Art IIQtirth

Edinburgh Galleries continued

THE FOUR PLUS ONE GALLERY 3 Watrender Park Road. 667 5 l 53.

Mon Sat lltam 6pm.

Scottish Craft Exhibition A wide \ariety ol ctal'tx and applied artx by up- andvcoming crallmakerx and dexignerx working in Scotland.


45 Market Street. 335 3383. Mon Sat

I lam 6pm; Sun noon 5pm.

OTracey Moffatt t'mtt Sat 1‘) May. 'lrace) \lot'tatt ix one ol .-\ttxtralia\ lead- ing attixtx w ho hax had met“ 50 exhibi- tionx in liurope and the [S and ix regu- larly curated into major xhow x. In the biggcxt xolo l‘lx’ prexentation in her worlx to date. the l ruittnarkct hoxtx a major xttry'ey ol~ her lilm and photographic work horn I‘Nll to the prexent day. The centrepiece ()l' the \lttm l\ a new xet‘lL'N ttl' thirteen xilk-xcreenx. lill‘lH‘tlI/IHIH in which Motlatt eyolx'cx the my xterioux iinagt-x ot w itchcralt. tummy and xexual— ity. See llitlixl.

Northern Lights On permanent \ icw. once night lallx. ix l’eter liinlt'x light inxtallation lor the gallery inxpired by the aurora borealix. ('omprixing a Tool lin' triangle ol light. light detailing on the eaxt and w ext tool and hit xhal't. the colouix regularly change. brightening up thix dark corner ol' lidinburgh'x Market Street.


-l6a Racburn l’lace. 3l5 3603. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Master Carvers Of The Indian Subcontinent t'ntil Thu 3! May. Doorway x. mirrorx. lramcx and furniture from India and l’akixtan.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil ’l‘hu 3| May. .\ mixed xhow ol dexigner and original jewellery.


.'\..\'..\l. l’hotographicx. l5l (lilmore Place. 33‘) 73l7. Mon l-‘ri

t).l5am l.30pm & 3 5.30pm.

Neil Davey l'ntil Sun l5 Apr. Scottixh landxcape photography by Neil l)a\'ey.


33a l)undax Street. 556 3lb’ l. Mon l'ri l0.30atn 6pm; Sat l0ant 4pm.

Kate Philp: Inside Outside l'ntil Sat 33 Apr. Still lite and landxcape watercolourx by Kate l’hilp.

Jim Nicholson l'ntil Sat 28 Apr. ()ilx. pen and w'atcrcolourx ol‘ trayelx abroad including l‘rance. lndia and the (heck lxlandx by the late Jim Nicholxon. Annual Sale l'ntil Sat 38 Apr. Annual xale ot' original paintingx. printx and xculptutc by gallery at'tixtx.


47 4‘) Dean llaugh. Stockbridge. 34.3 I735. Sun \Ved l lam- midnight:

'l‘hu Sat ll lam.

Kolab 000 l'ntil Mon 30 Apr. 'l‘he

lirxt in a xeriex of group .xltowx to be held at lleetor'x Bar leaturing an exhibition ot‘ lenx-baxed work by artixtx' collective Kolab. with .xome works for .xalt‘.


(‘al‘e llub. (‘axtlehilL Royal Mile. 473 3000. Tue—Sat 9.30am 10pm: Sun Mon l).30am~~6.30pm.

Felim Egan l'ntil Sun 33 Apr. Abxtract printx by lrixh-born printmaker and painter. lielim ligan. inxpired by the landxcape and xeaxcape around hix home on the edge ot‘ Dublin Bay.

’l‘ytno'r RK'l-Z (i:\l.l.l:R\' u! my UNI\'I£RSI'|‘\' or lintxnt'kon


.m V1111: [fur/nan t'lllll’lllull u/ hix IH\!/lltt1H\ In It Small paintings mt tum Hum {In I Illlt‘l\ll\ titling/minInert/1"! HI”! (I emu/t HI

NF.“ t..\Rt;t-:R “()RKS‘ mm mm» \n'n Ivy [1,.» [tub/It 30 April - 26 May. 'I‘uesday - Saturday 10am—5pm 'Iiigt'lln’r with m liar/x 1m rln R()l'.\'l) ROOM PROGRAMME FOR 2001

~.-. ,m it writ/l t't/t/lutuw n! [In lite/ilt tu/utu't't/ um! t HHI/H'HIHL’ [MI/111nm u!


call 0131 650 2085 for details of events and gallery tours

90 THE LIST ‘L‘ ."U Ai‘t .‘tttt'

Geoff Uglow’s paintings inspired by a visit to Florence are on


6 ('arlton 'l‘ert'ace. 556 444 l. \Vcd Sat l0atn 5pm.

Land l'ntil Sat 36 May. The work of linglixh .xurrealixt painter l’aul .\'axh (ISS‘) l‘)46) ix on xhow alongI with work by contemporary artixtx Richard Long and 'l‘homax Joxhua ('ooper. Long. who won the 'l‘urner l’ri/e in NH). a landxcape. em ironmental artixt. xhow x a xeriex ol' mud draw ingx attd a xtone circle of granite blockx gathered on Dartmoor. alongxide Naxltix I‘HS litit/ ()/ llill‘. t'oelx photographx from the l‘)30x and watercolourx from the 30x and 30x. American-born photographer (‘ooper who hax made Scotland hix home tor many' yearx. exhibitx photographx printed with layerx ol' xilyer and gold chloride.


30 St Stephen Street. 336 544‘). Mon l‘ri 9am 6pm.

2470/360° liri 30 Apr Fri 30 Jul. .-\ xeriex ot‘ photographx by Scott Mitchell taken on a road trip acroxx America which eoy‘et‘ed 3470 milex in full circle. 'l‘ray‘elling through ('alit‘ornia. Neyada and Ari/ona. Mitchell photographed the ‘eyery day‘ from a coke machine to a diner table. NEW SHOW.

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l3 Randolph (‘rexcenL 335 5366. Mon‘l‘ri ‘).3()am~~6.30pm: Sat

9.30am l.30pm.

Homage To Monet and Cezanne l'ntil Sat 3] Apr. An exhibition of photography and paintingx by two Britixh at‘tixtx. l-‘red Jary ix and Stewart l.ow don.


show at the Edinburgh gallery

inxpired llV [\H) ol' l5rance‘x oldext tnaxtcrx. Monet and ('e/annc. Jaryix photographx Monet’x lamoux garden at (iiyerny and Low don choxe to paint locationx and landxcapcx ol ( 'e/anne'x. Quand La Science Rejoint L’Art l'ntil 'l‘ue l7 Apr. An exhibition ax part ol the lidinburgh International Science l'lextiy'al which lookx at wltetltet‘ xcience ix meeting art or the contrary.

Hector Berlioz t'ntil Hi 30 Mar. A documentary exhibition on the lite and work of l-‘rench tnuxician. llector ller'liol. Retugies Du Kosovo Thu 36

Apr Tue 13 Jun. Medicinx Du Monde prexent an exhibition of photographx portraying life in the relugee catnpx ol Albania. .‘ylacedonia and Montenegro by w ell-know n photographerx.

ITALIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE S3 Nieolxon Street. 668 3333. Mon l"ri l0am 5pm.

Luca Turi l'ntil Sun l5 Apr. l.uca 'l‘uri doctnnentx the plight of the ethnic Albanianx ax they were forced out of their homeland to xeek refuge in Italy". in thix Ittoy ing exhibition of photographx.


66 ('umberland Street. 558 9873. Mon-Fri l0am~6pm; Sat l0amv4pm. Le Corbusier 1887-1965 t’ntil 'l‘ue l7 Apr. An exhibition of original lithographx by Le (‘orhtixien one of the moxt influential of 30th-century architectx. l.e ('orbuxier wax alxo a painter and critic. The exhibition leaturex a xeriex of IS workx. engraved and collated between W57 and l‘)64.