Music rock 8 pop listings

Glasgow, Fri 27

I Ben’s Symphonic Orchestra, Kempes and Eliot King Tut\ Wait Wait Hut. St Vinccnt Strcct. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 plus booking l'cc. Quirk} l’rcnch popchap \\ hosc onc man bantl \t)lllld\ Iikc a croxx bctuccn Blur and ()(lt‘lut'w'ra Bcck.

I Peeps Into Fairyland, Remedy and Stupid Acting Smart Nicc ‘n' Slca/y. Sauchichall Strcct. . 33 9637. 8pm. l‘ircc. Linc-up oi local bands takc tlill’crcnt countr} l'tliltl\. I’url n/irip'lic/i. I Mostly Autumn 'l‘hc 13m Note (‘lub. (‘Iytlc Strcct. 243 2177.8pm. £5. York-bath band \\ ho arc thc proud t'CClplClttx ol thrcc an ill'(i\ l'rom thc Hungarian l’ricntlx ()l' l’rogrcxsivc Rock. ch. that‘s right thrcc (N'Ltl'tlx.

I Pioneers Of Anaesthetic, Reverbaphon, Fucks***k and d.compute 'l‘hc ch Notc (‘al‘t’n King Strcct. 553 M38. 8pm. £4. Scar)‘ glitch clccti'onica from tl.computc and pt'obabl} morc of thc \amc li'om thc rcxt ol' thix L‘l'il/)'-llillllL'(i linc-up.

I The Few, House and How To Swim liur) Murr) \. Maxucll Strcct. 22l (i5l 1. 9pm. £4. including cntr)’ to post-gig club.

I Foley, Wild Monkey and Mid- calibre Strawbcrry l‘icltls. ().\\\'1lltl Strcct. 22] 7871.7.3tlpm. H.

I Fever (irantl ()lc ()pr}. i’itixlc‘) Road 'l'oll. 42‘) 53W). 7.30pm. £3 (£2 lllL‘llthl'\l. (‘ountr_\' sounds.

I Abba Disco Party Bourbon Sircci. (icorgc Strccl. 5520141. 7pm. £5 til-1.50 with (linncri. l-‘caturing an Abba tributc act.

I Caucasian Male NiL‘Filllle High Strcct. 552 2 L35. lllplli. i'il'L'L'.

I Bronx Samucl Do“ ‘5. Nithxtlalc Road. 423 ()ltl7. 8.30pm. lircc.

I Live Music .-\\_\ lum. (‘alctlonian l'nix'crsity l'nion. ('oucatltlcm Road.


24 HOUR CREDIT .CARD BOOKINGS: 014i 389 8383 (Way Ahead), and online a

. 32 mix I. 9pm. l-‘rcc. Students and



I Roy Ayers 'l‘hc Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Slrcct. 225 256-1. £12. Ha\ing bccn in thc muxic bi/ \incc thc (ills. A} cr\ is thc lllltil\plllL'tl king of thc \ ibraphonc. Hix acid _ia// \Ulllltl\ and lil\ much \amplctl ‘lixcr} bod} l.o\c\ thc Sunxhinc‘ hax c matlc him an icon to thc hip hop gcncration. l’ur! of [I'll/’IA-H'll

I Hefner and The Zephyrs 'l'hc \cnuc. 17 2| (‘alton Road. 557 3t)"3. 7pm. £7. Britixh iiitlic urban-tolk trio Hclitcr mcct in 1992. Mini \ingcr/guitarixt l)arrcn Ha}man mct tlrummcr :\nthon_\ Harding \\ hilc attcntling art \chool. 'l'hc ’/.cph_\ rx arc Scotland'x bright ltlllxlc‘ttl hoch indulging in gcntlc niclanchol} guitar/ ccllo Lilll}'\ \thc laxt singlc “as otit on .\log\\ai\ Rock Action labcl.

I Baaba Maal ()uccn‘x Hall. ('Ich Strcct. (ma 2tll‘). 7.30pm. £12. :\ \upcrxtar in hlx mm c Scncgal. \piritual pop xingcr Baaba .\laal trontx llll\ \cht African group which mix traditional music \l. ith \oul. R&B. ja/l and blucx. l’url ol'lrip'li‘i'li.

I ballboy, Senator, Vic Galloway, The Magnificents, Sputnik Down and Marsha Shandur 'l‘hc Attic. l)_\'cr\ (low. 71 (‘owgatca 225 8382. ()pm. lircc. 'l‘i‘iplc bill oi lop Scottish llttlic ttclx \\ ith Vic (iallowa) and Marxha Sliantlur manning thc tiL‘Ckx. I’url o/tri/i'li'c/i.

Saturday 28


I Roy Ayers ()ltl l-‘ruitmarkct. Albion Strcct. 237 55l l. 7.30pm. 92 l 2. 'l'ickctx from bi'anchcx oi l’opp. Scc Fri 27. I’ur! (i/‘II‘i/fli'c/I.

I Lowgold, Matthew Jay and

La Chunky perform a three continent live link-up thanks to the wonders of

the internet at King Tut's, Glasgow, Tue 8 May

Grim Northern Social King link Wait Wait Hut. St Vinccnt Strcct. 22| 527‘). 8.30pm. £0.50 plux hooking l'cc. Shatlcx ol' 'l‘ccnagc l-aiicltib about Lougoltl. uhilc Matthcu la} '\ muxic rccall\ thc bcatitilul \kllllllx} ol' lilliott Smith.

I Hefner and Camera Obscura 'l‘hc l3th .\'otc (‘lub. ('l}tlc Strcct. 243 2 I77. 8pm. £7. 'l‘ickctx l‘rom branchcx ol' l‘opp. (iau k} intlic pop \\ ith thc acci'bic I) ricx \\ hich hax c attractctl a \trong cult l'olloxx'ing l‘or lhl\ trio. I’url o/‘Iri/fli't'li.

I Superstar l’hat l)ai ('lub. 'l‘ht- (iltt\\lltitl\L‘. Quccn'x l’ark. 3pm. £8. Monthl} laid-back rcxitlcnc} in thc big grccnhouxc \\ ith a main \ct l'rom Supcrxtar plux \pccial gucstx. I’uri ui’iri/i'Ii-t‘li.


» i 4 after 31st Ma ; ‘i .m mlvmicg (Suhjou: to Baum.” my”? q -. T ' ‘.


. in advance: (Suhij to Booking luv) 4..

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I BoyHitsCar ‘iiilL' (‘tlllltttlxu l'llttill Strcct. 2-18 (iotlo. 8pm. £5 plux booking “1'. ()\Cl" l~l\ \llti\\. \lt‘ltll llttpt‘ltlh lrom l.o\ ;\ngclc\ \\ ho ha\ c juxt rclcaxctl an cpon} moux album.

I Terra Diablo, Eva and Akira .\'icc 'n' Slcax}. Sauchicliall Strcct. 333 ‘)(i37. 9pm. l‘rcc. l’tirr oi trip/it'll.

I Bangtwister antl Ultimo Dragon 'l'ltc l3th .\'otc ('alc. King Strcct. 553 Iti3h'. 3pm. “((3). i’\}(il and garagc rumblingx.

I Jaysson & The Astronauts and Thought Patrol Sti‘au bcrr} i'iicldx, ()\\\;lltl Sll't'cl. 22l 737 l. 7.30pm. £4.

I Cimarron (irantl ()lc ()pr}. l’aixlc) Roatl 'l‘oll. 42‘) 53%). 7.30pm. £3 (£2 mcmbcrxi. (‘ountry

" u’i d‘eN-fi ‘qfl‘fs‘fisfid‘sn-Jlt-‘fi

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52 THE LIST 26 Apr—‘10 Ma; 2001

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