to t‘\\'I'\tlIlt"\ taxte (ariieo. I dirilitireli

Kes «Mir 0... their I oatli.l K. I‘Ni‘li Ilat. id Ilradley I \iiiie I’errie. ( 'oIiri \\e||.irid. Ilriati ( iloxei It!" llllll\ In the run down llttIll\Ill.lI north. a \ttllllt' Iitw Iearrrx \otiie Iiardi It'\\ttll\ .iliotit Irle Iroiii the late til ltl\ pet Inid (‘Iaxxit prete ol Illlll\ll reaINii whn Ii \Iiowed that I oat Ii‘x teIe\ l\lttll work \ \t'l} Iitiiiiarie \t‘ll\t‘ ol Iiuriiour It'.t\t'll\ what r\ iii

\ otild tranxler to the lire \t reeii

t'llt‘tl .l Idlt‘ til \itlllt' tIt'\Hl.lllt|ll (llll\\\'lllll, (day-ow

Les destinees sentimentaleSI IN 0...

('Ii.irIe\ Ilerliriv. I iiniiaiiiieIIe lieatt. I\alielle

t( )Ir\er \\\.i}.t\. l l.lll\ e. .‘IIIIIII

IItipperl IMI llllll\ \\\.i}.i\ \eetnx one ol the llli|\l \t'lllt'lllllttl.ll_\ ol I rentIi llIlllllldlxt‘h. odd eIioite t|ieri lI|l\ ttrrri ol the eetittir\ period diaiiia .iIioul the HM" and la”. Irle arid |o\e ol lllll‘lll\l\t‘ lean Harrier}. Harrier} \t‘]\.rt.ile\ Itoiii III\ wile tllupperti and de\ole\ llllll\t'll to ( iod. llieii ;'r\e\ up the cloth lot a IannI} llll\lllt‘\\ .iller IaIIrrig loi lleart IIie IiIrii e\pIore\ lIll\ t'lllt Irle It\ed Iiowe\er titllllht‘tll}. ratIier than the lllllllll\l rigour ol eatIrer \\\.i_\.i\ llll|l\ with then \Iiorlet trt‘ie \|\.tll\ and \parer tl.itlalt‘.e\ Ilie I tirnrere. Idinliuigh

The Little Vampireit I... «I II I tlt‘I, I H‘IIIIIII I\)HIIH \\t’t'l\\ th’lldltl (iiant. ,Ionatliari I ll‘IIItINI U" llllll\ Ion}

tI llllllt’lxl i. ll\'\ll Iroiii the orange ;'io\e\ oI ('aIrIornia. rnoxex with ltl\ lainrl} to l‘t‘dllllltll \ti‘lldlltl IIe tllllt H} lieeoinex the rnoxt unpopular kid |HI11\ t law. htrt lllltl\ a pIa_\tiiate when a ten teat old \aiiipire torneriieritI} laII\ down III\ e Iiirririe} (an Ionj. turn in the tlllt'\l tor the rnhwng ariiulet and help the Iarifxed Ix’tidolph and III\ Iariirl} Iietoriie litrriiari I)e\ptte ll\ IIo|I_\wood re \ariip. \rrgela \ornnier Ilodenliiiig'x well |o\ed Illl‘-\'l einergex with |l\ \enxe ot lllll iritatt Ilow e\ er. while IIIl\ llIlll eeitairil} doesn't \utk. trItiiitateI}. rt Iaeltx real line

I (I ( il.i\gow;l ('I, Izaxt KiIIiride

Lost In Space Mi» .0. i\tepltcti Iloplanx. I \. I‘NM \\iI|iarn IIuit, liar} ()Idriian. \Iatt I.e lilarit Itt‘) lltlll\ IIie cult I\ \crie\ lor the (ilk get\ a ‘Htx irialte o\ei' .tlltl. tlt'\pllt‘ lllt‘ \l.tlt‘ HI lllt‘ .tl'I \pt‘tldl ellectx it'x exer} Int a\ tllt't'\_\ ax llie original l’lttlt'\\tit .IoIin Rtililllvlll tIItrrti arid Ilh laiiirI_\ are \t'lll to etiIttlllxt' the tIl\l.tlIl planet ol \Ipha I’rriiie. hut an act ol \ahotage t.lll\t'\ them to \[tlll into the \tt.ilti\plierc ('ertairi peitorriiancex are m irritating that lllit\l \reweh will \}lll[),lllll\t' with ()Idrnan'x tl.i\t‘ll \ iIIarn 'I lie I.urnierc. Izdinhtrigh.

The Low Down 4 IN 0... Mature 'Ihiaxcx. I K. IIIIII i \iden (iillan. Kate .-\~htieIdV 1N) llllll\. I-raiik t4»\iden (iillarii l\ a [‘litllthlllg \culptor curii-tiiodel rnakei w ho‘x pixxing awa} lll\ Irle with Irrcndx and