I Knucklehead Present My Machines al ’l'lie (ilaxgoyy School ol Art lupxtaii'xi. alm late. £4 l£.‘~.5(li. \Veekly. Wilkex and Hatch yyith the latext iii Scandinay iaii. l‘.tit'opcatt and [S techno. yi. ith an emphaxix on the lunky Still one ol the bext yyayx to enjoy yoiirxell on a Sat night. ax the l 'aiitic croyyd yy ill textily. bLet’s Go Back, Way Back at The Riyei'xide ('Iiib. Midnight 3am. £S. 2 .liiii. Monthly. (ilaxgoyy ‘x only acid i'ey iyal night celebi'atex it‘x lirxt birth, day thix month. lo celebrate. rexidcnt lloxco ix lomed by. \yait tor it... l'tah Stillllx. See llllllxl. I Life at l.ile. l(Ipiii him. £5. Weekly. Andy l'nger prexeiitx a xelection ol xoul. liiiik and dixco atigiiieiited \y ith original xamplex and loopx to guarantee a iieyy take on lamiliar xouiidx. I LUSh til lltc l’olo lounge. llldllpm 3am. £5. Weekly. l5ealuring Andy in the 'l rophy Room yy ith liilx lrom the (illx to the Sllx yy hile 'l'om proy idex an uplront dance xelection iii the main room at the city 'x prettiext gay club. I Media at Media. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. Step back in time to reyel iii the ttinex ol' the 7le and Hllx. I Melting Pot at the Riyei‘xide ('lnb. .\'e\l date l(i .liiii. I Minisole at Ad»l,ib. llpm 3am. £tbc. 2 .ltiii. Monthly. The Solemuxic L‘l‘cyy \y ilh their tixtlal xelection (it deep. xoiilltil and [S houxe. I Miss Moneypenny’s in (it. l()pnt 3.50am. £ l 2 l£l(ll. \chkly. (Elam. glam and an eytra helping ol glam limit the llrummie xiipercliib. liypect beauliltil piiiiterx. c\olic daiicei'x and xeriouxly l'iinky daiicelloor action lt‘oltl the Money penny 'x rexidentx roxter. I Phat Dat at The (ilaxx llouxe. Spin lam. £S iticketx ay‘ailable lrom Saly'ation Sotiiidx. Virgin and Mixxing.) Zn May. Monthly. l).l Sace xtippliex the doyy nbeat. eclectic y itin xclectioiix \yhilc houxe band Superxtar rock the croyyd. and. tor that matter. the bunk. duckx and lixh. Ax ey er a top xecret liy e act yy ill complete the line-up. I Remedy at Ad-l .ib. .\'c\t date 9 Jon. I Rumba Te Tumba at llayana liar. 0pm .‘yain. l'l’L‘L‘. Weekly. A yy ild miy oi l.atin xelectioux. intei'xpcrxed yy ith commercial chart lay ex li'om Keith and .-\le\ix. I Solution at Q. 5pm .‘yam tl).lx ll’tllll l lpiiii. l-i'ee bel'oie l lpm; £5 alter. Weekly. Archaox' Ryan Kerr takex oy'er l‘rom Stey ie .\ iddletoii. on a yocal houxe tip. Subculture at Subxtittite Venue ll’laiiet l’eachi. llpm 3am. U”. M May only. The Sub ix xct to depart ll'Ulll the l’each ax oi thix month. xo Io May ix your laxt chance to catch llarri & Domenic until the long-ayyaited return to Jamaica Street. Regiilarx yy ill be pleaxed to hear that plaiix are aloot lor xome oiie- ol'l' partiex oy er the Summer to keep the Subculture llame burning. See llitlixt. I Traxx at The Soiiiidhaux. l lpm 5am. £S (UN. 2 .liiii. Monthly. A niaxtci'l'iil miy ol‘dixco houxe. funk and xoul liom Simon (‘ordinei'. Laurence lltighex. Derek Smith. Andreyy l’ii'ie and Billy Woodx. I Triumph at The Tunnel. lllfillpm 3.30am. £0 t£7i. Weekly. ('oliii 'lt‘\ L‘lltlillc ttlltl SIN en ML‘CI'L‘L‘I'} xtlpply the drexxed-up glamour kidx yy ith progrexxiy'e houxe and trance in the main room. yyhile Key in .\l;lL‘l";ll'l;lllL‘ and Stephen l.ee miy up garage. dixco and meal houxe in room tyyo. ll‘you're not yyearing ayy ltilly nice clothex. hoyyeyer. don't eypect to get in. I No Tun at Budda. l lpm 3am. £(i. WW“): (ieolt’ Montl‘ord and (‘hrix llarrix get l‘unky \y ith a baiig-up-to-date \L‘lcclion ol' dixco hottxc. I The Unit l5or detailx \‘lxll yy yy yy.the- unit.co.uk I Vegas on The Rentt‘eyy l‘erry. 0.30pm 3am. £8 (£6 iii l‘ancy drexxl. 2 .ltiii. .Monthly. l‘rankie Sumatra. Bugxy Seagull & Dino Martini and the glamouroiix Lola l.ax Vegax. The \egax Shoyy'girlx and The l’abulotix Scott

Brotherx proy ide a dolled-up eyemiig ol libidmoux l.atin. xlea/y lixtemng and all thing grooyy. baby.

I Velvet Rooms at The \clyel Roomx. llpm 3am. £o (£41; £3 belore midnight. Weekly. Keith l’y per breakx out the xoiillul houxe and garage iii ilie main room yyhile Raymond Woodx coolx lhiiigx doyyn yyith hip hop and R&B in room

I Wired at Axy lum. (aledonian l‘niyerxity l'iiioii. lllpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. (ilaxgoyy 'x longext running alteriiatiy e indie night yy ith driiikx promox aplenty.

Chart & Party

I Bonkers at llonkerx. l lpm 3am. £4 bel'ore midnight; £5 alter. Weekly. llitx from the Mix. chart houxe and chccxy trance.

I Classic FM at May Murry 'x.

l lpm 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. l)ance claxxicx and party tiinex. \y ith alteriiatiy e and rock ttincx upxtaii'x in To ixter.

I The Garage at The (iarage.

lllpm 3am. £5 l£3i belore llpm; £o t£4i alter. Weekly. Super-ctiiiiinercial party xotiiidx on the main dancelloor and indie claxxicx in The Attic.

I Graduate Club at g2. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3 i. Weekly. l)exigned to xtiit thoxe yy ho hay e alyyay x enjoy ed a (iarage-xty |e night otit. btil leel a little long in the tooth yy hen xui'roiiiided by l'rexh-l‘aced. lager- xlained yotingxtei'x. Steye l)ay'ix proy'idex the party antliemx.

I The Shack at Shack ll'ormerly The Temple). l().3()pm 3am. £7 l£5i. ('heexy chart tunex.

I Seduction at l)extiny. l()pm 3am. £(i before I lpm; £7 alter. Weekly. Tonight the club would like you to 'di‘exx to imprexx‘ yyhile enjoying the uxual commercial houxe ‘n' trance pap.

I Strawberry Fields at Strayy'berry l-‘ieldx. 10.30pm 3am. £5. Weekly. ('laxxic party nonxenxe from the (illx to laxl yy eek.

Glasgow Sundays .


I Anti-Bar at The l3lh .\'olc (are. Next date 2-1 Jim.

I Aurall at Bar Soba. 9pm midnight. l‘l‘L‘C. “cckly. 'l‘hc rexidentx limit the llcyy houxe party at MAS get you in the tiiood lor .xomc Sunday decadence.

I Bitch School at Nice ‘n' Slea/y. 3pm 7pm. liree. Weekly. The L‘hilpx behind Dealhlehem lthcy hay e a yyay yyith iiamex. blexx ‘emi bring you four hoiirx oi the hard and heavy xlllll. lrom ()z/y ()xboui'ne to Slipknot. Moxhtaxtic. I Budda at Bar Budda. 8pm midnight. Free. Weekly. ('olin Walker (Neyy York Alliance) playing deep houxe.

I Divine Intervention at Brel.

0pm midnight. Free. Weekly. Andy

l)iy inc and lliixli Puppy play a xelection ol' xoundti'ackx. xoul and lunk at thix lltiyy' W eekly pl‘c-L‘lllh.

I Fast Forward at liiit Drink Man Woman. 4pm midnight. l't'ee bel'ore (ipllll £3 alter. Weekly. llouxe inuxic and chart aiithemx. yy ith drinkx proniox an added bonux.

I G-Man & Traxx at The lay ing Room. 4pm midnight. liree. Weekly. lt ix noyy poxxible to yy rite ott‘ the Sabbath in itx entirety yy hile enjoy ing .xome top- iiotcli tunex. thankx to the l.iy ing Rooni'x double bill. The alternoon .xhilt ix taken care of by (i—Man. yy'ith hix beatx and hip hop. l~‘rom 9pm. thingx get a bit liyelier thankx to underground lioiixe from Simon and Derek.

I Harri at (iroucho St Judex.

0pm midnight. Free. 3 Jun. Fortnightly. 'l‘he Stib ('lub xtalyy'art bringx hix high calibre houxe to the moxt xtylixh of (ilztxgoyy'x xty'lc barx.

I Hi-T at 'l‘chai-()y na. 4— l()pm. l'l'CL‘. Weekly. A Sunday relaxation xexxion aimed .xquarely at thoxe alter a xpot ol detoxification. xiiice the Venue ix a non- xmoking tea ,xhop that lookx. eony'erxely. like an opium den. The tunex. courtexy of

a huge number ol local “L. are di'ayy ii trom eyery genre under the xiiii. ax long ax they ‘re laid—back Drink obxcuie teax. play chexx. giye your body a i'ext.

I Man With No Suitcase .n the (lril'liny. Spin midnight. l'iiee, 3 .liiii Monthly. Wacky 'l'\' xoiindtrackx. inane gamex and lrixky li‘olicx.

I Moloco at Moloco .Spm midnight. l'ree. Weekly. Martin St. .loliii xpmx xtompiii' northern xoul. rootx. iock and reggae.

I Nick Peacock at lhe \‘ariety liar .Spm iiiidiiiglil. l‘rec. Weekly local hero \Ic'lk l’cacock xeleclx lllc l‘cxl lit/l grooyex. with the occaxional loi'ay into houxe.

I Nico’s at \ico‘x. “pm midnight. l-ree. Weekly. l)ribbler and Stey e yy ith reggae and dtib xelectionx.

I Paul Cawley ill (ironelio S‘i .ludex. 9pm midnight. l-ree. :7 May. l~ortiiightly 'l‘he l~eiietik l'elloyy yy ith xome bealx. breakx and hip hop.

I R&B at Bar ll). 7pm midnight. l‘t'ee. Weekly. Relay \y ith Rtkll cutx and lake adyaiilage oi the geiiei'oux drinkx promox :tl [hix city centre xly le hat.

I Scratch ‘n’ Sniff at .\le(‘liuill'x. ()pm midnight. liree. .\'eyy pre-club yenlui‘e. leatiiring l)aiiny Barbour playing houxe. garage and yyhateyei elxe llL‘ ltlllL‘lL‘S.

I The Sunday Social at the Areliex. 3pm llpm. £5. 3 .lun. Monthly. Alter laxt month‘x birthday baxh. it'x btixinexx il\ ltllllxlltll til the good old \Uclttl. [lihcl'c'\ liye action courtexy ol' Tom Middleton and hix llL‘W Iiy e project The Bayx. and. belieye it or not. trape/e ai'tixt .lean-l’aul '/.accarini yy ill be on hand tor a bit ol' highyy'ire acrobaticx. Ax ey er. Sideyy inder llllx in the gllpx \y ilh xtitllc chilled xelectionx and ('inel’eel are on \'.I diit}.


I Aurall at MAS. llpm 3am. £5; £.\‘ (UN on gtiext iiighlx. Weekly. Axtoimdingly popular garage and uplifting hard houxe yy ith thoxe rexidentx of choice: Mark l’i‘ice. Yogi llaughtoii. ('allum Walker and Marco Smith. ()n 27 Mil); the club gclx a Bank Holiday liiioxl courtexy ol'l‘om Stephan lt'otn ('raxh and The (iallcry.

I Bennet’s at Bennei‘x.

ll.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. Tom playx tunex loyed by tyyelye-year-old girlx. pltix xome bangin' handbag. to equally appreciatiye gay men. l-‘iiiiiiy old yyorld. I Bite at The (litliouxc. l()..‘~(lpm 3am. l‘i'ee before I 1.30pm: £3 l .5lli alter. Weekly. A milder mix of indie and rock than you'll lind at the city 'x premier rock yeiiue on l‘ri or Sat.

I Bump ‘N’ Grind at The \clycl Rooiiix. llpm 3am. £4 t£3i. Wind doyyn the yy eekend yy ith l)M(i‘x mix of Rtkll and xtreet xotil.

I Club Tropicana at The Garage tAtlicl. llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lndie. both claxxic and contemporary.

\y ith a healthy doxc ()li lll‘ilpop.

listings Clubs .

,-.-' QColours at We \i‘chex, lllpni 4am. £l5 I" May Monthly You knoyy the t

drill. ll it'x a Bank Holiday. the (‘olotirx creyy \y ill pull out all the xtopx to guaran- tee a \yhopping gieat party. lliix time it'x a battle ot the tyyo \aiix .\'o. not \an Moriixon and [lick \an l)yke. but l’aul i \an H} k. the tiaiice tibeivltl yylio doexn‘t like trance. lieadlmex. \y ith a little help trom .limmy \an M In the aicli iieyt dooi. the man behind Reel _‘ Reel and. iatliei more credibly. the Subliminal imprint goex at it toi' liye houix See pie

I Dream at Strayybeiiy l'ieldx

Ill. lllpiii Lilll £ l5 Weekly l‘lllL‘cll iiickei' might xeeiii a bit xteep loi a night doyyn Stiayyberiy l-ieldx. but iii addition to banging houxe aiitliemx and xaiicy dancing giilx. the bar ix totally and utterly lice. Mticli like a xloiiiach pump on the \llS. I Liquid Cool at llaba/a. ‘lpm iaiii. £5 Weekly. .\..| . Riix Reegaii and laii 'lliompxon play iiig top notch yocal garage and houxe to a club packed yy ith hypei hedoiiixlic tyyeiity xoiiietliiiig i‘eyellerx. llll l‘l \\ lll‘lll \k'k'lll ltl ll.l\t‘ lorgotten that they hay e yyoi‘k iii the morning It quality timex and glamoioux anticx are your bag. Sunday x at llaba/a are iiiiiiiixxable.

I Liquid Gold at 0. 5pm iam. l-iee beloie llpm; £5 altci. Weekly. l'tmky tunex and club claxxicx liom llai‘i'y ll. Scott McMillan and Paul 'li'aynoi' at tliix barcliib iii axxociatioii yy itli llaba/a'x licdonixtic exti'ayagaii/a. liquid ('ool. Not to be conliixed yy ith the populai ‘i'ooni deodoi'ixei’ ol the xaiiie name.

I Massive at the \clyel Rimlth l(l..‘\(lpm 3am. £5 i£.‘yi. 27 May only Raymond Woodx. l)M( i. .lohii l.yoiix and .\'aeem pi'oy ide a xotindti'ack ol claxxic xoul. lunk and Rtkll. l.iye yocalx come li'om xpccial gtiexlx .\l(‘ Ron l)a\ ix. llob lillix and l.exley l.'Anxoii tlhe yoice behind the ll.|i.ll.S adyertixeiiient xoiig ‘Why Do You Keep On Runiiiiig'i

I Optimo at Siibxtitule \ciiue il’lanet l’eachi. llpm 3am. £(i t£5i; £7 t£b'i on gtiext iiightx. Weekly. lady Mixx Roland (& 'l‘yyitch tk Wilkex play iniixic. including gut-buxting techno. country & yyextei‘ii. punk and painfully cool electi'o-pop. pliix any thing elxe xuiled to the dancel‘loor lrom the paxt 4i) ycarx. Ai'i‘iye at belore

l lpm. or lace a long queue. ('lieck

yy yy yy.optinio.co.uk lor detailx ol hoyy to join the Roland tan club.

I Pure Funk at ('lth Budda.

llpm 3am. £5 t£~li. Weekly. (ilaxgoyy i'eacqiiainted itxell' yyith it'x long~held

loy e ol the liiiik thix year. yy ith a brace ol‘ iiiglilx deyoled to the genre. including thix one in the biioiiy eny ironx ol' lludda. I Sin at 'l’raxh. llpm 3am. £5 i£.li. Weekly. llouxe. garage and xttident claxxicx ll'Ulll Jim l)a llexl. Wllh drinkx for U all night.

I Sunday Worship at ('ltib l’llltltlil. llpm .‘yam. £5 l£.‘\i. Weekly. Michael Kilkie and Simon l‘oy do their tipliltiiig houxe thing.

sundou social

nu m Sunday 3 June 3-lg'lpm cam 00'“



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2.1 May—7 Jim 2091 THE LIST 77