
Bennets Bennets. 5)” (ilasslord Street. 552 57(iI. I Ipiii 3.30am. £3 (£2i. Weekly. DJ Annie keeps it going with some classic dance hits.

Polo FM I’olo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22I. I0pm lam. Free. Weekly. Requests galore when you select the tunes and Suave (lay plays them l‘or you on Radio l’olo Lounge.


Quiz night Delmonicas. ()8 Virginia Street. 5.52 4803. 9pm. Free. Weekly. 'ltitit and John's legendary qtii/ with cash pri/es and giveaways.

Karaoke Sadie Frosts. 8 l0 West (ieor'ge Street, 332 8005. 0pm riiidriiglit. Free. Weekly. Sing or yell your heart out with limma in charge ol the karaoke challenge. Cabaret Karaoke ('andle Bar. In (‘andlcriggs 564 I285. 0pm. Free. Weekly. (‘hris Miller encourages you iojoin in this karaoke in a cabaret style.


Steve Retson l.(}B'l'(‘entre. tl Dixon Street. 22I 7203. 5.30 8.30pm. Free. W‘ekly. (lay men's sexual health ady'isory service.

Lesbian Health Clinic Sandyl'ord Initiative. Saticliieliall Street. 2I I (i700. 5.30 8pm. Free. Weekly. Lesbian w'oirien's health advisory service.

Glasgow G06 Badminton (itttltc‘s l-Iall. Knightswot id Secondary School. 60 Kriightswood Road. 050 I08 I. 7 0.30pm. Weekly.

LIPS (ilasgow Women's Library. I00 'l'rongate. 552 8345/7530. 70pm. Thu 24 May 8; 7 Jtiti. Fortnightly. Lesbians In Peer Support is a project supporting young lesbians and bisexual women aged 25 and under.

Glasgow G06 Swimmers (‘ontaet (>40 5800. 7.30 0pm. Weekly. lltltirltlttl swimming session. ('all for more information.


Reflections l.(}B'I‘(‘enu-e. ll Dixon Street. 22I 7203. Free. May. Photographic exhibition presented by users and members of the centre including Menelas Sittlttk‘tls and Marc Shetland.

Glasgow Fridays


Girls on Top 28. Bennets. 00 (ilassl‘or'd Street. 552 57bI. I I.30pm~-3.30am. £4 (£3). Fri I Jtiti. Monthly. Woiiien-oiily night on the second lloor with live pert'oriiiances.

Bennets Benncts. 00 (ililSsltlt'tl Street. 552 57bl. I l.30pm 3.30am. £4 (£3i. Weekly. DJs (irant Dull". Sara and Andy keeping you dancing all night long and into the weekend.

Fresh Polo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22l. llpni~~3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle plays a mix of top house and indie classics downstairs while Andy keeps it rocking in the Trophy Rootii with 80s and 00s hits.


Friday Night Fever Delirionicas. b8 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 0pm. Free. Weekly. (‘amp classics and Hi—N’RG tunes from DJ Andy.

Arcade Games Reyoly'er. ba John Street. 553 2456. 8.30pm. Free. Weekly. (‘Iassic arcade games such as Space Invaders and Pacman played on the big

Sadies Sadie Frosts. 8- I0 West (ieorge Street. 332 8005. 0pm—midnight. Free. Weekly. D] Grant Drill gets you in the clubbing mood with some classic dance tracks.

Karaoke LGBT Centre. I I Dixon Street. 22] 7203. 9pm. Weekly. Karaoke madness in the cafe bar.

70 THE LIST 24 May—7 Jun 2001

.. 5 ° . Groups

Glasgow Thursdays

T.F.l. Bi-G-Les Youth Group Drop In I.(il3'l‘ ('entre. I I Dixon Street. 22l 7203. 4 78pm. Free. Weekly. A drop iii time l'or young LUB’I‘ up to the age ol 25.

Glasgow Saturdays


Bennets Bennets. 00 (ilassl'ord Street. 552 57ol. I l.30pm 3.30am. £oi£5i. Weekly. DJs (irant Dull. Sara and Andy do their thang with some excellent dance music.

Lush l’olo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22l. I0.30pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Andy is down in the Trophy Room with cheesy trash lrom the (ills right thouin to the 80s while 'l‘om entertains the Main Room w ith an uplront selection ol dance.


The Big Bang Delmonicas. ()8 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 0pm. Free. Weekly. I’re- club l'ren/y time with Tom play itig top [lilies and cheesy classics.

Sadies Sadie Frosts. 87 ll) West (ietirge Street. 332 8005. 0pm midnight. Free. Weekly. DJ (irant Dullgets you iii the clubbing mood with some classic dance tracks.

Karaoke I.(il3'l‘ ('entre. I l Dixon Street. 22l 7203. 0pm. Weekly. Karaoke madness in the cale bar.


Pink Parents Workshop ('ontacl

0] I7 004 4500. I0.30am 5pm. £25 (£I0i. Sat 20 May. Whether you are thinking oI' haying a baby and want to know about conception or il‘ you'ye already got kids and want to talk to other gay parents this is the workshop to be at. Phone to book in ady'ance.

Gay Rambling Group (‘ontaet 050 l08l. I larii. Sat 26 May. I-‘or'tnightly. Meet iii Berkeley Street. by Mitchell Library. LIPS (ilasgow' Women's Library. I00 'l'rongate. 552 8345/7530. 7 0pm. Sat 2 Jun. Fortnightly. Lesbians In Peer Support project supporting young lesbians and bisexual women aged 25 and under.


Same Sex Partnership Law l.(;B'l‘ ('entre. ll Dixon Street. 22I 7203. 4.30pm. Sat 20 May. .A l'orum looking at the details of domestic partnership registration. state recognised civil unions or marriages and the legal rights and obligations iti other areas such as parenting and inheritance.

Glasgow Sundays


Bennets Bennets. 90 (ilassltrr‘d Street. 552 57(il. I 1.30pm 3.30am. £3 (£2). Weekly. DJ Annie does what she does best and plays some excellent datice music.

Carry on Polo l’olo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22I. I Ipm 3am. £5. Weekly. DJs Andy and Tom y'amp it tip in the (‘Iub. Darren camps it tip in the 'l‘rophy Rooiii and you can dress it tip any way you like.


The Legendary Karaoke Delmonicas. ()8 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 0pm. Free. Weekly. Fun. l‘r'olics. top performers and the rest.

Chill Out Sunday Reyolx‘c‘t‘. (ta John Street. 553 2456. 8.30pm. Free. Weekly. (‘hill otit and chat in this laid-back la/y Sunday y'ibe.

Karaoke Sadie t-‘rosrs. t’ to West (Ieorge Street. 332 8005. 0pm~midnighr Free. Weekly. (ieorge is in charge ol' tonight‘s karaoke and is looking lor all wannabe popstars.

Karaoke (‘ourt Bar. ()0 llutcheson Street. 552 2463. 6.30—- l0pm. Free. Weekly. Karaoke capers for those who can sing and those who think they can sing.

Karaoke l.(iB'I‘ Centre. I I Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Weekly. Karaoke madness in the cale bar.

Mildred Pierce , the great film noir about obsessive mother/daughter love


Icebreakers l.(‘ilt’l' ('entt'e. ll Dixon Street. 22I 7203. \oon 3.30pm. Stiii 3 Jun. Monthly. .Meet like-riiiiided people and talk about things that matter to you.

Gay Rambling Group (‘ontact 050 I08I. 10.15am. Stiii 27 May. Fortnightly l’honc l'or' more iril'oririatiori on this Sunday walk tip Ilcii l.omond.

Out in Sunday l.(il3'l‘ (critic. I I Dixon Street. 22l 7203. 7.30pm. Sun 2" May Free. Monthly. ()pen social group on the last Sunday ol‘ the month.

Glasgow Mondays


Passionality l’laiiel Peach. 34 Queen Street. 22o 8000. I I.30pm 3am. £3 (£2 with llycri. Weekly. ('oinc and get passionate at this weekly clttb w ith I).| Andy. A night ol‘ cheesy chart. tlplt'rtttl house and handbag.


Tightfisted Delmonicas. o8 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 0pm. Free. Weekly. DJ Andy plays some chill otrt times. Loungecore l’olo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22I. I0pm lam. Free. Weekly. Laid-back lounge classics l'rom DJ Ililde. Sadies Sadie t-‘tosts. 8 In West (‘ieorge Street. 332 8005. 0pm tiiidiiiglit. Free. Weekly. DJ Andy plays some dance tracks to get you in the Monday mood.


l.(ilil (t‘ltlt’c‘. l l l)t\rilt Street. 22l 7203. 0pm. Film night in the cane bar.

Iron Ladies & Party (ti-'I‘. 2 Rosc‘ Street. 332 8I28. £4.75 (£3.50). 8.30pm. Mon 4 Jtiri. 'I‘he tirst film to be show n as part ol the lesbian K (iay Film I-'esti\al on tour. The film is l'ollow ed by a post screening party which will hay e lots ol giyeaway s lrom and Becks.


Holistic Healing Group Hilt’l‘ (‘eiitrc. I I Dixon Street. 22I 7203.

7.30 I0pm. Weekly. lo lind out more about this group that meets eyei‘y Monday night call 423 5052.

Performance Group l.(}lrl' (‘entre. l I Dixon Street. 22l 7203. 7.30pm. Weekly. Regular meeting ol' anyone interested in theatre and music skills.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Shimmy lic‘ltnc‘ls. Ul) (ilttssl'rit'tl Street. 552 57bl. I l.30pm 3.30am. £3

I .50i. Weekly. An alternatiye night tor studenty types with DJ Annie and all drinks at a wry reasonable £ I .50.

ELL". l’lttltc‘l l’c‘dc‘ll. 54 Queen Street. 220 8000. l lpiii 3am. £3. Weekly. ('hcesy chart action l'rom DJ (ieoi'gie Boy as well as a host til t’c‘gtll‘dt‘ lixe l’:\s.

Discolite Q Bar. IOI Ingram Street. 550 (i844. I Iprii 3am. £3. Weekly. New kid on the block \\ ilh disco sounds l't‘ottt l)Js Wayne and Darren.


Jukebox Delirioiiicas. o8 \‘ii'grrira Street. 552-1803.0ptii lice Weekly DJ Darren takes requests tiom Steps to Abba.

Tom & Mari l’olol otiiige..\51\\rlsori Street. 553 l22l. ltlpm lam. Weekly liye music with ‘Iom and Matt playing classics and t't‘tlltc'\l\.

Revolver Quiz ls’eyolxci. ba John Street. 553 2450 .S 30pm l'ree. Weekly ()tii/ with a handsome cash pit/e ol £50 lollowed by some iiiteriiet ttiti it's trist So' ls’cxolyer Quizoke Stitllt‘ l‘t’H\I\. N lll \\t'\l (it‘tit‘g't‘ Street. 3 32 8005 0pm iiirdiiiglit. lice. Weekly. .\ splendid titir/ night mixed with some tliopclully i splendid karaoke.

Rob & May Miller (kindle liar. :0 (‘andleriggs 504 I285. 0pm. I rce Weekly Rob is May pi'oy tde the bye music with popular coyet's.


Steve Retson l.(ili‘l'(‘entre. lI tiixon Street. 22l 7203. I 3pm. I rec. Inc 5 May Monthly. Drop in men's health ady isory

Sappho @ Sandyford Sandy lord liiitiatiye. Sauchieliall Street. 2l I (i700, 5.30 8pm. l'r'ee. 5 Jun. Monthly, Worrieii's health adx isory sery ice.

LIC Social Group It ilt'lt‘entre. I I Dixon Street. 22I 7203. ."pm. Regular meeting ol the lesbian Inclusion ('o- ordination grotrp.

Bi-G-Les Youth Group I.( ili'l‘ ('etitre. ll Dixon Street. 221 "203. 7 lllpm Free. Weekly. An open itieetirig tor young l.( ilt'l' tip to the age ol 25.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Bennets lit‘ltttc‘ts. ‘HI ( ilassltittl Street. 552 57(iI. llpiii 3.30am. £3 r£2i. Weekly. l).I Sara w rtli an uplrorit dance IIlI\.


Natalie’s Games Night Delirionicas. ()8 Virginia Street. 552-1803.0piii. Free. Weekly. A whole host ol madcap garties with Natalie.

Quiz Sadie l't'tisls. «S H) West (ieoi'ge Street. 332 8005. 0pm riiidtiiglit. Free. Weekly. (ieorge questions yotir'

know ledge and qurHes your intelligence with the lackpot ol a £50 cash pri/c. Fluid l’olo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. lllpm lam. Free. Weekly. DJ Wayne Dixon plays a helty mion ltirik. soul and disco.


Bi-Glasgow l.(ili'l'(‘eritre. ll Dixon Street. 22l 7203. 7. 30pm. Wed o Jtrti. Monthly. Regular riiectiiig ol the Bisexual (irotip.

Glasgow Groups

Body Positive 3 l’ark Quadrant. 33- 50l0. Support and ady ice tor those t llected by HIV/AIDS.

Centre for Women’s Health 3

Sandy lord l’lace. 2| l (i700, ()llc‘l‘lltg’ a range ol llllttl'ltlttllttll and sery ices to women and specilic sery ices tor lesbians.