
New romanticism returns

Flics, tricks and angel’s

Alien Resurrection resurrected

Why Boosh is one of the most influential salons in the capital

ust up thc road from lidinhurgh‘s low yoltagc art installation known

as thc Scottish l’arliamcnt. snuggch into thc as yct uiulcr-populatcd

mouth of (‘owgatc. oppositc St Patrick's (‘atholic (‘hurch. is a rcal tcmplc of cool. llair cool that is.

Boosh is thc hrain child of Mary Mulhcrn and hctwccn thc minimalist chic and its cxploding clicnt hasc it is possibly onc of thc most influcntial salons in thc capital. Sct up in March 2()()() al‘tcr cndlcss strugglcs to obtain thc pcrl‘cct Southsidc location at a timc whcn any propcrty within hair wcayc distancc ot‘ thc parliamcnt was going through thc rool'. Mulhcrn is on a mission. ‘Wc just hclicycd wc could ot'lcr a dil'l'crcnt scryicc. donc scriously and with innovation] shc says.

Anyway. hcrc for thc lirst timc is a small part of a ncw portfolio ol‘

photographs takcn oycr thc months in Various locations by \‘cncrahlc l‘ashion photographcr l.isa l"lciiiiiig. 'l'hcy arc a hcguilingly simplc collcction ot’ all that is good and right in modcrn hairdrcssing. "l'hcy‘rc hasically rcyamp looks of thc 7()s and 80s donc with a scnsc ot‘ lamiliarity. classicism and timclcssncss. thcy arc inst ahout modcrnising natural lcinininc formulas] says .‘Vlulhcrn.

'l‘hc impish l'cmininc look tisurps mcmorics ol‘ Winona Rydcr in Alicn lx’us‘lu'rt’trimz as it is workcd on a hlondc hcad: mcanwhilc last sllllllllc‘l'lx chick l'lick inspircd hy ('lmr/ic's' .-lugc/s is uscd as a starting point liu' simply-cut long. straight or tlickcd hair. Ncw romanticism is giycn a stunning outing to thc grcat oak at thc Botanic (iardcns with a hcautil‘ully short cut- on-thc-hias hoh with a rcd and blue black undcrlay. ‘lt‘s a classic cut collection with a transient thcmc. in that a good look can he

Boosh displays classic cuts with a transient theme.

124 THE LIST tO—B-i May 3001

changcd by day or night to suit thc occasion.‘ says Mulhcrn.

It is rcl'rcshing to scc a collcction that cchocs so plainly strcct lcycl lttsltiolt in all its rctro glory and as thc old hairdrcssing warhorscs groan on. Boosh displays a clcanlincss of Vision that is disarming. Look and cnjoy as thcsc may just hc thc hig looks for thc ncxt l'cw scasons. Don‘t hoosh it. longcyity is what it is all about -_iust ask Vidal. (l’aul l)alc)

I Boos/i, 307 Cowgate, Edinburgh, 0737 556 9993.

Models: Lee, Sharon, Nico/a, Car/a, Jess. Hair and Co/our/ng: Mary Mal/tern, Mon/ca George, Jul/e McGuire, Dawn Brown. Make Up: Ju/I'e McGuire, Dawn Brown. C/Ol/iGS.‘ Top Shep, Exl/e.

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