Archipelago, Sat 5-Mon 7 May; Glasgow Green, Sun 6 May.

May Day celebrations have gone through many variations in Glasgow but the one that rarely changes is the May Day Rally. Only this year, the celebrations are bigger and last longer with more things to see and do.

One of this year’s main attractions is the Archipelago, an inflatable walk-through sculpture which will dominate 1000 sq metres of Glasgow Green. The event will be open over three days allowing more people to visit, kick off their shoes and take a walk through this incredible edifice. ‘You will be

mesmerised by the bright colours,’ according to Lucy Shorrocks of City Media when you wander through this futuristic cathedral.

As well as the Archipelago, the Sunday will be crammed with festivities. The day starts at 11am when the rally assembles and starts to wind its way from George Square to Glasgow Green. Meanwhile, the Green will be working up to a day of entertainment with theatre, art, kids events and sport. Music lovers are also catered for with showcase tents as well as


European Men’s Barbershop Convention ('l)dc .~\udrtorrum. l‘lIlllIL‘\ItiIl Qua}. ox‘o lull Jiltltl, Sec Ill 4.

Now And Then Seminar Brit-ct Incl. Io King; Strcct. 552 3l5I

lIam 5pm. Seminar lttc‘ll\\lllf_‘ on photograph} and new mcdra \tork \\ itli )iitrttg chrIdr‘cn to coincide \\ rth thc Iaunch ol Strcct l.c\cl\ (‘I )-I\’( ).\I. con-ring; the gallcr) '\ )mi‘ Ion; cducatronal actix it} \\ ith \cltool\.


Robroyston Dip ‘N’ Dig Day Rnltt'ti} \ton I’ar‘k. Roltl’o) \lott. “(t5 I.\'(i.3. I ~Ipm. I’r'cc. Sec \xhat _\ou cart lind lll Rohro} \ton pond and lipr plant

\\ ildlloxxcrx around the pond.

Glasgow City Council brings you

Glasgow life

Shows Optics Weekend k’Sl’h \Jllt‘ l .iiiii .\.iturc Ix’cxcrxc. I§_\ I och I cxcn. \r

Krnroxx. lll5" 503355 l)l\[‘l.|_\ and

sale ol' I‘tnocttl.tt\ .ind tclcscopcx


Strathclyde International Regatta Strathchdc (‘ountrt link. 50“ llallllllttll l\,\‘.l\l. \lt‘lllk‘l“ L‘Il. “INN 300155. Want 5 3Ilpm. I-rcc Ihc opcmng cwnt ol the Scottixh ion in):

Other events

The Villa Auditions Ian I\ |n;_'r.im IIoth. SUI Ingram Sti'cct. (“NIH “II 55 58. Noon .\'pm. 8k) (lilox doctixoap wt in thc um I\ on thc look otit tor contcxtantx lor ll\ third \cricx. It )oii‘rc IN 35 and \inglc. thcn uh} not drop Ill to onc ol thc auditionx

classical and traditional music in the winter gardens. The music is supplied by a wide range of bands such as Salsa Celtica, the Big Town Playboys and

the John Carmichael Ceilidh Band. (Jane Hamilton)


SAHAP Meeting \Valcrxtonc'x

I53 I57 Sarichichall Street. 333 ‘)I()5. 7pm. I’rcc. Monthl) drop in rncctirigx ol~ lltL‘ Scottish :\\\r)L‘t;tliUlt til~ llolixtic .-\romathcrap} I’r'actitioncrx \ihcrc _\ou can lamiliariw }ottr‘xc|l \\ ith thc topic. catch up on current trcndx and lind out tnot'c ahout IIolixtic .»\romathcrap}.


Food 8- Drink At The Burrell Burrell ('oIIcction. leoll I’ollokxhau'x Road. 287 255i). I I.3()arn. I'rcc. (itttdcd tour lcd h} Kirxt} .\lc;\ula}.

Wednesday 2

Book events

Bridget MacCaskill \Viitcixioiic‘s. I53 I57 Sauchichall Stt'cct. 332 ‘)I()5. 7pm. I'rcc. Wildlilc \\ r'itcr .\lac('a.\kill discuxxcx [no ol- the hooks in her '\\'i|tl I.i\c\' \L‘t'it‘xl I'ittr'x.‘ 'I'lti' B/Utul ix Wild and ()Iri'rx.‘ ()n the Swirl iif‘r/ii' 'I't'i/i' thoth I.uath l’t‘C\.\ £9.90).


Travel Health Awareness 'l‘ixii ()utdoor (‘cntrtn 5t) (‘oupcr Street. 550 5450. 0.30 9pm. £2. Illustrated Iccturc on tra\ cl health and expedition medicine ax \icll ax inlcr'actiw and cxpcrt ad\ ice. Introductory Talk On Maharishi AyurVeda (ilaxgtm \t‘dic (t‘ltlt'C. 3i (‘oulson Strcct. ‘Mo 44 l4. 8pm. I’rcc. ‘.'\\oid \alad. cat a large r‘clawd lunch.

and gct up earl) . . .' l)r I)onn Brennan introduct‘x thc principlcx ol‘ health cat'c \} \tcm A) uerda.


10 Minute Gallery Talk IIuntcrian Art (iallcr'). I'nncrxit} ol'(ilaxgo\\‘. 83 IIillhcad Strcct. 330 543 I. Ipm. I’rcc. 'I'cn minute talk h} curator I’ctcr Black.

To Set Before A King l’ollok IIouxc. I’olIok (‘ountr} Park. 2000 I’ollokxhrm \ Road. (ilo (14“). 7.30pm. Ht). |)ircctor ol' the National (iaIIcricx ot Scotland 'I‘imoth) ('Iil‘l'ord tcllx thc \tor} ol a banqueting \cn icc madc l'or (‘harlex \' and Philip II oI Spain.


European Men’s Barbershop Convention (‘hdc :\lltlllt)l‘tlllll. l'iltlticslon Qua}. 08700-104000. 'I‘hc Britiin Axxociation ol' Barhcrxhop Singcrx haw organier this com cntion \\ hich ix Iikcl} to attract some 4,000 hat'hctNhop \ingcrx. and is the culmination ol’ regional and Iiuropcan cornpctitionx.


Are There Bats About? Strathchdc (‘oiintr"\ Park. .wi Hamilton Road. Mother'ucll. (INNS 3(iol55. 8pm. I‘rcc. Join this \xalk around thc park and tr) to \pot an) hatx.

they’d .

A FREE dayxof fun on Glasgow \

for all the family

Sat-may 5 - Monday 7 May Inflatable walk-through sculpture

Archipelago £1.00

Info Line: 0141 287 3666

Mon—Sat 9.30am 53pm. l'iee. Home to the university '5; collection of flat art and sculpture including mastoipieces in. I-temhrandt. Chardin. Glasgor. Green. 55-1 (122;: \‘Vhistler and Pissaro. The Mon—Ila. & Sat Gallew it; best known for thm—Spm; Fri 8. Sun the Mackintosh House. a " ‘- meticulous reconstruction of Mackintosh's Glasgow home.

Museum Of Transport Kelun Hall. ‘i Barnhouse Road. 287 2720. Mon—Thu & Sat 10am—5pm; Fri 8. Sun I tam—5pm. Free. A museum crammed with huses. trams. tire engines.

slrps and other paraphernalia. devoted to the history of transport. People’s Palace & Winter Garden

tlarn~f$pnr F-ree. Glasgow's nest-rowed institution has recently undergone a tlli'lj()l' tazteii‘t to celebrate its centenarv, year. The new displays are set out thematrxill; ‘.‘.llll

subjects; including The

Hunterian Art Gallery

[113"th kifwf/rnf) K); 7/9,?(uf, anti (/'/,'.“(7 MIN) P:i’."/f{lllllrf’lf.

Pollok House

Pollok Country Park. .33”)

Pr)llrikfsha‘.';:; Heart. Hr”: (3.110. [)ail, trlari‘ Bin; 531$ng taniilj. ticket El 1. One of the most elegant t8t‘n century buildings; Ill the country. this historic house features some or the ‘inest Spanish paintings ii: Britain tror‘.‘ the (ZOIIOCllOl‘i ct Sir \"v’illiar‘n Stirling l\.ilax‘.'.'ell St Mungo Museum of Religious Life And Art

I? Castle Street, :'>r',~.’, 1)">f'>i'l/1o'i» Ilt'l V. Sat lt’iatn- Flinn; I n J". .‘i.ri

1 1ant Spin. tree. Ar a.'.'ar'rl ‘.'.’|i’lll;llr_’} viti.‘.er.ii~ o‘ ‘.'.'r,rirl .‘aitlis. l‘:£t’_.l"'l".l a ./‘:'t frame-n. trio-view art .vrirkt. tmri‘. the non/2's ‘six major religions. Daf‘; Ctr/rs? Of Saint Joni? Of The Crow. anr: ttie story o" religion :r‘. Scotlaan tnrcixi" .‘Jorrts and pictures. Tenement House 13.7; Buccmict: Street. Garnettiili. 393.") l, ‘83. DéiII‘,' 2—3;;nx 3.115%} €2,130). This; typical

Vittor‘ari terir-riieri? “all its»? i;i.~.r.ri«ri,-«. ,vi

tau/gi'ratzn'; link a? (i‘ér‘i’l'ifl 3:“: ’1:,‘t't.'.'; "ii- f'r".°_ in: fine 9'," Chill t'

The Tall Ship At Glasgow Harbour

"rfi’l ‘j‘i'a'. rJ/r‘ ,.

’.".I’l.";." ‘1': . ,.

Ill/I; i.()'li4;..

';’ MT" T’i‘: ()i (143' ’7‘}.

' ,t/ia, 203' THE LIST 101