Music 'f" 1:

Sun 22

i 'tl"lrt."’l'l

I The Glen Miller Tribute Orchestra lmtsz li‘..'.;lle. l< In \‘:\..i\“:l\'...fl {v‘llltlllirl _‘

t.l""li‘ tii‘i‘l" ""l B": l)lt‘\SL'tl

ttt ttttttotm. ie-l h: .l :.\'llll'.' trottthotte

i‘lJ-Kl 'lltt it. ill: trtl‘ il‘K ll ‘, “.th \l

lrll‘. {my t‘f. tutu. ;‘.~:h'. =i'-. te.teate \ltflct' «altar, "t.’ rural ~ottztd ll.ttd in .rM'lrl .«ir it.~.t~! Htal tttete l\ \Hi;t.'Il.ltt1 I‘ill rand ..hottt a :‘ttltlltttl \Hltli" ttl'l‘~ .lalt» --l|t'_1..!lll that the} dot. l .‘x‘lre‘a‘ Zu't‘l‘i‘ to hear mun.

rant.'~‘.lrt.ir1't.“. .:r 'tto‘. Z.ttrttltat'.e\etttl

l:t.". ate \lll 'l. e. .!.'.i tn the em; oi the

.L‘ttlifiittt' litt tilt-t thrilleltla.’ \il\\. Ml rteta .tetrl fl" '..i;'r.r I Colin Stee e Trio Hem} \ .l.r// l‘ial. 5 \loz tutti Street. MS 5' ‘55 .tlki(ll.lllllli\l‘l\l l’.'\itl\‘iil lilitl.:‘t'l\'t ('olut Steele ttotth llll\

tilltlfiiitg‘t‘idf'. ;.t/,r'

,‘\ iltltrn ‘5 {ill

ltto. llhittlt'tl ht. (her

I New Orleans Joymakers

llathott: \:?\.( .2ttre. Ill llh Hathour \|r\~\'1_lrl "r;‘ 'utS‘t ‘im. r_<,r’§_Stlr l {gravy \. -. (Hyatt. liti\ l‘t';‘.li.' Suritret j.:

Monday 23 ' '


I John Hammond l\’ett!te‘.‘. letr\. ('l\t|e l’l.t.e. .‘\ ' 551 l \l‘IEI ‘.. l.‘..5ll.i Settott-. i‘llte\ a. tron irom lillx renovated \ttlL't'l trottt a l.!lt!2l_\ \Hll‘r deep lttttl\ ttt lllt' l‘hte\.

Tuesday 24. '

l <litrltusuit I Centre Stage Jazz Club It..- \illtl llurtdted. it"l Roxe Street. .‘..‘5

l\\rtlt \ Milo}, t“ \\-,~ [11,- l" Wednesday” ltlrr ltl.."_'l"l

I Dave Milligan Trio Het‘t} K .'.:.x/ [3.11.5 \lr‘ZtISt'I‘.\1!eei. 54S'WS5

\tt. Le l.:// ll"ilt

S illlti‘.‘ 2.5 t a. L- l':..tll\l l).t\e \ltlhf.‘att .rttd ltt\ trio "lore .: :tuxttne ot r.t//


‘»i.lll\t.lltr\ ."ui

runway 526 '

(it. OScott Hamilton \tlelattlek. .‘trw Hath Sui-ct. .TlS two \pur fjo LS he tettot \.r\ tt1.te\iltt trt..l.e\ lll\ ottl_\ Seottlet .rrtt‘eatatae.‘ anti: the Ru k} Steele lrto llt\ ‘.'lf.' math the l.lltltell ot .|a// \|t\'le.tltt. \uet exxotx to tlte .la// (‘o op. and \ttlltl.tll_\ dedteated to bring my high arr..l:i_\ t't.:t!t\iie.tltl l.t/.’ to



l tiittl‘untrt

I Lights Out By Nine llettt} \ .l.:// Hal. .S \lorttwit Street. 51.\ q ‘55.

S illltlll L5lt§1i \oe.rlt\t \l llttgex Irortt\ llll\ .“tet trottalu \totttgttrtg hlue\ outtit. lltl‘mllh

I Eddie Walker lallatk lolk ('luh.

\rttot Stteel.ttl llwol i“1.5.Sfillpttt. L5 tL'~l.5tl tttettti‘elSl. See lhu 1".

'David lcl<e believes that the secret roomts pop— ulated b grant lizards: the KK believes it is populated byfro—black activrsts an evvs.‘

Bidisha on Jon Ronson, Buy It This Fortnight, page 101.

56 THE LIST '. -"«:'

The following details are for regular free weekly dates: see main listings for one-off or ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by city, then by day. Residencies will be listed, provided that up-to- date details are supplied to us. Jazz Residencies listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Glasgow o

llll .rst lays

I June Love and Alan Pike llllltlx \latt \\ortt.m. V1 Rtttg Street. 553 “.77”. Spur \l.tttr\tt'eattt ra// \xnh \\l\'.ll\.

I Paul Gallacher ( ~orttnlttatt. l‘tl lttgtartt Street. 553 lltll. lllttttt iattt l’tatto el.t\\lt’\. trottt lir'oadxxa} to Ileethmerr.

I Danny Thompson Hal»; (il.t!ttl. 5 l‘llltltalllx (iatdettx. NS rill.

Ill. itlptrt. \ \\ tde \eleettott ttom lltl\ lounge ltl.t!lt\l.

l :'t< iays

I Andrew Mann ( ‘ot ttttlttatt txee lhtt r. (rpm iatu. l’tatto attd lt\e \\. I Bobby Wishart & Band Hornet. ltooltx. .\ht\te attd (ate. “S lirteltattatt Street. .73? "Hit. W ‘t. “’l‘ttr, \lellou. I Tap Moi-La litexxet} lap. lll55 Sauehtehall Street. ;‘1 55S“. ‘l. illttttt. l’la_\mg \otthern \oul attd tuttk} |.l//. I Danny Thompson Halt} (itattd nee l'hur. ltlfillrtm lounge Iti.l|tl\l.


I Bobby Campbell Quartet ('hattthetx liar. ( ieot‘ge Square. 55.‘.

l‘ lit. 3. ill 531mm. \lttllt\lte;lttl and melltm ta// \outrdx \\ itlt l.ddte loal ott \Ht‘dlS.

I Harry Margolis’ Miller Band l'\ltaehe. :5 \\‘.rletloo Street. ill 33 Ill. 5pm. tig hand ttt the ( iletttt \lrller


I Lauder’s Big Band l..rttdet'\. Sauehtehall Street. 3H 5|.S'tl. 3 5pm. llre htg hattd \tntltd. \\llll \oea|\ trottt

l leather \\ ltnetot'd.

I George McGowan Orchestra Izat l)l'|ttl\ \latt \\orttart txee 'l lltt r.

.‘. ill (rpm. latghteen pteee hig hand.

I Willie Hitchel ('ot‘itttltiatt rxee 'l'hut. (rpm 3am. \\'illie Hitehel attd other rexidetth \uttpl} tlte |i\ e piano and Koealx.

I The Blue Notes (Kite Rouge. .lolttt \ltt‘t‘l. i155. 3.5” lllfillpltt. llL' hluew artd other Via/x \ourtdx.

I Shelagh Buchanan Si//let'\‘ .Slt‘dl'xllttllSL‘. 7‘) .\lltitnt Street. .55:

lltlll. ‘lpttt. lattio} ia// guitar and \eealx o\ er ditttter hooking on tlte numher tll‘\‘\t'.

I Live Jazz lilaeklrtat‘x. 30 Bell Street. 55.‘ 593-1. “Miran. .\lodertt ia/I \\ rllt \a\ophotti\t l ortta lirtmrt on Sat l~l .\|‘t'. and Stuart (iortttatt on Sat ll .\pr. I Johnny Logue lit-met} tap. ltlSS Sauehrehall Street. 33‘) HM}. ‘).5ll]‘ltt. l.l\ e gra/x tuttk artd eox er\.

I Kurt Wylie Bah) (it‘attd nee llttl l.

Ill..‘\llrtttt. lounge piattixt.


I Michael Deans Jazz Quartet (‘ottierx Hat”. 03 H_\ndlartd Street. 35" 5.\'Z5. 4 “pm. 'l‘radrtiottal ta//.

I Sunday Jazz with Bobby Wishart \laelaehlan'x. 5" \\ext Regent Street. 333 “5‘5. (rpm. l,i\ e ta// e\et'_\ Sttrtda}.

I David Jones l’ileher amt Piano. it: next (ieorge Street. 353 3MB. .S’ lllpm. ('ottterttporar} ja/x piano.

I Kong the (‘ltlk'lettl'h Beer (‘0. ll5i | I55 ('atheart Road. (t~1‘)lll.S4. Sfillpm. .\'ot \trietl} ian hut their great t'oek \outtd ix \\ ell \xorth eatehtttg. Stttt l5 .v\pr Hill}.

I Kerry Tracey ( ’orittthiatt (\L‘t‘

lint. lttnizt ‘attl ( l.t\\‘.e ;a// piano rtt

the l t.a l i'..r"_'\‘7.titi illt‘llltl

I Jazz DJ iiah} (iratrd txee llltll

ltt lrrpgi,

lrtcr tax: I Fionna Duncan with The Bonnie Rae Trio \tet‘lrrttllk. to Hrkh Street. 55.‘ .‘l ‘5 "l‘ttt \l.ttl‘.\lte.:lll t.t// ililt.'\ .‘.1HtHtf\1etlrt\‘.ttetl \ltit'el

I Kerry Tracey ( \tzrrtrltratr txee

litat I'ltm: (iaxxte. laid haelx


I Bobby Wishart & Band l\’u\\eil7~ liar ( ate. lthN l\,llil\l. tl-l 1‘)": S Tirtttt \l.ttrt\tte.rttt and modern I Paul Gallacher ( ~ottttthtatt mee lhttt llll‘ltl {nu Hot RAH on piano


I Ruth Lambertl .n lhrrtl. \latt \\ottt.ttt txee lhu~ Spur l’ertotm\ pure |.I// m the \t}. le ot .lulte lottdott.



I Desafinado tletttlerwnk. 35 lhrxtle Street. 335 3(rtl5. Spur. \\ ttlt tlte l.tlelll\ ot \l.ttert\ l ord attd \tt'k ( iettt llltll l‘l \ltt old} i.

I The Men .\\ttlt llt‘elttl. l—i Heatthaugh Street. “I 5 US. ‘lttttr. l'ililt'S gunat duo.

I Los Tres Phenomenos ( ‘ellat \o. I. l (‘hattrherx Street. 33H ~l.‘.‘l.S. Itlrtut lattt, ltadntortal ra// \ourtd\.

l rtt lays

I Live Jazz llettdetxott'x t\ee 'l lllll. .S'Itttt. \rti\t\ \at'_\.

I Montuna l)t\ \eut. "H Hartmet Street. 3.35 .Sol‘l. Slim. .la/x Hm.

I Live Jazz & Blues \\'. .l. (‘Irt-rxtitx. 35 .il \\e\t l’ot't. III lll‘l‘). ‘lttttt. \‘artoux attt\t\ pr'm ide tlte \tttllltlS.

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band ('ellat' \o. l ixee lltttt ltlttttt lartt. Hot. t'ttrtlx}. eleett'ie i.r//.


I Toto And The Dexters liar-r} \ liar. Randolph I’laee. 5 W Sltttl.

Kill (rpm. \lalllSll'L‘nltt. \\ttlt \oeal\ trout l'a_\ |.e\_\.

I Blues Inc. l)i\ \t-rtt'rxee l‘t'tl. lllpttt. l‘p tempo eleetrte hluex,

I Live Jazz ( 'ellar \'o. l txee lltu r. llipttt lartt. .\l| kittdx nt- people pop in to pla} at (‘ellar \o. |.


I Live Jazz 'l he Home liar and (irill. l-l (ieot’ge Street. (ill Shit. I 5pm. Varioux tlt’l|\l\.

I Dominic Spencer Trio lhe 'l'rttthet'huxh liar .\ Htxtro. 3S Bernard Street. l.eith.-1"(r.\'tlSll. ~l ‘pm. \ttl'ittth ta// \ttltlltl\ trottt llll\ trio.

llll’lil) ( 'ellat‘ \o. l txee llttt r.

ltlttrtt lattt. (‘lavte ran on ptatto. haw attd drum»

lvtertdat s

I Gary’s Notebook ('ellar‘ .\'w. t txee 'lhur. lllpttt. the ra// trout thix new \xeeld) rexidette}.


I Swing 2001 Malt Sho\e|. ('oekhutn Street. 325 (rS‘JR. ()pltl. Suing at the lottgexl rextdette} in lidirthurgh. I Billy Kyle’s Mystery Jazz Night (‘Cllill' \tt. l (\L‘L‘ l'it'i l.

t)..“”ltttr lattt. .4\n eeleetie \eleetiott t'rortt art e\er~ehattgirtg litre-up ot' lIIUSiL'ttlltx. I Rowena Human lie-ht. Z/S \Vext ('roxxeauwxxa}. (in: Whit. ltlprtt. Ja//. hluex attd \oul lt'tltlt HHS \oealixt.


I Lachlan and Friends HendetxonK rxee 'l‘hu r. Sum. Varioux arttxtxiotn l.aehlan tor llti\_l;l// night on Wed :5 .\pr Hill}.

I Son De Rhumba ('ellar' .\‘o. I txee l‘t'i r. lllprtt lattt. l.atin ia//.


Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk & World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 1 2


0 Dick Gaughan Ilrt- Sr.” ('luh. l\’1\et\tde ('lttl‘. lo\ Street. 5h" 5'35“

' ltlt‘nt Lott-1t l’.r\\tortate. polntetxed \t‘tdlS.\et‘lSl‘.1ll.ttl\.tlltl\'\t‘ll

Jagger Rtehatd \rtlt;'\ ttortt the ttttttlue Seot\ \rttget attd grtnat \\l/.tltl


I Makossa liortgo ( luh, \e\\ Street. 55S "(rt it "put title-1t \rt ‘\tto Seot' hand \\lttt :ttt\ \tttean llt_\lltttl\. reggae. \Hlll. lHHlx artd ltlt k. lit/t or t/a (ii/atrium.- \r.'\ /. \rria/ See \llISIe pte\ te\\

I Leo McCann .lHtl Kris Drever \\ee l oil. (luh. Ro}a| ( ).li\. lrtlttttt.rt_\ Street. 55" I‘M» .Spm L5 \eeordrott and \‘.ltt\tie dtt\ett llISlt thll\le duo. \\ttlt htteal I .ttt.tll\ \rrllj.’\‘.l!l\'l lortr ( 'lellattd ttt \ttlttttttl,

I Heat And Heather \elllethou \ll\ ('etttte. High Street. 55o ‘l5fl‘l/‘Zoli'. .\. itipm. Ll Heir. ( )tte ot ttuttthet ol (ihartatatt \tot}tellet\ tornx Seotx

ltarpet \tot_\tel|er Heather \ ttle telarxaehr m eaeh ol lltl\ \et le\ ot per ltttlltaltet‘S. l’at'l ol the (i/trt/trrttztt l/t\ /t nrru/ See .\lu\te pteneu.


I Session Night l'alth l'olk ('ltrh. .\r'ttot Street. tll ill (it “‘5. S. illrtm. L |. Regular all ettlttel'S rttgln at the toll eluh.


GShooglenif‘ty attd Abrempon

'I lie l.l\llll(l Room. \ tetot'ta Street. 335 350-1. "pm, LES" L'ltl. l'.dttthutgh\ \xorld tra\ellittg aetd erott t'l'lt\;ttlel\ dig deep into eeltte gt'ooxex attd are routed h_\ the l.ottdon haxed ( ihatratatt hand on dllIIIIS attd [tet’euxxiotr /’rt/'l it] {In (i/Irt/tttrrut .t/h lt'xt/trr/ See \llhte ttte\ ten,

I Ehetse Bedlam 'lheatt'e. lirtxto l’laee. 335 US” 4. Spur. Lo 1L5t. (‘Iteertttl \untt} Ht lite attd \Yulomer lltllSlL' hour the tort l.ottdott haxed ( ihanaratt hartd. I’ll/t o/ the (i/trt/rtrtrttt .lll\ /'t'\lttrt/. See \llhit' pre\ ten.

I John Morran, Steve Byrne and Chris Wright \\ee l'olk ('Iuh. Ro_\al ()ilh. ltrtit'tttar} Street. 55" 397!» Spur. 9.5. l)eat Shepherd \utger attd gurtat'ixt ht'tttgx tttttxtetatt palx tor a hrg night iii the rut} eluh. Support ttottt ’l'he l-olldixh.

I Heat And Heather \‘erlrt-r-lmu .\t‘t\('ettlt'e.lligltStreet.5500579/30-17. «S5llplll. £4 it} t. ’arr n/ I/lt' (/ltrt/trrr'tut ll‘l\ It \lttt//. See llttt l2 and \lttxie [tl'LW le\\.


I Music In Argle lienrttore (‘entre. ttear l)uttoon. (ll 3N) THOR". .\ “L'L'lxt'lltl ot t'ollx. traditiortal attd entertaining ttttt\iL‘ t'eaturing \ortgxx riter .le/ Ion e turnittg up u ith hix hand the Bad l’enntex. artd Start (irahatrt \\ ith .lohtt .\le(‘readie.


I Michael Marra Rotlte\ llttllx. Rothex Square. (H.503 (rt 1 Nil. Spin. LES tUt Fr. 'l'raekx trotn ltix latext. greatext alhuttt I’mm/ .S'n/n'r h_\ the Dundee master \ongtx riter/guttarixt/piani\t.

Saturday 1 4


I Ehetse Bongo (‘lulx .\'e\\ Street. 5.53 7004. (rpm. U) 1L5). .SL'L‘ l‘il'i I3. I Gill Bowman \Vee litrlk ('luh.