Rock & pop

Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:


Virgin, Buchanan Galleries. 332 4400

Credit card bookings from: It(,‘l<(3l Link: 287 53511.

Way Ahead: (389 8383.


Virgin Princes Street. 220 (3234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 434$)

Way Ahead 0141 (3139 8383


I Ronan Keating and Fixate SIi('('. I‘innicston Quay. 0870 040 4000. (i.3()piii. £20 plus hookitig lcc. Ronaii‘s ditchcd thc ‘I can sing. mc' anntw ing vocal manncrisms and attcmptcd to go a hit rocky with thc songwriting assistaiicc of thc .\'cw Radicals' (ii'cgg Alcxandcr. .ludging h} tIic audicncc at his last solo show in (ilasgow. hc is managing to takc lhc loyal Boy/mic tans with him.

I Muse Barrow land. (iallowgatc. 552 4(i0l. 7.30pm. £l0.50 plus hooking l'cc. No agc rcstriction on this show. .\'cw alhtim ()rigin ()_/‘.S'.\‘mnii'lri' is in thc ollitig from this scrious-iiiindcd trio who Iikc to do that crackiiig-up—hct'oi'c-your- cycs thing w'licn thcy pIa)’ Ii\'c. Probably not much tisc advising than to chill out. tlicn.

I Roger McGuinn and Juliet Turner ()Id ld‘tlillllill‘ls’t‘l. Alhion Strcct. 287 55] I. 8pm. £15 t£l3l. l-‘ormcr l3)l’tls titttiltsltt) pcrt‘oriiis sw'cct cottlttt‘)‘ rock including sonic old standards on his tradcmark I2-string Rickcnhacku'. Support from Irish singcr/songwritcr who has ductch with Brian Kcnncd)’ and supportcd ['2 Part e/‘Ii’ig Big ('euiitria I Sustained and Caucasian Male King 'I'ut‘s \Vali Walt Hill. St Viiiccnt Strcct. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £3.50 tadVancc). £4 tdoot‘l. (‘hangc to ptililic‘iscd show.

I Biosphere, Fennesz and Hazard 'I‘ramwa)‘. Alhcrt I)ri\'c. 287



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50 THE LIST 2‘1 Mat—7 Jun 2001

.3900, 8pm. £8 t£4i. Biosphci'c is tlic nom dc hlccp ol' \orwcgian (icir .lciiscn who madc a namc tor himsclt' during tlic amhicnt tcchno hoom ot' thc carl} ‘l0s and cndcd tip soundtracking a In i‘s ad. w liilc I'cllow cspcrimcntalists I-cnncs/ hail troin .-\tistria and IIa/ai'd troiii chdcii.

I Link 80 and 5 Knuckle Shufer 'I‘hc ('athousc. l'nioii Strch 248 (touts 7.30pm. £0.50 plus hooking lcc. ()ter- l4s show Rock.

I Bob Cately, Ten and Gypski Straw hcrr} I‘iclds, ()swald Sti'cct. 22I 787l. 8pm. £8.

I Kirby, Proforma and Akira 'l IIL‘ I5Ilt \tilt‘ (illlii. (IHIC Slt'cc‘l. 24.3 2 I 57. 8pm. £5. 'I'hrcc hands pcrloriii thc songs ul Madonna.

I Ouch presents Jamboli (‘amas ((1 Aria. I30lo \Valls Strcct. 552 210I. I0pm. £4 t£3l. I)_ls and In c iiitisicians tcain up tor oiic almight} tiink~|ioiisc- rock-hip hop jam.

I 'IIIL‘ I5Ilt .\'otc (idlc. King Sum. 553 I638. 0pm. £2.

I Hillman’s Blues Band Studio ()IIL‘. I3} I‘L‘s Road. .34I (i5lh. ‘lpm. I'i'cc. (icrman touring hand with a (‘Iiicago hlucs IlllIllL‘llCL‘.

I Vagabonds ‘I‘hc Sc‘tilitt. Stock“ cll Sti'cct. 552 8(i8I. 8.30pm. I-i‘cc. l’opular

I Jam Session Saiiiucl I)ow ‘s, Nithsdalc Road. 423 0I07. 8.30pm. l-i‘cc. I Live Music .\'icc 'n' Slcal}. Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)(i37. 0pm.


I Ozric Tentacles 't‘lic liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 225 25(i4. £I I. \ctci‘an tindcrground t'oragcrs who straddlc ja/l. ps) chcdclia. prog rock. duh and dancc ctiltiirc. .\'ot had tor a hand namcd at'tci' aii illtttgillill'} hrcaklast cci'cal. 'I'hcir Iatcsl alhtim l’i'rumi'ilren indulgcs thc hand‘s intci‘cst in Iig}ptolog_\.

I Sad Society and The Swellbellies (‘al'c St .lamcs. 25 St Jamcs Shopping ('ciitrc. (‘athcrdral lanc. ()I’lll. I‘rcc. 'I‘hc I’till Moon ('luli lircsciits two of Iidinhtirgh's top punk acts.

I The Cherryfire Ashes and Bendy Toy llci-ioi-Wati t'iutci-sii} l'nion. Riccarton. 45l 5333. ‘)pm. I'i'cc. Starshapcd Rccords Night with indic rock I‘l‘om 'l‘hc (‘Ilc‘l'i'ylil'c :\sltc.\ and L'XL‘L‘IIL'III clcctronic daiicc action l‘rom llciid} Io}. I Degrassi, Stapleton and Blueprint \Vcc Rcd Bar. lidinhurgh ('ollcgc oIAi't. I.atii'iston I’lacc. 22‘) I442. 9pm. £3. 'I’riplc hill ot‘ indic with licai _\' piiiikisli lIilVUlll'Ctl sounds l'roin l)cgrassi. and angular guitars and Vocals Irom trio Staplcton.

I Soulspace Bongo ('luh. H Nch Strcct. 558 7604. 0pm. £5 t£4i. Inspircd hcats and gi'om'cs I'rom tIic Soulspacc (‘ollcctix'c comprising o\ci' 40 Iii c pcrlorincrs (l'ormcrly 'I’hc .\lonasti'} ()l' Sound).

I Reluctant Buffalo and Gold Rush Iigo. I4 I’icard)‘ I’Iacc. 478 7434.

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0 Mirror Man (‘owaiic 'l‘licaii'c. (‘owaiic Sti'cct. 0|"8h 473544. 7 30pm. £I2 H28», .v\\ant gai'dc tolk thcatrc \Iii‘roi' .\laii ta (icogi‘aph) ot Sound in 2 v\ctsi is a iiii\tiirc ol music and drama ti'oiii

l)a\ id Illttlltds with tlic l’alc ( )i'chcsti'a and (iIIUI'llN I’at't HI I.L‘ \\Ck‘lst'lltl. St‘c‘ Plt'\ IL'\\.


I Echo And The Bunnymen 'l'lic (iai‘agc. Satichicliall Sti'cct. 332 I I20, 7pm. £l| plus hooking tcc. Scc prc\ icw Itil' IIIL' lttlt‘sl \ktil'tls HI \\ istlttllt lt'itlll l.i\crpool lip \lac .\Ic('iilloch and his l'cllow Scotisc ianglci‘s.

I Bob Brozmann atid Woody Mann 'I‘llt' I‘t‘l'l’}. (.I.\tlt' MARC. 42‘) .soTo. 7.30pm. £ I0 I £8i, 'Iickcts li'oiii 'I‘ickct ('cntrc. (Xiiidlci‘iggs. 28" 55l l. l"iiigt‘i‘|iic'kiii' good hlucs guitar \ Il'ltlttsll} li'oiii this duo. also appcai‘ing at thc Kii'kiiiichacl liitci‘natioiial (itiitai‘ l‘cstnal in :\}l‘\llll'L'. l’url of Big Big (hint/H.

I Ozric Tentacles ‘t‘lic I'ici'i'}. ('lidc I’Iacc. 42‘) 8070. I0pm. £l0. Scc Thu 24. I Witness, Standoff and Zobi King 'I‘ut's \Vah \Vah Iltit. St \inccnt Strcct. 22l 527‘). 8me. £5 plus litiitkiltg I‘L‘L‘.

I Skitz \icc 'll. Slcal}. Saticliichall Strcct. 333 ()(i37. ‘lpin. I'i'cc. \cw hi'it hip hop show casc.

I Inversion, Fiend, Pulsar and Frog Pocket Iltt‘ I3i|i .\‘oic (‘atci King Strcct. 553 I038. ‘lpm. £2. .-\n arra} oI pcculiar clcclronic spaiiglcs.

I Entropy, Suburbia and Marmalade Stick l-‘tii'i .\ltiri‘_\s. .\la\wcll Sti‘ccl. 22I 05] I. ‘lpm. £4. including ciitr} to post-gig club.

I Mended, Postal atid Morvine Straw hcrr} I‘iclds. ()swald Strccl. 22| 787I. 7.30pm. £4. including cntr_\ to post-gig c‘ltlh.

I Trampas (irand ()lc ()pi'}. l’aislc) Road In”. 42‘) 53W). 7.30pm. £3 t£2 iiiciiihcrsl. ('oiinti'} sounds.

I Abba Disco Party Boui'hoii Strccl. (icorgc Sti'cct. 552 0I4 I. 7pm. £5 t£l4.50 with diiiiici'). I't‘ditll'lllf.‘ an Ahha trihtitc act.

I The Ducks .\lc('huills. Iliin Strcct. 552 2 I 35. I0pm. I-i'cc. I.oca| hand who hlciid last and Iiirioiis gai'agc rock numhcrs with morc considci'cd roots} hallads and kc} hoard cmthlishmciits.

I Disco X .\Ic( 'huills \Va} ()ut \Vcst. Kcli inIiauin Strcct. 57o 50I8. 0.30pm. l'Il‘L‘C.

I Rush Hour Samucl I)ow ‘s, Nitlisdalc Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. I‘i'cc. I Live Music ’I'lic ('athoiisc. l'nion Strch 248 (i000. 8pm. £3. ()\cl‘— I4s show. Show casc night.


I Kirkmichael Guitar Festival Kirkmichacl. iicar .\Ia} holc. .-\_\ rshirc. 7pm 2am. 'l‘ickct Iiiic: 0I2‘)2 (il I 222. I'iii‘st da} oI this wcckciid lcstnal which tcaturcs pcrtormaiiccs t'rom guitarists ti‘oiii aII mcr thc world pla} ing a \arict} ol musical gciircs.


I Clearlake and Terris ligo. I4 I’icai‘d) I’lacc. 478 7434. 7pm. £(i £8. I)ouhlc hill ol- totitcd indic hands. (‘lcai'lakc garncrcd plaudits tor thcir dchtit alhtim ('li’ur/u/u' Lit/n. dcspitc its dcriiatn c takc on hotli archct} pall} jaunt) Britpop and iiiournliil angst. 'I‘crris talk a good gaiiic but can thc} walk tlic walk'.’ 'I‘hc} ha\ c hccii di\ idiiig opinion siiicc thc} w crc lirst l'caturcd on thc XII/2' coxci' o\cr a _\car ago.

I Aereogramme and Life Without Buildings 'I‘lic Liquid Room. ()c Victoria Strcct. 225 25(i4. 7pm. £(i. .\ top douhlc hill and no mistakc. Big hig guitars built into somc c‘\ccllcntl) crattcd songs t'i'om Acrciigrammc. who arc \ } ing tor tIic ‘hcst hand on ('licmik'al

Henry Rollins Odd perhaps to top a Hit l ist with a spoken word show but the man I lanls tells ttoiiipelling tales of lite ‘.'.‘|III I3ltlt‘h I lag and his subsequent hands With a lllélt‘lsl‘, t‘tillllt‘ edge.

’at'l/ion. (it/t'lfitfll'h Filo/i g’o Mat. Tindersticks llie so called iiiiseiahlists sidestep their ()ohen estiue swells Ior more (hills soul excursions Wllll then new I I’. (Ia/i Our 1 (it/t7... [rut/id Hoe/n, ld/nhu/g/i. I‘t/ed 0 Jun.

Mark Eitzel Iletuining to the UK With hand in tow to pieiiiiei his intenser heautilul iiielaiittholirt songs ‘.VIII(‘,ll gathered his l)l(?\’lt)tl5§ hand AIIIUI'KZEIII Music (Zluh so much (:ritieal ar:(:laini. Venue. I’d/Itht/lgll, Mon 4 Jun. Spearhead Michael I ianti proves music and politics do iiiix With his hip hop funk With a commence at this rare live show. King lut's. G/asgow, Sat 53/ Mav.

Travis A horneeoining alter heing holed tip in I .A. recording Hie lows/hle Hand. 'IraVIs prevrew the vi album to the adording iiiasses. Barrow/and, Glasgow, Wed (5 Jun.

Le Weekend The weird and wonderful come to Stirling for four days of avant garde sounds inc uding saxophonist Peter if BrOtzmann and a Wild ' collal’ioration between Julian (lope and Japanese psychede ir; Ioons H the Acid Mothers Temple. Cowa/ie ii Centre. Stir/mg, The 24» Sun 2/ May.

Aereogramme and Life '6 without Buildings A double l)lll of Weegie delights With Cheiiiikal

Underground's newest signings W. AereOgraiiiine and their Anglo, Scot conniadres. Liar/id ’9 Room, Edinburgh Fri 2:3 May; {12 G/asgow. Sat 26 May.


l'ndcrground‘ at thc mo. This tour

prox idcs a tastcr ol‘ thcir lorthcoming dchtit alhtiiii .l Sturi In White .'c Without Buildings throw sonic intcrcsting shapcs in a I'all/Slits/(iang ()l' I-‘our kinda w a) toppcd with thc uniquc Vocal st}'liiigs ot' Stic 'I‘ompkins.

I Deacon Blue I’lathotisc. Ix 22 (irccnsidc I’lacc. 0870 6063424. 7pm. £16 £23.50. Rick} Ross and chums turn back thc clock to thcit‘ latc 80s lic_\d1i_\ with a ncw album but a l‘aiiiiliar sound to inch thc continuing intcrcst in thcir adult pop ltlltCs.

I Blunht and XIIIilll Studio 24. ('alton Road. 558 3758. I0pm. £5. I)ouhlc hill ol licat'} rock acts as part oi mctal night Zcziliitis. Backcd tip h)‘ I)Js planing nu mctal. rock and Iiardcorc.