Art listings

Glasgow galleries continued


() Burnlield Road. (iillnock. (i3S I200. 'l’ue Sat 10am 5pm; Sttii noon 5pm: ('resswell Lane toll Byrcs Road). 033 l200. 'l'ttc Sat l Iaiii 5.30pm: Sun noott 5pm.

Emerging Artists Partnership 'l'wo galleries from the latnerging Artists Partnership Ltd. showcasing the work of leading art schools throughout Scotland and the l'ls'.


26 King Street. 552 2 l 5 I. 'l'tie Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Now And Then: Artworks With Young People t'ntit Sat I: May. Photo—based artworks made iii collaboration witli children and young people liotii oy er twenty schools in (ilasgow. The exhibition also it‘llllll‘es a set of banners tltat were show ii in public locations iii (ilasgow earlier iii the year.

Su Grierson: Eyeshine Sat It) May Sat 30 Jun. Digitally manipulated photographs and Video works by Sti (irierson which explore the sinister nature ol' industrial landscapes. Nl-W SHOW.


25 Albert Drive. 287 3900. Tue Stiti iiooit Spin.

OPipilotti Rist l'ntil Sitii It) .lttii. (iaining international recognition witlt her video installations. tlte acclaimed Swiss artist l’ipilotti Rist will be creat- ing a new work [or the gallery 's main exhibitiott space. commissioned by 'l'ramw'ay. Rist ltas said other work: ‘I make poems in inoy'einent‘ atid her video installations t‘use contemporary music. pop \‘ideo. computer graphics and lilm. Her new piece. Show .4 [my explores the interplay between tltc domestic and the ptiblic. the iiiitid and tlte body. See t'ey'icw aitd Hitlist. David Sherry l'ntil Stiti l0 Jun. New work iii the Project Rooiii by (ilasgow-based artist Day id Sherry. one ot‘ tlte the recipients ot' the 'l‘ratiiway Dark Lights (‘oniniisstoiis awarded in 2000. (iradtiating li'oiti (iltisgow‘ School ol‘Art‘s Master of Fine Art course in June 2000. his new work includes projects based tipoit an iny'cstigation ittto extreme boredotn. Steve Pyke: Rock, Box, Hammer l'ntil Stiti 20 May. An exhibition ol~ photographs by Stey‘e Pyke doctttnenting materials taken to. or brought back from tlte moon. PPARC - Moon And Meteorite Samples l'ntil Stiti 20 May. A display of ttioon rocks aitd a smaller exhibition of meteorites.


o3 'I‘rongate. 552 4267. Intermission t'ntil Sat 26 May. An exhibition of work from K & M Photography.


l3 Albion Street. 552 2822. Mon l‘ri l()ams-5pm.

Art Within l'ntil Fri 25 May. An exhibition of work produced at the Art Therapy (iroup at l-‘lorence Street Day Hospital.


()ii-line Gallery. www.\‘isionon20()| A new internet site dedicated to showcasing the work ol’ three Glasgow-based artists each month. It you have a proposal for the VisionOn website. etnail kar|a_b|ack(a‘hotmailcotn

Ruth MacPherson, Duncan Macquarrie and Maggie McLachlan tfiitil Mon 30 Apr. Recent work.

Michelle Naismith, Lorna Maclntyre and Karla Black Tue l—Thu 31 May. Recent work.

94 THE LIST 10—2-2 May 2001

WHERE THE MONKEY SLEEPS l3: \Vesl Regcitt Street. 220 5400 Mon l‘ri 7am llpm; Sat Sam llptn; Stiii l0ani llptii.

Susan Roan l'ntil 'l‘hu 3i .\lay. Royal ('ollege ol' Art graduate and illustrator l‘or 'I'lit' Hem/(l. Stistin Roati shows recent work and work in progress.

Brooklyn To Bailliestone l‘titil 'l‘hti 3| May. Photography by Martin ('lark whosc prey iotis clients include ('reation and Domino Records.

Glas; ow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow City Life, page 100.


Argyle Street. Kely iltgroye. 2S7 2(i‘)‘). Mon Thu & Sat l0ani 5pm; l’ri tx Sttii l lam 5pm. (’al'e. l-ree.

Glasgow In The 18405 by William Simpson t'ntit Mon Zs’ May. (her 50 watercolottrs ol‘ ( ilasgow by William ‘(’riniean' Sitiipsoii

(1823 IS‘N) w ho made his tiame through illustrations which documented tlte war with Rttssia ol' ltS'54 (i.

A Studio Under The Sky l'ntil 'l'hu 3l May. An exhibition ol' prints. drawings and original paiiititigs by Derek Robertson taketi trom his iiew w'ildlile book.


The Chosen Letter t'iitil Sat 2 .ltiit. A calligraphy exhibition exploring the \ariety ol' ways letters can be made and displayed tisitig wood. metal and slttle.


2060 l’ollokshttw‘s Road. 287 2550. Mon 'l'hu & Sat l0ani 5pm: l-‘ri & Stiii llatti 5pm.

Ancient Egypt: Digging For Dreams Until Stiii 30 Sep. (her 100 rarely seen treasures from the collection ot‘ William Matthew l'lilttlel‘s l’etrie. described as the ‘Victorian Indiana Jones‘. The exhibition includes a look at the origins ol’ the intinimy's curse: the idea of alien help in the building ol' the Pyramids at (ii/a: and Ancient ligyptian \‘iews ol the alterlil'e.

GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 2422. Mon Stiti llam 4pm. Brushstrokes l-‘i-i Its’ Sun 27 May. An exhibition and sale of paintings from artists who regularly work in the llopkirk building.


Upper ('olquhotin Street. llclensburgh. (“436 673900. Daily l.30pni 5.30pm. New Perceptions: New Directions’ 2001 t‘ntil Oct 3 I. x\ll exhibition of contemporary furniture. lighting and deeot‘atiy‘e glass from all oy'cr Britain.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahouston Park. It) l)umhreck Road. 3534773. Daily 10am 5pm. £3.50 H.250).

Lennox Dunbar t'iitil Thu 31 May. In association with (‘y'ril (ierber l-ine Art. paintings of North liast Scotland by Lennox Dunbar.


High Street. SS") 3 l 5 l. 'l‘tie Sat

l0am 5pm: Sttti 2 5pm. l-'ree. Aspects And Attitudes t'ntil Sun In Jun. Recent paintings and sculptural works by students from Reid Kerr College. Paisley-‘s only further education l‘acility ol‘l'ering lull-time art training.

Modes And Manners that San 2—1.ltlll..\ collection ot l‘ltli and early 20th century costume which looks at the elltlllelle tll tiless t‘l litttl [lel'ttitk contrasting with modertrday exatiiplcs ol special occasion wear.


(ilasgow (ireen. 554 0223. Mon 'l'hti tk Sat 10am 5pm; l'll tx Stiti

llain 5pm,

The Man Who Wasn’t There l'ntil inc 3] Jul. Recent chalks and charcoals by (ilasgow artist liattk .\lc.\';ib w ho photographs and makes draw iiigs ol the city 's tenement closes.


lllll Sitilie‘i‘iiss Roatk 33‘) (Ni 3 l_ l);iily 10am 5pm. L350 t L205i; accompanied children li‘ee.

Sails l'iitil Stiii l i .\lay .\ photography exhibition by Marc 'lttrner ol' images ol the sea and sailing. protected ttllltt stills. the centrepiece til the show is the ( ilasgow ('lippet‘s Millennium yoyage to llayana. (‘tiba Glasgow Harbour Art Exhibition l'ri IS .\lay llle 7 .\tig. .-\n exhibition ol' specially commissioned paintings by Scottish artists.

Art At The Pumphouse Sat It) May Mon 30 .llll. .\ tlllltllle cxltibitioti oi~ local Scottish at’lisls. specially commissioned liot' display at the last remaining historic docks and t|tiays iii (ilasgow.

Five Thousand Days At Sea .-\ii exhibition on board the only (‘lydebtiilt sailing ship still alloat in the l'lx'. documenting her adyeiittires on the hiin seas between ltS")7 atid WI‘). Story In The Stones tl’uinphoiise .\lain (iallery ). An exhibition looking at the impact ol' the industrial ages on (ilasgow harbour.

Morse And More tl’timphotise Low er ( iallery ). A hands-on exhibition. aimed ttl children. looking at the world ol‘ coininttnication. You can operate a state-tit's-the—art optical telegraph used in the Napoleonic wars. try otit the the- needle telegraph and crank tip \Vorld \Vttt‘ ll lield telephones.

Edinburgh Galleries


l" lilttlltliltl 'lt‘l’ltlc'e. .550 l '55 \\ ed \\

l‘ll Sttit noon bptii; l‘hti noon ‘lpm. Functional Art l‘ntil 'I‘hti :I May .\ mixed exhibition ol modern art by Scottish and international .tttists. with tnany ol the works .ixatlable loi tent and lot sale. lcattit‘ing .in installation by l’etei Rtissell


ilottiieily .\l.t|co|m Innes(|ery 1.4 Dtiiidas Street. 55S 05445 Mon in

Main (ipm; Sat llain lpiit

Lord Robert’s Exhibition l'nttl Sat 1‘) May. .\n exhibition ol military paintings. diaw lugs and ptiiits tn .iid ol the lotti lx’obet'l‘s “olksltop lot disabled ex

Mixed Exhibition \ii ongoing selection ot Scottish landscapes. sporting paintings. militaiy oils. wateicolotits and piiiits.


20a Dtiiidas Stteet. 555 5002, Mon l'l'l llaiii 5pm; Sat l0.tni lpiii.

Brendan Kelly and Jade Stout laid the l5 .\l.iy. .\n exhibition ol paintings by twocontemporary Scottiin .ittists. .\wat'd winning Htendan Kelly gtadtiated liotii Slade School ol ;\rt Itax tng been commended twice iii the lll’ l’ortrait .\wards. His iiioie recent work ol animals expci‘itiients w itli light and paitit ellects. Recent graduate .lade Stotit‘s paintings are rooted iti tniniiiialist lortnalistii with abstract expressiotiistii to capture the landscapes and coastlines ol ()i'kney. Hugh McIntyre Sat I‘) .\lay the 5 Jun. \lclntyrc is a well tray elled impressionistic painter who trained in the l'S.-\ atid at lidinbtirgh (‘ollege ol' Art. His recent paintings leature landscapes ol l‘rance. Hi'a/il and Scotland.


20b Dtiiidas Street. 4(i7 3‘) *7. the lit llatii 7piii1Sat Ilam 2pm.

Road To The Isles the IS .\lay Sat 0 ill”. l’aintings. ci‘al'ts and sculpture doctiiiienting lite iii the Scottish Isles.


(i Dtiiidas Street. 557 4050. Mon l'ri loam (ipiii: Sal llani 2pm. Scottish Paintings l'tiitl Man it

Headland by Alan Kilpatrick: new drawings on show at the Firth Gallery