Music rock & pop listings

Thursday 1 7


I Single Point Of Light and Lapsus Linguae Wee Red Bar. lidinburgh ('ollege ()t Art. l.ttttt‘i\t()tt 'l‘erraee. 7.30pm. U. A top douhle hill ot' talentx l'rom way out next. Both hands enjoy a good hit oi noixy guitar aetion itx mueh ax the next huneh ol' lollygagging loutx but do \o in a highly \killed and enticing say. And l.ap\u\ Linguae all

\y ear matehing 'l'whirts. All the reeoiiimendation you need really.

I The Complete Stone Roses the Liquid Room. 9e Vietoria Street. 335 356-1. 7pm. Baggy eoyet‘ hand.

I Fridgehopper and doc Her'iot—Watt l'niyerxity l'nion. Rieearton. ~15l 5333. 9pm. l‘ree. Vocal harmonies. emotiye hullttdx and grinding pop roek l‘roin l-‘r'idgehopper yyith Manehester indie rockers doe rounding out the hill.

Friday 18


0 Motiirhead and Psycho Squad Bari'oyyland. (ialloyygate. 553 4(i()l. 7.30pm. {l5 plus hooking lee. ()yer- l-l\ \hoyy. 'l‘hey ‘re riot metal. they 're roek ‘n' roll. ax Lemmy has been inxixting for years. See preyieyy.

I Rodney Crowell King 't‘ui‘s with Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. L'lt) plus booking fee. Rtirilxy‘ Ameriean songwriter who has written for Waylon Jennings. Bob Seger. Johnny ('axh and limmylou llarrix among many others. This gig ix yyell on the \yay to being sold out hardly \urpr'ixing giyen that legaey. I The Raphaels 't'he t31h Note (‘tiih. ('lyde Street. 3-13 3l77. 8pm. £13. l'olloyying a trip to .\'a\hyille. Stuart Adamson teamed tip with eountr'y songwriter Mareux llummon. multi- instrumentalist John Moek and Big

(‘ountry drummer Mark Br/e/ieki in litt\ neyy outlit. yylto are prey ieyy mg their dehut alhurn .Su/n'riiiiriu'ii/ .out lll|\ month.

I Jet Plane Landing, Tacoma Radar and Stupid Acting Smart The l31h .\'ote ('ate. King Street. 55“ MRS. 8pm. £3.

I SO!" Fuel XlL‘L‘ 'tt' Slea/y. Sauehiehall Street. 333 9hr. 9pm.

I Gallivant and Underwood l‘tlt'_\ Murry \. Mayyyell Street. 33l 051 l. ‘lpin £4. ineluding entry to poxt-gig eluh.

I Vicious Circle and The Rigton Kings Str‘ayyherr'y l‘ieldx. ()uyald Street. 33| 7S7l. 7.30pm. H.

I Texas Gun (irand ()le ()pry. l);tl\lt‘_\ Road To“. 43‘) 5396. 7.3tlpiii. £3 it'3 tttcttllk‘t‘Sl. ('ountry \oundx.

I Abba Disco Party Bour'hon Street. (ieorge Street. 553 “Ml. 7pm. £5 I£l4.5tl yyith dinneri. Featuring an Ahha trihuie aei. I Rev Doc & The Congregation .\le(‘huills Way Out \Vext. Kely inhaugh Street. 576 5llliS. 9.30pm. l'ir'ee. 'l‘i‘ad R&B.

I lSiS Samuel l)o\y K. Nithxdale Road. 433 “NW. 8.30pm. l'ree.

I Average White Band 't'he l.ltlllttl Room. 9e Vietoria Street. 335 3504. 7pm. £13.50. 'l'heir‘ Seottixlt i'ootx may he tlnglllSL'tl by their Ameriean tunk \oul sound hut they return tor a eoiiple ot loyy key gigx. Supporting lirie ('lapton in the 7th and reeording yyith BB King in their time this \ltttttld he a run through \ottte or their greatest ltllx ax yy ell ax neyy er material.

I Splitters Bongo ('Iuh. 14 New Street. 558 760-1. ll)..‘~tlpiri. £7 it'oi. llot \ka troni lltix l.eiee\ter outtit at eluh night In \o'x.

Saturday 1 9


I The Wolfetones Barroyy land. (ialloyygate. 553 Jotll. 7.30pm. U3 plux hooking lee. (‘eltie \oltg.

I Glenn Tilbrook & The Party l'he ( iai'age. Sauehiehall Street. 1‘3

l 13” (i lllpiii Lll Pith hooking tee ()yet' l-l\ \llit\\ l \ Stiuee/e \Ue.tlt\l :tlie one \\ ith the meet. higli \oieei peitoiin\ \y itii ltt\ tlt'\\ hand

I The Silencers tx’eiiiiext tei-iy. i'iyiit- l’laee. .120 v?“ "t‘”‘ 113 \lelodit pop iotk tioiii lltt\ long \eiyiiig eoiiiho

I Sarah Harmer .tlltl Speedway King 'liit's \\.ih \\ali llut. St \ ineeiit Street. 33l 535‘? S 1Hpiii.L5plii\ hooking tee (ariatliaii \ingei' \origxyritei \yho lta\ toured \\ itli \ni l)iti'aneo and 1\ equally intlueneed hy eoiintr'y ttttl\te and l'S iiielodie tlUISL' tttt'teltdttlS \tlelt ax Buttan loin and l)ttt1t\.ttll' it: How ey er. her euri'ent alhuin loii Hi It Ni n IS an ite‘tlttSIIe allaii',

I New Found Glory lhe (‘aihoiixta l‘iiron Street. 34S (ititto. Spin. £5.51) [‘lth hooking tee. ()yei> l~lx \ltiiyy

I Supersuckers the t ‘~iti \tiit- (Kite. King Street. 553 loiS. Spin. L5. lxtldie Spaghetti and Ronaldo lleatliinan ol Superxuekerx play a eoiintr‘y orientated aeotixtte \et.

I Ramones Tribute the t tih \ote ('luh. (‘Iyde Street. 3-13 3| 5“. Spin, ‘3 i. 'l'iinely ti'ihiite to the punk godtathei'x

\\ hoxe hettttltttlt' \inger' .lttt‘y tlteil (ll eaneer a eouple ot \yeek\ ago and \\ lio \Httlltl ha\ e heen 5” today. l’r'oeeedx lioin lltt\ \\ ill go to a eaiieei‘ eharrty.

I The Splitters and Big Hand \iee ‘n‘ Slea/y. Sauehiehall Street. 3330(1‘". ‘lpin. Ska douhle hill.

I Panhandlers (hand (He ( )piy. l’ahley Road loll. 43‘) 53W). faillpin. Li tt'3 ttlL‘tlllk‘t'Sl. ('ouiiti'y.

I Abba Revival Boui'hon Street. George Street. 553 till 1. "pin. ‘35 itl(i.5ll \\ itli dinnei‘i. 'l‘i'ihute to the Syyedixh lah tour.

I Kain .\le('hui|l\ Way Out \Vext.

Kely inliaugh Street. 5 to 5(llS. 9. illpiii.

l tee lx‘ooixy RAB and i'oek ‘ii‘ roll.

I Open Stage the Hall Bar. \\oodland\ Road. 5o.l 1535.4-Spiii. l‘ree, \\eek|y \L‘\\t1itl tor loeal miixieiaih

I The Datsuns Samuel trim \. \itlixdale Road. 913‘ tlltl" S ltlpin, l’ree.

Edinburgh I Average White Band l‘he liquid

lx’ooiii. ‘le \ ietoiia Street. 33.5 3504. "pm. L’l15tt \t't‘l'll l.\

I Jimson Trance, Finity and Blue lllk' \lt‘tettl. 33 \\t‘\l .\l.illl.tll\l Slt't‘t‘l. z«\l‘l “Hilll‘ttl. L35”. ltltllt‘ ioek lioin ladinhiiiglt handx .ltlll\t\ll

'l rariee and l‘ltllly and (ilaygoyy guitar hand Blue ( him.

I The Raphaels t a Belle .-\ngele. llaxtie\ time. 335 5.5 Vi Spin. L13. See l rr IS


I Barron Knights l’alaee 'I‘heatr‘e. ‘) (ireen Street. tll SM 5335‘“). “.itlpin. L‘l It".5tti. they '\ e heen touring tor oy er ~ltl year\ and \llll“ no \lg‘llS ot \loyy irig tloyyn. pei'torinirig lltl\ like "lime ()l Aggr'o‘,


I Damon 8- Naomi with Kuihara of Ghost King 'l'ut\ \Vah \Vah llut. St \ineent Street. 33l 535‘), Sillprri, £7 plirx hooking lee. \\ lSlltll pxy ehedelie duo l)anion 1k \aorni hay e enioyed etilt \ueeexx \tllt‘t‘ the demixe ol their prey roux group ( iala\ie 5(lll.

I The Silver Pill and The Magnificents .\'iee ‘n’ Slea/y. Sauehiehall Street. 333 9“ in. Uhm. lidiiihur‘gh (Ulllt‘tltlt‘l'S iii eleetro/i'oek Cl'tt\\tt\t‘t' douhle hill.

I Trans Megetti lhe t3th .\‘oie ('luh. (‘lydeStr'eeL3-133]77.Sprn. £5. laner'gixed liai‘deore in the l"iig;i/i tradition.

Stirling Scotland

tickets 01786 473544

+ Nova Huta FRI 25 @1930

s” Heritage -

free programme 01786 443141

Mirror Man: A Geography of Sound in 2 Acts by David Thomas THURS 24 @ 19.30

Diskono presents Mariota Britlowska, Klangkrieg

Mokoto Kawabata SAT 26 @ 19.30 Peter Brdtzmann & Hamid Drake Duo SAT 26 @ 20.30

Chicago Underground Duo SAT 26 @ 21.30

Acid Mothers Temple with special guests Julian Cope & ThighPautSandra SUN 27 @1930


56 THE LIST 10—24 May 2001

Stirling's festival for inventive new music + sound


Cowane Theatre Cowane Street

,v .r f

I 5 . /' 5\\_ 1/" \3\ S ‘1' n‘ 7 / ,r \ \