I Counselling in Edinburgh Ullel'etl l3} l]()ll\[l call} orientated l’s}L'lltilllt'l'illll\l. l’l'iilt‘\\liill;lll} \llpt'l‘\l\t'tl and lll\lll't'tl, Initial \exxion lr‘ee. ('all lilalne |.a\|.renee. “I ll 5 W ‘llfii

Carrying the world on your shoulders? 'l'herapeulie massage. lune and \paee lHl' )iitl, \Vltole \Vor'ks. l2dinhurgh.

Ann Kelly 0131 225 8092.

Insight Journeys to Happiness

Saturday Mai) l2. Ill—5pm

Hm iiii'r \l'll/ II'Hr pill/I Iii [mime llrl/l/Hllr'u H Irlr l/\ll(I/l\(l/IHII\, u l/ /l\/’IIII\I\

(Hill \Iiirili ///Ir::. Salisbury ('entre. lidinhurgh

Sulxenlre (“3| (167 5438 n is “.lllSlgllljlilll‘llt‘) s.eo.uk

I lyengar Yoga Don‘t tlL‘lil} 7 phone toda} l‘or details ol l}eng;u' Yoga elaxsex in (ilaxgim and surrounding area. :\ll lL‘\ Cl\ k'illt‘l't'tl litil’. Beginners ueleome. l’hone (ll-ll U45 3031 or email

)iigatu gateuayeom.

I Astrology and hyp- notheraphy ol'l'er pimei-l‘iil energies lor reeonneeting \\ ith meaning and identity l‘or help \\ ilh emotional troubles. \oea- lion. \elli-disem et‘) ea” Janet Saundeh li.-\ lions. Dill). .-\.\l.\'ll(‘ on (ll .il 4(17 ‘)l(i7 l'ol' information and appointment.

Book-keeping Services .-\eeount\. pa} roll. \'.v\'l‘ Returns. Sage 'l‘raining.

I-‘ull or partial aeeounting \et‘x -

iee\ l-ol‘ small lttlxinewm and

\'oluntar_\ Seetor/.-\rt\ l’roieets.

.-\\\i\laltee “till l'unding appli-

ealionx and \lttl'l-llp plans.

Contact: Nada Hudson

Tel: 0131 466 0136 n.hudson@virgin.net



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movmg b0xes. bags and a bed?


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C\l.ll‘l|\llk'tl ll)”:


I Bands and musicians t'eqttil'ed lot" liiu‘del‘x Hooks .\lll\lt' ('al'e. Kinnaird l’arlx. lidinhurgh. Needed ltloxll} l'or l-‘rida_\ \ and Sunda} alter— noonx, .-\H \l_\ lex enthidet'ed. ('ontaei Seou on (MRI (i5? 404 I.

I Drummist ('ome and pla} til'lllll\ in our hand. We listen to (irandadd). Sonie Youth. 'l‘e|e\ ision. Neil Young and .\l} Blood) Valentine. (’all “MI 550 48H.

I Good minimalistfish) drummer required to eomplete three pieee (ilaxgim hand [think]: Aerial M. (‘oeteau

in his. dlil IS. lam. Paul Simon ele. (‘ontaet .\'ei| on lll-l75 Sob’ 593 or huilda- shipw _\ahoo.eo.uk

I Female vocalist required l'or lidinhurgh haxed \tillfJHl'llL‘l' (ZS). Wide range (ll. illllllL‘ttL‘LN - .\l;t\\i\L‘ Allaek. (ioldl'rapp. l)ot liddixon. ll. interested eall (llil 447 (t-Hl—l al‘let' ()plll.

I Want to prove Noel (iallagher urong'.’ 2nd lemale guitarist required for gigging riot girl pop band. l’hone

.\l_\ ra ()ll ill.” 473 7l()5.

I Male lead singer \xant— ed l'or eight pieee original material soul/l'unk/roek/drum & bass/enuntr)‘ tunes. ('all toda} on (H4! U40 0205 or 07706 I42 ll7.

I Singers/songwriters, duos. bands. “m e )our songs reeorded. arranged and pro— dueed l1} some oi Seolltuldix linest drummers. ke}hoardi\t\. haxxixtx. guitarists. string see- tions at the .\lu\ie l’roduetion Home. You don't need to he able to pla) an instrument (or men sing). Sei‘iotrsl) ambi- tious’.’ eall John on (ll-ll 33 2358.

Welding, Scenery Design, Garden Gates, Fences and all Metal Work.

Music Visuals

I Photographer seeks musicians/bands ll‘lt‘lt'l ahl} I).\RK lllllSIel so I tan make \iork that represents then Illthle. ldeal lor promotion [‘lll' piuex l'ree or minnmal eharge depending on en'eumxtaneex l’hone llq‘lSS (NI (it:

I Blue Peugeot 205 min matte. K reg. l'.\eel|ent eondi tion. 331M” lllllt'\. ’la\ed and .\1( Wed until August. 3 lemale im llL'l'S. L l .lllll, lit'l Hill TN“ HUS“,


Ill \ (irai'qi‘


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“ANT T0 ('().\ll{ SKIING THIS \VlN'l‘lCR'.’ juin m mm'fur: holiday to top l uropean resorts “eekendx at the Seottixh ski areas l’llS the l‘esl in skiing. hoarding, sports

.\ \oeral e\enl~ all \eat round “an! lufinrl nu! Irmn'I’ \\e meet e\ei} luesda} trom “pm at l'he Rael‘tun House Hotel. Stoekhridge ~ all \xeleome l’lll‘llk'lll1122”:l:l

n \\ n.edinhurghskieluhairgaik


St Mary’s Street

Sho - , Dine, Discover

Gifts. Clothes. Books, Antiques. Bar/ Restaurants, Florist

Lvt‘tfll‘gj'l‘t‘t, Wi“ Wt '.‘ tr'morfi A!

the up-and-coming street that’s well worth a visit and a browse

St Mary's Street is just off the Royal Mile Sr man Kith.n.KinIl~o Russian Shop. Bonnie Blue.

The E'dii‘lvnqh Mia’o". \l‘nn. Oliwv Stone Hairdressing, Forest Fire

‘Y'Qiies etc. Kleen CleanersOrteqas


I Glasgow Softball League \eelxx nexx players

It _\ou like to run eompelime sport \kllll a

lit'L'lllllt‘l\ \xeleonie

lanlaslle \oeial \eene eall llt‘alllt‘l Hll ill-ll i(ill (\.\ illiir‘ (FUII Sil‘ U74 \\\\\\ \olll‘all

league glaxgim eo ilk

FLAMENCO DANCE (‘LASSliS WITH T()'l‘li (‘()i\"l'l{ lst May - 26th June 200]

livery 'l‘twsday at 6pm (/n’ginneri ) and 7pm (illlt’l'lll(’(/l(l!(’/(I(Il'(lllr‘('(l)

£25 (£20 cone.) u! the CUTTING R( )()M in I/re BONGO CLUB. 6- l4 NliW STREET. EDINBURGH

lur (In early Imnkilrg Iele/thune

0131 556 5318

The Dance House \eu \t'\\lt‘ll\ start \\ eek ol Sth \lareh lelll. ;\le\ander 'l‘eehnique. l’larneneo. l‘lllllx. l’op. .la/I. lap. toga ele . Tel: 0141 334 0716 email: dance house@hot- mail.com website: www.dancehouse.org

I SERIOUS ABOUT SALSA - llaltt‘t‘ lt‘\\ol1\ \\ ill] S-\l SA l-‘l'l'ZN'l‘l-i (H Shullels (3| Waterloo Slt‘eell. l'.\ei"\ Saturda} & 'l'uesda} \xith l'K-\ qualitied teaehers (iordon l‘o\ t\' Sandra l)onoghue. Sal: Beginners Ipin t‘ i. hnpr'merx llfipm L350. llllt'l‘lllt‘tllillt's

i. illpin L4. 'l'ue: Beginners/lmprmers 7. illpin 0pm {4, intermediate “pm

I”. ‘sllpm L4. Do more than I elaxx &' \a\e [LL .\loredetails‘.’daneingqueenw do iiiiglitie.\iil.eo.uk or ()7SII 44‘) 756

: Erna/Ute“ {warmers wr/L



Saturday of the month 9, 00pm t - GLASGOW: Particlr Burqn Hans

mg the basics c4 Ceroc

Cr email for details

Tel: 01324-613 209 - E

C E R 0 C-

- Modem Ewe c\asses - Learn to dance the easy way. .' arm to Jana" re any mus/c‘ J/ve Aer/n, Charts: efc

- Come a\ot\e or with friends km need to lor'mg a partner\.

‘c‘mr‘ every week (If (7// High f5“.


REGULAR WEEKLY CLASSES Mondays: The RiverSIde Club, Fox St. Wednesdays: Glasgow Uni. Union,

32 University Avenue, West end. Mondays: Marco's, 55 Grove Street. Tuesdays & Thursdays:

St Stephens hall, St Stephens St (Dottom of Howe St), Stockbridge Wednesdays: Craig Tay Hotel,

101 Broughty Ferry Road

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turn "mi-r arc rrtrt holidays

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ice Mill Lane, Aberdeen.

Fir tirrrrs class at 7’ 30pm Admissio'i is e :mt-ir- or first night Classes and par

Street last

iiiOOam second Satur-

-mai|: hi@cerocscotland.com

.“4 Anvil) May 2001 THE LIST 127