Film index

1 02 Dalmatians I l l 0.. ils'cx in lama. l'S/l 'ls'. 2000i (ilcnn (‘Iosc. (icrard Dcpaidicu. Ioaii (irultudd. UH iiiins. ('i‘ucIIa‘s hack, .'\nd this timc shc's I'.IIa.

'I hanks to a shot oi iiiiiidailtcriiig I’a\ Io\ iati ticatnicnt during Iici sla} at Ilci .\Iaicst'\‘s I’Icasui‘c. thc Iai‘gcr than Iitc haddic is i‘cIcascd into thc coiiiiiiunit} as an animal- oning philanthropist. ()nl} \shcn Big Ilcn sti‘ikcs tn cl\c docs thc spcII snap. Ictting hci‘ rc\crt to charactci. hci passion tor Dalmatian lur i‘cncxscd. III: is a gcticratioii on trom thc oiigiiial cutc caiiincs. hut thc shapc ot thc stor} is \ ti'tuaII} idcntical. \shilc thc script‘s too caught up in thc machinations ot thc human \sorld to go c llic dogs ciiotigIt ol a look in, Sclcclcd i'cIcasc_

One Night At McCool’s i ISI 0. iIIaraId /.\sart. [8. 200] i I,l\ 'I”_\Icr. Matt Dillon. .Iohn (ioodman. ‘H mins. ‘l'his comic film noir oI lot‘ccd laughs and unltkcahlc charactcrs I'ollous thrcc nicn (Dillon's hartciidci'. (ioodman‘s dctcctn c and Paul Rciscr's attoriic} l cnsnarcd h} thc sainc lcmmc Iatalc (I) Icri. \sho rcIatc thcii' coIIcctn c soh stol‘} Irom dil'Icrciit pct'spccli\cs. Kin/NIH“!!! st} It. l'nlikc. \il}. Linda I‘iorcntino iii 'I'lu' lust Seduction. this tilm ot'tcrs no Iiirti\ c plcasurc iii \satching an intclligcnt. amoral \soman

hax c Iicr \\ ickcd \sa). and hccomcs incrcasingl} iiiipi‘ohahlc as thc onc-notc

I} IL‘I‘ gi\cs thc sad It'lU “hat thc) tlc‘sL‘H c. Sclcctcd t'clL'Usc.

Pearl Harbouri ISi (Mich;th Ba). t'S. 3001) Bctt .'\t'tIcck. Josh IIai‘tiictt. Katc llcckinsalc. mins. ()n Sunda} morning. 7 Dcccmhci' I‘M 1. Japan Iaunchcd a surprisc attack on thc l'S \a\al hasc at I’carl llai‘houi'. llanaii. 'I‘hc attack dc\astatcd l'S I'orccs; in i'csponsc :\ntcrica canic out oI isolation and ciitci‘cd thc thcatrc oI \sai‘. ()uitc an acliicwinciit. not much rccrcating thc homhing oI' l’carl llarhour tthc lilm's sccncs oI dcstruction makc Jamcs ('amcron's sinking oI thc Titanic look Iikc a drop in thc occani. hut also turning .-\mcrica's catastrophic ch'cat into a dramatic \ ictor}. ’l'o this cud Ba} and sci'ccms ritcr Randall \Vallacc t/fmi'c/ii'urli arc using thc dcsli'tictioii ol l’carl Ilai‘hour as a backdrop to thc li\ cs oI a small group of indi\ iduals. l\\o soung II)ho_\s and a hcautil'ul. dcdicatcd nursc. Scc prc\ icxs. (icitcral rclcasc.

Princes And Princesses it'i t.\lichc| ()cclot. l-‘rancc. 1000i 70 iiiins. Imaginati\ c animach lilm in \shich a ho} and a girl stagc a sct'ics oI ama/ing advcnturcs \\ ith thc hpr of a magic stor} -inaking machinc. (it'oo\ y. l'ilmhousc. lidinhurgh.

Relative Values tl’(il .00 iliric SI} IL's. l'K. 2000i Jlllic .-\ndrc\\ s. ('olitl I'it‘th. Stcphcn H}. 3‘) mins. .\'ocl (‘msard's \tllil’c UI' thc lil‘ilislt L’ltlss s}‘slc‘lll clt'L‘tl I954 sccs spoilt hrat .\'ich iliduard .-\ttcrtoni upsct thc .\Iarsh\\ood houscliold \shcn hc brings :\incrican acti'css Miranda t'l'ripplchorni homc to announcc his cngagcincnt. .\lodcrn audicnccs ma} tind it difficult to idcntiI} \\ ith ('msat'd’s nms datcd pla) \\ ith its patronising uppcr classcs. scrs ilc Iotsct' oncs and inisog} nist

Falkirk Town Hall

Sun 27th May Almost Famous (15) 5:00pm Shadow of a Vampire (15) 7:30pm

Wed 30th May

The Apartment (U) 7:30pm Sun 310’ June

Best in Show (12) 5:00pm Terminator (18) 7:30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

38 THE LIST I.I;t'.- 7 Jun 200‘.

An enthusiastic ruff or repulsive yuck for See Spot Run, depending on whether you like your kids’ films cheesy and sentimental or not

attitudc to \mmcn hut il' )0“ can put _\our (in n \aIucs on hold. thcrc arc somc laughs to hc had. ()dcon. lidiiihurgh.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie il'i .0. (Stig Hcrgtpist. I’auI I)L'IIIL')t‘I'. 18'. MIDI i Voiccs ot'('hristinc ('mauaugh. Susan Sarandon. Dcth Rc_\no|ds. 77 units. 'I‘hc antics oI thosc diapcr-clad undcr 5s. 'I‘oinm}. ('huckic. Dil. Phil and HI. and tormcnting hig cousin :\ngclica. makc a gi‘cat kids cartoon. Bcttcr than its prcdcccssor. Rug/ms In Paris has thc gang dcsccnding on I{urorcptarland trcad Iiurodisiic} i. \s‘hci'c conniving Angclica li\cs up mothcrlcss ('huckic and his i—‘ullihlc Iathcr. ('has. \\ ith thc \ illaiiious ('oco l.a Bottchc \\ ho hatcs childrcn. 'I‘o sa\ c ('huckic thc kids hijack thc giant rohotic chtar and racc l’or .\'otrc Damc to stop thc \\cdding. l.i\cl}. \sclI-paccd cntcrtainmcnt t'or _\oungcr chiIdi‘cn. and

just smart cnougli for most adults. (icncral


Save The Last Dance 1 I3» .0. t'I‘hoinas (‘artctz l'S. 200] i Julia StiIcs. Scan Patrick Thomas. I 12 tiiiiis. 'I‘hc hrcniisc. as \sc'll rccall t'rom dancc tilms Iikc [mi/mm. is simpIc: [\so kids Irom disparatc backgrounds arc throw it togcthci h} a common Io\ c ot‘ dancc Illlhlt‘. In this instancc. I'CL‘L‘lIll} lk‘l'cm Cd hallct sltldcltl Sara (Stilcsi sparks a clash oI culturcs \xhcn shc cnroIs in a prcdomiiiantI} hlack ('hicago hiin school and niccts Dci'ck t'I'homasi. a )oung. gilitcd and hlack hip hop cnthusiast. Io hc acccptcd. Sara must Icarn thc to) s ol halt) shaking and Duck. as \sc'd c\pcct. is old} too happ} to thp. It's all \cr) \\\CCI and it _\ou'rc susccptihlc l0 lL‘ClI-I‘llt‘lsN ttlttl dttltc‘i.‘ llttt\ lL‘s. lItls \\ III almost ccrtainl} Ica\ c a \\ arm tching in sour tumm). Sclcctcd rclcasc.

See Spot Run mm 000 «John \Vltitcscll. l'S. 200! l Da\id Aquic-iic. .\Iichac| (‘Iai‘k Duncan. l’aul Son mo. ()0 mins. 'I'his shagg} -ish dog stor) is about .-\gcnt I I. tltc liBl‘s gi‘catcst sniIIcr dog . \\ho is \xantcd h)‘ thc Mafia aItcr taking a hitc out of thc hoss' halls during an ari'cst, Running alongsidc this stor) is that oI haplcss mailman (iordon (Artiucttci \\ ho is in Io\ c \\ ith his hcautit'ul ncighhour Stcph

and \\ ill do an}thing to imprcss ha and hcr

son Jamcs. 'I'hings start to gct all too pi'cdictahlc \shcii (iordon cnds up Iookiiig al'tcr Jamcs I’ot' sc\cra| da} s and tlic tno hccomc thc oxs ncrs ot' a stra} dog \\lto. sui‘prisc. surprisc. is :\gcnt I I. iust cscapcd l'roin an attcmptcd Malia assassination. Scc l‘L'\ ic\\. (icttt‘t'al l'L‘lL‘usc.

Senso (H it C... iI.uchino \‘isconti. Ital}. IVS-ll :\lltl;t \‘aIIi. litti’lc} (ii‘aitgct'. Massimo (iirotti. l|5 mins. \cnicc |.\'(i(i. and .-\|ida \'aIIi\ marricd iiolilcxsoiiiaii compromiscs hcr \sork on hchall oI Italian indcpcndcncc h} Itllllllf: iii lo\ c \\ ith ot'liccr (irangcr trom thc imading x\tistriaii arm}. 'l’hough inlcrior to his Iatcr Risot'gimcnto cpic 'l’lit’ lt’o/iuril. this cai‘I} I'Ioucring ol \‘isconti's incrcasingl) opcratic st} Ic is hcautit'ull} mounch on a grand scalc. 'Icnncsscc Williams and Paul lion Ics collahoratcd on a hca\ il} cut and hadl} duhhcd \ci‘sion I'oi' unI'ortunatc Amcrican audicnccs. 'I‘hc I.uinicrc. lidiiihurgh. Series 7: The Contenders i isi O... i|)anicl \Iinahan Brookc Smith. .\Iar_\ Iouisc Burkc. (ilcntt I'it/gcrald. 37 mitts. You will dic. unlcss )ou can kill Ii\ c othcr contcndcrs first. You arc giscii a gun. pursucd h} a camcraman. monitorcd h} glohal thc\ ision s_\ stcms atid IcI't to pla} thc gainc. 'I‘hcsc arc thc rulcs oI 'I‘lit' ('mttcltt/t'ri. lhc hottcst l'S i‘caIit} '|’\' shou and tictioiiaI suhicct oi \si'itcr-dircctor .\linahan‘s qttilc hrilliant dchut. I)i'a\s mg from his background in tahloid documcntar}. Minahan has crcatcd a grucsoinc satirc on atidicncc \o} curism that is as disturhingl} lamiliar as it is coiiiicall} absurd. 'l‘hc idca is rcpuIsn c and _\ct thc action is cngi'ossing. It‘s Iikc (i/m/iuiors tor thc 3 I st ccntur}. Scc rm tcu. ('amco. Iidinhurgh.

Shadow Of The Vampire i tSi O... ili. l'.Iias \Icrhigc. l‘S. ltitll i \Villcm Dat'oc. John .\Ia|ko\ ich. Izddic Il/ard. ‘)| tnins. IIIuminatcd h} a rcmarkahlc pcrtormancc t'roin Datoc. this sI_\ horror Iollous thc IiIming ot I: \V. \Iurnau’s silcnt classic .Vrn/(‘I'UIIL .-\rri\ ing tn Iiastcrn litiropc tor location shooting. .\Iurnau i.\laIko\ ichi \sat‘lts his cum that thc man Who is to pla} \iistci‘atu tDatoci is a mcthod actor u ho inhabits his rolcs complctcl}. \Vhat .\Iurnau hasn‘t told thcm

is thc c\tciit ot his\ tamiIiaiit) \\llIl thc “ass ot thc undcad \s thc incidcnt» tiIch shoot contiiiucs and Human hccoiiics hIiiidI} ohscsscd \\ ith tinishiiig thc pictuic. thc tiIm uItiiiiath_\ hccoiiics a tonguc in chcck mcditation on diicctois \ino \\ lIl do aii)thtiig to gct thc pcitcct shot Sclcctcd l'c‘lt‘dM‘ Small Soldiers rim» 0. i.loc Dantc.l S. I‘NM lsiistcii Dtinst. (iicgoi) Smith. Dciiis I cats I It) mins Dantc pItiiidcis his anarchic Ii\ c action caitoon talc. (in iiifim. \lll‘sllllllllt;' toss toi IittIc dc\ ils and adding statc ol thc ait coiiipuiciiscd cttccts l llIi'lllIlldlCI}. \iiiii/l \o/it'ii I\ dispIa_\ s nonc ot tlic sadistic mischict. iioi thc kiio\\iiig ('apia cstiuc \shims) ot its aiitcccdcnt Sanitiscd. liland atid liattaI (il’li. (ilasgtm The Smallest Show On Earth it‘i IllaslI l)\'.ll\l\‘ll. l WSW l’t‘lt'l Scllcis. .\I.iigaict Is’uthcitoid. \ iiginia \Icls'cnna. .Rl miiis \nd oiic ot thc gicatcst homagcs to cincma l‘his \sondcilul L'L‘t't‘llll'lt‘ t't‘lllt‘tl} \Ct'\ .t )t‘llllg‘ \‘Ulll‘lt‘ iiihcriting a tIcapit ciiicma. I'hc Iliiou. and struggling to saxc it liom closuic \shcn a pictuic palacc. I'hc ( iiand. opcns aiotiiid thc coi'nci. taking tIicir husiiicss a\\a_\. It sou madc that film iio\\. ot couisc. sou \sotild Iia\ c to tccast I‘Iic lli'aitd as IItc Iliiou and hung iii a multiplcs Sad tiiiics (ii'os\ciior. (ilasgon. Spite Marriage tl‘iOOOOO tl'.tl\\;tlll St‘tlg'HICk. l'S. I‘IJ‘II Illlslt‘l Kcalott. Doroth) Schastian. Induaid IzaiIc H" mins ls'caton's IinaI siIcnt tcatuic is a classic. c\cn h} thc pi'ankstci 's mm high standaids 'I'hc IamiIiar ls'catoii csquc talc ot aii incoiiipctcnt )oiiiig man \siiining thc da} and girl against thc odds is cIc\atcd Ii} somc supci‘h sct picccs including a tight aboard a ship. l-iliiihousc. lzdiiihuigh Spy Kids i l i O... tRohcit Rodriguc/. IS. 3001 I .\ntonio Handcias. Ian Cumming. (‘arIa (Iiigino. 3" mins. I ikc an} )otiiig childrcn. (‘ai'mcii and .luIi ('ortc/ haihoui Iiopcs oI madcap adwntuic. hut unlikc iiiosi childicn thcit' appai‘cnt|_\ normal parcnts arc top intcrnational supci spics. \thn thc} 'ic kidiiappcd as part iii a tlttslttl'tll} [\Ittl Ill (It‘\ll'H\ lllc \\Hl'lll. L‘tiokctl tip Ii} kook} iiiastci'iiiind I'cgan Hoop i('umming i. it hills to thc chiIdi'cn to saw thc uorld. Ritc \sith Iaiitas}. spccial ctlccts \\ i/ai‘di‘} and Iiigli octanc IhiiIIs. .\/i\ Kit/x is particularl} cnio}ahlc hccausc it‘s thc cIiiIdt'cn and not thc adults that ultimatcl} sa\c tltc da_\. (icticral rcIcasc. Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace it»... i(icoi'gc Iticas. l'S. I‘N‘H Izuan .\Ic(ircgor. I,iaiii .\'ccsoii. .\'atalic l’oi'tiiiaii. I32 iniiis. ()ii thc surlacc. thc pIot structiuc isn‘t a million light _\cai‘s aua} Iroin thc original Slur llilH. In \ isual tcrms. 'l/ic' l’liiuiioni .I/t'iim 1' stands alonc in thc cincmatic unncrsc. .-\t tiiiics )ou'd thiiik thci‘c \sas morc animation than Inc action on scrccn and ma}hc it's this toning doun oI thc human clcmcnt that has IcIt thc Iiliii lacking soul. (‘ainco. lidinhurgh. State And Main 1 Iii 0.. IDa\ id .\Iamct. l'S. Ititll l William H. Mac}. Rchccca I’idgcoii. I’hilip Scynour lIoIIiiian. I02 mins. (incn that irascihlc pla} nright/tilinmakcr \lamct has iicxcr shicd ana} Irom Iaiiihasting Hollywood. it‘s surprising that this satii'c on studio tilininaking is rclatncl} gcntIc. 'I'his cotiiic talc ot' \xhat happcns \shcn a IIoII} \sood lilm crcv. o\ci‘runs a sIccp} Izast ('oasl coiiiinunit} is PHslIHL'I} (‘apracsquc iii its uhimsical admiration ot small town Iilc and thc \\IIIIII\_\ and satirc don't sit \\ cII togcthci‘. lIai‘d-iioscd \Iamct is no ('apra; hc should stick to what hc docs hcst: totiin (‘hicago gangstcrs and unscrupulous coii mcn. Sclcctcd l'clcasc. Surreally Scozzese l ISI 0... tlinrico ('oco/Ia. l'K. 105m 70 iniiis. (‘oco/Ia u. as an Italian immigrant v. ho scttlcd in Scotland. I5} da} hc \tas aii acadcmic. h} night an undcrground lilmiiiakci' \xhosc \sork raiigcd troin nightmarc Iantas} tIii/iimnuzm‘uu to social rcaIism t.\'im' ()'('/m A l. 'l‘his programmc includcs a docuincntar} on ('oco/Ia pltis thrcc ol' his tilms. (il’l‘. (ilttsgtm.