1181111gs Film

1.Shower1131 1.1111. 5.1111. 1.61rlfight1151 1.1111. 3.311. 11.15. 5.45. Malena1151 31111. ".1111. «11111. 2. BreaktastAtTIftany’5115» 1311. Films are listed by city, then 2. Brother1 1.\1 1.1111. 3,311. 1115. N15. .\ 311 alphabetically by cinema. Film Malena I.“ 4.3”. hum Listings compiled by Henry 3:» i‘ .1738; w 1,1331:

Northmore 1, Malena 1 151 11111. 5 1111. 111111 6mm GIaSQOW

Shower1131 3.1111. ".1111.

Ann M I d. 2.8rother11.\1 11111. 3.311. (1.15. 5-15. \x1111111l..1111‘. 11111111‘;111.11|41 33‘142‘15. s "'9" - 3590‘" 1‘1'1311111Ingw11413.3114311514113511

;A:Q!r)n‘\‘/ /, I z 2 3x11(‘1;11’1\\11111 11111111. \11111'1‘1111. 111.11 1133 ' “l ‘_ 1131111 1‘1“"1“.”‘\."”‘1“) “"11 31311111113111.1103" 2(141. £28111£2 1- 6"".th 1 1‘1 1.1111. 5.311. (1.15. 5-15. 5111111'111xl 114“: £.‘.( 111111£2;().-\1’: 111-11111 511111 \11111 1111. 8111111111: £2.21) 2. Malena 1 151 1.1111. 9.1111. £2,511, S'me 1‘.1111\1'1111111\1'11“111111.1111‘1' 1111111 111111. BreakfastAtTiflany’s1151 3.1111. 11.311. 1111.11111111-11111911.101111111111111 ., .H .. 11.1111 "11111181111: 1 "111111. 111U1J~oJ/~/ X 8/17‘.1‘1911AYL" A“? Bridget Jone? iii WW1"? 1‘0”- ( 1.The Adventures 01 Rocky And #5:).1111 .

‘1 1111 - _ 2’"? “322°” ty‘ '-’ ""‘ " -' ~ Buflwmklegl 1 111”- _ _ Bridget Jones’s Diary1151 5.1111. "' "' H ID) 5.511. (1.15. 15-15. Chocolat‘ '3, >1.l()_ 5.511

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie 11‘» 12. I 5. 2. Breakfast In Tiffany’s . 15, 3””

3.1.5. 4.3.5. (1,511.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie 11' 1 2.1111.

x 311 - SaveThe Last Dance1121 3.1111. 13.211. ' - . . 4“?- 11-1” Spy KidsII'I 13.35. 5.55. Ma'ena '2' 4"” (“H- The Emperor’s New Groove11'1 1.311. . ... j x 3.211. FRIDAY 11%- 111U1¥5UAY 1E; SUNUV A”. 1W“ Traffic" , Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 Stpartacus 1 151 + Gladiaton 151 1.45. 11111:»‘1/ ‘-.«, THURSDAY ‘61 |);111\: 12-15. 3.311. 5.55. 3.35. irligh11151 5.45. . . Miss Congeniallty 1 121 2. Girltighh 151 1.1111. 1:”) n mil.“ 1'5- 3-311- BreaktastAtTiftany’s1151 3.311. x311, “{J‘“ , 'm‘” -l§ Rugrats In Paris: The Movie11‘1 Ma|en31 151 11,311. " 99 ("less aw“; _ 11.1111; 12.15. 2.15. 11.45. 111111): 311‘. 4.3“. (13>. «5.4.5. Save The Last Dance 1 I21 MONDAY 9,; A1119 .\l\111;111' 1'1'11k S111: 11.1111. , - _ 11 1‘1‘. 11 .‘. I);1111: 13.35. 3.25. 5.55. Breakfast A‘nflanys ' m .M‘N‘ Imagine' John Lennon 1 I51 - 2. BreaktastAtTiftany’sII51 1.311. I. .l‘ ._ g ( 11111)AY;211 THURSDAY :21; Malena1l51 .1311. «11111. K; [1% W- "-' ’- . . . 1’ 1 1’1'11341'111111111‘likcl) 111111“ \111111111‘1111111‘ The Phamac'St I‘M (‘~‘”- S,” k Sim R m 11'-\11111\ 11'-1\.1’111111'11|»11(157 2(1411111‘ " t ' ' '" ' . . {Ickluflx1111115111111w. k “MASI my 9': AM)“ aggrats "1 P.8fl§:me MOV'e (l ) 1. Girlflght1151 1.1111_ 3.311. (1.15. “CAM-W 5‘") Girlfight Young /\1111>1‘11:11n

Bombay Olnema: Glasgow Breakfas‘ At Tiffany’s 1 '51 3-3”- MW ““”1”“" '1"? SH!“ [W H71.“ “'h’ - 11111111111k1'1 K1111 11 K11131111111'1;1111" .v\|\11 1111111111'1‘ 1'1'1 1k 5111.311111 11111: 1.115. " "

2. Breakfast At Tiffany’s 1 151 1.311.

51.111'111-811'1‘1-1. 111nm. 111-11 .111) 11722. 15 Malena 1 151 .1311 111111. The Emperor’s New Grooved" low midget female WWW) mm“: 1131. cold Is The Evening Bfeeze (Kan 'st def \11111111‘1' 1'11 1k S111. M1111 11111: 12.11). SHUH'HU ('1 1)()'\-'-"i"11‘)1‘53(3 [MU/W 1,). HMRQDAY W Abendhauch) 1 15, (.311. Traffic 1 181 1101‘101'11111111211 111,1 11111:: 11111101111111

“Ml-‘3 M)”- M11;1112||1: Ho111‘1g1112/. S1112 111‘12\.'11;-1.‘.1 (11111 11211112121. (3/1. ($1’1151g11115 Cameo. /-111/11)1/r1]11.

I’111'1111x \11'1'k'x111‘11311‘111111111-111nm. plcuw VIIEDNtSD/W 95) ApH

1'11111111'11111'1'1111'111g11111(11-11 411111722 1111‘ , _ _ , dunk. 1. Giflflgh‘ I 1.51 1.111). 5.51). (1. I 5. 3.4.“.

111.11 )AY 20:11-1UBASQAY 2Q

2_ Breakfast At Tiffany’s 1 151 1,31). 1’1’11341'111111111' 11k1‘1} I11 151' \111111111‘ 111 1111‘ : D , f. M Y O x f Glasgow 8.311. _ 1111-11111“ 11 1‘11. 1’1111111'11HI 330-1298 1111' onAt Lgok Now «’1 “BIUbU-U

Malena 1 151 4.311. 11.311. 111‘1;11|\;11111111nm. 1 N11: R1101} 5; 11111111111111 11110.91 1311111; 13 R0“. Sm“. “MI 333 M33. (mt/ml. V 1111111J11|112C11115$1112111111 [)111111111

81111101‘11111110111011101111(15311110111111; 1)£1I‘(3I1IS 01 1111211(11111111011111;11121111 0111111. 81311 11211112121. [Mn/101131). Ed/nburgn.

Bridget Jones’s Diary W110 woulda 11101111111 1 1111 1115311111; Arnorrcar'. 1112111: [12111311131101 as; 11112 1101110111; 1111111111;-111111111551111: I 1111111 Grant and (301111 1 11111. 1111,- 111111

All 111‘1‘1'111'11111111'1‘x 11011111111112 ||)|. llil. I'.\1‘I1Ing_'\:£—l.751£5.351.MulIIICL'xi£5.75 1£2.251. “1'11 1111‘1'111‘1‘ 511111): £5.75 1£l.751. l)11111111' 11111 £5 1£5.5111. 151111111} 1'11111111111111‘1‘xz £2.25.


1.8rother1131 1.1111. 3.311. 3.45. Second Skin 1 1.\‘1 11.311. 2. Free The Fish (Liberate I pesci) 1 151

2.511. 3.15. Dearest Relatives (ParentI serpentl) 1 151 13/011111 MINOR/’0 0'1 1111: WWW” 5.4.5. book 111101101111211011’? 173111 11 11:13.

8013 ran/1121.21. (30/10/111113/01190.

Spy Kids 111111121; 0111011111111111;

kld's 2.111111211111112. 01/111101; 1111001011

111,1 01121110113 S1)1£111(:I‘ 1111;11;11an‘

Rowen Rodnguo/ 1/10/11 011.31: ////

Dan/n1. full 01111211101101.11 211111111153.

grog/1,"gadgetsanri kung 111

21011011. 81—21% 101/1127. Gonora/


Under The Sand 101‘) young

French auteur F1€111QU|E3 0/011

dIreCIS CharIotte Ramnhng In 1111:;

beauhfully controlled 110r11'alt 01 1111;

Dam of bereavement. See renew.

FI/rnnouse. Ed/nburg/‘1.

The Hole Suspenseful

psychologmal horror abOut a

group of young 1380016 -— Amer/can

Beaufy's Thora Blrch among them

K trapped In an underground 3 c i bunker. See Genera/ E‘ I 3; re/ease. .1;

Charlotte Rampling gives a career best performance as a bereaved 5.

Parisian woman in Francois Ozon’s Under The sand 7.:-.-..;.,.-..;:.-; . .- :.. :. . -: }


1.Malena1151 1.1111. 5.1111. 11.1111. Shower1121 3111 i111). 2.8rother1131 1.1111. 1.111. (.15 3.45.

SATURDAY 1-: APR 1.Shower1121 1.1111. 5.1111. Malena1151 3.1111. 7.1111, 11.1111. 2. Pippl Longstocklng 111 1.1111. Brother11.\'1 3.311. 11.15. 8.45.

SUNDAY 15 APR 1.Malena1151 1.1111. 5.1111, 11,1111. Shower1131 3.1111. 7.1111. 2.8rother11.\'1 1.1111. 3.311. 8.45. Gilda 1l’(11 (1.311.

MONDAY 11% APR 1.Malena1151 1.1111. 5.1111, 11.1111. Shower1121 3.1111. T1111. 2.Gllda11’(;11.15. Brother1181 3.311. 11.15. 8.45.


1.Shower1121 1.1111. «1.1111. Malena1151 3.1111. 5.1111. 5.1111. 2.8rother11.\‘1 1.1111. 3.311. 0.15. 3.45.

'.: “x” THE LIST 39