
Kids listing continued

Hands-on Ancient Egypt

l'ntil I'ri l3 Apr. I0am 5pm. £3 I£I.50i; childrcn undcr I2 Ircc.

Royal .\Iuscum. 2 (‘haiiihcrs Strcct. 247 42l‘). .Iourncy hack in timc to Ancicnt Iigypt hy handling icwcllcry. hron/c statucs. a colliii Iragiiiciit. or cycii try on a rcplica costumc at this drop-in workshop.

Theatre School 'I'hu I: Apr. 'I‘uc I7 'I'hu I‘) Apr. Iliam 3pm. £25 l'or onc wcck. St liridc's ('ciitrc. l0 ( )rwcll 'l‘ct't'ticc. 34(i I405. Agcs I” I4. 'I‘hcatrc workshop scssions w Iicrc you can ptit dancc. drama. makc-up or iiitisic skills to tisc in a spccial production.

Dr What I’ri I3 Apr & Hi 20 Apr. 2pm. lircc. I)isco\ cry ('ciiti'c. .\Iuscum ()I' Scotland. (‘haiiihcrs Strch 247 40‘)”. Agcs 5 S. 'l-lic doctor lakcs you on a liiiic--lrayclliiig adycnturc to inycstigatc thc timc machinc.

On The Deer Hunt Sal I4 Sun IS Apr. \Vcd IS Apr. \Vcd 2pm: Sat 3pm; Sun noon. l'i‘cc. I)isco\ cry (critic. Mtiscuiii ()I~ Scotland. ('haiiihcrs Strcct. 247 4090. Agcs 5 I2. .Iourncy hack in timc to track down a wild dccr. Dance Workshops 'I‘uc l7 'I'hu I0 Apr. I0.30am 3pm. 'l'hrcc days l'or £25 (£20). Spi‘ingwcll lIousc. ArdiiiiIIaii 'I'cri'acc. 34o I405. Agcs oycr I4. South Al'rican chorciigraphcr Sonny .\Iascpc Icads this workshop using modcrn. tan and AI'ricaii dancc. .\'o cxpcricncc ncccssary. just hags oI' cnthusiasm.


leusion Family Day Sun IS Apr.

I lam & 4pm. llcdlam 'I'hcatrc. I lh Ili‘isto I’Iacc. and thhcrhow Arts (‘cnti‘c. 43 45 HighStt‘cct.()S7032l 727‘). Adyancc hooking rcquircd. Storics In Harmony and Alirciiipon Icad lhcsc ‘)(I lllllllllL‘ childrcn's workshops. I’ur/ ol'I/u' (iliunuiun Arts l'i’sI/i'ul.


Beethoven’s Brother Sat 14 Apr. noon & 3pm. £5 (£3). 'I'raycrsc 'I‘hcatrc. ('aiiihridgc Strcct. 228 I404. Agcs 8+. Scc (iIasgow.


Out To Play l'ntil Sat 2 .Itiii. I'rcc. .\Iuscum ()I' (‘hildhood 42 Iliin Strcct. 52‘) 4I42. 'I‘his c\hihition looks at thc changing natui'c ol' childhood gamcs Irom thc past to thc pi'cscnt day. l’ccycr. hools. tig and diahIo arc just sonic oI tlic gaiiics playcd hclorc thc inyciition oI coiiiputci' gamcs and lL‘lL‘Vlsltill and tlicrc will also hc somc old rcpi'oduction gamcs l'or cliildrcn to try out.

Outside the Cities Activities And Fun

Easter Playscheme 'l‘hu I: Hi IR Apr. 'l‘uc I7 I'Tl 20Apr. IIIam 3pm. £3.35 pcr day. I.anark .\lcmorial Hall. St I.coiiards Strccl. I.anark. 0l555 665333. Agcs 5 l2. ('clcht‘alc ‘Scotland 'I‘hc (ircat' with gamcs. arts and crafts and Scottish gamcs and L‘y'cllls.

Theresa’s Easter Treats Tho I: Apr. I0am (Agcs 8 I0) & 2pm (Agcs I0 I2). £3.50. Rothcs Halls. Rothcs Squarc. (Blcnrotlic‘s. (H.502 (il I II”. Dccoratc liastcr cggs. biscuits and ncsts with thc hpr of 'I'hci'csa .\IcKcan. Bring an apron.

Hot Steppin’ Hooters Thu 12 Apr 8; Thu 1‘) Apr. I lam noon (Agcs 5 7i & I 2.30pm (Agcs 8 I2). Iircc. chal (‘omiiiunity 'I‘hcatrc. South Bridgc Strcct. Bathgatc. 0 I 500 433634. Adyancc hooking rcquircd. Introductory dancc class for young pcoplc.

Big Egg Event Sun l5 .\lon It» Apr. I()am 5pm. I‘rcc. Summcrlcc Hcritagc Park. Ilcritagc Way. (‘oathridgcx (II 236 431261 . Sununcrlcc's annual cggstrayagan/a with cntcrtainmcnt I'or liastcr Bunnies young and old.

94 THE LIST 12—26 Apr 2001 2001

Children’s Museum Tour Mom I!» .\pi. Ipiii. I'i‘cc. I)a\id I_i\ingstonc ('ciitrc. I05 Station Road. lllantyt'c. Illh‘liS

S23 I40. .-\ history Icssoii with .i Iicalthy inicctioii oI Iun as costumcd guidcs takc childrcn on a Iun tour ol thc muscuiii Easter Egg Hunt Sim IS .\pi.

noon 4pm. 50p. .\i'diiaiiic (iai‘dcii. Ardtiainc. ()haii. IIIS52 200300 Izastci‘ hunt Ioi' childrcii.

Hot Steppin’ Hooters ‘l'ut- I" :\[\l. IIam noon t.-\gcs 5 7i «k I 2.30pm iAgcs i' I2i. l'i'cc. Hurin lIaIIs. ’l‘hc (‘ross. l.iiihthgow. 0|50o 433(i34. Scc llathgatc.

Treasure Hunt \y‘t-tl ls .\pi.

Illam noon. £3.50 £0501£240 £4.40i. ('uI/can ('ounti'y l’ark. .\layholc. lllli55 334455. Agcs (i I2. l‘un ti'casurc litiiit loi' thc Iiastcr holiday s.

Hot Steppin’ Hooters \Vcii l.s' Apt. Ilaiii noon tAgcs 5 7i (k I 2.30pm tAgcs i' l2i. I‘rcc. ('i‘aigslariii. .\Iarcc Walk. ('i'aigshill. l.i\ iiigsloii. 0|50h 433034. Scc Balhgalc.

Castle Safari \Vcd IS Apr. I 2pm. £I. ('ul/can (‘ountry I’ark. .\Iayholc. IIIo55 334455. Agcs (i I2. Adyaiicc hooking rcquircd. 'Ii‘ack down thc animals in thc country park on this salari.


Digital Monsters: Digimon The Movie (1') Sun I5 Apr. 2.30pm; Thomas And The Magic Railroad tl'i .\Ioii Io Apr. 2.30pm. £|.50.

.\IacRohci'l. l'iiiyci'sily ol' Stirling. Stirling.

0I7So 4(il0S’l. Scc I’ilm Indc\.


S Club Party and Billy l‘ri IS .\pi. 7.30pm. £‘) (£7.5lli. I’alacc ’l‘hcali'c. ‘) (irccn Strcct. Kiliiiariiock. III5(i3 523500. I)rcaiii ('oiiccrls prcscnt two trihutc acts i'cci'cating lhc pop Iiils ol' S Huh 7 and Billic I’ipci‘.


The Tale Of The Hare & The Tortoise Sat I4 Apr. 2.30pm. £3; Ioui' tickcls Iioi' £l0. Alhci't IIaIIs. I)uiiiharton Road. Stirling. 0| 780 473544. Agcs 3 (i. \Vcc Storics adapt Acsop's Iahlc hascd on lhc talc ol' thc pcrsistcnt tortoisc and lltc aII-too hasty Iiai'c.

The Happy Gang’s Big Birthday Bash! Sat 14 Apr. 2pm. £5; Iiy c scats for £23. Voluntccr Hall. St John Strcct. (ialashicls. lll750 20S42. Scc photo caption.

The Singing Kettle Silly Circus \Vcd IS I-‘ri 20 Apr. \Vcd 3pm; 'I'hu «k I‘ri noon S 3pm. £0 (£7); I‘aiiiin tickct £25. l’alacc 'I'hcatrc. ‘) (ii‘ccn Sti'cct. Kilmarnock. 0l5o3 523500. Roll up. roll up l'or all thc thrills and spills ol' thc big top. Put on your licst clown cosltlmc and

join ('iIIa thc Ringmastcr. Artic thc clown.

(iai'y thc strongman and human canoiihall .Ianc Ior an all-singing. all-dancing musical c\tra\agan/a.

The Happy Gang’s Big Birthday Bash! \Vcd IS Apr. 2.30pm. £5.50: Iamin tickcl £20. Vikingai'. Bai'rliclds. (ircciiock Road. l.;tl‘g\. (H475 039777. SL‘L‘ photo caption.

The International Purves Puppets Biggar l’uppct 'I'hcati‘c. Ilroughtoii Road. ()lS‘N 22003 I. £5 t£4iz Iamily tickcts £23 & £36. Book in adyaiicc as timcs arc suhicct to changc. Rcductions I'oi' pai'tics ol' li\ c or morc. Show s on oI'Ici' oyci' thc ncyt two w ccks arc:

Pips And Panda In Magicland 'I‘hu I2 Apr. Sat I4 Apr. .\Ioii lo Apr. 'I‘Iiu

I‘) I‘ll 20 Apr. Stiii 22 Apr. 2pm; Thu 20 Apr. I0.45am. Agcs up to 7. \thn .\Ir .\Iagic takcs I’ips and I’anda oil to .\Iagiclaiid. thcy mcct lots oI~ iiurscry

rhy inc charactcrs w ho jump out ol' .\Ir Magic's my stcrious hook.

The Magical Princess Tim I: Apr. \Vcd IS Apr. l lam; I'i'i l3 Apr. Sun I5 Apr. IUL‘ l7 Apr. Sat 2| Apr. 2pm; Thu 1‘) Apr. 'I‘uc 24 Apr. l0.45am; \Vcd 25 Apr. 7.30pm. A Rtissian I‘olktalc about Andrcas. a lirayc adycnturcr w ho ti‘ics to saw his hcautilul princcss Ii‘om thc

\\ ickcd 'I‘sar.

I'IIII/ .\iil .3/ \pi. \(l/INIH \( Hm \, (i III/in 41ml Soul/ii III .\i til/iiiii/

Festival performances are listed alphabetically by show title and then by venue in date order. For a copy of the festival programme, contact the Netherbow Arts Centre on 0131 556 9579.

ANDROCLES AND THE LION \gcs 5 S. Spring ()mon I’uppct Ihcatic thI tlic story oI .\lltll'Ut‘lLN and a Iioii hc IicIiiciids who ai'c Ioi'ccd to light Ioi thcii |i\cs in thc ('oIosscuiii iii Iioiit oI lhc Is’omaii Iiiiipci'or.

Dick Institute Museum and Art Gallery Izlmhaiik .\ycmic. Isihiiaiiiock. (Il5o3 554343. I'hu I2 .\pi. 3pm. £2 i£I i Rothes Halls RHHICS Stiuaic. (ilcnrothcs. ()l5‘l2 til I IIII. l'll I 3 .\pi. 2pm. £4 3r

MacRobert l'mycrsity oI Stirling. Stirling. 0| 73o -l(il0.\‘I. Sat I4 .\pi. lIam. £2.50.

Charlotte Toal Centre l)lllltly \an Road. ('oathridgc. (INNS 2075 l 5. .\Ion lo Apr. I0. 30am. £ 3.50 I £2.50i. Paisley Arts Centre .\‘m Stlccl. I’aislcy. 0|4I SS7 IOI0. Inc I“ .\pi.

I lam & Ipiii. £~I i£2.50i.

Victoria Hall Kiiiloch Road. ('amphcltow ii. 0l5So 554400. Hm 1‘) Apr. 3pm. £3.50 (£2.5HI.

THE BLACK BULL OF NORROWAY Agcs o\cl' 5. l'siiig magic and handcai'ycd woodcn puppcts. \iigcii I’uppct ('oiiipany tcll thc talc ol a young princcss who is giycn thc chaiicc to look into hcr I‘titurc. hut sooii liy cs to i'cgi'ct ll. Edmonstone Hall (ilasgow Road. Sti‘athhlanc. Stirling. 0| 780 47354-1. I-i‘i l3 Apr. 3pm. £2.50.

MacRobert l'niyci'sity ol Stirling. Stirling. oi7so .tiiiosl. .\Ion It» .\pi. llam. £2.50.

Netherbow Arts Centre 43 45 High Strcci, 0I3| 55o 0570/2047. l'l'l 20 Apr. I lam tk 2pm. £3.50 i £2.75i. East Kilbride Arts

Centre ()ld (‘oach Road.

liast Killii'idc. (H.355

2(il()00. Sat 2! Apr.

3pm. £4 (£2). .

CAN’T YOU SLEEP LITTLE BEAR? \Iaitiii \\addt'll's l‘ook .ll‘i‘lll .i Iittlc l‘cai who is aliaid oI thc daik is icwoikcd l‘\ l’a\ Ia‘s I'uppcts Netherbow Arts Centre 11 1* Iliin Sticct. “I 3i 55o 0V0 _‘oi' lllll l.‘ \pi. I lam t\ .‘pm 1350 i 1'.‘ Westburn Community Centre \oith Ilaiik \\cimc. ( 'aiiiliuslaiig. III II o-II “NV Inc I” \pi. I 30pm LI 50 Port Seton Centre \oiiiii \ctoii l’dlls. l’i'll \t‘li‘ll. lllx 3‘ \l2\l2 \\t‘tl l\ \pi. .‘pm £250i1I 5th THE DRAGONS OF BEN VAIR \}.‘\'\ 2 5 I\\l‘ ls'Ii‘s li‘ll\ tll.l_‘.'i‘ll\ .lIt‘ tciioiisiiig .i small ciolliiig \illagc hut thcy sooii iiicct lhcii malt Ii III \I\ hic who sccks icyciigc .ittci his giilliiciid is taptiiicd llic tiaditioiial \\lllll\ll talc is ictold usiiij.‘ thc c\pcil piippcliy oI loIdiiig lhcalic l’uppct ('oiiipain Netherbow Arts Centre 1 1 1* High \liccl. HI 3| 55o 0'5 ‘0 frit' \M-d IS \pi. I lam t\ .‘piii £3 \oitj.‘ '5i Loanhead Leisure Centre ( icon-t- \\cmic. I oaiihcad. III 3| 110 NM Ilm I" \pi. .‘piii L.‘ 50M. I 50! Paisley Arts Centre \t-v. Slict'l. |’.iisIcy. III II \S' I010 \al .‘I \pi. I lam t\ Ipiii t I il.‘ 50' JACK AND THE BEANSTALK lsciispccklc l’uppcts' show thIs this classic Iaiiytalc using Imiiioui .iiid \atchy Eastfield Community Centre Ihikcs Is’oad. ( 'aiiihiislang. III II (i ll .\3I‘I lhu I2 \pi. I 30pm LI 50 Netherbow Arts Centre 1% is High Sticcl. 0| 3| 55o 052‘) 201" Inc I" .\pi. llam t\ .‘pm £3 50:12 '5i JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF \t‘\'\ i\ ll. l'olliiw \\t'l as hc ciicoimtcis c\pIodiiig \olcauocs. maii calmg dinosaurs and my stciiotis ma/cs iii llluc Hoal IIicatics adaptation ill .llllt‘s \k'lllt'i\ classlc Ilii\t‘l \l.tll\ I’ciicak's puppcliy takcs lIic chaiactcis and lhc audiciicc on an .ttl\t'llllllt‘ into thc unknown. Haddington Corn Exchange ( 'oiiii Sti'cct. Haddington. (No.70 S27» l I. I llll I‘I .\pi'. 2pm. £2.50 I l_' I .50i. KING NEPTUNE’S MAGIC SHELL Iscnspccklc l’uppcts thI a story hascd on a young giiI who \ciituics dccp mto thc occaii to Iiiid a magic \llt‘ll. Fernhill Pavilion .\t-ilxaig l)ll\t‘. Is’uthci'glcii. III-II (ill 3|5S. Ihu I2 .\pi. I laiii. £I.5II. Netherbow Arts Centre 1% ~15 Illgh Sti'cct. III 3I 550 ‘l5fl‘)/.‘.(i-I"_ 'l Iiti I‘I .\pi‘. lIaiii (K 2pm. £ 3.50 H.225i. THE LITTLE RED HEN \gcs I o. :\Itcr laying an cgg. thc I.itt|c Rcd llcn caiii Iind anyonc to hpr hci iiiakc a cakc. so shc dccidcs to do ll all hy hcrscll. Shoiia chpc I’uppcts adapt this traditional talc iisiiig iiiiaginatiycly dcsigiicd piippcts and gciitlc stoi‘ytclhiig. Gaiety Theatre ( 'ai-i-it-k Sll't‘t'l. A} l'. llljllj. (il I222. Sal I-I .\pi‘.

' 2pm. £3.501L‘350i,


s Longniddry ' 3’4 Community ; ,3 Centre Scloti 3 \ Road. . " '5 hiiigmddry.

oiVS .sSI‘Hl. 'Iuc l—‘:\[il. llaiii. £2.50
