Film index


A One And A No (Yi Yi) t Iii

O... tlaluard Yang. 'l‘aiuaii. ZlNil i \\ii \iaii/hen. 'l'nafg l<ti-_\tin. llldlllL‘ Jiii. V3 iniiix. Reiiiai‘kahle xttid} nt a middle elaxx 'l'aiiianexe taiiiil} in erixix. :l ()m' xllltlxl liw tintnldx in prexent da} 'l'aman. \\ here eniiipan} e\ee \J ix lt.i\lllj_‘ uninan trntihle: hix iiintlieiviirlaxx ‘x in a eniiia. hix \xile’x lell hiin lni' a lL‘lljJtUtlx xeet and an nld flaiiie hax appeared alter it) )earx. \leaniihile. \J‘x xnn ix hax Ill}: ti'ntihle at xehnnl and hix daughter'x lilttllllf.‘ liei lith ln\e. l)exer\edl_\ the \\ inner nl the llext l)ii‘eetnr l’ri/e .it ('atiiiex. (ilfl. (ilaxgnw

One Night At McCool’s i Iii 00 illarald /.\\art. l‘S. 3H0] i l.l\ l) lei". \latt l)il|nii. Jnhii (itititlllldll. ‘H iiiiiix. 'l’hix eninie liliii lltilt’ nl tnieed laiighx and tiiilikeahle eharaeterx lnllnux three men tl)i|lnn‘x hal’lelidet'. (itititllllatl'x tlL‘lL'L‘li\L’ and Paul Reixei”x tillUt‘llL') i enxnared h} the xaine leiniiie latale t'l'} leri. uhn relate their enlleetn e xnh xtni'_\ lrniii dillei'ent pet‘xpeetn ex. li’uxlinninii xt_\ le. litlilxe. xti}. l.inda l’ini'entinn in Hie /.(l\l .X'i'i/iu'li'mi. tliix Iiliii nllerx iin liii‘ti\ e pleaxure in \iatehing an intelligent. aiiinral uniiian haie her

\\ ieked \\;i}. and heenniex inereaxingl} iiiiprnhahle ax the nnennte 'l‘} Ier gix ex the \titl ll'iti “littl lllt‘) tlexL‘l‘H‘. (ieneral t'L‘lL'uxL‘. One “NO Ka Fouri l2! tShaxhial K. .\'air. India. 2000) .\linx the. .'\xian eineina pl‘exetitatinti. l'( 'l. (ilaxgnu.

The Pagemaster t t ‘i O. tJne Jtihnxtiiiie/Maiiriee Hunt. [8. l‘NJi .\laeati|a_\ (‘ulkiiL ('hi'ixtnpher l.|n}d. 83 iiiiiix. ('hild-nerd Riehard 'l‘yler t('ti|kiiii htiiiipx hix head in the Ineal Iihi‘ar) and lindx Iiiiiixell tranxpnrted iiitn an animated ad\enttire \\ itli a trin nt hnnk l'rieiidx :\d\eiittii‘e. liantax) and llnrrnr tn keep him eniiipan}. 'l’he iiinral ix that dixemering a rnle lnr _\niirxe|l iii liL‘llttlllik'l[1\}t)ll enltlt'nnt real lite. l.iiekil_\. the plnt epixndex eniiie and gn at a paee that xtiitx the

xkiinpiext enneentratinn xpan. hut that dnexn‘t hide the taet the aniinatinn ix partieularl} dull. (’arltnn. Stirling. Raiders Of The Lost Ark it’( it .0... iSte\ en Spielberg. [8. 1081 llarrixnn l'ttt'tl. Karen .-\llL‘tt, ll.< lttlttx. l‘nt‘tl pla) x ad\enttiriiig_' arehaenlngixt Indiana Jniiex. \\ hn alinnxt hitex nll innre than he ean eheu \\ hen he tiirnx tip the .-\rk til the (‘n\ eiiaiit in \a/i-inlexted \\.ii'tiiiie l:g_'_\pt. Return tn the hreathlexx e\eiteiiient nt the Saturda} innrning xerial \\ itli thix i'nllerenaxtei nt a iiin\ie. pi‘nhahl} better than either nl itx \L‘qllclx 'l‘niigiie held \ei} lii‘iiil} in eheelx. (il't)\\L‘llt)l'. (ilaxgnu. Requiem For A Dream 1 IM .0000 il)arren .v\i‘tiiiiitxl\}. l‘S. Ztititii lleen litirxtyi. Jared l.etn. Jenniler('nnnell}. .\1ar|nn\\'a_\anxe lHI ininx .'\l't)lltil\l\} lnllnu x hix debut. the ingenintix xei-ti tahle l’i. \xith .iii adaptatinn nl lliihert Selh} Ji"x nm el that'x ax harrnu in; ax it ix hrilliantl} C\Cetlled. lt'x a bleak \ ixintt lnetlxittg tilt lntit‘ addieti\ e perxnnalitiex. llai‘t‘} (inldlarh tl.etni. Iiix innther Sara iliiii'xt} iii. girlfriend .\larinn t('nniie|l} i and pal 'l‘}rniie i\\';i};iiixi. \xhnxe \ ieex range lt'tittt hard dt'ttgx in tele\ ixititt game xhnu x. .'\t‘nnnl\l\} ereatex a xtrikingl} xtihieetn e e\perienee

\\ itli \ariniix xt} lixtie ti'ie‘kx. while the eerie retrn-l'iitiii‘ixtie xntindtraek h} ('lint .\lanxell and the Krnnnx Quartet underxenrex the tilininaker'x \ ixinn. Yet. bleak ax the film ix. it'x alxn heart-lending draina thankx tn the gutx} perliirinaneex. partieularl} litirxtyi'x tleuixtatiiig turn that'll hax e grim ii men weeping: in ixlex. ('ainen & l-'iliiilintixe. lidinhiirgh.

The Road To El Dorado il'i COO tlirie ‘Bihn' liet‘gei'nii. |)nii l’aiil. 18.2000) \‘nieex nt' Ke\ in Kline. Kenneth Branagh. Ut) ininx. l)reani\\’nrkx' animated tra\ elngue inn\ ex lrnin ancient lig)pt tn l(ith-eentur_\ l.atin :\iiieriea lnr tliix eiiin}ahle il xal'e iiitixieal enined} ad\enttire. l'her-thexpx Kline and Branagh prn\ ide the \nieex l‘nr 'l'tilin and Miguel. l\\ti Spanixh ne’er-dn-

“y 'W. ‘L.


\xellx uhn end up in pnxxexxinn nt a map rewaltng the lneatinti nt l'.l l)nradn. in}thieal eit} ni gnld. Ranxaeking .-\/tee and .\la}an eiiltiire t'nr \ ixtial ideax and theinex. lliL‘ en-direetnrx lltlt'titlllec lUl\ til» l‘t‘ltl (Ulttlll' and rieh dexign iiitn the tale. The l.uiiiiei'e. ladinhtirgh.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie it'i .0. tStig Bergtp ixt. l’aiil l)eine_\ er. ['8] jtitil i \"nieex nt (’hrixtine (Inanaugh. Siixan Sarandnn. Debbie Re)nn|dx. " ininx, 'l‘he antiex nt' thnxe diaper-elad under-5x. 'l‘ninin}. ('htiekie. l)il. Phil and Li]. and tnrinenting big entixin .-\n:_'e|iea. make a great Lidx eartnnn. Better than itx pl'edeeexxnr. Rue/11h /II l’iirix hax the gang dexeending nii linriireptarland tread l’.lll'tttll\llc_\ i. \xhere ennnix ing Angeliea ii\ex up iiintherlexx (’huekie and hix gullible lather. ('hax. \\ itli the \ illainniix (‘nen l.a Bniiehe \\ hn hatex ehildren. 'ln xa\ e (Maine the lxitlx hijack the giant t‘nhnllL‘ Reptar and raee tnr \titi'e l)aiiie tn xtnp the \xedding. l.i\L‘l}. “ell-paeed entertainment lnr )nnnger eliildren. and itixt xiiiart eiintigh lnr iiinxt adultx. (ieneral releaxe.

Save The Last Dance i lb 000 t'l‘hninax (’arter. l'S. 300! i Julia Stilex. Sean l’atriek llltiltlih. I II ininx. 'l'he preinixe. ax \\ C'll reeall lt‘tittt danee lillttx like I'iiuI/tmu'. ix xiinple: [\H) lxidx li'nni dixparate lizie‘kgi'tiiiiitlx are thrnu n tngether h} a enniinnn ln\ e nt‘ danee iniixie. ln thix tttxlttnL‘L‘. I‘L'L‘cnll) herea\ ed hallet \ltttlent Sara (Stilexi xparkx a elaxh nl etilttirex \xheit xhe enrnlx in a prednininantl} hlaek (’hieagn hiin xehnnl and ineetx Derek t'l‘linniaxi. a )nung. gifted and hlaek hip linp eiitliuxiaxt. 'l‘n he aeeepted. Sara iniixt learn the in} x M hull} xlittklttg and Derek. tix \\ L‘Itl expect. ix niin tnn happy tn help. lt‘.x all \er} xueet and ill )titt't‘e xttxeeptihle tn lL‘L‘ll-l‘llClKN and danee lllt)\'lL‘\. lhix \\ ill alinnxt eei'tainl)

|ea\ e a warm feeling in )niir tiiiiiiii}; (ieneral releaxe.

Second Skin t IX) 00 t(iet‘at'dn Vela. Spain. 2t)()()i Javier Bardein. Ariadna

(iil. Jnrdi .\lnlla. lit-1 iiiiiix \ela‘x tiixt teatiire tilin ix haxed nn an t‘l'l:_' idea

\\ hieh e\plni‘ex the eninpleutiex nl paxxinn and dexire. and tiltiiiiatel}. itx dextitietinn \Vhen lilena t(ii| i dixenx eix iine\plained lintel hillx. xhe xiixpeetx that hei htixhand .-\lhertn i \lnllai ix ha\ ing an attaii But \\ itli a man ('iie hunk} dnetni. lhegn i liardeiiii .-\iid trnin thix inninent nii. it'x a eatalngtie nt’ einntinnal tipxetx. hut it'x riddled \\ itli eliehex dennting the angxt e\iwiieneed h} the eharaetei‘x. and an) x} iiipath} lti\\.lt'.l\ thein ix Inn; gnne. l'iliiihniixe. lidiiihiiigh Sexy Beasti IM 0... tJnnathan (ila/er. l'lx'. Itititii Ra} \\ iiixtniie. lien Kingxle}. l.iii.\1e.\‘hane .\‘.\' iiiiiix \\ hen retired eriininal (Lii') l)n\ e t\\ iiixtnnei getx a \ ixit tinin lzaxt land headeaxe l)nii lngaii tKlltgdC} l. \KllttK lU petulath l)t\\L' lti le.i\e ltl\ (‘thld tlL‘l Snl \ lll.l [U \lt‘ HHL‘ l.t\l littl‘. lnt eriiiie hnxx l'edd) Baxx t.\le.\‘h.inei. the xparkx ll). l)n\ e xttitteix a ner\ntix ‘\'n thanka l.ng_'aii xereainx ‘\'ex. )nti e' 't". ‘\t length. 'l‘he haek and tni'th hetueeii the liaid ltttttt “ltth ltixl ltlx hnttle and [he tillit‘ltitlx little px) ehnpath ix iinthing xlinit nt' l’intei exque. alternatel} inenaeing. hilaiiniix and territ} mg. ("ml agaiiixt t)pe. the leadx aie xiiperh, (lla/er rignrntixl} iiiaiiitainx enntent n\ er xt} le. and the i'extilt ix a ra/ni xharp draina that'x iin inere gaiigxtei tiliii. 'l'he l.uiiiiere. lidiiihurgh,

Shadow Of The Vampire 1 Hr

O... tli. liliax \lerlnge. [8. 31)”! i \Villein l)alne. Jnlin .\lall\n\ ieh. lzddie l//ard. ‘)l ininx. llltiiniiiated h} .i reinarlmhle pert'nrinanee lt’ttlll l)alne. tliix xl} hnrrnr lnlltmx the filming nt l". \V. Murnau'x xilent elaxxie .\'m/emlu. Arm “1;! in liaxtern liurnpe lnr Ineatinn xhnntiiig. .\lurnaii (Malian iehi \xarnx hix ere“ that the man uhn ix tn pla} .\'nxteratii tl)atnei ix a inethnd aetnr \xhn inhahitx hix rnlex eniiipletel}. What .\ltirnaii liaxii‘t tnld theni ix the extent nl' hix Iead‘x laiiiiliarit} u itli the “up nl the undead. .-\x the ineident tilled xhnnt enntiniiex and Human heenniex

in” ' I m ' as C‘ ., i at