(II [\HI ncu lumlxxj Stun I’iu'nn 1/4! l)'(’ Rem/gl/um/ ll.ttath t5l Ix a xclcclloll ol poctr} Introduccd h} Stuart \lcllard} and (Uln/uniun (‘mm/mi /lIl/\.' I/u' [riu'ln n] Il'i/li'um Xvi/l ll.uath £3.00) Ix a collcction ol thc \xritcrx‘ moxt cndurmg \xorlxx.


Edinburgh Reivers v Neath Rncrxidc I’ark. .lcdhurgh. 22o (r202. 7pm. {-1 £7 ll'l‘t‘t'l. ililIC RL'I\L'I'\. ltlxl homc thatch ol thc xcaxon. Spccial mo. lHl‘-()tlt‘ llt'lxcl Ullt‘t' ll ptll‘t‘llttxt‘d ltclul‘t' match da}.


The Piazza San Marco by Canaletto National (iallcl'.\ ol Scotland. 'l'hc Mound. (i2-l (r2llll. I2.Ll5pm. l‘rcc. l’atricia .\llcrxton lrom tlIc l‘ni\crxit_\ ol' Izdiltlttlt‘glt gncx a talk on ('analclto‘x \\(Il'l\.


The Victorian City: Researching Social History Ro}al .\ltt\t‘lllll. 2 (‘hamhcrx Strccl. 2-17 .1200. 2.30 ~lpm. £27 (£20). An introduction to thc lIixtol'} ol l‘)th ccnlur} urhanixation in thix ninc ucck xtud} courxc.

Saturday 28


BT Cellnet Cup Final Day

Murra} Iicld Stadium. Rixcrxdalc ('rcxccnt. 340 5000. I lam. tll) lclnldrcn and xtudcntx l'rccl. Boroughmuir and .\Iclroxc compctc tor the BI (‘cllnct ('up (Rpm). In thc build up to thc main c\cnt. lladdington talxc on Iidinhurgh :\L‘;ttlt‘lttlt‘ttl\ III lllt‘ Bl (‘L‘llllt'l Slllt‘ltl ll2.45pm). \\ hilxt ('arlha ()uccn'x Park and [civic compctc l‘or thc H'l'('c|lnct Boul l l larnl. 'I'hc organixcrx ha\ c catcrcd I'or mcrymc \\ ith Ikril'gi'otrml ridcx. a kidx pla} Ionc. mtct'national

pla) crx xigning tcnt. crcchc. hccr tcntx and morc.

Book events

Shore Poets ('anonx' (iait. 233 ('anongatc. 5504451. 3pm. [I (I-‘rccl. ()pcn night hoxtcd h} Kcn ('oclxhurn.


Edinburgh University Sprint Triathlon loch ('cntrc. \\'cll \\'_\ nd. 'I‘rancnt. 4M» 2002. Want. I.imhcr up l'or thix triathlon l‘caturing a 750m x\\ im. lxkrn hikc and 5km run.


Chinese Physical Culture Workshop \cht I’ilton ('ommunit) ('cntt'c. I‘) \\'t‘\l I’ilton Rixc. 55l 3W4. Illam noon. £5. .»\n introdtlctor} \xorkxhop to lhix holixtic approach to pcrxonal and pli_\xical grouth and \xcll— hcing. Suitahlc l'or hcginncrx ol all agcx. thc \\Ul'l\\lltlp ix tailorcd to mcct

indi\ idual capahiliticx.

Other events

Green Woodworking Raul Botanic (iat‘dt'll.ltIM‘l'lclllIle,218:0")

\oon 5pm. l‘rcc. (‘rcatc a \xoodcu xpoon ll\lllj_‘ trathuonal mcthodx.

Pop Quiz Night 'I'hc ll.i}ril.iikc-t l’ml. I I \chl \lartland Strccl. 22\ 25 4", Rpm, l'rcc, \Vcclxl} qur/ lIlf2lIl \\ rth hccr and prI/cx up Ior grahx.

Monday 30


Beltane Fire Festival (‘alton lllll. 22X 5 ‘53. 0. Vipm ltIltllIllell, l'rcc. .v\nnual nco~pagan lcxtnal ItI\nl\ mg: thcatrc. xpirrlualrxm and dramatic dixpl;i}x Scc prc\ rc\\.


Apollo by Max Beckmann National (iallcr_\ ol \Iodcrn .\rt. Itclloid Road. oil (Coll. l2.-l5pm. l'I'cc. .\la}cn Hcckmann. thc artixt‘x gramldaughlcr tll\t'll\\t‘\ lII\ \Mil‘lx.

Tuesday 1

Book events

Fiona Watson “amniotic-k. (“u-om- Strcct. 225 3.130. "pm. l't'cc, l-Iona \thlxml. Pl't‘\t'lllt‘l' til lllt‘ lilflflx [um/mark xcl’icx and author ol Xr’o/liim/J .l l/ix/orr NIH”) l)’(' 2IIIHI.I/) I'I'cmpux l’uhlixhing {I IU‘II \\ ill cm- a xhort talk to launch hcr hook.


The Journals Of Robert Ridell, Antiquarian And Patron Of Robert Burns Ro_\al .\luxcum. 2 (’hamhcrx Slrcct. 2~l7 »l2|‘). Iprn. I'rcc. .'\ndrc\\ Martin on Rohcrt Ridcll.

Wednesday 2

Book events

Rhonda Britten \Vaicrxtonc‘x. I38 l’rinccx Strcct. 22o 2mm. (rpm. l‘rcc. Rhonda Britten ix onc ol' ( )prah'x pt‘olt'gcx \\ Ito dcxcrihcx ltt‘l‘xcll ax a ‘Succcxx (’oach'. Introducing hcr xcll' hclp lNIUh l'i'llI'/(’\\ lit/nu: Ilun Iii lii‘cuk I/ll‘ltllL‘II \‘Uiii' [can In NH nil/mu] (‘tr'll\i'\ um/ low nil/rout i'i'g'i't'l llloddct' «k Stoughton HUI. xhc talex ahout hcr rcnrarkahl} xucccxxl'ul carccr in thc Iacc oliadxcrxit) and gncx ad\ icc on ho“ to turn around )our on n lilc. carccr and \\orld.


Amnesty International Five-A- Side Tournament World ()I' l-‘ooihall. \c'\\ markct l.cixurc Villagc. 557 2957.

L' lllt) pcr tcam. I‘undraixing tournamcnt organixcd h) :\Inncxt} lntcrnational in axxociation \\ llll llcal'lx I‘oothall (illll‘. l-‘or an cntr} Iorm. call (II 3| 557 2057.


Painted Ladies: The Portrait Miniature At The Restoration Court National Portrait (iallcr‘). I ()uccn Strccl. 024 o2lll). I2.»l5pm. I’rcc.

(S‘-1.EIfS—-S‘fu.fiifn. (Truel ‘.If§llllltl the tamuriti: 331 E‘:* fz‘lwl, t: ‘m’ methods of torture. x‘satenno holes "t ~ 'x \‘.’r Itl liestrlenee-ikitten streets. Scotland's: Meal". l1<3.";‘~;::;. .Imw-ute: I 9.5; we.» of 1W,- grave»i'ol)l)ers, prostitutes including; Sir \‘aiiter Scott. talc-sf .' in. [Sham

JIM (tilttllllmlfi v Robert Burns and lmne there's l‘ltfltf, mgr; f; tidinhurghs latest \.\/(?lf3ll. .i‘o. a' maxi gruesome \Isrtor Edinburgh 200 ,‘I abulfll a '.'.lx>:-’- lit. 4 . attraction takes you on a Corstorphine Ho; (I. An“: take , All how, low

spine-chilling tour oi the deepest darkest chapters of Scottish histon Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour

Meet at The Beehive Inn. 18—20 Grassmaiket. 226 (3665. Thu—Sun 7.30pm. ‘27 (8‘5). An excellent way to imbibe culture by

811 TI. Daily EIGHT-(Spll‘. E” flu-"3:3; let Af'k‘an imam;

(athcunc .\lacI cod trom thc National l’ortrart (iallcr) m london grxcx a talk

Book events

Big Word Performance Poetry (irldcd Saloon. 23 i (‘ougatcn 22h

2l5 |. “Pm. £3 1L2 I. 'l‘hc xccond mxtalmcnt ol thrx lortmghll} Inch cncrg} poctr} caharct l'caturcx .lolm Sinclair. KtthllllIU Ix’ockx. .laclx ~\‘hca. lilxpcth .\Iurra_\. and compcrcx \nrta (io\alt and .lcm Rollx.

Book events

Children As Storymakers .\'cthcrho\x .'\rtx ('cntrc. I; ~15 High Slrccl. 55h ‘I5H‘l/2o-l“. l5” me. L5 It: I. .\ tllxc'llxxlult \t‘\\lnll lHl' [\‘let‘ \xorlcmg: \\ ith clnldrcn aggcd " ll to

Edinburgh life

contrihutc to thc \cnuc'x l ottcr} prolcct. (‘hrldicn \x Stor} makcrx

Festna s

The East European Beer Festival (alcdonran Hrcncr}. ~12 Slatctord Road. (Cl xuoo. {.5 (i \\(ll l I ll


Gujerat Benefit \t-ihcilmu \nx (critic. 4‘ ~15 High Slrcct. 55h

“55" 2rd". " IHpm [5 It: 5th Scotuxh xtor}tcllcix. rnuxrcranx and xmccrx pcrloun Ill thrx lundiarxmc mm! to! carthquakc

\ rctnnx llI (uncial. \pcclltcall} xupporung- aruxtx to uork Ill lhc drxaxlcr xtruck


Musselburgh Races .\Ill\\t'll‘lllj_'ll Racccourxc. l mklrcld lx’oad. \luxxcllungrh. (m5 255" 2 5pm lannh racc da_\ \xith chlldicn'x cntcrt.nnmcnt


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1' "I a ' w 't irli'rl;1ir’lli "N N‘ I'l uni f; I.“ t'inrnt.. l’;.'.." .'.£1fIl):lll‘.. ’t"l".::'r I';,': :i, Claw: Georgian House Gladstone’s Land rm": l r, .' n: i .' 1‘ ' .' (frank:an Siluarm .’ I?" lir'lf‘ Sheet. 9.7") '?1'.§-1.j’, ir_l",li‘:". 1“»‘80. Ivler: Sat r'f-x‘." Mon Sat I'x'i’lwt i:"'l",'él. 'I‘r’ Himln’: “‘illl‘ inn“;Serilluriu‘. "a" flirtiSlirV/ film: :‘,frw,-:,-';r‘:«°g 51" v l'Xl/inlhtlrieiz E 397/ i; lfifkll, w;:;'-" ,' 'w..'.-’:‘,ki'l‘.’; x' . :nm. I (3e:’>rgl.£l" 'vms-xg taket E350. Hiram-3’1 :.r‘./,.'.':/,;:r’:ir.'; 3min ; or: (I rm (f V 'I ti'v': splendour urn-0,6,": Museum Of

the ll‘(:.";lI{1l‘l Claus-3‘) ;". Childhood

' ll“: ll‘.

Edinburgh Dungeon

7.7“: 1/tt‘. century. (ile:’:5.lo't~t;‘> Law: .;;.~’:‘) arr


I'm-Jr at this trove. Midlothian Ski Centre manner of artefact', Biggar Rune. Hlll‘fl‘i’l, 4.1:: mmw; to child-now: l/I’J'I»-S;2l ttlroaiftl. T'W: €1’l‘;’.. My!"


I/lonSat "mu Cu" 'zflorr Free. l")’l'3’liz’l I.“ I’I‘,‘,. flu,- rr‘t’ylier‘ Old flu; ll inc-uh has fax,-

llillill’, ’létll‘fll‘f; 3.7” all

.7", '.';2, THE LIST 103
