Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Immersed in Music at I’ito. ()pm latn. l’ree. Weekly. ‘Monkey Boy‘ Mark lidmondxon plays I‘unky phathaek grooy‘es tor all the playa/ out there.

I Phun-Q at (J Bar. ‘).3llptll lattt. liree. Weekly. l)J l)ali. Khan and

l)ll\ ien get trixky yytth a l'unked-ttp mix or soul and Latin.

I Salsa at til Barrio. 7pm 3am. l'ree. Weekly. Littltl danee L‘lttSSeS. See tilt! and ('laSSilied lot more into.

I Salsa Experience at Baraeoa. Illpm lam. Free. Weekly. Latino grooy'eS to tnake you \alxa. yy ith danee elasxex l'rom Sattt.


I 0.0. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Bloom» 10.30pm 3am thar trom 6pm). l‘ree. Weekly. Take a \Iep haek in time It) 6(lS. 70x. SIR and early ()tlx ttIIleS at thtx gay eltth.

I Motherfunk at The Venue.

| lptn 3am. liree. Weekly. l-‘ttnk arid soul night. hoxted by (Hi. Beany attd l’elix. with hoo/e promox a plenty.

I Motherfunk at The Honey eottih. Free. Weekly. (lino and l‘ryer hreak out the tank pipex and eomt‘y Stitll slipperx as they tnake thetnxely'ex at home iii tlte Sttlllhl'ltilIS StII'I'tIlIIttlS oI' lidinhurgh’x hotteSt hotSpot. I’leaSe trote that [MS ix the original and iii many people's ey eS. the only Motherl‘unk.

I Oaxaca at l’o .\'a .\'a. llpttt 3am. Free. .3 Apr. Weekly. Latino l'unk night geared ony'at'dx pleaSiIIg the Student market.

Chart & Party

I Shagtag at (iaia. ltlpm 3am. £4 ([3). Weekly. .‘\lCt)llUl-litlL‘llL‘tl llil‘litlg (aided and abetted by drinks promoxl via the inlamoux numher-haxed Ilttt'tttllIL‘tltillS syxtem. l’leaxe note there's


I Ad-le l l I Hope Street. 348 6645. I Air Organic 36 Kely ingroy'e Street. 564 520i.

I Alasksa I42 Bath Lane. 248 I777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 264 3ltS’t). I The Arches Midland Street toll Jamaiea Street). 22] 4(Itll.

I Asylum 7t) ('oyyeaddens Road. 332 ()68 I.

I Babaza 25 Royal lixehange Square. 204 ()ltll.

I Bennet’s .S'tl (Ilasst‘ord Street. 532 576l.

I Blackfriars 36 Bell Street. 352 5024.

I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5884.

I Brel 3‘) .-\Sltttin Lane. 342 4966.

I Budda I42 St \‘ineent Street. 221 5660.

I Caledonian University Student Union (Asylum) 7t) ('oyy‘eaddens Road. 332 (ltrSl.

I The Cathouse l3 t'nion Street. 248 6606.

I Cleopatra’s StiS’ (ireat Western Road. Kelyinhridge. 33-1 ()560.

I Club Budda I42 St \‘irreerrt St. 221


I The Cran I038 .-\rgy le Street. 248 688k

I Cul De Sac Ashton Lane. 334 839‘).

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34-44 Kittg St. 552 9227.

I Firebird l32l Argyle Street. 334 059-1.

I Fury Murry’s 96 Max“ ell Street. 22l 65l 1.

tree tequila and ehampagne tor the I‘loo/ie \y ith the moxt requextx.

I The Subway at the Suhyyay. 9pm 3am. l‘t'ee tor StlltleIItS \y tth matriettlation eard: L'l otheryyixe. Weekly. See 'l‘hu.

I The Subway West End at the Suhytay Wext lind. 7pm 3am. l‘t‘ee tor studentx yy ith matrteulatton eard; L'l otheryy iSe. Weekly. 'l'hemed party nightx eyery \yeek. ollering ehart pap. eheap home and pri/ex.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I The Departure Lounge at l’opRokit. lllpm latn. Free. Weekly. (‘elehrity hostS Harry .-\in\yyorth and tlte onely l)u\ty lleightx iny ite you to hop ahoard their interStellar e\eur\ion into tltIi/land. l’ri/ex heyond yottr \y ildext dreatnx are up for grahx.

I Excursions at lgttana. Uplll lattt. l‘ree. Weekly. Rotatiotial rexidentx (i- .\lae (Mangal. (iat'y Mae tStthlimeI. ('olin .\lillar and Adam Bray Illeadxpinl deItIonStt'ate tlteir ama/ing deekxterieal yersatility iii the lieldx ol‘ drum tk haxx. hip hop. lunk attd hreakx.

I First Contact at l’iyo. 0pm lattt. Weekly. .\lel|oyy tnid—yyeek drttm & haxx with the deleetahle l).l Noya.

I Headzeint at lilll. 9pm latti. Free. Weekly. Hip hop. funk and eleett‘oheatS eourIeSy ot Michael and (iat‘y.

I Hot Charanga Sauce at t.) Bar. Spin latti. l’ree. Weekly. Staggering thottgh it may Seem. the diy'ine ('at'lox l’ena and hix I'ottr-pieee eotnho are noyy \pieing tip the Q Baron a yyeekly haxix. Allegedly.

I The Merry Pranksters at the Meadoyy S Bar. ()pm lam. Free. 25 Apr. l-‘ortnightly. l-‘amed tor their monthly \trtitting at Radio Bahy lon. l’l'ttllk‘SleI'S Ntititllex and lit'aiIIS delight \\ itlI all \ortx ot' eleetro I‘unkynexx.

I The Garage 4‘)“ Sattehieltall Street. 332 I I2”.

I Glasgow School of Art I67 Rentt'eyy Street. 332 ()6‘)|.

I Glasgow University Union 32 t‘niy'ersity .'\\ entte. 33‘) S607.

I Groucho St Judes l‘)(l Bath Street. 352 S800.

I 92 474 Sattehieltall St (behind the (iaragel. 353 3| ll.

I Havana 5() Hope Street. 343 4466. I Life thasetnent ot' (‘orinthianL l‘)l Ingram Street. 552 MM.

I The Lighthouse 56 .\IitelreII Street. 221 6363

I The Living Room 5 ByeI'S Road. 33‘) S5! 1.

I MAS 2‘) Royal li\ehange Square. 22l 7030.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42I Satrehielrall Street. 333 9637

I O’Henry’s l)rury Street. 248 375]. I Planet Peach 34 Queen Street. 326 8990.

I Polo Lounge S4 W'ilxon Street. 553 l22l.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 t'niyersity' (itll'tletlS. 33‘)

0784. I Beds. 375 Sattehiehall Street. 33l I635. I Riverside Club I-‘ox Street. 56‘) 7287.

I Rocksy’s Basement 4t) .\’ett Stteddott Street. l’aixley. 552 579].

I The Shack I93 Pitt St. 332 7522. I Soba l l .\litehell Street Lane. 30-1 2404.

I Spy Bar Bath Street. 22! 77l I.

I Strawberry Fields 56 ()Sthltl Street. 22l 7S7l.

I The Studio. l()S4 Sottth SI. SetilSttilllt. 40] I75”.

I Nocturnal at Ham Hon. ‘lpnt lattt. l‘ree. l.\' .~\pr. l‘ortntglttly. lan ()WL‘IISHII t.\tu/ik\ Bedroom Bedlam yy tnnet'i ltISeS IItI-Sktttil hreakx. garage and drttttt N ha“ at thrx xyyanky neyy pre-eluh.

I Oxygen at ()\ygen. Sptn lam. l‘ree. Weekly. IliltIS popular har Ittm hoxtx a \Ittdent party pre-eltth eyery \yeek yy tth I‘ltllL‘tlltItISly eheap hoo/e .tttd t'ttnky hottxe Iront lzye (‘andy \ (iraetne .\lel.ean.

I Salsa at H Barrio, "pin 3am l-tee \Veekly. l.atiti dattee eIaSSex. See llttt and ('laxxitied ltll‘ more tttto.

I Salsa Variations at Hataeoa. Spin lam. l'ree. Weekly. I).l \ltkayel play\ the l.attno gl'ooyex to tttake you Salxa \y itlt datiee elaxxex III either a ('olumhian or ('tthan Sty le.

I Son de Rumba at ("ellar liar \o l. ltlptn lam. l‘t‘ee. Weekly ()ne ot the pioneering Latin IlltlSle night\ and SH” the heSt Seleetton oI noneotntneretal grooyex etIlII'leS) ol l).| lattt‘itttte.

I Tango at 'l he ()tlllltItISe ltlpStttll'S r. 7pm midnight. l'it'ee. Weekly. lnlot‘mal tango night \y ith tree heginnet'x elav I'rom 7pm.


I C.C. Blooms at (’.( '. lilootttx. Ill.3tlpm 3am thar Iront 6ptnt. l-t'ee. Weekly. .\ Spot ot' tnidyyeek houxe aetion at thix ttl\\;t_\S httxy gay eluh.

I Ceratonin at \\ ilkie llottSe haS mm mm ed to a tttotitltly l’t't \lot at the Venue.

I Fat Sam’s Swing Club at Iago. .\lonthly. Spin llpttt. L5. IS (\pr, Monthly. .ltttnp iiy trig aetion yy ith Seotland'x leading \yy ing hand [lltlS Stlpptil't from the \‘egaS ereyy.

I Kero-Scene—K2 at Studio 24. llpttt 3am. L' l .50. Weekly. lnet‘eaSingly popttlar alterttatiy e night \yhieli \eex l.eat'. Wally. lay and l)ottg play itig deatlt. doom. heayy tnetal and eytreme llllteS.

I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago lane. 35.. 4524.

I 13th Note 260 ('lyde Street. 2—13 2l77

I Trash It)? Pitt Street. 572 3372.

I The Tunnel S4 .\Iitelrell Street. 2(l-l llltltl.

I Variety Bar JUISatIehiehall Street. 332 444*).

I The Velvet Rooms Satrelrieltall Street. 33.7. U755.

I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) North \VtitidSitle Road. 337 I643.

I Yang 3.3 Queen Street. l-lS S4SJ.


I The Ark 3 Semple Street. 22‘) 77 3 3. I The Attic U} et‘\ (‘loSe. ('oyygate. 225 S3S2.

I Bam 80" 66/67 Stilltll lit'ltlge. .556 02”“.

I Bann UK 5 lluntet' Square. 226 ll I2. I Baracoa 7 \‘retor-ia Street. 223 5S~l6 I Bar Union 253/253 (1m gate. 35“ 27.S'ti.

I La Belle Angele I I llaStiex ("loan 225 7536.

I The Bongo Club I4 .S'ett Street. Sin 5204.

I Cavendish Wext 'ltilleroxx. 22S 3233. I C.C. Blooms 3.5 2—1 (ireenStde l’laee. .556 9331.

I The Citrus (irtndlay Street. (is: .“oxrr. I The Cafe lititll' Street. :2” ill I Club Java ('onttnet‘eial Street. l.etth. 555 5622.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’teat‘dy l’laee. 47S 743-4.

I Cuba Norte l‘)2 .\lorrt\on Street. 221 049‘).

I Ego l’teardy l’laee. 47S "434.

I eh1 WT lliglt Street. 22” 527".

I El Barrio ltl4 Wext Port. 22‘) 3an.

I Eros/Elite liottntainpark. Dundee Street. 22S I66l.

I Gaia King StzthleS Road. 22‘) 79W).

itltttli‘arti“ Clubs

I Nectar at \\ hy \ot \lonthly. ltlptn 3am. £5. IS \pt \lonthly' t'lx' garage night hoxted hy loeal lad lletntttttex ‘l\‘tlli Ruhr .rt‘al xeaxotted .\y ta \apa and \\ t' texttlettt l)_l lnnoyatot. lltnikx I‘ItlllltIS .ttt added l‘tllltlS

I Red at l’o \.r \.2 l 1pm 3am. l-tee. Weekly. Ill Harry I elStitithititlll‘tWI pub the eeleette into eleettte at tht\ StleSh will. hat

I Sleep at llte \ittt llpttr 3am 9,3 .‘5 \pt lotttit-‘litly lx‘exttletttxlaxott totte/ .llitl Rttl‘ae \allen/ ttltett real ll.tlllt‘S tey me the t :edtltle titttl\‘.eek elttlylitnz‘ mpet: ‘Irte liy l‘l.tylll;' \oztt‘ up lltllll hard hottxe .ttttl ttatite lot a ltetlonhttt etoyytl

I Smack at i go ha\ llt“.‘. Itntdtetl

Chart & l‘at‘ty

I Midweek Mayhem at lite l ltltlltl Roottt. ltl 3llptn Knit ltee xytth tnattte t‘.tltl l‘t‘ltltt' l.‘ Weekly. (‘heexy t ltatty eliootrx elteap ditttk and good \‘tlti\ .tt eoppttty oIl

I Shark at llttS l lite " 31min 3atn Unfit lyelote llpnr; til tl'ir attet Weekly. 'Seotlantl\ l‘l;,‘;'t‘Sl \ttttlettt' night Supplying tlte oliltg'atoty ehatt pap. ISkintat lhe \tk ltlptn 3am t’.‘ lllt't‘ \‘rltlt llltttll t‘l tl\t'ltll.tll l. llte tllltllSI‘tltt'ti king ol \ltltlt‘tll night\ not only \tlllllllt‘S the Itnext elratt illllllt‘lIIS l‘tll alw ealt'S enough to

ptm tde tilllli\\ at Ll all nt_-.'|tt arid Itee etttty to oy .'ltll.l\‘~ lI \tttdenh

I The Subway .tl lhe Suite. ry.

‘lpnt 3am l'tee lot \ltltlt'lll\ yyttlr ttlatttettlatton eattl. I l othetyytxe. \\t't‘l\l_\. \t't‘ lllll

I The Subway West End at llte Stthyyay Wext l lltl. ~pin 3am. l tee lot Stlltlt‘lltS \y ttlt tnatttt ttlatton eattl. ll titlleIWISt'. Weekly. See “In.

I Viagraah at Reyoltttton. llllllll 3am. Ll tL'3t. Weekly. l’tttttpetl tip patty tttne\ lot the Itixky Sttltlt‘lltS out there

3‘ lain. I' olhet \y he

I Holyrood Union llltlytrunl It-ratl. Ml 6|5" ' I The Honeycomb IS I Street. 3 it! 5546

I The Human Be-ln ‘S \\.‘\l (-l'tl\\L"|ll\\‘\‘..l'\_ (t(t_3 SStill

I Iguana :l I otlitatl Stteel. .‘.‘tt Iixx

I The Liquid Room It. \ ltlnlla Street. .‘25 2561

I Loco 2 35 (Eryn-rate. .‘.‘5 51l 3

I The Meadow Bar litre. lerrelr Street.


62) '(mtr

I Club Mercado <6 W \latkel Street. 226 l22-l

I Noa " ()tteenxtetty Street I .ate. .‘..76 (iSjS '

I The Outhouse l’rtottf'lrlwn Slteel talk". 55.. (i(t\

I Oxygen i 5 lttttttttaty Street. 55 ' WW" I Peppermint Lounge Itl..rr Street. 02.: (IlSl

I prO .l ’t('.tlltill l\'tt.ttl. I Po Na Na .26 l'tedettek Street. 2.36 2224.

I The PODd .32 .33 Halli Road. 36'


I PopRokit .‘ l’ttatdy l’lat e. 556 l2"). I The Potterrow lillSlti Siltlale. 65H ‘ll‘l5.

I 0 Bar 5 ll lettlt Street. 55 5 5S3”

I REVOlUthI‘l ll ltillllall Rttatl. :2“) 76””,

I RUSh 3Rttl‘e'lldlll'\ (-ltl\e'. KYIS, I Studio 24 ( 'alttill Rtiatl. 5.53 3753

I The Subway (Voyagtate. .225 6766

I The Subway West End I titlttati Road. 22‘l‘1l‘)".

I The Union llettot Watt l llI\L‘lSll}. Rteeatton. 151 5 3 3 3.

I The Venue (‘altorr Road. 557 W73

I The Watershed 4-1 St Stephen Street. 33” 177.1,

I The Wee Red Bar litlllll‘tltgll (‘ollege ()I \tt. l..ttIIISlHIi Plate. 22‘) l»l»12. I l-l (it'tll’g‘t' Stlt't‘t. (ll-l S 3i I Wilkie House (trueate. 225 2‘)“.

.Vv'. ./ , ,‘ THE LIST 83