Film index

Katja’s Adventure i l 4 «Ian llcxxclholdt. l)cnmark. WW); SS ininx.

NittL'-}c';ii'—old Kaila hax lhc ad\cnttii‘c ol hci‘

xo lar xhort lllL‘lllllL‘ w hcii xhc accidcntall} cndx up in Ital}. titan} inich troiii hci' l)cnmark hoiiic. l.uckil_\ xhc'x accoiiipanicd b} hcr pct lalcon and lHlll' naught} brothcrx. l‘ilmhotixc. ladinburgh.

The King Is Alive l iii .00. tKrixtian luring. l'S/Scandinax ia. Ztitili Jcnnilcr Jaxon l.cigh. Janct \lc’l‘ccr. Roiiianc Bohrmgcr. lll‘) mmx. 'l‘hc lilinx rclcaxcd undcr thc l)anixh manitcxto ithix ix thc l'ourthi ha\ c ciioi'iiioux pow ci' in [arm ol tapttiring raw. oltcn ph) xical cmotion. ln thix catcgoi') alonc. l.c\ ring‘x liliii c\cclx bc)ond all cxpcctation cxtablixhing thc dircxt ol circumxtanccx: a motlc) crcw ol tourixtx arc xtrandcd in thc middlc ol' thc dcxolatc Namibian dL‘xcrt. lo lilt thc compan) ~x xpiritx w hilc awaiting i'cxcuc. a I'L‘lircd actor xtlggt'xlx llk’} xtagc :1 production ol Shakcxpcarox iiioxt bittcr li‘agcd}. King l,('(lI'. What lollowx ix an iiiiprcxxix c and dramatic dcxccnt into inadncxx ax thcc dcxpci'atc indi\ idualx l'rantically attcinpt to xtay a|i\c. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow; l‘ilmhouxc. lidinburgh.

Last Resorti l5) 0... tl’aw cl l’tt\\'liko\\xki. l'K. 2001i l)ina Kor/un. l’add} ('onxidinc. 7r» iiiinx. In a rundown xcaxidc i‘cxorl on lingland'x xotith coaxt that rcxcmblcx a Sibcrian conccnli'ation camp. rcl'ugccx xcckiiig xhcltcr in Britain arc hcld at thc (imcrnmcnt‘x plcaxurc. lacing interminable imprixonmcnt or cwnlual deportation. Into thix xhaiiiel'ul \cnophobic mcxx blundcrx lama. a young woman

arri\ ing l'i'om .\loxcow with her tcn-_\car-old xon. 'l‘hix ix tough. politicixcd cincnia. rcminixccnt ol~ waking nightmarcx ()rwcll and Kal'ta. l’olixh w ritcr-dit'cctoi‘

l’u“ liktm xkl L‘llccliu‘l) draw x on hix docniiicntar} background. w hilc thc main playcrx arc xupcrb. pat‘tictilarl) ('onxidiiic making onl} hix xccond appcai‘ancc al'tcr hix cxtraordinar) dcbut in :l RUN/H l-or RUNH'U Brim. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow.

Les Enfants Du Siecle l Iii 0. (Diane Klll'}‘x. l‘rancc. 300i l Julicttc Binochc. Bciioit Magimcl. H7 iiiiiix. Klll‘}x ix laxcinatcd by the d} namicx ol' intiniac}. hcrc at itx moxt cuiiibcrxomc and hypcrbolic ax thc tilm dctailx thc lo\ c al'l‘aii' bctwccn Nth century w ritci' (icorgc Sand (Binochci and the young poct Allrcd dc .\ltixxct (Magiincl i. 'l‘hc I'L‘lttlionxhlp ix played out agaian a broad hixtoi'ical map and xo thc l'ainoux Io\ c tllltlll‘ ix an) thing btil undcrxtatcd. and ix thtix dixappointing. l‘ilmhouxc & 'l'hc Lumiere. lidinburgh. Life Is Beautiful tl’( i) 00..

(Roberto Bcnigni. Ital}. I‘Ntx'i Robcrlo Bcnigni. Nicolctta Braxchi. I lo iiiiiix. :\ comcd} about the llolocauxt'.’ Surcl} not. Well. that‘x what Italian w ritcr-dircctor-xtar Bcnigni hax donc in laxhioning a poignant comic lablc abotit thc rcxilicncc ol‘ thc human xpii'it and thc pow cr ol‘ thc imagination. .-\ humanc and mo\ ing lilm. (ii‘oanor. (ilaxgow; 'l’hc Lumici'c. lidinburgh.

The Little Vampireil'i 00. (Hi lidcl. l'K. Ztltltli Rollo \Vcckx. Richard li.

(iranl. Jonathan l.ipnicki. 95 minx. lull-V il.ipiiickii. lrcxh hour the orangc grmcx ol ('alil'ornia. mmcx with liix family to bcautilul Scotland. llc quick!) bccomcx thc inoxt unpopular kid in hix claxx. but lindx a pla} matc w hcn a tcn-)car-old \ampirc comcnicnll} lallx down liix chimnc)‘. (‘an 'l‘ony join in thc tiucxt for thc mixxing amulct and hclp the langcd Rudolph and hix lamil} bccomc huiiian'.’ l)cxpitc itx lloll}wood rc- \'amp. Ancha Sommcr-Bodcnburg‘x w c“- lo\cd nowl ciiici'gcx with itx xcnxc (it fun intact. llow cxci'. w hilc thix liliii certainly tlUCSll‘l xtlck'. ultiinatcl}. it lackx i‘cal bitc. l-‘iliiilioiixc. lidinburgh; ()dcon. l)unl'crmlinc.

Malena 1 l5) .. t(iiuxcppc 'l‘ornatorc. Ital}; Boot l .\lonica Bcllucci. (iiuxcppc Sullaro. Luciano l‘cdci'ico. 03 minx. .'\n outxidcr in a xmall Sicilian town during World War Two. Malcna thllucci) ix rcgardcd b} thc localx with a mix ol' luxt. cm) and xuxpicion. We xcc hci' through I:- }car-old narrator. Renato'x dcmtcd c}cx. ax hc xpicx \o} curixticall} on her and ham her into the co-xtar ol hix maxturlxitor)~ lantaxicx. 'l‘hcrc‘x xoiiicthing ol‘l’cnxn c about the w a} 'l‘oriiatorc uxcx MalCrra‘x latc to pro\ idc liix )oung protagonixt with a lcxxon in thc i‘calitit-x ol' the adult world. But the lilm‘x mix of w himxical coming-ol-agc comedy and lingcr-wagging moral l'ablc lL‘m Cx lhc \ it“ L'l' lCL‘llllf.‘ t]llL‘tIx_\‘. .\lacRobcrt. Stirling.

The Mexican 4 Hr O... ((iorc \ci'binxki. l'S. 200] i Julia Robcrtx. Brad Pitt. JamCx (iandollini. 133 minx. Though it paii‘x two ol‘ lloll_\ wood'x mnxl bankablc and

Reality TV taken to the extreme in the hard-hitting satire Series 7: The


attractix c xtarx. Brad Pitt and Julia Robci'tx. 'I’liv .lli'tium pla}x like a low budch iiidic lilm. l’itt'x dumb dtidc Jcrr} ix xcnt to .\lL'.\lCU h) lllL' limb to I‘L‘L'tn L'l‘ lltL‘

cpon} motix curxcd antiquc pixtol. ()l' courxc. thix xuppoxcdl} ximplc taxk turnx out to bc anything but. not Icaxt bccauxc Jcrr} 'x

ha\ ing ‘i'clationxhip ixxucx‘ with hix gii'll'ricnd. thc uptight Samantha iRobcrtxi. l-‘ull ol' doublc croxxcx and unlorlunatc accidcntx. plux a li\ c xtai‘ pcrl'ormancc l'i'om 'I'lit' Supnmm‘ (iandollini. lhc xtor} tw ixtx and turnx in a conxtantl} amuxiiig manner. (icncral l‘L'lL'tth‘.

0 Mildred Pierce il’(ii COO. iMichacl ('iii‘til. l'S. I‘MSi Joan (‘raw'lord. Jack ('arxon. Zachar} Scott. I 13 minx. (’raw lord cxcclx ixhc won an ()xcar) ax thc titular woman who turnx her back on hcr huxband and bccomcx a xucchxl'ul rcxtaurantcur. w hilc lighting hcr own xcllixh daughter tor the heart of a pla} boy (Scotti and gctting embroiled in a murdcr plot. Yicwcd b} xoinc ax thc xort ol' xtrong woman'x l'ttlL' that ix xo cluxi\ c toda}. xuggcxtion that death l'ollow x w hcn a woman abandonx thc kitchcn xiiik ix actually prctt} patronixing. See review and (ia) xcction. liilinhouxc. lidinburgh.

Miss Congeniality t IZi O

tDonald l’ctric. l'S. Ztltll i Sandra Bullock. Michael (’ainc. ('andicc Bcrgcn. I It) minx. Bullock'x (iracic llart L'()ll\l(lL‘r\ hct‘xcll'jltxl one ol' the gu_\x in thc l'Bl. So xhc'x none too thrilch w hcn xlic ix choxcn to inliltratc thc rankx ol' ‘bikini xltlllcrx' in thc .\lixx l'nitcd Statcx l’agcant in a bid to catch a l'nalmmbcr-likc tcrrorixt. 'l'hc galuiiiphing.

chariiilcxx (ii'acic iiccdx a inakcm ci (‘uc (‘ainc'x dctiockcd pagcant guiu to attcmpt thc nioxt iiiii'actiloiix traiixtormation xiiicc llcnr} lligginx got hold ol l'll/d Doolittlc Bullock throw x hcixclt w holcrhcaitcdl} iiito thc procccdingx. xubmittmg hci chaiactci to a xciicx ol undignilicd piatlallx \x thc

llll“ ICK l‘lt‘tlllt'k'l. xlk‘ Hill} llax ltt'txt‘ll lll blamc. (icnci'al iclcaxc

The Mummy Returns 1 13,000 (Stcphcn Somiiicrx. l S. will i Bicndan l‘l.I\t‘l. Rachcl \\cix/. .loliii llannah tbc nimx 'l'hc plot ot thc xcqucl to thc xiiiaxh hit pcriod ad\cnlurc icxolxcx around Rick and lix ic ()'('oiincll'x il'raxci' and \Vcix/i piltcring ot anciciit l-g_\ptian toiiibx. a daik cult locach in thc Bi'itixh \liixcuin and lhc lcgcnd oi a warrior who pi’omixcd hix xoul to thc god .-\nlll\Ix Sllllll _\c.ii‘x ago g\l\xtii‘dl} high octanc action ciiicina. tipping thc balancc right «on into coincd) and xoiiictinicx larcc. (iood inn. and a good dcal iiioi‘c than a |a/_\ xctiucl. (icnci'al i‘clcaxc. Mutiny On The Bounty t H ii 0000 (Frank l.lo}d. l'S. I‘HSI ('hai'lcx Laughton. (’lark (iablc. l'i'anchot lont‘. 133 llllltx laughton wax madc to bc thc l)l‘.tltlll\‘ttl ('aptain Bligh. (iablc ix pci'lcct ax thc charixmatic inatc who tuinx againxt him and lcadx thc mutin}. .-\n ()xcai w iniici'. a grcat adxcnturc and a wondcrlul piccc ol xtor}tc|ling. (ii'oxxcnoi. (ilaxgow

My Dog Skip tl'i .0. iJa_\ Rtixxcll. l'S. lelllli Km in Bacon. l)ianc l.anc. l‘l‘dllklt‘ .\luni/. 05 iiiiiix. .1/\ Dog Ski/i ix an unaxhamcdl) xcntnncntal comingolragc xtor) about a ninc-_\car-old ho} 'x rclationxhip with hix pct Jack Riixxcll tci'rici'. xct during World War 'l‘wo in thc xiiiall \lixxtxxippi tow n ol Ya/oo, 'l'hc lilm caxtx a noxtalgic glow in ci' thc paxt. btit ll docxn't xh} awa) from going iix glimpxcx ol harxhci i'caliticx. including nodx to thc ci'a'x i'acixni and thc traumaon war. Btit thc pi'c\ai|iiig mood ix appropriately onc ol gcntlc

xw cctncxx. St Bridc‘x ('cntrc. lidinburgh, Mysteries Of Egypt t t 'i i Brut-t- .\'cibaur. l'S. 200] l ()mar Sharil. Katc Mabcrl). minx. ()mar Shai'il xtarx in thc lirxt National (icographic film to appcar in l.\l.-\.\'. imparting talcx ot tomhx. ti'caxurcx and thc ama/ing acliicwiiiciitx ol' thix ancicnt ci\ ilixation. IMAX ’l'hcatrc. (ilaxgow.

O 101 Reykjavik t is» sooo tBallaxai‘ Koriiiakur. lccland. 2001 l llilinir Sna'i' (iudnaxoii. Victoria Abi'il. XX minx. lll} nur ((iudnaxoni ix a twcnt} xoinclhiiig who xtill li\cx at home with liix xinglc iiiothcr. drinking the long da}x aw a} and xurling thc intcrnct l'oi' pornography But lllynur gctx thc wakc up call ol liix lllt‘

w hcn he bcdx liix mothcr'x bcautilul Spanixh l'riciid. l.ola ts‘xbrili. (ml) to dixco\cr xhc‘x hix nium‘x lcxbian lm cr. thn thc inlidclit) ix i'c\calcd. thc lilin bccomcx a comedy ol' uncaxc. charting xittliltil'l}‘ qucax} territory ax l)a\ id t). Rtixxcll tS/mnki/ig 'I‘lii' .llmi/wi i. lt'x a xmarting black comcd} with a xnow -whitc background and thc pulxating xcorc by Damon Albarn ciiiphaxixcx thc lilm'x cool crcdcntialx. SCL‘ lcatttt'c and rm Icw. (ilfl‘. (ilaxgow; (‘aiiit-o. ladinburgh.


Monsters. Man-eating whales. Child dictators. Your kids will love it.

Theatre Throughout June the Tron will be running a series of four plays especially for children. This might sound a bit precrous, but we’re sure Bar it will be an experience that will stay With you and y0ur kids forever. (Will they really remember ali those Holiywood “blockbusters”?) RBStalfl'am

Live theatre’s a buzz and your RIdS will love yoa for it. For details of all the plays, give us a call on 0141552 4267.


36 THE LIST 2-1 May—T Jun 2031