Glasgow Life

Glasgow Life continued

Wednesday 30

Book events

Valerie Thorton Sun itorx' l’oelr} Scotland. 4 (ll 'l'ernpleton lilhiltCsx ('entre. ()2 Templeton Street. 556 4554.

I0.30arn I2.30prn. Bring along exarnplex of work for feedback on wa) \ to introduce lateral thinking into work.

Sophie Grigson And William Black Borders Books. 283 Buchanan Street. 323 7700. 7pm. l'it‘cc. More cookery from another littxbtttttl and wile team. This time. it's all organic.

Jake Arnott And Colin Bateman Water'stone'x. I53 I57 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ‘)l05. 7pm. l‘r'ec. ('r'irne/thrillcr w l'llL‘l‘\ join forces to read l'rom their latext ll(t\ cls. Arnott readx l'rom Ill‘ Kills (hp/ten (Sceptre £10.90) and Batciiiari reads lrorii Slimming Semi tllarper('ollin\ UHNI.


10 Minute Gallery Talk lltinreriaii Art (iallery. l'niversit)’ Avenue. 330 543 l. Iprn. l‘ree. Talk by curator l’eter Black. What’s That Glasgow?: Beautiful City The Lighthouse. I l Mitchell l.anc. 231 (i362. (1pm. Free ticketx available from What's That (ilasgow'? ()HI 532 ()3 l‘) or the Lighthouse. :\ seminar looking at the number of new works ol public art and illll()\'1tli\ e ptiblic spaces being commissioned in Glasgow. Speakerx include Stuart McDonald l'rorn l..-\Blil.. Roll Roschcr' oI‘ (‘in l)e.\ign ('o-opci‘tttiu‘ and Adrian Stewart ol' (‘hris Stewart Architects.

Other events Scottish Student Fashion Week The Arches. 253 Arger Street. 000] 022 0300. See Tue 2‘).



Trash Trident Procession and Carnival, Sat 2 Jun, George Square.

Scottish CND is taking to the streets for its Carnival of Peace where it will be speaking out against Trident and Star Wars with a day of music, discussion, poetry and information.

There will be a short procession followed by a carnival and speeches from a long list of well known names. The speakers come from a variety of backgrounds

ranging from the arts with Elaine C. Smith and David Hayman to politics

Book events

1 1:9 Borderx Books. 335 Buchanan Street. 322 7700. 7pm. l'rce. Spring launch I‘rorn Scotland'\ new lictrori publisher hosted b} Ilugli .\lacl)onald ol 'I'lit' Hem/(l with reading\ l'roni (irarn Williamson. llamixh .\lacdona|d. Drew ('arnpbell and Anne .\lc.-\lleri.

Other events

Medical Matters At The Burrell Burrell ('ollection. 2060 l’ollokxhawx Road. 3S7 3550. 3.30pm. l'ir'ee. l)r‘ Keir l’isher gixex a guided tour.

Scottish Student Fashion Week The Arches. 253 :\rg_\ le Street. ouol o3: (Hill). See Tue 2‘).

Art, Music, Food & Wine l’hoenr\ ('onternporar}. (i \Vilxon Street. Merchant ('it}. 553 0702. S’pm. U050. I’hoeni\ (‘onternpor'ar_\ and l’l'lttlllthlc are presenting a selection ot' work b} Iiileen .\lc(‘tr\kcr. Robert Spr'irigharn and (‘ha/ McCormick it\ w ell ttx Ii\ e entertainment. Mod and drink.

Book events

Georg Klein Waterxtone'x. l55 L57 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ‘)l05. 7pm. l-‘ree. (ieor'g Klein won last _\ear\ lngeniar' Bachrnann Award. the (icrrnan equixalent ol' the Booker l’ri/e. Here he r'cad\ l'r'orn his latest novel liltirlissi. a political thriller set in the Middle Iiaxt.


Love the Planet, Trash Trident (ieorge Square. March noon; carnith Iprn. 423 IZZZ. l'il‘c‘c. Scottish (XI)

t- h 5""

with Robin Harper, George Galloway and Tommy Sheridan. Other speakers include Angie Zelter from Trident Ploughshares and Bruce Kent from CND as well as representatives from other groups.

The carnival atmosphere carries on with music from bands including The Scheme, Shooglenifty and Samba Ya Bamba and stalls from environmental and political groups making the day both fun and informative. This is certainly the aim as Phil Jones, CND’s campaigns worker, explains: ‘We want to draw people in and have fun, and at the same time put out this serious message that we don’t want Trident and we don’t want the British Government to co-operate with the Star Wars plans. We want it to be fun -

not a duty.’ (Jane Hamilton)

Greenbank Garden Flenders Road. Clarkston, 639 3281. Daily 10am—5pm. £3 ($2). This walled garden. tucked away in the Glasgow suburbs. contains a wealth of interesting plants and flowers as well as woodland walks. a glasshouse and water displays.

House For An Art Lover Bellahouston Park. 10 Dumbreck Road. 353 4773. £3.50 (€2.50). Initially deSigned by Charles Rennie Mackintosh tor a competition in 1901, this

98 THE LIST ’2"! Mai/«T Jun 2001

peacettil demo and'rtt\al in protext o\ er the nuclear w eaportx \Illl ll‘Ctl at I .rxlatte


Glenmorangie Camanachd Cup Final ()ld .-\iinie\l.ind. (‘r'ow Road. 55" MN), 13.45pm. I; III I L5 i; accornparned children under I5 tree. .\ do or lnri and entertainment when the \hint}\ return to (ilaxgow. l’re-rnatclt arid halt time entertarnrnent w ith .\rid} ('arneroii ax .\I(‘, 'l he match starts at Rpm.


Artist Talk - Frank McNab l’coplc\ l’alace .\nd \Vinter (iarden. (ilaxgow (ireeri. 55.1033? 3pm. l'r‘ee. (ilaxgow artixt l'rarik .\Ic.\ab talks abotit hix work ctirrentb on \how III the galler}.

Other events

Intervention City Boutique 'l'lie :\t‘che\. 253 .-\rg} le Street. 0‘IOI 033 0300. Want opin. l'ree. .\ chance to \ltop lor clothing. accexxoritw and icw ellcr} lr'orn a huge range ol Scoltlxli dexrgiierx. including I)upp l)tipp. I‘ioria Shipxe) 'lie\lilc\ arid .\Ial tk l.eiglt.

Campsie Show .\ttigtloek ('oiiriri-_\ l’ar'k. (‘raigallian Road. .\Iilnga\ ie. 05b bl00. Noon 4pm. (’ralt} cotrntrpide acti\ llic‘\ with the Ranger \er\ ice. Meet at Bogton l-arin. 'l‘or'arice.

Other events

Intervention City Boutique 'l‘lie .-\t'cltc\. 253 :\rg'\ le Street. our)! 022 Mon. 10am (iprn. l-‘ree. See Sat 3.

Dawn Chorus talk or (bile \‘mior (t‘llll'c‘. NC“ l.anar'k. (H.555 00.5303. 4.30am. (2.50 t lr'eei. \Vith o\ er I00 \pcciex ol' bir'dx recorded on the rexcne there w ill be plent} to we and hear w hen )otl join the t‘\[k‘l'l\ on Illi\ \\;tlk.

Landscape (ileriill‘er Braex (‘otiritrt l’ark. (ilcnlield Road. l’;ti\le_\. bS-l 579-1. 2pm. lirce. l)i\co\ er more about tltc landxcapc and how \olcatioc‘\. \cax. glaciers. hunting and l'or‘extr} haie changed it.

Monday 4


Glasgow Hash House Harriers Various \L‘tlllL‘\. 33-1 I71 I. 7.30pm. Free. See .\lon ZS. Meet at Bothw ell ('astle. ('axtle .'\\ entre near The (d'lL‘le‘fitHitl.

Other events

Philosophy Cafe \Vttlel'\lotlc"\. I53 I57 Satrchiehall Street. 333 0105. 7pm. l’ree. Regular get-together in (‘oxla ('olilcc. \Vttlct‘xlonc'x l‘or‘ IllttSL‘

w ho would like to tllSL'llSS philtmiph}.

Other events

Intervention Beauty Fair The Arches. 353 :\rg} le Street. 000] 022 0300. .\'oori (rpm. International brand names bring their produch lor' _\otr to peruxc. including Virgin Vie. I)cberiharn\ and Rita RUSK 'l‘here'll be L'UllSllllttlltHlS. rnakemerx. rnanictir'ex and ex en henna tattooing on olt‘er.

Intervention Make Up Master Class lhe \rchex. I51 \rg)le Street. tilllll III: Ililltl ltl itlpm L“

I \t'rttliiiig )oti e\ er wanted to know abotrt rnake tip and how to appl} II to keep )t‘ll looking glam l'.\pert\ trorn (lunatic. lwtee I atrder and man} tttore will be on hand. and tort can eintw coinpliinentar} drrnkx ttlltl g‘ttt‘tl} l‘tt}j\ (‘lllt‘lt‘ [lit [HI [\‘I (I'IAJ( I (that when _\otr book _\our ticket\ and )oti'll get them tor the bargain price ol {5 Mountaineering Council Presentation I‘iw (ilaxgow otiitlooi

I \per‘rence. 50(‘otrper Street. 55" 5-150

b l0pm l-ree Illuxtrated lecture arid tlISctt\\lUll on the new accc“ bill and II\ cltcct on the right to roam

Wednesday 6

Other events

Nenty Centuries At The Burrell Btrr‘rell ('ollectron. 30bit l’ollokxhawx Road. ISO 3550. l I Want. l‘r’ee. |)iri.i \Vard gnex a guided tour, Intervention 2001 the .\lcllc‘\. 35% .\r'g} le Street. 000] 023 0300, See l‘hti ll.

Intervention Beauty Fair l'lie :\l\‘ltL‘\. 25 i .\i'g} le Street. II‘IIII 033 0300, _\'oon (ipiri. See Inc 5. Intervention Hair Master Class 'l-llt' :\l’c‘llt‘\. 3.55 :\tf_‘.\ lL' Street. ll‘llll Ill: (Wilt. " l0._i0ptn. L'b. lop narnex w ill be on hand to teach _\otr e\er"\tlitng )otr w ill c\ er need to know to keep }otrr coillurc per‘lectl} coiled. ('ornplinieritar} tll'lltk\ ttlltl gtitttl} littgx :ttltl lll lltc‘ lllll. ()tltilc‘ Hit' l.le It’i'tit/t'r (mt-r when _\otl book )ottt' ticket\ and )ou‘ll get them lor the bargain price ol [5.

Thursday 7

Book events

Stanley Williams Rtwal (‘oiieert Hall. I Sauchiehall Street. 3S7 55l l. lpltl. [3 £5.50, Surt'ri'rlie (rule/1H Irru' l.I/(‘ .'li/\'t’llllll'(' SIN/W ()l lit/r tllIHt’\ Il.llllt' Brown No.00) l\ the \olctrtlologixl\ account ol his near death e\perrencc. See photo caption.

Anne Donovan And Liz Niven \Vaterxtone'x l5i 15* Sauchiehall Street. 332 ‘II05. (i..‘~0piri. l’r'ee. .-\ririe l)ono\ari readx lrorn her debut collection ol' poctnx llt'i'mg/ili/iri \ (HUI ()I/rt'r Slur/ex and IV .\'i\ en reads lrorn Slrtii'tnun. her collection ol' work about the Scot\ cornmunit} ol \tr'autiger'x.

Other events

Intervention: Scotland’s Runway 'l‘he :\l'c‘llt‘\. 355 :\l‘\L'_\ lc Street. (Will ill: (l‘xtll), Spin. (II) t LSi. 'l‘raditional and conternporar} dexignx thing rnaterialx like tweed and caxhrner'e go on \how Irom dexignerx including Queen tk Belle. K} la Singleton and Belinda Roltt't'lvill. I’d/'1 of III/('I'l mum. Sec pre\ icw lll Shopping. page II t.

Orienteering For Everyone .\lugdock ('ountr} l’ar'k. ('rargalliari Road. \lilngtn ic. U50 (illIII.

0.30 7.30pm. L'I t50pi. ('l_\de\ide ()rientcer'x w ill help \Iiow )ou the wa}. whether _\ou'r'e )otrng or old. e\per'iericed or a complete beginner. Meet at the

\ ixitor centre.

unfinished work has been Mori——Thii at Sat 1()ain~—:">prn; tries: t:it:gtztt‘t With (Itrlilt‘ ‘, .'."//:'r,-ri Write, In completed by iriodern-day Fri 8. Son t tam—5pm. Free. t;ti.':ii'::i:; iii Ift‘: coa'itr', . w (,‘:'i’r'.'ll[t"’,‘,‘ ‘M‘. ‘.'.')’*‘:‘i of architects and designers in Glasgow's; best-loved ttxstzzr. ; imam,- fugfigwe, «gm; "t..'ll{:'i‘1l",‘. ll‘:‘, aid deaf" true Mackintosh style. ir‘stitution has recently o" ti“,- i post Stratain rigiir‘tnga for zirciiix. and Museum Of Transport undergone a major lacelilt to in [3' Tarn than t”: new)". :.":.,:'.-’.- tierfur'ria'ir/r. i:.'iitl?:l/“: Kelvrn Hall. I Burnhouse Road. celebrate 'ts centenary tear. xiin Stunt; Man-9;" :ir'amie'rienf.

287 2720. Mon—Thu 61 Sat The new :lisnlays are set out Sharmanka Kinetic The Tall Ship At Glasgow 10am—5pm; Fri 8. Sun iIIOIIIétiiCéiil‘, with subtexts Gallery Harbour

11am—5pm. Free. A museum including; The Pattw. Vic; (77:; Of ./."il l ‘,-'. Kh'ti; Sf":‘:'., S’mxx’i'fi. Ilia/'2’}. 1'1’: crammed With buses. trams. The Czt'. éi'itl (Dario/arr.) T l.a- ‘ir'ii, Tr . .i'ii'r S :1 IJa-i, ",a't. Bruit 3-130 tire engines. ships and other Prints/irrierrr. v“: i ‘t- 'i.‘ -',~. Si". 332". ;;'/x,'ii:,::' er: Uni/iron paraphernalia. devoted to the Pollok House .. . ., “:14 t.’ t "we. . I” 2 3. aria»: (masons/1, history Of transport. Pollok Country Park. 2?"){Efi A" r‘ .<,"j; 'ri-','.': ‘€:. rii' ' Trr -’,- "(:7 Tag-2' or bear/i The People’s Palace & Winter Poilokslutvx Road. (Siti (1-1” r r ' it r in, l; t . r t S / (.2 t We. fix,- ’1': , Cryin- Garden Daily warn—5pm. Sf-1 '51"; : Bersitsk. km" < " .r . t .. a: i' ' r. tat a‘iuat r: Glasgow Green. 0223. family ticket H t. One :2‘ the it. 1 ' 'i. x r. i mew UK