V I saw you )(tltl' name \\;I\ Sti/}/Sti\an. I \o much uantcil to \alxa \Iith )ou I aluap do? Shall uc go to Spain togcthci".’ You \m} thing? Hm .\'o

I74 I 3/l.

0 I saw you at Bongo (‘Iuh Sun 35 Mar. We \pcnt thc looking and \niiling at cach otltct' hut )ou lct't hctorc thc cntl and \'illlI\ItL‘(I. \Youlil likc to ac _\ott again. Ho\ .\'o l‘/4I3/3.

. I saw you at .Itilicn Donkey-Ho}; )iiii \Ici'c a .\'c\\ Yoi'kcr at I'S(' atul I \\;l\ \Iccp} and il\\I\\\£II'(I. I'tl Io\ c to inch you again and talk tiliii. Hm .\'o [/1 I 3/3.

V I saw you I haw \ccn )ttlt arountl . . . I find )Utl \ci'} attractiw. \o it' _\ou u ant to do x'th L‘ttl]\ll'llCII\L‘ . . . ()Iil Ilapp} birthday? Box No li/4I3/4.

. I saw you with tIa'u-ol- thc-wcck-coIotii‘c<l hair. \Iccgic \milc antl hull} Iip\. Arc )otl tip I'oI' some fun? Box No I'/4I3/5. 0 I saw you loltg-Itaii'ctl guapo \Iaitcr in 'I‘apax ()Ic. I made )‘Ull \pill collcc hcanx. Do you “ant to \crw mc hrcaklaxt'.’ Box .\'o I'/4I3/().

0 We saw you titontt ho} cxtraortlinairc. :\lt.\\IL‘ \Iaitcr ((1 hltic. 'I'i'ax'crxc. l's )oung. iiialc. iiiai-tai. chccwhoartl and ptitltling. You trailed ltthICx tor CI'USSWUIII L'IllL',\ \\ itII otIict' pcoplc. Mcnagc a tt'oix'.’ Hm .\'o I'/4l3/7.

. I saw you \orr} and unkempt. \\allo\\ing in \cII pit}. dandruff antl hlooilsliot C} ox. .\Ic: pathologist. o“ n tranxporl. Box No l'/4|3/8.

OI saw you Ia\t talking. \hagg} liaircil. ci‘a/_\ gu} at 'Ihc .'\[\;II'IIIIL‘III. I'or .\ \iglit (‘oiilil You .r\cccli‘i‘atc S\\ cm c lItimp :\tttI (iti.’ Ho\ \tt I7’4I3“)

U I saw you t-.ttl. \\ct. limp and no ow to ait_\ottc. gt'ca\_\. \tltaII and lit a \kot‘ltl oI _\oiii t)\\II. I.CI.\ g‘L'I IHg'CIItL't' .ttttI tIcL'p Ir} pi'opcrl}. (‘ri\p} anil cicct l\ uhat I iicctl oli. \ogg} chip. Ho\ _\'o t‘/4t2/to.

9| saw you \tixx I.o\t Sock? I’aiic} Iming )ottt‘ knickcrfl? You lm} Il'l\II hit o’ \tutt' \ Ho\ \o [/4 I 3/I I.

. I saw you ('ai‘olinc Sitting It] IItt‘ .\It‘;ttItt\\\. StltltId) \C\\I\‘II \\ itli tlic ci‘u\tic\. c}c\ III\\' \appliirc llamcx litiriicil into in} \ttltI. \Iiarc iii_\ Hucklaq \iitllk' kniglit',’ Ho\ \o [7'4 l 3 I”.

V I saw you looking hail. naught} \panncrx. Soi'i'} toi liciiig a ioc}. l‘or )ttll I‘il Iiiii'ii m_\ I’i'iiicc/.\Iilcx Hm I\ liootlcg aiiil \mcll liolili} liiiiiii}. Iloua} man I lo\c ymll Ho\ \o I‘/.I|3/|.\'.

. I saw you at tllc I)caii (iallcr). fill/(ll. Rpiiiixli. You malc \\ caring iia\_\ tliittlc iackct \\IIII t\\o ti‘iciiilx, \\'c lclt Hailc} c\Iti|\itioii at \amc tttttc. I max thc git} \\ ith thc lilonilc. IIIICIL‘WCKI'I.) Ho\ \tt III/"I I 3/I‘). VI saw you at 't'ackiio. Yott \xcrc lunk} \‘IIICIx iii rctl atro antl l'Iai'cx. I \\a\ in hair} clicxt \xig and loud \IIII'I. Scc _\ou at nc\t onc'.’ 'l'acltno to uatcli girlx II}. I \Iill lic \xalching l'oi' )oii? Ho\ .\'o I'/.l|3/3tl.

9 We saw you in HM. Sun I5/4/tll. Yoti \Icrc \\ caring a tight uliitc top \\IIII rctl \ti‘ipcx. l’x: (lap top and ‘I’\'\clio‘ I'- \IIII‘I. \Vanna incat tix‘.’ Ho\ .\'o [/4 I 3/l3.

V I saw you \pill )otii' orangcx oii tlic pawmcnt in thc \lltl\ItIltC. ('liic \hccpxkin antl tlcnim kitl. ('omc roiinil t'or chocolatc. it'\ hcttci' l'oi‘ )oti. Hm No I‘/4I3/l.‘.

V I saw you and )iiii antl )iiii and )iiti. tla} al'tcr tla). night al'tci' night. _\oii iiitincliahlc girl hmx antl inicc . . . all tlic \uc‘ct paxtrit'x in thc (Ithlhlll coulil iiot L‘\pt'C\\\ Ittt\\ I'll IIII\\ )ou? Ho\ .\'o I'/4I3/I4.

V I saw you in tittt. Sun 22 Apr. Yoti I’x} cIio 'l‘-\hii't. inc I’(’I'I\' I'nion Jack I-xliirt. l-‘anc_\ a Stella on incl"? Ho\ .\'o l'/4l3/l5.

9 I saw you goi‘gcotlx Spanixh \Iaitcr in 'Iapax ()Ic. You gaic mc a I'rcc pcacli scliiiappx and a big \inilcl IIo\\ do you \crx c hicaklaxt‘.’ Iii'cx mu} guapo . . . Hm .\'o l'/4l3/Io.


9 I saw you all tlic girlx in Scotland. cht and Itioxt heatitit'til hut \\ ill IIUIIL‘ oI )ou \pcak to mc'.’ Not that I'm ilcxpcratc or an} thing? .Ill\I CotIItI Ik‘ lca\ing \oottl “in \o l'/4I3/3 |.

0 I saw you long. (Iill'Ix- haircd. goi‘gcoux girl in I’lanct ()tit. 03/04. You'rc Ica\ ing thc cotiiitr} \oon. ('oinc hack and touch in} inncr \milc. Yoti knou \ihcrc to IIIILI lllL'. Hm .\'o

[/4 l 3/33.

0 I saw you I)a\ ItIxtittK .\Iain\ girl \\ ith thc hirtlitla} \\L‘L‘I'\\ ago. Your Scouxc I'ricnil

Please note

For your I Saw You to be included on these pages, you must supply your full name and address with your advert.

Iorgot again. Soi'r}. _\ott knou I'd gi\c :JUIIIII\II a run tor tlicii‘ moiic) iI tlic} could run. Hut. thinking ol )0“ in tlic Iaiitl oI .’\tt:_‘IL‘\. IIIC I.ltCI\_\ Hirtlitla} Izlt' ix on MR” \itlc tliiring _\oiii‘ IItlttlx. Ho\ \o I'/4I3/33.

U I saw you goi-gcom at Stihlimc lo/R/ttl. a pcrtcct night tor \oclxx antl lollicx. had a brilliant IIIIIL‘ \\IIII )0“ .\ll}. L‘\PL‘CI;tII_\ \xhcn \\ L‘ PIII}L'\I tcrinix ax )ou “on match point. but h} morning tuax tlcuccll You‘rc rcall} \omctliing \pccial bah}. and I am Io\ ing hcing _\our Iricntl. l’apina \\\ Hm No l'/4I3/34.

O I saw you \III‘L‘I cool tlancci Ihc I’i'oicct i--‘ llic Hoiigo. " \pi’il looking Ill\c‘tittt\ in _\otii i'ctl Iicatluiap I’ camc Ii} .IIItI \iiiilctl oiic timc. .\Ic tall. \Ilttt. \I.III\ haii. liliic gtt‘t‘tl C} C\ I tN‘ka'kI 4I I.II\‘I I‘tll no luck I)ol \\.tltI 3 giomc togctlici Ho\ \o l‘ A1l3 35

U I saw you HIIL‘ )«ai ago. in} Itcat't lia\nt liccn tlic \atlic \incc. Icli Iiclic ilich uhci aIIc\' Ilic tiitui’c t\ oiiix” Ho\ \o

t it: 2.\.

V I saw you in Hiim tt\ I‘.tl. (icoi‘gc Sticct. I'IItI.l_\ Iz \piil. tiiiitc Iatc on. You. lmcl} ilaik haii’cil girl \\tIII a tan liaiictl giil \ittiiig at tlic hack ot tlic liai aica. You lookcil .it mc lot .i \\IIlIt' ax II _\oii iccogiiixcil iiic. I thought Id \ccn _\oii lictoic \ittttt'\\Itt'tt' IHU, \It‘. UItIt'l j_'tt_\ It;t\ iiig iIrink \\ ith a tciiialc ti'iciiil. \Itttl'l ilai'k liaii‘ anil :_‘I;1\\L'\ \\itltItI ItIu‘ Iii II;!\L' IIlt‘ tli'ink \\IIII )oii \oiiic timc' Illlt‘t't‘flt‘tl ,H IIH\ \U I 4 I 3'3".

9 I saw you )oti Iziiiincm lookalikc \\III1 )iiiii' kiioli out. .\Ic \Iiockctl (*1 \Iothcrlunlel Ho\ .\'o l'/-II3/.‘~tt.

V I saw you on tlic 44 I‘lh. 'I'liui'xtla} attcriioon. You \\crc tlicrc licatitil'ul liriincttc. l “ax Ilic liantlxomc hcarilcil chap. I \IIIIIL'tIIUI\.}UII\IIIIIC(IIt)I\;lI1tI I \\a\ too \IllpltI to chat. hut I'tl Iikc to I]U\\ . . . Ho\ \o I'/413/3|.

V I saw you uorlting iii II.\I\'. I’i‘inccx St. I<ctI--Iiaii‘cil girl )(tll \au inc. Ito\\ about a tli'ink'.’ Ho} in thc parka \. Ho\ \o l’/4|3/33.

V I saw you Iixa. amongxt (illttttt) rampant rugli} tiiiix . .

.'\IIIIIIICIIIIII What a coinciiIcnch

NIL‘IIIL‘ (IIc‘It tttttII I’L‘IL‘. Ho\ \ti I'/4I3/33.

0 I will see you on BMW. \izilkiiig tlou ii aixlc I(t\\;tl'tI\ inc. You girl in ci'cam (II'L‘\\. .\Ic ho) uith kilt. (‘an't \Iait. I.ct\ IIIthL' it IUI‘L‘H‘I'. Ho\ \o l'/4l3/34.

V I saw you in Iixpionagc. Sattii‘tla} 7/04. )ou \xci'c

\\ caring a liltic I-xhii‘t antl i'cpcatctl I \\a\ Io\cI_\. Want to \a} \omcthing clxc'.’ Ho\ \o I'/4I3/.‘~5.

V I saw you SW} and thc Stitc‘lxht'ttlgt‘ f_'II'I\ at SI I(‘

:\ntcnatal claxxcx. but I Imt )iiiii'

titltlt'L‘\\L‘\ al'tcr ttio\it1g. I'tl Iou‘ to we _\ou all again iantl pi‘ogcii} I plea _ gct in touch. I,o\c Iimma. Ho\ .\'o l'/4l3/3o.


V I saw you t t/ c_\cItltf_' along (‘aiixcuaixiilc on Itt Ittl .\oii_\ IoiiI) \.II\I licllo out tIic cai \\IlltIt‘\‘.. I \\I\It I li.ul \toppcil IIo\\ \xcic _\itttt c\ani\ ' I)o _\oii lanc} iiicctiny.‘ Ioi cottcc in tlic I lcpliant IIotixc' .Iim Ho\ \o

I -Il3 *3

V I saw you l’atilinc. xiiiiling'. ilaik Iiaii aniI It'tI lipp_\ at Sulma) I-I HI ttl. \Ic. tall. \I.III\ Iiaii. gi'ccii c_\c\. You \xcic popular .llltI (IIHM' tIic otlici option, \\oiiltl likc to \cc MINI \tlttIt‘\ again. Ho\ \o I' II.‘ §.\ V I saw you cutc I ilmlioiixc \\aitci milking .\Ioiiil.i} nig'lit iltii'ing tlic II-l; \\.ithiin;' ion clcaii thmc talilcx \\.I\ much I‘t‘llt‘t than tlic mm ic. licllo' Iiit\ \HI II3 4".

9 I saw you \I.l|\'\ll\' Int ai tlic ti’ont ilooi ot \I.t|t'\lt\‘.i' ('I all at tlic ncxt onc' I' kiiou ulio ll arc. Sta} \\;tll|l. Ix’clii'm. \ Ho\ \o I 74 I 3/‘It t.

V I saw you at I)i\ iiic I)l\;t\ on Sat. You arc a tunk} giil \‘.Ittt lelt)\\\ ho“ to \u mg _\t)tll' Itl|I\. I'attc} \uingiiig tlicm in in} ilircctioii tor \onic girl on gill action',’ You knou \IIio )oti arc. Scc )olt at thc iic\t onc Sat l3 \Itt}. Ho\ Ni) [/1 I 3/4 I.

V I saw you tall \kiiiii) \lI\t'l' pill chappic. looking Ictcliing iii Itcatl to IUL' t'ctI. (iiiotl luck \‘. tlIt tlic \itcom. \thn )0“ going to hu) )oiir t)\\l1 tagx.’ Ho\ \o I'/4I3/.\5.

V I saw you Mr Hr} \tttl. or \IlttUItI I \a} hclatctl Iiirthila} I10} . . . IIiipc §tilt \KL'I‘CIliI \Ia\ing aua} mcr a hot \to\ c on the Htli much Io\ c Mom 'I Iic me Irom 0/. Ho\ \o

I 3/4 I 3/X(i.

0 I saw you .\Il\lct’ I'aaiiaaiit;i\tic Higtla\ c. iiitic‘kiiig ahoiit \xith tlic \Iclicaiii in you knoix \Ihci‘cl (lootl to catch up \Iitli )oii again. \Iiamc it \iaxn't \HUIIL‘I'. Scc it again in \timmcrl Ho\ \ii I '/4 I 3/87.


V I saw you c\ci'_\ Him and thcii. SUIIIL‘IIIIIL'\ I'm iiiingiiig. \UIIIL‘IIIIIC\ I'm \ick. L‘\L‘l"\IIlllC I'in horn}? I)o )iiii uaniia \cc me again‘.’ .\Ial\c it won? Hm \o I‘/4l3/37.

2:21 THE LIST 135