Film index

Film index continued

The Tango Lesson t’( it 000

lSall} l’tillet. l K. l‘)()—‘t \all} l’ntlet. l’til‘lti \einn llll ininx (II/imi/nditeetni \all} l’nttei pl.i_\x heixelt. a tilininakei tllxlldxlk'tl liniii turning a xt iipt h} liei nhxexxinn \‘-lllt the't\ and [‘.t\\lt‘ll nl the ldIltht liaxellinj.‘ tn l..tlltt \ineiiea tn e\peiienee the titliixk' tiixt hand. liei ielatinnxhip \‘.tllt xe\} ;\t‘_'t'ttltl1l.ttttlitttxt't l’ahln \einn \I‘lll\ H‘-L‘l min then innate li\ex. l<li_\thinn and |i.t\\lttl|.tl\'. l/ii ltllliftl It Hull tendeil} e\[iiexxex the clinieneiaph} nt iiindeiii ln\e, \nppnited h} ( um \pm. a xhni't tilin h} x\l\lil \\.tll|lti\|. \\liti \\ lll he leading a pnxt

xeieeninj: tllxktlxxttttt l'ilinhntixe. l'.tlllll‘tll:_'ll.

The Terminatort 1M .0000 itamex ('anieinn.l S. l‘).\-1i \innld Seliuai/eiiegeei. \liehael lliehn. l.inda llaniiltnn llt” tlllllx in lel‘) inaehinex ha\ e .tll hut ennqtieied the planet hut a x.i\ intn' ix

at hand in the tni‘in nt a new human leadei lhe inaehinex iexpnnd h_\ xendin; \huai/eneggei'x \_\l‘i|l:_' haelx in tiine in NM nn .i inixxinn tn kill the ttitnie leadei'x innthei ln\ enti\ e. C\\llllt:.'l} paced xeienee- tietinn .idxenttne \‘~ itli .i nntahle ix'ilniinanee tiniii \inie in hix tiixt \illainnnx i'nle. l'ilinhntixe. lxdinhtiieh. Things To Comeit’ui 000

t\\ llltdlll ( 'ainei'nn .\len/iex.l K. W Vii Rd'HtlUtltl \iaxxe}. Ralph Riehaidxnn. \laigai’etta Sentt. ll i ininx Sill} hut

\ ixnall} iinpiexxn e earl} Britiin \et'll lilin thaxed nit \\ellx' l/n Vin/n t'///11I1;'\lt' ('nim iaiinx tni' a [‘hilnxnphieal 'xeienee \ x .ii't‘ [ilntline \Vnndet‘lnl tllll'drttliitlc‘lltlxl xetx h_\ \ineent Kni'da. 'lhe l.tinneie_ l;dinhtii'3_'h

Thirteen Days i ll. oooo


l)nn.ildxnn. 18. Still] i Ke\ in (‘nxtneiy llt‘tiee

(ii'eeimnnd. Stexen ('tiln [~15 ininx. .'\tttL‘l'lC.t and Rtixxia \xent head in head nxei‘ the ('tihan \lixxile (‘i'ixix \xhen the Sn\ ietx

I Tickets to an_ Exclusive Preview Screening DiCaptain Corelli's Mandolin

tttiligiliiriiilsz a

lSliltlktrtsl )l rtllt:

To enter answer the tollowing question:

Followed by a (MA with Director John Madden

()fim'tl ltl‘tlt'l) filini'tgiixm‘u. a Spanish sex t]<)(l(l(?f$f§ gitttt gt tiesstrgtdlingt tinn'eTrsst r't (:(lliit‘ttl‘. (I. with; Mandolin, lliit; adaptatinn :>t t nuts [)0 lineman»! unlimitl, ilvil’ilétl"7":'l liti‘.t:l. set tinting; the ltziliein I)(i(itll){t't|()ll <>l (itl:(r(it: <itinnt; l.’..',t>tltl \'.’;n It. twists (i plethora ()i slat name-5;: drihn lVliitltltElt In l'f‘.(,' directs Nt(3()l{if3 (latte. Spanish sex (ltit‘fu't Penelope- (:ttlf,(:lttltdttlltliéiltféilttlelttltt‘lltlli. NUXI‘,'(3éil,t,’()tl<$£tlit?xl)t?(1ll‘i()l(3()8(?£tl'f$. l'w l m.‘ l‘itf‘, t.'.»:;-"t. twittS <>l l|(7l\(?if§ l() tint? £t‘.'.’{it. l()l (321(Ill f$(il(3(}liltl§l in (ilgirait (tit l l tllltl>tltttlt ()li \.'-.’<:-<iitt::;<lzi, 18 April.

Answers on a postcard including a daytime telephone number to:

BORED] 0MP, THE [181’ IJ'II, 14 "Eli STREET, EDINBURGH. Elli 11!.

All entries must be received by Tuesday 17 April.


Home Street Edinburgh 7.30pm

Rentield Street Glasgow 6.00pm

plae ed ntieleai \xeapnnx nn (lixtin‘x ixland limit ( is l)i;\ \ diainatixex the piexxtiiex tni all-nut \\.tt e\ei'ted h_\ the l \' niihtai} nn l’iexident lnhn l' Kenned}. hix hinthei lx’nhei't and hix teani nl .id\ ixnix. led h_\ xpeeial aide Kenn} ()‘l)niinell tl'nxtneii l-ni ('nxtnei. the tilni ix a \xelenine tettiin tn tniin. in mm iex nt the xtattiie nt ./l A and [in l nrnzit biz/Ht \ 'l'heie‘x a little hit nl pnlixh hein; applied In the kenned} lti}llt. hut that dnexn't dinninxh tlte tilin'x diainatie ptmet R.iiel_\ ix llnll}\\nnd ax intelligent and .ix glittplll; til .i xin_~_'le xitting; \‘luted l'ClL‘dw‘ Thomas And The Magic Railroad tl'ICC llillll.'\ll\lt‘ll.l K t \XIHHHI \nieex nl .v\lee lialdxxin. l’etei l-nnda. \liehael l2 Rndgei‘x “l iiiiiix lliix .idaptatinn nt the Re\eiend \\ ilhtii \\\\ll_\ hnnkx ix anned xtinaiel) .it under tenx \\'hilxt ehildi'en \\ ill he lapping up the tale nt 'l'hninax The Tank lungine aiding 'l'he (‘nndtietni‘ t Bald“ tttl agaian the e\ il l)iexel train. aeeninpan) in; gnaidianx \\ ill he unndei'ingg \\ happened in ;\ll\‘ttill‘\ elaxxie xei'tex nariated h} lx’ingn Staii Sinel) it \\.ix ne\et' thix nixenile' \laeRnheit. Stirling. t l’( it (lien Si.l\\k‘ll.l S. llllllt .-\ ini\ nt eninpntei' gi‘aphiex and ll\ e .ietinn. [‘1'0\ttlltt“_' a xeientilie. hut tun lnnk at the hixtnr} nl i‘idex. lrnni then‘ eai‘l) ni'iginx in lath eenttit‘} Rtixxia tn tnda} 'x ride xinnilatni'x. l.\l.-\.\ 'l’heati‘e. (il.tx:_'n\\. Thunderball it’( n 0000 t'l‘ei'enee inting. l’K. 1005i Sean (‘nnnei'_\. ('laudine Anger. :\dnlln ( 'eli. lilt lillltx \\ hen Sl’li("l'Rli niekx a entiple nt ntieleai hninhx. \xhn _\a gnnna eall’.‘ linnd in hix tntii‘th ntiting ix ax xleek and xt_\ lixh ax e\ ei'. e\ en \\ hen x\\ nnnnng \\ itlt xhai'kx in the had git} ‘x pnnl. l‘ilinhnnxe. lzdinhni'gh. Time Code t l.\'i CO. (\itlu' l‘iggix. l'S. llit )(ti Sat'ti‘nn litii'i'nxx x. Salina Hawk. Stellan Skai‘xgai'd. .leanne 'l‘i'ipplehni'n. ‘V llilltxe .'\nnthei' atidaeintix. eqwrnnental t'eattii'e li'nin l-iggix. intei'uem in); tntn' inipi'm ixed xtni‘iex xhnt in real tnne and pi'nieeted nn in a xplit-xei'een xiintiltanentixl}. 'l'he ehai'.’ietei‘x‘ li\ ex L'l'l\\' L‘l‘tix\ in time aiid xpaee. ax the) enter and lea\ e dillei'enl lneatinnx. intei‘aet laee-tn laee ni‘ nn the plinne. and xlnu l} enineige upnn the nlliee nt' Indie lilllt pi'nduetinn ennipan} Red .\ltillet |ne.. \\ here a t} i'annieal dii‘eetni' ix in the tinal xtagex nt eaxting hix next mm ie. lntelleetuall) in\ igni'ating. teehnnlngieall} hnld and perhapx innxt xtii'pi‘ixingl} gix en the teehnieal nature nl’ the pi‘nieet alxia) x einntinnall} tlt\nl\ ing. ('ainen. lidinhtn'gh Toy Story 2 t l 'i .0... tlnhn llaxxetei'. l’S. 2t)t)t)i 'l'nin llankx. Tim Allen. Jnan ('tixaek. ()5 iniiix. The new film e\pandx nn the ni'iginal xettingx and theinex: \Vhen \Vnnd} ix nnt taken tn ('nuhn} ('anip h_\ liix nu nei‘ And). he heginx tn quextinn the meaning nl liix ‘lite'. \Vhen he'x xtihxequentl} xtnlen h) a enlleetnr \tlin planx tn xell him in a Japanexe in} inuxetnn Bit/I and the gang tra\el .tk‘t‘tixx ltmtt tn i'exeue their pal. 'l‘he eninti\ e range nt the unlimited ehai‘aetei‘x ix mtranrdntar‘y the} xa) that enniptitei' generated iinagex \\ ill

ne\ei ieiilaee the teal thing. htit /u\ \{w'\ _\\‘\ inn unndei (ainen \\ I (it‘. ldinhtngh

Traffic ' 1M 0... t\te\en \ndeiheielt. l \. :ttt'ttl lieniein Itel lnin. \lieltael lintielax. (Lithetine /eta .lnnex ll‘ininx lhix ainhitintix. iinilti l.i_\eied Cl‘k diaina e\i‘nxex the \t‘lllthlt‘lt. lt}t‘i‘\‘tt\} .ind xheei ttitilit} nt \ineiteix \\.tl nn dingx llnee inteium en xtni_\linex in\nl\ in: detent \np liel lnin, ennxei\.iti\ e l thin nidye lintigtlax. the \ttlllllt_\ 'x ne\\ l} .im‘ninted next dine \’/.tle and \\ ell heeled \\‘\ ICU \\ ite /et.i

.lnnex xhnu hn\\ the din; tiade tntiehex

and entitti‘tx met) le\el nl xm iet\ nn hntli xidex nt the l \ \i\'\l\t‘ hnidei l \lllf,f dilletent tihn xtm kx and l\\ ltttlttllt'x_ \ndeiheigh l‘li'\ idex eat lt nt thexe xtni_\ltnex “till .i dtxtinet lnnk \\hile linking them \\ tlll peixixtent tixe nt hand held \.ttttt't.t\. ulneh en ex the tiliii .in an nl dm nineiitaix antlientiett} .ind pimping iinniediae} Intelligent and [‘tithkleC. 1mm} .i\nidx xeiiiiniiixiiie. hut in xeene .ittei xtene. the itlL‘\\.i_L't' ;.'etx thintieh (ieneial ieleaxe Unbreakablettji 0000 .\t \igxtii .\'h_\ \. .‘lllllli lillke‘ \\ illix. \anitiel | .laekxnn. lx’nhin \\ lthlll l’enn llln iiiiiix lia\ id lhiiin t\\ illixi t i.i\\ lx tiniii the

“lk'k kaee nl .i ti.nn \ iaxh. the xnle xtii\ i\ni nt the ll.\ [‘.t\\\'tt}'i‘tx l)nnn'x intiaetilnnx k'\\.ll‘k' ix the eatalut tni tliiee e\entx hnn and liix extianeed \\Il\‘ \tidie} tl’enni ie think their lltllk‘tttltlijl xt‘lll. eeeentiie .iit enlleetni and xtilteiei nt .i dehilitatingg hiittle hnne ennditinn l'll|.tll l’itee l.l.t\'h\t‘llt [texteix l)tinn .ihnnt hix inedn .il hixtni}. .ind linnn'x xnn _lnxeph ISpeneei lieat (‘laiki takex hein \Mtt\ll|[‘ a little tnn tat ()nee again Slt} t [/11 \iti/i \i rm itakex .i piepnxteintix xtni_\ ltill nt ei.i/_\ te\el.itinnx and ginnndx it \\ itli lnu ke} plntting' and .l xiiaie xi} le. lltdhlllj.‘ .t llHll}\\nnd hlnekhtntet in the xi} |e nt .in .iit hnnxe ltllti 'l'he l ttnneie. l dinhtnyh

0 Under The Sand (Sous le sable) tl5i C... «I ianenix ( )/nn. l'ianee. Ititil I (‘hailntte l\’.tttt[tllti;'. liitinn ( 'ieinei 05 ininx, \laiie thlllltlltthI liax heeit happi l} inaitied tn .lean t('ieineii int 35 ieaix. htit nn .1 inint hnliday he in} xteiintixh dix appeai'x \\ltll\t x\\iniinin;: .it xea, Returning tn l’aiix. \laiie enntinnex hei dail} intitine teaehing .it the tiiii\eixit_\. ietnxing: tn lK‘llL'H‘ llldl \lte ltdx ltt't'lt heteau'tl .\tttl then the enaxtgnaid t'lllj_'\ tn iiilniiii liei that .I \‘tit'pxc‘ littx heen t't'ttleu'tl l)k'\ l\k'(l h} (Unit in enllahniatinn \tith tliiee leniale \xi‘itei’x. n\ eihlnu n inelndiaina ix exeheit ed in l.i\ntn nl .i xtixtained innnd nl iiielan ehnl_\. Rainphngg pim idex .l xtipeih [ieitni inanee nt tindei'xtated e\piexxi\enexx. eap lining; .\'lt"x peetiliai hleiid nl \nlneiahtli t}. \L‘ll‘dl‘xtil'l‘lltiti and haunting; einptinexx See i'e\ie\\. l‘ilnihnnxe. lzdinhtiiggh, Valentine t l5i O tlainie lilankx. [8. Shut t l)enixe Riehaidx. l).t\ id lini'e.iii.i/. \lai'le} Sheltnn. 05 nnnx ’l'hix hnpelexu \l.l\llk‘l'lll\'l\ npenx \\ ith a he\_\ nl teenage heatitiex heing: ine\enx.ihl} mean in d gnnl} elaxxiiiate .it .i \Lilentinex hall. enlininatin; in nne nt the pnptilai gang lalxel} aeetixing: hini nl xe\n.i| .ixxanlt. l'ndei'xtandahl}. the en} 'x a hit united and

ie we W8 62/ ie’ ls // tee of

New Gay and Lesbian section

7e teltest ewe/mes 0/7 the gay scene

:xyoiis“ ' axe-aye: Elie ‘rr‘p f’iii veneers and s; Hikers Iaetnnd the name a ' eel ‘i'rainspettiiig? insiders sing the praises of the ti'ipiych star

Out on Thursday 26 April



_G_lAS_GOW_'A—ND Queue—cit EVENTS cum;

36 THE LIST ‘.‘—~._\v5 At" gel“.