I New Town room available. Medium si/e rnnm In let iii spa- cinus. sllltll}. (ienrgian llat. Flat has electric sltnvv er. vvasliing riiachirie. (i(‘ll. .‘vlature persnn preferred. Slinrt term let. £175pcni Tel: 0131 557 2355

Flatshare wanted


I Professional, 31, Its leriiale lnnkirig lnr a rnntii in frnni middle nr end June fnr min- imum 3 mnntlis tn share vvith ns prnl; leiiiale pref. ('all (’arnlirie at 07790 937 323 nr liiiiail: carn- line“! prntitnailde

I Room wanted, 32 yr old prnfessiniial female is lnnkitig fnr‘ a rnnm in the 'Ittllel'tiss. lirtiiitstield. l’nlvvartli. .\Inr'iiingside. Nevv 'I'nvvn areas - Jul}. August is Sep nrilv. Please call tiie nri 0131 229 2339.

I Flatshare Wanted: vnting prnlessiniial eas_v-gning n/s female relncatiiig tn start vvnrk in lidirihurgli. Innkitig fnr a flat~ share vv ith like-minded individualist. Budget £250 pm iticl ("II happv ln share hills. Tel: 07773 364435.

I Male postgraduate siti- deiit seeks llat iti Nevvitigtnri /.‘vleadnvvs/.‘vlarcltiiinnt area

frnnt mid In late _iune. ('all (inr‘tlntt (17771691099 an) little.

I Recent Graduate of SI. Aiitlt‘evvs lint seeks tt/s llal sltat'e. tint vvillitig In pa_v mnre than £200 pcrti. prelerahle itt centre nf lidirihurgh. Tel: 0771 397 7741


I West End flat Superinr cnn- tllllnit. \'ievv facing I'elles Acadetitv & 'l‘nvvat‘ds l’nt‘tli / File. (1(‘11 / NS [500 pctii. Tel 0797 314 9898.

I Flat for rent I l)ntihle. I single rnniii. kitchen/lnungc. hath- rnnm. (i(‘ll. free parking. Bniinirigtnn/Brntightnii area. 450pcni excl. (‘T and hills. (‘nttlaeli (1131 620 1436.

I Tollcross/Bruntsfield (‘nmfv ensv nne hedrnnm flat In let. Fantastic central lncatinii and excellent vievv nf the iticadnvvs. Pnlislted tlnnrs. (i(‘ll & WM. £500 pctii + ("l'. Avail immed. liileeri 0| 31 667 4472 (aft 6pm) I Small, bright flat fnr I per- .snn nr cnuple iii v'erv central Inca- tintt. Avail fnr shan term let. .\'nn- .smnlset' prelet‘t‘etl. £411) pcm. (all 0131 667 2339.

I Central, bright, delight- ful 2 hedrnntii tlat. availahle iinvv. Ideal fnr tinti-smnking cnu- ple/Ivvn sharing. (‘eiitral heating. rievv appliances. t‘eceritlv decnrat- ed. sunnv shared garden. £475/inniith. 0131 346 I089

Portobello luxury semi- detached hnuse recentlv rennvated. 3 hed~ rnnnis. 2 enstiite hathrnnm. large lnungc. dining t‘nntti. kitchen. private parking. £1 100 petii. Tel 0131 661 7143 (evening) or 07971 252 006

I Easter Road, bright, unfurnished tnp tlnnr llat. Bedrnnni. fitted kitchen. Iivitig rnntti. hathrnnm vvith shnvver. £410pcm. ('all 0131 556 7951

I One bedroom

fully furnished ('nlnnv tlat. t()ff l.niidnn Rnadi. Would suit prnf/prnf cnuple. £495 pciti.

Ill 31 061 (1613 nr (17974 213962 Murrayfield - Coach House. Attractive cnnversinn. Open plan living rnnni. dining rnniii/ kitchen. l'pstairs large master hedrnnm ten-suite). (1(‘ll {X50pcni Tel 07721 389 599 for viewings.

I Tastefully furnished flat in Stnckhridge /l.earninnth. l.ncated vvithitt full} serviced hlnck vvitli cnniiiiuiial gardens and parking. 2 dntihle hedrnnms. kitchen. hall. large living rnniii and hathrnnm. 600 per rtinrith inc lint vvater and service charge. ('all 'I‘nri_v nti 01224 570271 nr 0775 267 2828.

I Dalmeny Street newly, rnndernised clean vv ell decnrated lirst tlnnr nne hedrnnm llat fnr tt/s pt‘nl. l)(i. SH. “’31. £301) pcm. Tel 0131 443 2536.

I Marchmont flat lovely lsI llnnt' full_v furnished flat. 2 dntihles. 1 single. I hn.\ hed- rnntti. All mnd cnns. rievv kitchen and hathrnnm. large lntitige and stud}. Stiit prnfes- sinnal. n/s. £900 + hills. Tel 0131 447 8942 nr 07780 676790.

Polwarth and Haymarket accntiiiiindatinti In let. Single arid I)ntihle rnnms availahle.

Fully furnished. (}(‘Il. all itind cnns. £60pvv+hills fnr single.

£85pvv+hills fnr dntihle. Call Tom on 0831 286 325.

I Modern 2 bed flat. v'ievvs nff Arthurs Seat. Available immediately. £420 pcm. Tel. 0131 332 0167. (Pltniie alter 16/4/01 ).

I Morningside - Maxwell Street - 2 large dnuhle hed- rnnmed llat mnderiiised In a ver_v high standard fnr n/s prnfessinn- al/s. Laminate llnnring. WM. SII. l)(i. (i(‘ll. £520pcm. Phnne 0131 443 2536.

I Meadowbank/Willowbrae Furnished 3 hedrnnm llat tlxdnuhle. 2Xsingle) fitted kitchen. utilitv rnnni. hathrnnm. WMII. enclns'ed garden. nff street parking. Walking distance .‘vIeadnvvhank Spnrts (‘entre excellent slinpping area. 10 mins Princes Street. £500pcnt + hills. lintrv 1 June. 0131 445 7223.

I Easter Road traditional tlat. Bright. spacinus. fresth decnrated hnme. Tvvn hedrnnms. living and ditiirtg rnnm. kitchen. sanded tlnnrs. ()Wlt entrance and garden. (i('II. dnuhle gla/ing. £575 pctii. Call 07941 949 687. I Pleasance, 2 bedroom, tnnderii terraced hnuse. All riind cntis. garden. parking; nevvlv refurbished /decnrated. £525 + ("f/hills. l’rnfs/fatiiilies call Vanessa 0131 667 2313.

I The Shore, Leith (Timherhush). attractive. clean 2 hedrnnm llat fnr n/s prnf/s. avail mm. (‘11. l)(}. WM. .shnvv'er. £490 pcm. 0131 443 2536.

I Comely Bank tl.eariiinnth (‘res'cent ). vvell-decnrated clean. 3 (Intith hedrnnm flat fnf tt/s prnf frniii 1 July. (iCH. DU. WM. SH. £650 pcm. Tel 0131 443 2536.

I Nearest place to a palace. llnlynnd Rnad. hrand nevv lll\ll- r) 1 hedrnnm. 2 hathrnnrii tlat vvith car parking next In parlia- ment and lltilvrtititl Palace. £650 pcm. Tel (1131 443 2536.


Large studio for artists,

craftspenple (it‘ nflice space [H

rent - £100 pm. In cnuntr).l2 miles snttth nf lidinhttrgh.

Phone 01875 822326.

I Playful, positive, emo- tionally intelligent male. late 30s. intn pushing nut the hntindaries. seeks female tn pla_v. share. esplnre arid grnvv vvith. ls gregarious. gnnd Innk— tng. its. ensitinpnlllatt. pt'nles- sinnal. single vv ith tin haggage. llas nff-tlie-vv‘all S()ll. hrnad mind. Phl). diverse friends /interests. l.ikes laughter. arts. music. mnuntaitis. cnnking. travel. nther cultures. Seeks inquisitive. assertive. fun-seek— itig female vvitli snme similari- ties arid an interest in the uricniivetitiniial. an .\'n 412/6 I Rob type (hi fidelity) seeks Bridget Jniies t_vpe. Al.\l~- happy ending. an Nn 414/l0 I Madame De Merteuil seeks Valninnt. Iixtreritel) attractive. vvittv intelligent. arid cnsninpnlitaii iiinderii languages graduate (23) seeks master nf sexual intrigue (cultivated. hand- snme. ruthless. rich and success- ful vvith tin innrals vvhatsnever) fnr nn strings attached. ps}‘c‘ltn- lngicallv exciting. illicit relatiniiship. Picture please. an Nn 414/1 1. I Straight professional female vvhn vvnrks iii hnth (ilasgnvv and [Edinburgh vvnuld like In tneet nevv friends In have fun nights nut and In generally sncialise. an Nn. 414/l

Professional Edinburgh male, 40s. tall. slittt. lit arid hatidsnriie. W'I.TM slim attrac- tive female fnr a fun tin strings discrete relatiniiship.

Box No 41 4/2

I Feminine woman, 24, independent. pear-shaped. prn- fessinnal. Resnlved tn find rnmance. Likes: Natural histn- rv. castles. stater hnmes/gar- dens. Iinjn'v's chncnlate. danc- ing - middle eastern/discn. Seeks genuine. appreciative man. an .\'n. 414/.3

I Authoritative caring man seeks cnmpliant vvnman vvhn might like the nccasinnal firm hand fnllnvved hv tender caresses. Dare )nu suhmit tn _vnur fantasies. an .\'n. 414/4 I 26, male seeks vvnniati vvith depth. Intelligent. adven- turnus vvitlt a genernus spirit and snme interest in glnhaI/cur- rent affairs and the envirnn- tnertt. ('hampagne sncialists vvelenttie. an .\'n. 414/.5

Phil mouse, likes French films. French fnnd and French vv eatlter. I.nnking fnr squeakv clean female 21-34. .‘vlust he as reliable. safe and

straight as the T(}\'. Box No. 414/6

I Fit, forty blond l.ttl_\ WIII‘M gent vvhn is emntinnall} snrted. snciahle. tnr ltiri. l.ist_v activities. rniiiance'.’ 1 ant liapp}. attractive htit think it's innre fun In share adventures. Fife/Iidinhurgh. Bn\ .\'n. 414/7 I Forget about Blair tttts- stis. vnte fnr me? Male. 36. attractive and ttiii lnviiig. intn music and iiinv ies. seeks vvnriiari vv ith titnre hair than William Hague. llns .\'n. 414/S

Serendipity? Shy and single again 30s iiiale seeking sensitive sincere female? I'm a

sell-eitiplnv ed prnfessinnal

graduate. Tall. dark and. I‘m tnld. attractive. liitn the ettlllti

tr_vside. music. reading. travel

and gnnd lllllesl But still tint

meeting the right pel'Mtlll Are

vtiti Inn lnnkitig fnr sntiientie

caring and genuine fni' ftiti. friendship and 1’ Rnntance vs ith a (iS()ll and a vvnrking krinvv l

edge nf ahhrev iatiniisl'.’ llav e never placed an ad hefnreliand. (‘nttld this he _vnur first time In

repl_v'.’l'.’ Box No. 414/9 Athletic Edinburgh babe

6 ft 2itis. 33. seeks happv. fit.

intelligent guv vvitli a Itist fnr

life. fnr decent chat and enter-

tainment value. I)n vtitt meas-

ure tip‘.’ Box No 413/5.

I Glasgow male post- grad, quirk}. funny. reasnn- ahle presentahle. 25. intn music. cinema. reading. ravel. eating. drinking. all the tisual sttiff. seeks similar female fnr vvhat- ever. an Nn 413/9. I Looking to make this _vear speciall Academic Asian female. 28. L‘ti_iti}‘s spnt‘ls. eul— Itire. restaurants. seeks a gradu- ate ntale lavvver. dentist nf simi- lar nature fnr friendship or pns- sihle relatinnship. Plintns appre- ciated. an Nn 413/10. I Musical male 47 vvitli .v'nuthful streak seeks vvnman vvhn cart tune in. In share cnn— certs. festivals. nutdnnrs and all the usual I.istv pursuits. Plintn appreciated. (ilasgnvv area. an Nn. 413/11 I Small feisty Glaswegian male. 36. WIIIM n/s female. age tiniiii- pnrtaiit. fnr cnriipaiiinnship arid mavhe tnnre'.’ Interests include hnnks. vvalking. cinema. music. usual l.ist_v things. an Nn 413/12 I Unappreciated hippy chick? If _v'nii're at the stage nf _vnur life where )‘titi need In lie in frnnt til the npen tire and chill nut. it's time vve met...an Nn. 412/1 I Cute, creative brunette, 27. lnv es art. music and cinema - seeks vvarm-hearted man fnr mnnnlit vvalks. pretentintis cnn- v'ersatinn and. er. rude stuff! .\'n hillvvalkers please? Ilidinhurghi an .\'n. 412/5 I Lovely playful arty female passintiatelv irtvnlved irt life hnping In meet snrted intel- lectuallv and ernntinnallv adv enturnus gentleman fnr stimulating cnnversatinn affec- tinn and pnssihlv rnnre. an .\'n 412/6’. I Sorted, uncomplicat- ed, tall, creative. hlnnde ga_v mart I31 1 WIII‘M snnienne. 26- 36. nnn-smnker. fnr evenings in


nr nut. iiiairil} rinri-scene. linpe- full} leading tn 1-2-1. lidirihurgli. Bn\ .\'. 414 51

I Professional woman, 50, us. vegetarian. interests persnrial develnpmeiit. classical music. keep tit. cnastal and hill vvalkirig. travel. seeks iievv. llt‘ll' scene tertialc cniitacts tnr sup pnrtive friendships and perhaps a relatintiship. llnv \n. 41450

Gay couple Well-travelled prntessintial. alternative. easv gnirtg. lrttn sunshine. tnnd. cale lite. a gnnd laugh. Seek nther hrnad minded cntipletsi ga_v ’les hiati. aii_v riatinnalit}. tnr sncial ising. nia_vhe linltdavs. 3llsI~llls hut ntitlnnk lllt‘l't' inipni'tatit than age. liditihtirgli/arivvvheie.

Box No. 414/55

I Edinburgh gay female 32. likes cinema. hars. ( iS( )ll atid at't. Seeking siriiilai lnt’ friendship. linpeltillv |:l.

llasta prnritnl llns .\n. 414/52 I Quiet but outgoing gu_v. 32. tall seeks like gal. lrttn pulis. cluhs. music and sntiie arts. (‘nuld he ntir luck} (lav? Btu Nit. 414/53

I Attractive woman late 30s. intellectual magpie vvith creative mind seeks spniita rientis. nperi. seiisitiv e vv itli unhnurided cultural interests. references and passinris. (iS()ll essential. liditihurgh area. llnv .\'n. 414/54


OVER 30’ GllIB


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