Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries

ANNAN GALLERY l(i»1\VoodlatttlSRoad. i52 (NBS, .\loli l't'l iiiam 5pm. Sat Hiatn l2. illlllii

Mixed Show l‘ntil l hti 3] .\la_\, ;\

\L‘lt‘t‘lltili oi [litilillligs Ii) \tii‘ittlh artists.


253 Arg} lc Sit‘cct, 000! 022 0300. Hail} 10am midnight,

Best Before 26/05 i'tttil Sat 3t» .\la}. l'rnal _\car \hou h} \llltlt'iii\ on thc Illustraltxc Photograph) and Digital ltiiagc coursc at (ilaxgou (‘ollcgc ol' Building and Printing. lcaturing l;l\liitili. cdilorial. landscapc. portrati and documcntar} ttnagcx.

Conceptual Clothing By Jenni Dutton Inc 2‘) .\la_\ Stiti 17 Jill]. 'l'hc \iork oi rctto\\ ttcd dcxignci' .lcnni Hutton gocS on \hou including hct‘ llllitt\;lli\ c drcsxcx madc ottt oi lttttttaii hair. ho||_\ atid tlic pach oi aniiquc diaricx. l’tirl ii/

llllt'l'l t'ntioit. St't' I't'itliirt'.

Scotland On Sunday Intervention Fashion Photography Award inc 2‘)

.\la} Stiit l7 .luii. .-\ti c\liiliition i'caturing thc \\ innct' arid ii\cr runncrxaip ol' thc .\t't'llilllt/ on Sum/tit lntcricntion liashion l’ltoiogt‘aplt} .-\\\ard\. l’tirt of llilt'l'l‘l’II/iltll. .\t'l' l't’tlllll‘t',


1‘) l’ariiic Strccl. 552 777‘). Mon Sat noon 5pm.

The MacRoberts Open t'tttil .\ioit 2S .\la_\. \ou in its cighth _\car. lhc .\lacRohcrtx ()pcn lcaturcx otic small painting prtccd ttndcr £250 h} cach artist. The Tuscan Show hi I Inc 2(i .ltin. Paintings oi tltc ltaliati rcgion oi'l'uxcan) It} £il‘ll\l\ \\llit ha\ c pcrxonal conncctionx \\ ith ihc placc. l’ctcr .\Jardini paints arottttd his iamili hotnc ol Barga; l)a\ id .\lal'Sliall c;ipltll‘c\ llic old \it'ct‘l\ oi l.tIcL‘;I arid Ian llutitcr and Ian Scott lilliot rc\cal thcir artistic imprcxsions oi thc arca.


|S5a Batlt Strcct. 222 2830. llit‘ Sat l0aiit 5.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil 'l‘hu 3| .\la}. ltt thc haxcmcnt of thc (il;t\g()\\ .-\rt ('luh. llil\ ncn gallcr} \ho\\ca\c\ thc uork of both cstahlishcd attd up-and-coming artists. l‘caturcd iii this titi\cd c\hihition arc paintings h} l.aura Bc\cridgc. (iracmc Sharp. Roh .\lulhollantl. Rtttlt (irccr atid .lamcs (iorman plus tc\tilc\. ironuork. ccramics. glass. \culpttirc attd vicxicllct'} li_\ \arious artists.

BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART chcnt Houxc. l l.“ \\L‘\l Rt‘gt‘lil Sll't‘t‘l. 22o 54] 1. \lon l-t‘t l0am 5pm. Sat h} appointmcnt.

E.A. Taylor l'iitil 'lliu 3| .\la}. Paintings oi .-\rt‘an h} l; .\. la} lot'.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I54 lil}llt\\\ood Strcci. 552 402‘.

Mint in 0.30am 5.30pm; Sat 10am Ipiit. Gordon K Mitchell l'ntil lllt‘ 2‘) .\la}. .\ \olo c\htliitton oi patnttngx. Alexander Goudie t'ntil inc 2‘) Ma}. l’aintingx on a (ilaxgim thcmc.

Chris Knight l'ntil Inc 2‘) .\la_\. Sil\cr tahlcu arc.

Chris Bushe l'ntil ‘l‘uc 2‘) .\la}. .’\ll\ll';IL'l otl [lgtlllllilg\.

Jessie Higginson l‘ittil inc 2‘) .\la}. ('L'i'aitiit‘ \CSSCIS.

Chris Keenan l‘tttti inc 2‘) .\la}. .\ctt ccratuicx.

Encounter Sat 2 Inc 26 Jun. I’tllllllligs h} a ncu group ot'c\hiliitot\. ('hcr} lcnc l)_\cr. lati Bo) cc arid Rtttli Broxxnlcc. Firing The Earth Sat 2 'l‘ttc 2(» Jun. .-\ solo c\hihitiott oi' nc\\ L‘L‘i‘niiiiL‘S h) ('hrix (‘artctz

Focus On 2 Sat 2 Inc 2(i lun. ('ontcmporar} icxicllct‘} h} Shclli} l"it/p;itt'ic‘k and .latic .\lacititoxh.

THE BLYTHSWOOD GALLERY Suitc 5-12 (51h i'loori. Baltic ('hamhcrs. 50 \Vcllington Strccl. 248 I‘Nl. Mon Fri l0ain 5pm; Sat l0am Iptii.

A May Festival Exhibition l'tttil Sat 2 Jun. .-\n c\hihition oi Scottish paintings It} L‘oiilt‘liiptii'iti'). l‘)th aitd 20th ccntur} artists l'caturing \iorkx h} lili/ahcth Blackatldcr. l).\'. (’atncron. Sir William .\laclliggart. Philip Rccxcs atid man} ollit‘i'S.


24-Hour Vic“ ing \Vindtm. 2(i4 lligli Sli‘t‘t‘l. .572 lllfil.

Samantha Clark: Gull l'tttil Sun 3 Jun. .\cu uork h} lidinhtirgh (‘ollcgc ol' .-\rt graduatc Satiiatitlia ('lark. \\ ho lilix rcccntl} rctttrticd irom .-\tl\ll‘itliii. \ihcrc \hc “as iii‘llSl-iii-l't‘\ltlt‘iicc at thc 'l‘axmanian School oi .-\rt in Hobart. llcr l'rcqucnt ahscticc i'rom Scotland rcilccts iii hcr \xoi'k \\ lllL'lI tlL‘iIlS \\ illt iSSIIL‘x oi. I‘csllt‘letcSS and a longing lo ltt‘ \cltlcd. SL‘L‘ t't‘\ ic\\.


l0 King Strcci. 552‘ 0733. Mon Sat l0.30am midnight: Sttii l llptii.

St Petersburg Art Revealed i'tttii \Vcd (i Jun. .\ \clcction oi cotitctnpotar)‘ art i'rom St l’ctcrshurg c\ploring thc artistic lilc in thc cultural capital of RuSSta.


at St .-\ndrc\\s in thc Squarcd St Andrciu Stitiarc. 548 6020. Mon 'l'hu i lant l lptit: l’ri & Sat llatii ttiidnight; Sun

I230 Ilptii.

Lives In The Balance i'iitil Sun 3 Jun. ’I‘ltt' Sum/tit llt'rti/tl and 'l‘ltt' l/t'mltl prcxx photographcrx Stciiart :\ll\\ootl. .\'cil

www.gpsart.co.uk OPEN: TUES - SAT IOAM - $.30PM

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

l8 May - 30 June 200|



(.. ..



Weekend and Evening Classes in Etching. Screenprinting. Stone Lithography. Mezzotint & Toyobo lntaglio printmaking.

Please call O|4| 552 0704 for details and booking form.

88 THE LIST. J .'.':.t. ' .2

Bcnnctt. -\ngcla (‘atltn and (iotdott l'crttx documcnt (‘onccrn‘x aid arid rclici programmcx throughout thc dc\cloptng \Hll'ltl.


5(i \VL‘SI (icorgc Sli't‘t‘l. 2‘32 555l

.\lon Sat 10am 5.30pm. Sun noon 5pm Mixed Exhibition .-\n ongoing cxhihition oi \\til'l\ h} \arioth .ii'li\l\. Femme Fatale l'nttl 'l‘hu 2~l .\la}. Paintings h} lo} Ktrton Sttitth. Douglas llot'iittan. lmcph l)otncncch. Ro_\o attd .\lark Spaitt.

Oleg Zhivetin and Sabzi III 1 Sat

30 Jun. .\'c\\ paintitigx.


3/l. (i (‘larcndon Strcct. M” 3 14] or 0702‘) 2S‘N-lS. Vicning h} appointmcnt. Summer Open i‘tttil Sat 3o Jim. llUllSL‘tl in a not cttd tcnctncnt Hat. tip- aitd-coming (iltixgtnk artists tranxtorm tltc hotnc itito a gallcr} spacc xx itlt an c\hihition oi' nti\cd mcdia \xot'ks. l‘caturcd artists includc Victoria .loncs. .Icnniicr ('ainc. .\loll} RlISSL‘ll. l)a\ id .\lc(icorgc attd lltigh Watt.


l'niwrxity oi Stt'ailtchdc. 22 Richitiond Sit't‘t‘l. 552 4-H)” L‘\l 2682. .\lon l't't

l0am 5pm: Sat noon 4pm.

Rush On Them: Parodies ln Paper By Peter Rush l'tttii Sat It. Jun. 'l'hrcc-dimcnxiotial cartoon ligtlt‘c\ including 'l'on} Blair. thc ()uccn .\lothcr. l)arnicn llirst and 'l'racc} limin crcatcd h_\ l’ctcr Rush l'rom \\ irc and plastcr. 'l'hc cxhihition is accoitipanicd h} a puhlication cxplaining tltc artist‘s tcchniquc arid a scricx ol \H)l'k\llt)p\ ior all agcx.


I78 \‘I'Cst chcnt Strcct. 22| (i370. .\lon Sat |0am 5.30pm.

Places . . . You Always Knew Were There l‘ntil \\'cd (i .lun. .\cu paintings h) .-\nncttc lidgar.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Quccn Strcct. 22‘) 1090. Mon 'lliu & Sal l0am —5pm; l‘ri & Stiii l laiit 5pm. Glasgow 16/25 l'tttil Stttt l7 .lun. lntcrnational duo Simon (it'cnnan arid ('hristophcr Spcrantlio. iatuctl tor pt't‘scnting pcoplc'x storicx iii cotttic-hook stylc iti hook l‘ot‘ni and nitric rcccntl} digital \ idco animation. arc tltc \uhicct oi [his rctrospcctn c t‘\hihition. 'l'hc ccntt‘cpiccc oi thc Sill)“ is a \pcciall} CUIIIIIIISSiont‘tl digital \ idco animation

\\ hich documcntx thc pcrxonal c\pcricncc\ oi pcoplc licmcctt lo and 25 \\ ho II\ c. uork or socialisc \\ itltiti a milc Illtlilix oi the gallct‘).


Roukcn (llcn Road. 620 0235. \\'cd Stiti l.5(l»5.5llptil.

Jean Martin l'ntil \Vcd 20 Jun. In ltcr lit'sl cxhihition tor lolll' )carx. tic“ \iatcrcolours h} Jcan .\lartin. icaturtng iloral \iorks and lillltlSL‘iillLN oi \ctiicc and Scotland.


I48 \Vcst chcni Strcct. 22| 3005. .\IUII Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

Works From Stock A \t‘lt‘t‘llitil or paintings from stock including \torks h} lluntcr. licrgusxon. Knm. liat'dlc} and man} others.


('alc ('osmo. l2 Rosc Strcct. 532 0555. Mon -Sat l0.30am» 9pm.

Laura Murray t'tttil Thu 3! .\la}. Murray graduatcd irom (ilil\g()\\ School olAtt \xith a .\lastcrx ol l)c\ign \torking iii cmhroidcr). \imcn lt'\lllt‘\. iciicllcr) and Sll\t‘l‘\liilllilllg. Shc no“ i'llii\ hcr on It hilSiiiL‘\\ dcxigning attd prodttcittg cicning purxcx “hich this c\hihttion tlUCtllliL'lilS through a sclcction oi photographs. Mona Rai: Roma, Gypsies, Travellers And Refugees in I Sat 30 Jun. Photographs h} .\lona Rat documenting tlic traiclliitg coitiititililltc\ iti llungar}. Slmakia. Romania and (‘roatia


ll l)t\on Strcct. 221 "20“ llall}

Ilaiti midnight

Reflections l iiiil llill ‘~i \la} \ photographic c\htl\ittoti icatuttng thc \\otk oi ttxctx and iiit‘iiil‘c‘h oi iiic ccttttc l'catutcd artists iitcliidc (itcck post and photographct \lcticla\ \lttlahtix attd (ilaxgotx liaxcd atiN, poct and photogtaphct \lalc \hctlattd


22 t\ 25 king Sitcct. 552 ifol Inc \at liiatn 5 illt‘iii

Alan Beveridge l lilil S.” m Ittii \ \lillt‘ oi ctcliingx and \ttccttptitttx iiiSI‘iit'tl h} dta\\ liij_‘\ atid iilt‘iiiitiit‘S ot \llll‘\ and \hiphtnldtng ill lii\ natt\ c ( ilaxgou. llundcc and Rh honic oti thc | ast toot Black Pool - The Graphic Studio Dublin l iilil Sat 2‘0 Jun \n c\hihttton oi prtntx itoiti iltc (iraphtc Studio litihlin \\ho \pcctaltxc tti intaglto t‘iiiil\

Katie Clarke l ittti Sat in run (‘ontctnpotati tcucllci}

Hetty Haxworth l nttl Sat ‘0 .lttti \ nc\\ \cticx oi .ll‘\li.lcl \clt't'iliiiilih liaxcd oti organic iotttix

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM 'l'i‘l‘ l'looi. iii ( lSlittlllllt‘ Sticct. 552 l 122 lllt‘ Sat2 (iptti

Proposals To Glasgow: Bart Lodewijks l iilil Sat 20 \lai (ilasgou haxcd llutcli .llll\l Bait l odcutth \lto\\\ photogtaphx ot pct \pccin c dtau lllL'\ icharcoal and clialki tiiadc oti out\tdc pulihc locations in ( ilaxgou ax \xcll .i\ \\.ill di.i\\ tugs niadc iil ihc ptoicct tooiii Attacking Mud Sat 3 Sat it lliii \ group \llll\\ all ahotii Ititid icaitiiitit' \ idco. \ctilptutc and paintings,


(iround l-loot. l’titicc\ Stiuatc. Buchanan Slrcct. 22| Slii2. .\loti Sat l0ant opiii. Sttti llaitt 5pm

New Artists .\ \atlctl \clccilon oi \xotk h} tip and-coming ;illi\l\ tcaitttiug \culpiurc. tc\ttlc dcxign. |l.tlill|iij,'\ and lt‘\\t'llt‘l'_\.


l(i7 chitc“ Sticct. i5i-15iiii, lcttn Itmc .\lon 'l'hu 10am 2pm; l'il |0ani 5pm; Sat lilarn tiooti. Non 'lciin lllilt'i .\loii l'li |0atti 5pm; Sat l0atti ttoott.

MFA Interim Show l'nttl l'ii l .lutt l.\l;tt'l\lliltt\ii (ialh‘l) tk .\cithct} (i.lllL‘l}i \Vtth ati cxtahltxhcd lntcrnational t'cptliaiion. iltc .\ll',\ cotttxc at (ilaxgon School oi .\rt pt'cxcnls llS annual tttlctttti c\hthttion icaturtng a \lli;tll \ainplc oi \iork produccd It} \liltlt'lil\ on thc lllSl _\c.'tr oi thc courxc Scc tc\ icu Wordsmiths l'ntil I'll l .lun i.\tittini (iallci'_\ i, Sttidcntx iroin tlic Si|\ct\niithtng attd .lcucllcr} l)cpatitttctit it'SlHtlitl to \cl tc\t\ tn llll\ tlicttiattc c\hthttton

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'ni\cr\it_\ oi (ilasgou. .\‘2 Iltllhcad Sticct. u0 51‘]. Mon Sat 0. illitlii 5pm l'tcc Whistler ln Venice l'tiiti Sat I Scp, l)ra\\n irotii tltc lluntcttait‘x iiorld tcnou ncd latticx \chrll \\ lttxtlcr collcctioit. a ncv. tli\[tl;t} lHL‘iISIIIjJ oil a group oi \cncttati ctchingx cotttplctcd h} \Vhixtlcr \i hcn lic ii'a\cllcd to \ctttcc ttt IS”). lllt' c\hihttton coinctdcx \\ ttlt a llL'\‘. puhltcatton h} l)r .\largarct .\lacl)ona|d cniitlcd l’u/ttt m /H I/II' \ig/il.‘ ll'litxl/ti III li'ntt i'. Glasgow 1901 l'niil lhu liScp. l-ot (ilasgou \ lntcrnational l'.\hilittton oi Will. ('harlcx chntc .\lackitttoxh \tihmiltcd plans and tlt'Slleh ior thc architcctural cotnpctition oi ISUS \t. llltll had a hrici oi crcating c\hihitton l‘iiiltllilL'S a conccrt hall. Illtlll\ll‘i;tl hall and inachtiicr} hall. ()tt \lltl‘.\ IS .\lackttttmlh \tiliinittcd planx \ihtch \kllli ll\ \ittiplc icaturcx. radicall} (llllt'l'\ irom thc \tttinttig work it} .lillllL'\ \lillt‘i. Hidden Treasures In 1 Jun Sat I Scp. 'lo cclchratc tltc l'tiiicrxit} \ 550th annticrsat'}. a \pcciall} \clccicd dopia} oi [\l‘iIIIS. dra\\ ingx atid \‘-.’tlt'l'citlttlil\ tli;t\‘. ti irotn thc gallct‘) '\ collcctton