Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries .


lltl \\tttttll.ttttl\ Road. {:3 ‘lll3h. .\lott l‘ll lltam 5pm. Sat

lilattt l3 illpmt

Ed Hunter Sat 3i \pt Sat l3 \la}._ Rcccttt p.ttttlttt_'.,'\


35 i .\t;,'\ lc Sltccl. (Will “33 Hill”. l).'tll_\ lllattt ttttdntght

‘The Best Of . . . Lomo’ 1 till] Stttt 3‘) .'\[tl'. l,omo ix a cu} w tdc ptotcct itt ;t\\ociatiott with tltc l omogtaphic Socict} Ill Vicnna. 'l'wcnt} ‘.olttttlcct‘\ lta\ c hccn gi\ cu onc ol lltc c';llllt‘l';t\ which l'L'tlllll'L'S tlic ‘lotttogt'apltct" to takc a photograph L‘\L‘l') da_\. ltt .lanuat'} 3llll3. tltc rcxultx ot' ( ilaxgow '\ docttmcntation through tltc RlISSlzlll lottto cantct‘a lcltx

w ill co\ c't' lltc \\;tll\ ol lltc :\t'cltc\. :\\ a la\lcr lo llll\ c\cttl. two c\lttltition\ taking placc in .-\pril attd .'\llg‘ll\l lta\ c liccn organixcd It} lottto amltamadorx l‘ahicn .\lottltcim attd 'l‘ltotttax \appicr.


l‘) l’arttic Sttcct. 553 "37"). .\lott Sal noott 5pm.

The Group Show l'nlil .\lott 23 .-\pt. .«\ group \ltow ol work It} lour artixtx wlto \ltarc a \tudio complc\ on lltc w cxt coaxt ol Scotland. (iraltattt .\lcl\'c;m \lltt\\\ ncw liguramc workx‘. .lamic ()‘l)ca prcxcntx a ncw \ct‘tcx ol' hathch

G LAS W I f it, it; ~

th April - 17th July 2001



.\lt\ott 'l homax c\ltthit\ monoprtntx attd painting\ tnllucnccd h} lo\ c; attd \ltcltacl l)urnmg \ltow \ [Mlllllllg‘S ol l‘ttah and l;tlttl\c.t[‘c'\,


[S5a Hath Slt'ccl. 333 3S5”. ilillc' Sal Illam 5.3Hpm.

Mixed Exhibition l‘nttl lltlt 3| .\la_\. ltt lhc haxcmcnl ol lltc (ilaxgow .\rt ('ltth. llll\ ncw gallcr} \ltowca\c\ lltc work ol ltotlt mlahltxhcd attd up‘andcotning ;tt‘ll\l\. l‘calttrcd tn llll\ tni\cd c\hihilton arc paintingx It} l.aura lit-\crtdgc. (it‘acmc Sharp. Rob \lttlltolland. Ruth (it'ccr attd .lamcx (iorman plux lc'\lllt'\. tt'onwork. ccramicx. glaxx. \culpturc and tcwcllct'} It} \arioux artixtx.

BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART chcnt llouxc. I I3 \cht chcnt Stt'cct. 330 54”. Mon l't'i lilam 5pm. Sat h} appoinlmcnl.

E.A. Taylor l'nltl 'l‘hu 3| .\la_\.

l’ainting\ ol' :\l‘l';lll It} l~...»\. 'l'a_\ Ior.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART lti-i lil}llt\wootl Slt'ct‘l. 533 4037.

Mon l‘t'i 0.30am 5.3Hpm; Sal

Illam lpm.

David Martin RSW, RGI l'nlil ’l‘uc 34 .-\pr. A \olo \ltow ol‘ contcmporar} paintingx h} l)a\ id Marlin.

Collette Waudby l'nlil 'l'uc 24 Apr. ('onlcmporar} jcwcllcr}.

Richardson & Ottewill t'ntil 'l‘uc 24 .-\pr. Silxcr tahlcwarc lt'oltt .lll\llll Richardon attd Slc\cn ()tlcw ill.

‘T’ l'nlil 'l‘uc 34 Apr. .\ tltctncd c\hihition ol' cottlctttpot'at‘} ccramicx l'ot' tltc talilc h} Sulc} ntatt Saba. (iarclh .\la\on. llilar} Rohcrtx and 'l‘om lilliott.


3-l»llour Vicwing Window, 304 High Slt't‘L‘l. 573 l)l()l.

Bulkhead Prize l'ntil Hi 27 .-\pt'.

M U 3 E, .


Shop. Ca] Wheelchair Access. Admission Fire.


ggperandio A

_ . . A new digitally animated film about young people living, working and socralrsrng in the city centre of Glasgow. Plus a retrospective of the artists’ work.

86 THE LIST 1326 Apr 2031 200‘.

(‘allx tor \tll‘llll\\tttll\ tor thc third Bulkhcad l’rt/c arc llt\ itcd lrom (il;t\gow -l\a\cd artixtx until 1 Jun ()n \ltow ttt thc 34-hour \ icw mg w tndow arc largc lortttat poxtcrx ot' prc\ roux w inncrx tllltl tlL‘l.tll\ til ltttw l0 c‘lllc‘l'.


11) King Slrccl. 555 “'33. Mon Sat “twain midnight; Sun I Ilpm. Visual Diary l'nttl ‘l‘hu l3 \pli \larta 'l'.l\'. .lohamcn c\p|orc\ tltc t'clationxhip hctwccn \ulticct. ohicct attd itnagc ttt llll\ \ttltt \llll\\ Ul \\Ul'l\.

Torment And Ecstasy ll! 13

\pt' 'l'hu 351a}. l’ainting\ attd thrcc- ditttcttxiottal artwork h} (‘hrix \chctt/tc L‘\plttt'lttg lllctttc\ Hl ltt\ C. low. poxxcvion. pawion attd hctra}al.

CCA AT MCLELLAN GALLERIES 370 Sauchicltall Strch 353 753 l.

.\lon Sat Illam 5pm; Stttt llatn 5pm. Neal Beggs (ilaxgow -l\a\cd at'tixt \cal licggx hax ct‘catcd an tnxtallation lor lltc cntrancc corridor \pacc at tltc \cnuc. cott\i\ling ol' two largc hlockx ol' tc\l on tltc corridor wallx. ()nc wall lixtx thc 334 Scotlixh .\lttttro\ tmountaim o\cr .illllllll) w hilc opptwitc ix a lixt ol' tltc 304 multi- xtorc} tow cr hlockx huill itt (il;t\gow hctwccn thc l‘)5()\ attd thc l‘)7l)\.


3(1\\'c\l (icorgc Sll't‘cl. 553 .555 l.

.\lon Sat lllam 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm. Mixed Exhibition An ongoing c\hihition of work h} \at'ioux at'tixtx. Mackenzie Thorpe littlil Sat 2| ;\pt‘. 'l‘ltc lirxt Scottixh \ltow ittg ol' work h} William llagttc’x lamuritc paittlcr. .\lackcn/ic 'l'horpc. 'l‘hc paxtcl \\ol'k\

w crc inspircd It} a Inc-changing \ iin to lic‘ltll'llx.


l'nncrxit} ol~ Stralhcl)dc. 33 Richmond Strccl. 553 4—H)“ on 3683. Mon l‘ri Illam 5pm: Sat noon 4pm.

The Theatre Of Memory: Kate Robinson l'ntil Sat 5 Ma}; .-\n inxlallation ol‘ xculpturc. photograph} and digital imagcx h) Katc Rohittxott inxpircd by chaissattcc wt'itcr (iuillo ('amillo‘s "l’hcatrc ol~ Mctnory'. 'l'hc work rangcx in scalc l‘rotn hand-\i/c ht'on/cs to lilc-xi/c work'\ in plaxtcr. rcxin and ccmcnt. Scc rcx'icw'.


l7S \Vc‘xl chcnl Strch 33l (i570.

.\lon Sat l()am 5.30pm.

A Focus On Drawing l'ntil Mon 30 Apr. :\ ncw' cxhihition ol' draw ings h} Scottixh contcmpot'ar} Lll'llxlx including Diana l.c\lic. :\nda l’atcrxon. .\lichacl Mchigh. Siri l‘rancc. John licllan}. Kalc l)ownic attd l’ctcr 'l'hotupxon.


33l \Vc‘xl (icorgc Strccl. 3-13 97.5.5.

.\lon l-‘ri Illam 5.30pm: Sat l()am 3pm. Scottish Paintings t'ntil 'l‘uc 24 Apr. :\ \clcction ol' Scottixh paintings h} William Mc'l'aggat't. thc Scollixlt ('olout‘islx and thc (iluxgow School. Messengers Of Summer Thu 26 Apr Sat 30 Ma}; .-\ \ummct' \clcction of painting h} ll). l-‘crgusson. William (iillicx lili/altctlt Blackaddcr. Jamcx Ka} and :\nnc Rcdpath.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Stt'cct. 33‘) [996. Mon 'I‘hu & Sat Illam 5pm; l-‘ri & Sun I Iattt 5pm. Glasgow 16/25 l'ntil Sun l7 Jun. lntcrnational duo Sitnon (ircnnan attd (‘hrixtophcr Spcrandio. latncd l'or prcxcnting pcoplc\ \lot'ic‘x in comic-hook \lylc itt hook lorm and morc t‘cccntl} digital \ idco animation. arc thc whim of lllix I‘c‘lt'tt\pc‘c‘ll\ c cxltihition. 'lillc‘ ccntrcpiccc ol‘ tltc show ix a \pcciall} commixxioncd digital \ idco animation which documcntx thc pcrxonal cxpcricnccx ol' pcoplc hctwccn to and 35 who li\c. work or \ocialixc within a milc radius of thc gallcr}. Scc l‘c‘\ icw.


Roukcn (ilcn Road. 030 H335. \Vcd Suit la‘so 5_.‘~Hpm,

Illona Morrice Sun 22 .\pr l‘uc 22 May Sculptut'c,

Kirsty Wither Sun 33 .-\pr littc 33

Ma}. Rcccnt ptllllllllg‘\


lillt' .'\l'l~ lilllltllllg‘. all (‘t\\\ (tttltlc‘llS Rtttltl. NI 3033 Mon l‘t‘i Illam 5pm; Sat «k Sun Ilam ~1pm.

Contact l'nttl l'l'l 3H ;\pt1 Photograph}. \culpturc and camax h} litlccn .\lc('u\kcr. (‘ha/ .\lc( ‘ormtck attd Brian .\I\'(illl\l\k‘_\.


HS \chl chcnl Slt'cct. 33| .itl‘l5.

.\lon Sat (Lillle Shilll‘lllt

Argyll And The Isles l’nul wth I.\‘ .-\pr. .\'cw pattttingx l\_\ l'ranccx \lacdonald inclttdtng lhc coaxllincx ol (’rinan. .\lull. Kint}rc and lona,


(igtlt‘ ('twllltt. l3 l\’o\c Sll‘t‘cl. 553 0555. Mon Sat lllfillatn 0pm.

Short And Sweet l'ntil .\lon 3t) .-\pr. .-\ \L‘lc‘t‘litttl ol ttt'lwol'k\ lt} l't’xllltt l-‘crrara. a uniquc lilmmakcr w ho hax tttadc \c\cra| attimatcd lilltt\ drawn itt lilack attd w ltitc attd paintcd w illt oil t‘ttlttlll'x.

THE GLASGOW LGBT CENTRE ll l)i\on Slrccl. 33l 7303. Hail}

llattt midnight.

Godfrey Chalmers l'ttlil .\lott 3o :\pr. l’ainting\ attd draw illg\ h} l{o_\al :\cadcttt} artixt (iodl't‘c) ('halmct‘x.


33 S 35 King Strch 553 (WM. 'l‘uc Sat Illam 5.30pm.

Andy Warhol - Screenprints t'mil Sal l3 .\la_\. :\ \ccottd cdition ol- \crccnprinlcd imagcx h} And} Warhol. known a\ thc Sum/(tr I)’ .l/orni/rc cdition. which inclttdc hix colour \ariationx l't‘om ltl\ Marthn .\lunroc \ct'icx.

Louise Armand l'ntil Sat 12 Ma). .-\ rctroxpcctn c c\ltihilion ol‘ paintingx h} Scoltixh artixt |.oui\c .-\nnand. loundcr tttctnhcr ol .l.l ). l-'c‘t'gtt\\tttt\ .\'cw Scotlixlt (iroup itt lhc MK and 5th. Anthony Benjamin - Listening To Colour l'ntil Sat l2 .\la_\. Rcccltll} puhlixltcd clcltittg\ crcalcd h} Anthon} Bcniamin which w ct'c licgun itt l‘)57 itt rcxponxc lo poctnx h} (ilachgian author \\'.S. (irahatn. .S't't't'n lair/tings I‘m .St'i't'n I.('H(’I'\.

Lisa McConnell l'nlil Sat 12 Ma}. .lcwcllcr} inspircd h} natural and ahxlract liot‘tttx.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM 'l‘op l’loot'. (t4 ()\lt()lll‘llL‘ Stt‘cct. 553 H73. 'l‘uc Sat 3 (rpm.

Angels l'nlil Sat l4 Apr. Photographic and tnixcd-mcdia wot‘kx h} Kll'xl} Shatth

All We Want To Do Tue 24 Sun 2‘) Apr. .»\ group \how ol‘ tnixcd tttcdia work\ by linal _\car \tudcntx l'rom (ilaxgow School ol':\rt.


(it‘otlnd Hoor. l’rinccx Squarc. Buchanan Strcct. 33! 8163. Mon Sat lllam (rpm; Sun llattt 5pm.

New Artists .-\ \aricd \clcction ol~ work h} up-and-coming at'lixlx lcaturing \culpturc. tcxtilc dcxigtt. paintings and jcwcllct‘}.

GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART l(i7 chl‘rcw Strcct. 353 4500. 'l‘crm 'l'itnc: .\l()llr'lillu 10am 7pm: Fri Illamr5pm: Sat 10am noon. .\'on 'l‘crm 'l‘imc: Mon liri Illam» 5pm: Sat

10am —noon.

CADE 2001 l'ntil 'l'hu l3 Apr. 'l'hc ('.'\l)li t('omputcrs ln Art and Dcsign liducationi (’ontcrcncc comcs to thc (ilasgow School oli:\rl. ()nc ol lltc world'x tnain forums for digital CfL‘illl\'ll}'