Invention Ensemble With the tag line. “a fresh approach to new music'. this contemporary group are seeking to undo some of the bad PR the genre has received over the years. Say goodbye to inconiprehensible sounds and hello to a jazz. rock. classical and world mix. with a little performance art thrown in for good measure. Tramway, Glasgow Fri 25 May. Scottish Opera - Ines de Castro Playing a one night stand in Glasgow before jetting off to the Porto City of Culture in Portugal. Scottish Opera give James Maclvlillan's contemporary opera another airing. Based on the work of Scottish playwright John Clifford. the work is rife with political tensions. which all seems rather approi’Jriate at the moment. See photo caption. Theatre Royal G/asgow Fri 25 May.

Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms - Russian Classics It's Proms time again

f Monday 28


I Cappella Nova St Joxcph‘x Chapel. (0505 S439lS. (i. l 5pm. £|0 (£7.50). .-\n e\ening ol' loth centur} Scottish choral rnuxic as part ol the l"c\ti\al on the l.och.

Tuesday 29


I BAAMFest ('rau turd 'l‘heatre. l'niVerxit} ()l Strathchde. Jordanhtll Campus. 70 Southhrae l)ri\e. 050 347(i. 7.30pm. liour dil'l'erent L‘Ullt‘t‘l'h ()\ er lour nights highlighting the dixerxit} ol' xllltlcntx on the li.-\ Applied .\ltl\ic degree course. 'l‘uexda} sees the Rock Bands out in l'orce; Wednexda} is Big Band night: 'l'hurxda} it\ the Orchestra and Friday the (‘ontemporar_\ .\lu\ic litlscmhlL‘N. Tues \Vctl\ concerts take place at the ('rau l'urd 'l‘heatre. u llllxl Thu l-‘ri are at the l't'anci\ Tollth llall.


I dialogues lll Mattheu .-\t'chitcclut‘c (iallei‘). l'nixerxit} ol lidinhurgh. 20 (‘hamherx Street. ()50 2342. 7pm. liree. Rohert l)o\\ curatex an e\ening ol'

' L‘lL‘clt‘o-(tcottxlic ltlllxic ax part ol-

lidinhurgh'x ‘dialoguex' liextixal. See [)l'L‘\ iew

I Summer Gala Concert llct‘iol

Watt l'nix'erxit}; James Watt ('entre l. 45l 3444. 7.30pm. Donationx. The (‘horale lixcelxior. Sinl'onia lixcelxior and li\cel\ior per cantum present Handel's Xmlok I/lt' l’rit'sl. .\lll\\t)l'g\l\_\ '\ Pictures at an Ift/llblllnll and l’arr} \ If/mxt’r/ Pair of Sire/ix.

Wednesday 30


I BAAMFest ('rau lurd 'l‘heatre.

liniterxit} ()l' Strathcl_\de. Jordanhill ('anipux. 7o Southhrae l)ri\e. U50 3470.

I Mo’s Company (ialler) ()l Modern g\rt. Queen Street. 22‘) I‘Mo

3 4pm. l‘rcc. Violin and clarinet dtio llcctor Scott and Shinohu .\lil\i pcrlorm an inlormal concert ol contemporar} clawrcal lllll\lc. \Hlll each piece preceded h} a short talk lrom the c‘tHHpr‘l‘.


I The Scottish Chamber Choir .Sl (illc\' (ltlllc‘tll‘dl. l{()};tl \ltlc. 225 0442. Split. (£4 l. The choir perlorm t\\o 20th centta'} clilSNlc‘S. l.eonard Berrtxtein'x (‘liit lit-\li'r /)\(l/I)I\ and Hank Mat‘litt\.l/t1\\ loi' l)('I(/’/(' ('lioii'.


I Madama Butterfly Roin Concert Hall. 2 Sauchieltall Street. 23" 55l 1. 7.30pm. £l7.50 £30. See Sat 2.


I Cappella Nova - Music for Robert The Bruce l)unl'ermline :\hhe'\. St Margaret Street. 0| 3S3 730020. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). The earl} music choir iourne} to the burial place ol llte Sc'ttlllxll monarch. lt) celehralc lll\ lite and \xork through name and \erxe. lirench and Scottish [IllISIL‘ttl interludes

\\ ill \it alongside \ectionx iron) the lh‘c/rll'ullnn HI .-lI‘/U‘Hrll/I. l'L‘iltl l)_\ hixtorian .lamic Reid l3a\tct‘.

Wednesday 6


I Durham University Hill Orchestra Si (iilex‘ (“atlietlral Rota) Mile. 225 9442. l2.l5pm. l’rce. The \ltltlL‘lll ()l'L‘llcxll'u [)l‘L‘\L‘lll lit/CIK .S'Ill'lr‘ .\'r) / from Cumin). ll;t_\dn\ Sun/)lro/it' .Vo 27 and Vaughan \Villiamx‘ Iz'iie/i'x/i I'D/L Stine Sui/(2

classical & opera listings Music


I Opera School Showcase lx’S.-\.\ll). loo lx’cttlt'c“ Strch. 332 505‘ ".l5pm. £4 (£2.50) The annual ()peia Shoucaw presented h} \ttidentx lrorn the RS.\.\ll) opera courxex,

I Winter Gardens Prom l’coplc\ l’alace tk \\ inter (iartlen. (ilaxgou (ireen. 554 0223. 30pm. that L4 ‘siii Stratlichdc l‘nr\er\it.\ \ annual prom.

\\ ith \‘ttllll'll‘llllttlh lrom the (‘oncert Hand and Chamber (‘hoirg leaturing lllll\l\' lot a summer’s e\ening including lolkxong arrangementx and lin/i‘x \ti (7! lx’u/u ll lil'rt/et'x I’til'lwiiex.

I An Evening With Oscar Wilde l’ollok llouxe_ l’ollok ('tiunti} l’ul'lx. 20M) l’olloltxhau \ Road. lilo 04 I0. 7. 30pm. £0 (£8 i. .-\ coxlttmcd pcrlormance detailing the dark and \\ itt_\ \rde\ to \\ rlde\ Me and work. through parlour mngx. liedei and ill'l;l\ ol the period.


ORoyal Scottish National Orchestra Proms t'xliei llall. l.othian Road. 228 |l55. .7, 30pm. The RSM )\ annual pt‘orltx shindig kickx (ill in litlrnhurgh \xitl) a concert entitch 'Rti\\|;iii ('laxxicx‘. ()\\ttlll .'\l\\Cl llughtw IS at the baton. and l\ ioined h} guexl pittltixl :\lc\\lo l3;i\ lol‘ lt'llailun \k) 'x I’m/iii ('oiit't'rro \ii/ ultich l\ \and “relied hemeen (i/iiiAri'x lx’uuiim (mil Ira/mill” ()i't'rlim' and Rachmanmm \ Stilt/)liiiiit .Vo 2.

I Durham University Hill Orchestra Reitl (‘tinceri llall. lidinhurgh l'nixcrsit}. llrixto Square. (ioS 20l‘). l.|0pm. l’ree. Sec \Ved (r.

I Houston Chorale Society Sl l3ride\ ('entre. lll ( )r\\ ell Terrace. 34o I405. 7pm. £ l. The 45»\tr'iirig choir lroni llouxton. ’l'c\a\ perl'orm a \aricd programme ol \xork ax part ol a [K tour.

which. in the absence of any real 7.30pm. See Tue 2‘).

sun. should make you feel

summery. This year's line-up is 'z W

packed with popular faves. starting Glasgow

Willi lOlllgltl'S programme Of Soviet I BAA‘MFest ('ram turd 'l‘heatre.

Summers See preview Next issue "I. l:lll\'L‘l'\ll_\ ()l‘ Strathcl_\de._Jordanhill .

for full Proms details. Usher Ha/l, (7‘;'(‘,‘I§’l:'f~s7§.iffflfflljm“ Dmc' (N) "470' mUSlC for everyone

Edinburgh Thu 7 Jun. .

ii St Andrews T k t £4 its- «v ~ ~ ~ u « "T‘.." a was?" IBBC Scottish Symphony e S a


I Sunday Afternoon Recital House For .-\n :\t't l.o\'cl‘. Bcllttltottxton Park. Ill Dunthreck Road. 35.3 4773. 2.30 3.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50) entr} lo llUllSL‘. The Maxie Room at the House i\ used just as Mackintosh originally irttertded. \\ ill) an :tl‘lcl'ltoolt concert ()l' classical piano \xorks.


I Orion String Quartet St Jtisepli'x ('hapel. 0l505 S43‘HS. 2.30pm. £4 (£2.50). The quartet gix e an alternoon performance as part of the liextixal on the l.oclt.

I RSAMD Chamber Choir Si Jt)\cplt\ ('hapel. 01505 S43‘HS. 4.30pm. £4 (£2.50). The student choir give a perlormance as part ol‘ the l"estixal on the Loch.

I Federico Mondelci and the BBC SSO Parish Church. 01505 343‘)”. 0.30pm. U) (9.7). \Vot'ltl rentmned \a\ophoni\l Mondelci ixjoined h} \lt'lltgx from the BBC SS() ;t\ part ol the l5exti\;il on the Loch.

I Horse with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Festival ()n The Loch. I.och\\‘innoch. 0870 220 l I It». 8.30pm. £l5 (£l2.50). The popular \ocalixt performs songs from her ITO“ album. with accompanitnent lTUlll the

B B(' SS(). l’)'t‘o\'i\iott prot ide the stunning poxl-L‘Utlc‘crl lit'c\\'ot'l\‘.\ displa}.

Orchestra Younger Hall. North Street. 0|334 475000. 7.45pm. £9 £|2 (£3 £S). llan VolkoV conducts the orchestra in works h} Stravinsky. Brahms and. with guest cellist Alhan (ierhardt. “(1)1an (Tl/U ('Ullt't'l‘lu.


I BAAMFest ('rau‘l'urd 'l‘heatrc. l'nix'erxit} ()l' Strathclyde. Jordanhill ('atnpux. 7o Southhrae l)ri\e. U50 3470. 7.30pm. See Tue 2‘).


I Music Hall 2001 Adam Smith 'l'heatre. Benitoch} Road. (0592 412929. 7.30pm. £7 (£5.50). ('upar Amateur ()peratic Societ} prexent an e\ening ol lllttxlc l'rom the lllllxlc‘ulx.


I Madama Butterfly Royal (‘tineeri Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 2S7 55! l. 7.30pm. £ l 7.50 £30. ()pera International once again tour the ('hisinau National Opera round Britain. this time \\ ith Puccini‘s tragic opera.

I Junior Academy Wind Orchestra Concert RS.-\.\ll). loo Renl‘re“ Street. 3.32 5057. 2.30pm. Free hut ticketed. The student orchestra perl'orm arrangements from .lumm Bum] attd The Lion King as well as Scottish dances and jan.

Usher Hail. Edinburgh

Thursday 7 June 7.30pm Russian Classics

Friday 8 June 7.30pm Carmina Burana Saturday 9 June 3.00pm

Saturday 9 June 7.30pm Romantic Grea ts

Thursbe 19 June 7.30pm Russian Classics

Wednesday 20June 7.30pm Romantic Greats

Tl'usday 21 June 7.30pm Viennese Evening

Box Office20131 228 1155

Kids Prom « UNREAL.’

The Glasgow Royal Concert. Hall

Box Officezomt 353 8000


Friday 22 June 7.30pm 200'! a A Film Odyssey

Saturday 23 June 11.00am

Kids From - UNREAL.’

Saturday 23 June Scottish Fiddle Orchestra

Wednesday 27June 7.30pm Spanish Night Thursday 28June 7.30pm Candteiic Prom Friday 29m 7.30pm Carmina Burana

Saturday 30June 7.30pm Last Night of the ScottishPower Proms

2-: l/lrigir‘ Jil'l Z]; )‘