Art listings

Edinburgh galleries continued


Bell-(it'd Road. 03-1 (i300 (recorded information 333 33t t) Mon Sat

I0am 5pm; Stiii iiooti 5pm. (’ale. Circle Of Friends: Leslie And Sadie Martin And British Modernism From The 1930s l’ntiI Stiii 3S ()ct. Aichitect Sir I.eslie Martin ( I‘)().‘s’ 3000) along with Ben Nicholson and \'auin (iaho co—cdited the seminal publication ('irt'lt': llllt’l'llH/fifllll/ Sit/tn ()/ (‘u/isirut II) (‘ .Itrt. while his w ilc and artist Barbara llepwoi'th were tcspoiisililc lot the maga/ine's Iayotit. While working on the piblication. the Marlins became IileIt ig friends with leading artists and architects. This exhibition features works by (iabo. llepworth and \VaIIis. drawn from their collection together with worI- from the Gallery 's own collectioi.

OCan You Judge A Book By Its Cotter? l'ntiI Sat ‘) Jun. Six of Scoitand‘s leading artists Iiaxe beeii commissioned to produce a coyer image for one of(‘anongate Books' new Pocket ('Iassic series of Scottish w rit-

iiig. Alison Watt has painted an image of

blank paper to illustrate Muriel Spark's selected stories; John Byrne has created an ‘impish yision' ofJames Kelman; ('altim (‘on‘in has reconstructed Robert Burns' Iiead which will be .seen in its original form as a corner installation along with the final photography: .IoIin Bellany has created a portrait of Sir Walter Scott; Douglas (iordon has illus— trated stories and poetry by James Ilogg and Day'id Mach has created two iiiatcli« stick heads to iIItistt‘ate RI. Stcyetisoii‘s Strange ('uxt' ()l'l)r .lt’lty'll Am! .llr //_\‘t/t‘. See reyiew.

Calum Lolvin Sat I3 May. 13.45pm. 'I‘ickets are free from The Scotsman and Scotland on Sunday on 0 I 3I (i30 S335/o. ('olx’in is in eotiy'el'stitiott with BBC Radio Scotland‘s Brian Morton. talking about his work and his commissioned coyer image for ('anongate Books. QLee Miller Sat I‘) May Sun ‘) Sep. £4 (£3.50) .Ioiiit admission with Roland Penrose exhibition at the Dean (iallery. The largest and most comprehensiy'e exhibition to date of the work of the New York born photographer Lee Miller (I‘)07 r 77). Miller. a former I’ogm' model. was married to Roland Penrose. the subject of a major exhibition at the Dean (iallery‘. Snapping people. places. fashion and war. the exhibition features portraits of Picasso. Man Ray. Iiileen Agar. lIorst and memorabilia from her time as a war correspondent. See pre- x'iew and llitlist. NEW SHOW.

Lee Miller’s Work In British Vogue Mon 3| May. I3.-I5pm. Penny Martin from the Royal (‘ollege of Art in London. talks about photographer Millers work for lirem'.

Cubism Mon 14 May. I3.-l5pni. Patrick lilliot discusses this artistic nioy'ement inx'ented by Picasso and Braqtic in which objects are represented as an assemblage of geometrical forms.


The Motiiid. (i34 (i300 (recorded information 333 336(3). Mon Sat

I0am 5pm; Stiii noon 5pm. Iidinbtirgh's National (iaIIery is the oldest of the four galleries housing Scotland’s finest collection of Iiuropean paintings and sculpture from the Renaissance to Post-Inipressionism. Monet’s Series Paintings Fri 1 1 May. 13.45pm Freelance lecturer Frances Fow'lt discusses Monet's paintings.

Lavish Lust: Landscape With A Huntsman And Dead Game by Jan Weenix Fri IS May. I3.-t5pm. Duncan Thomson discusses Jati Weenix's painting.

96 THE LIST 10-2-1 May 2001


Queen Street. (334 030” (recorded information 333 33M»). Mon Sat

I0am 5pm; Stiii noon 5pm. (‘ale Free. Josef Breitenbach t‘nnt Sun .1 Jtlll. the first British showing of rarely seen portraits by (iet'llittll-.‘\IIIL'I‘IL‘;III photographer Josef Breitenbach

( IS‘m I‘LSJ ). As a regular contributor in the timed States to iiiaga/incs 'li’nit'. l‘ill‘llllll' atid l/iir/ii'r'x lit/ruin; these rare photographs produced before

Ieax ing Iiurope III I‘Hl Iiaxe remained hidden until his death and include images of famotis artists and writers who sat lor Iiiiii in the I‘)30s. Thomas Carlyle: A Hero Of His Time t'ntiI Stiii 3 .Itiii. An exhibition dedicated to the Scottish historian. social commentator and essayist. 'I'Iiotiias ('arly Ie ( I795 ISSI ) whose theories about the pt! Iic‘s need for heroes inspired the establishment of the National Portrait (IaIIeries in London and Iidinbtirgh.

Portrait Miniatures From The Clarke Collection t'niil Sun t7 .Itiii. (her 70 portraits from this outstanding collection of Iiuropcan miniatures dating from l5S0 to |S30. go on display. Highlights include Nicholas IIiIIiai'd‘s copy of IIoIbcin's portrait of Henry \'III and John IIoskins' Iatc miniature of ( icncral (icorge Moiick. Ist Duke of .-\Ibermarlc.

The Portrait Miniature In Elizabethan Court Culture wed to May. l3.~l5pm. Freelance art historian Angela (‘ox gixes a talk on the portrait iiiiniaturc.

King Over The Water t'ntit Sun 30 Sep. £3 (£3). An exhibition charting the life of Prince James Francis Iidward Stewart ( loSS l7oo). known to history as the Old Pretender. Included iii the display are rarely -seen icons of the Jacobite cause. a life—si/e reconstruction of ('anoy'a's niagnilicent tomb to the exiled Stewarts and an important new acquisition A time ()I'I'lit' Pit/urn) .Iluti. the 18th century painting of the Prince's Jacobite Palace iii Rome. attributed to (ittiseppe Valeriani.

1st Earl Of Balfour by Sir James Guthrie Wed 23 May. I3.—l5pm. I~'i‘eclaiice lecturer Matthew \N'ellard talks about (iuthrie's painting.


()n-Iine gallery. cotitettipot'at'y-ttt't.cotii

Miniatures One The opening exhibition for this new on-Iine gallery which showcases the work of tip-antl- coming artists from (IIasgow and lidinbtirgh with all works ayailablc to buy.


1-1 New Street. 558 700-1. Mon Sat

I Iaiii b.30pm. t'ntiI late on Botigo (‘Iub nights.

Black Tide ’l'hu I0 May Inc 5 Jtiii. Artesian Maga/iiie organise an exhibition of 'outsider art' (art produced outside the established art scene by the untutored) by local and international artists. I’tiri ulstrit' (irus l't'slii'ul 300/.


(iaIIery 3. 55 Bread Street. 477 453-1. Mon Sat I0am (ipm.

Earth Odyssey 2001 Exhibition l'ntiI Sat 1‘) May (Gallery I. ()1 Bread Street). An exhibition of paintings and sculpture by ox er 30 \ isionary artists. I’ur! ulstrn' (irus l't‘xlft'tl/ 300/. Ragged Sun t'ntil Stiti 30 May ((iaIIery 3. 55 Bread Street). An installation of music and paintings by Matilda Brown and Colin Lawson. Dance Performance Fri )8 May. Spit. ((Iallery 3). To accompany the Ragged Sttii exhibition. a dance performance by Matilda Brown and

Michele PowIes.

Gallery Talk Stiii I3 May. 3pm ((iallcry 3). Matilda Brown and ('olin son talk about their installation of music and paintings currently oti show iii the gallery.

What Is Creativity And How Do We Create Fri Is May. is split ((iaIIei'y I. (il Bread Street). To resery e a place call 0l3I oo‘) I37b. Kirsty

()'( 'oniior leads this discussion-bascd ex ciit. I’tirl l” slrlt' (irtix l't'xlii‘u/ 300/.


3| St Leonard‘s I.anc. (m3 IoI3.

Mon Sat I0am 5pm; Stiti noon 4pm. The Rug Odyssey l‘ntiI Sun l3 May. Rugs. kiIims. artefacts and photographs collected from the nomadic and tribal people of Iran.


75 7‘) ('timberland Street. 557 I030. Mon Fri I0am opm; Sat I0am 4pm. Whyn Lewis l'ntil 'l'hti I0 May. New paintings.

Charles MacOueen l‘ntil 'I‘hu It) May. Recent paintings.

Anna and Sarah Noel t'ntil 'I‘hu ll) \ltt). (‘et‘ttltilcx

Gail Klevan l'ntil Thu [0 May. Jewellery.

Perpetua Pope Sat 12 Thu Rt May. Recent paintings.

Jane Butler-Cole Sat 12 Thu 3! May. (’eramies.

Sheila Mclnnes Sat I: Thu 31 May. Recent paintings.

Nicola Becci Sat t2 'I'hu M May. ('onteiiiporary jewellery.


I7 I‘) Barclay Place. 477 3‘)33.

'I’tie Sat I0.30am (i.3()pm.

Mixed Exhibition A changing selection of paintings including reproduction art Van (Iogh. Dali. Monet. Kandinsky. Miro originals and work by tip-and-coming local artists.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (WASPS) Patriothall Sttidios. off-IS IIamiIton Place. 335 138‘). Cityscape: Innovative Work By Ciao Architecture 8. City Design Cooperative t’ntil 'I‘ue IS May (Front (iaIIery 'I'ue --Fri noon—6pm: Sat 62; Sttti noon—thtil. Architecture plans. models and photographs detailing recent projects by Ciao.

The Space Between Words l'ntiI Fri I I May (Back (iallery daily noon—3pm). Working in a variety of media. artists Kirsty ()‘(‘onnor and (iraeme (‘raig-Smith explore known verbal communication in this work-iii- progress project. For further information call 07‘)(i7 443 I53.

3 Makes 1 Sat 1‘) rWed 30 May (Mon Fri noon —(ipm; Sat 8; Stiii

I Iain 5pm. .\'ew work by Sandra (‘oIIins. Biddy I.antiam and Fiona Walker. three artists who interpret the inner and outer world through responses iii paint. salt and libre.


(‘lerk Street. (m7 7776. Mon- Sat

10am 5.30pm.

Allison Young t'ntil Sun 3 Jtiii. Paititiiigs and photography by Allison Young inspired by walking trips across Scotland.

THE REYNOLDS GALLERY ()3 Dublin Street. 557 0480. Tue—Sat I Iain—5pm.

Synergy Fri IS May- Sat ‘) Jtiii. Recent work by a syndicate of nine artists featuring work in a Variety of media from jewellery and textiles to glass sculpture and paintings. Artists include Jenny Smith. Teena Ramsay. Inge Panneels and Keri McGowan.


I5 Rtitland Square. 33‘) 75-15. Mon—Fri ‘)am~5pm.

Living In A Box: Contemporary

Housing In Scotland t'nttl t-‘rt t Jtiii. To complement the major RIAS conference on housing Future Huntt'x which takes place iii Dundee on I7 and IS May. an exhibition of recent house builds in Scotland focusing on sustainability issues.


ltI\ erleith House. It“ erleith Row. .553 7I7l. 'I‘ue Stiii I0am 5.30pm.

0 Heavy Duty: Lucy McKenzie and Paulina OIowska t'nttl Sun 37 May (In\ erleith House). New work by two young artists from Scotland and Poland. (iIasgow -born artist Mcls'en/ie was shortlisted for last .‘ear's Beck's Futures Award and was included in the British Art Show. ()low ska was born in (idansk and is currently artist-in-rcsidence at the prestigious Rijksakademie in .-\nisterdam. The show features paint» ings. posters. x'ideo. sculpture and a wall drawing which the two artists will collaborate together on. See rey iew and llitlist.

Return Of The Natives l'ntiI Sun 3‘) Jul (Iixhibition Hall). The role of natiye woodlands iii Scotland is celebrated in this major new exhibition.


The Link (iaIIery. 33 'I’ipperlinn Road. 33‘) 3555.

Vanishing Point t'ntil Fri 25 May. New work by elcy'en artists as a result of collaborations between professional artists and patients as part of Fusion a two-year arts programme taking place in hospitals in Iidinburgh and the l.othiatis.


'I'he Pelican (iaIIery. I Lauriston Place. For further information call Artlink on 33‘) 3555.

Address Until Stiii 37 May. An ArtIink exhibition of photography. writing. digital imaging. painting and drawing by artists and patients at St John's hospital.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (Iallery. I00 Princes Street. 335 l50I. Dain I0am (ipttt.

Indian Summer: Ronald Forbes t’ntil Fri I I May. An exhibition of paintings resulting from Forbes' first visit to India as winner of the Sir William (iillies Award from the Royal Scottish (iaIIery.

Dakawa Artists Fri 18 May Fri It) Atig. An exhibition of work by black Sotitli African artists from Dakawa Art and (‘raft (‘ommtinity ('entre based in (irahamstown in the Iiastern (’ape.


3 Salisbury Road. 667 5438.

Mosaic From The Gutter Sat 12 May. 3 5pm. £6 (£3). to reserve a plaice call ()l3l 66‘) I376. Dublin-based artist Simon (‘ocking demonstrates how to create mosaics out ofjtink. l’uri ofxlrtt' (ims l‘t’.\lfl'(ll 3()()/.


Io Dundas Street. 558 I300. Mon Fri l0am~opmz Sat I0am 74pm. Alexander Fraser tintit Wed 30 May. New paintings by the former llead of Drawing and Painting at (iray's School of Art in Aberdeen.

A Sense Of Place t.’ntit Wed 30 May. Artists Maria Barnes. Sally Fawkes and (’oIin Reed create glass sculptures inspired by natural and built eny'ironiiients.

Annabet Wyndham tintil Wed 3() May. Domestic utensils in bronze. silver and stainless steel.


5 Barony Street. 478 7440. 'I‘tie~Sat I 0am-6pm.

Contemporary Scottish Art