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National Tour Sponsor

The award winning production returns

“...swift'paced, full”


.Tues 26 - Sat 30 June


TE’JE‘tEm 31 529 6000

34 THE LIST 2-1 Max

\ltiv‘ . 'x x

Exemplary screen acting from Ayesha Dharker, who plays The Terrorist

Event Horizon I Is) 00.. tl’attl .-\ndcrxon. l'S/l'lx'. I007) laurence l-ixhburnc. Sam Neill. Joel} Ricliardxon. 0] man. The crew ot' a rexcuc xhip dixcov er that hell hax been unleaxhcd mxide a mixxing cratt that reappearx near Neptune. ax their dccpext Icarx begin to terrorixe them in

ph) xtcal lorm. lillcctivel} a haunted home movie xet in xpacc. liven! llorimn boaxtx xtunning "Techno .\Iedie\al‘ dexign; but tight cdtting leavex the characterixation and xtor) xtripped to w lllllll an inch ot' their livex. (Enrico. lidinburgh.

Exit Wounds I IS) 0. t:\ndr/ej Bartowiak. l'S. Illtll t Steven Seagal. I).\I.\. tbc minx. ‘\\'hat am I.‘ axkx Steven Seagal'x haraxxed. Iooxe-cannon cop. 'a xhit magnet." ()n the xtrength ol’ thix putrid action mm ie. one would hav e to m}. 'Yex‘. Demoled and dumped into l)etriot'x toughext neighbt\urhootl. the po-l'aced Seagal attendx anger management courxex. beatx the xhit out ol' bad gu} x. and cleanx up xonte naxt} police corruption with the help ol' hip-hop club owner and hi—tech w i/ard l).\l.\. Barlow iak'x t'rantic direction and chopp} editing cannot dixguixe the xluggixhnexx ol‘ the ageing. overweight and out-ot—condition Seagal'x movementx. (leneral releaxe. Faithless (Trolosa) I IS) 00.. tl.iv I‘llniann. Sweden. Ztltltli I.ena lindre. 'l'homax llan/on. Krixter llenrikxon. I55 minx. l'llman'x tine lllttt l'rom her lormer mentor Ingmar Ilei‘gman'x xcript concernx a woman. Marianne tIindrei. who ix happil} married with a much-cherixhcd child. Her relationxhip with orchextra conductor .\Iarkux t llan/ont boaxtx al'tluence and xtabilit). )et w hen hix theatre director pal l)av id tIIenrikxoni makex une\pected advancex xhe conxentx. The allatr leadx to divorce. ugl} emotional game-pla_ving and traged}. and the child manilcxtx the greatext traumax ol~ all. l'llman'x training createx the el't'ect Ul' xtmp opera. lttll re-e\plorex lllL‘ emotional clichex attached to the torm. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow; .-\dam Smith 'l‘heatre. Kirkcald}. The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas 1 l’(ii 0. (Brian Levant. I'S. ltltltli .\Iark .-\dd_\. Stephen Baldwin. 9| nnnx. Thix prequel xhow x l-‘red t;\dd} l and Ilarne} tllaldw int in their bachelor da) x

w hen the} tirxt court \Vilma tJohnxtoni and Belt} tJane Krakowku l. The) are abetted in thix b} a little green alien called (ia/oo t.-\lan (morning I. but are hampered b) the rival attentionx ot' \thma‘x xlim) arixtocratic chum ('hip Rockefeller (Thomax (iibxon l. .-\nd the} all live happil} ever alter. without a trace ol ortgmalit}. /ip or /ext. ()deon. Iidtnburgh.

Full Metal Jacket: tar COO.

tStattlc) Kubrick. l‘K. 1087) Matthew

.\Iodme. l)ortan llarewood. lirmc). It)” nunx. 'lechntcall) et'lectiv e and narrativ cl} balanced depiction ot raw Vietnam t'ecruttx ax the} endure baxic trainmg and the even greaterhorroron the I008 'l‘et ollcnxive. ()ne ol the better Vietnam movieon recent wan. l'(i(‘ ('inemax. Iidinburgh.

Get Carter l lb'l m I \llkc lltttlgex. l'K. l‘l7l l Michael ('aine. Britt Iik‘land. John ()xborne. I I: ininx. (it'l (‘urit'r xtandx out ax a highlight in the artixt t'ormerl} known ax Micklew hite'x career. llix xuperbl) controlled perlornuince ax the relentlexx avenger on a xcore-xettling trip to the North Iiaxt ol~ Iingland onl} makex )ttll w ixh (‘aine had pla) ed more villainx. llodgex grimI} etlective direction provex that )tlll don't need to be ax w'orth_v ax Ken l.oach to make a document ol‘ xocial histor}. (iroxvenor. (ilaxgow.

Girl 1 ISI 0 (David 'I‘olchinxk}. [S 1900) Dominique Swain. Sean Patrick Hatter). Tara Reid. 96 minx. (iirl tellx the xtor} of Andrea (an inxipid Swain) in her linal )eat‘ ol high xchool and laced with making a choice between being a lull time groupie and going to college. So llat II lookx and l'eelx like an l’eature-Iength epixode ol' [fever/n III/1.x (IUD/U with an lttlttoux xprinkling ot~ xex and xwearing. (irrl tailx to engage on all) level. What reall) gallx ix the llaccid. anachronixtic xoundtrack in a tilm that ix part|_v about _vouth'x obxexxion with the pop icon. (iirl xtavx tirml} enxconced in t.\l i'l'\' land. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow.

Le Gout Des Autres I IS) .00 tAgnax Jaoui. trance. 2001 t Jean-l’ierre Bacri. Anne Alvaro. (ierard I.anvin. l 12 minx. Britain doesn't have excluxive rightx on the prm incial claxx L‘UlllL‘tl). Le em}! xhow x the workingx ot. a xmall town. which are brought into ltxfiltS when Jacquex ("axtello tBacrii t'allx tor actrexx and Iinglixh tutor ('lara tAlvaro). a bohemian looking for love but hardl} expecting it Irom Bacri'x crude lactot'} owner. There are a number of other xub-plotx that xhow x Jaoui borrowing ax readil} t’rom t’arce ax the prm incial coined}. The xurprixe ix that the} 're combined to make for .xomething more w‘ixtl‘ullv winning than either form Usually ol‘l'erx. See rev iew. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow; l‘iImhone. Iidinburgh.

Grease (PO) 0... (Randal Kleiser. l'S. l‘)78i John Travolta. Olivia Newton John. Stockard (‘hanning I It) minx. The colourful goingx-on at Rvdell High particularl} the romance of xquare out-ol- tow ner Sandy and tough guy Danny -- ix the xtut‘l‘ ol‘ claxxic mot. ie excapixm. In addition to a plot which groanx with fruxtrated paxxion. brixtlex with gang tensions and

xw ingx with teen verve. the xongx are the